Tie Down Safety 65043, 65045, 65042, 65046, 65047, 40618, 65044, 40619 User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Do not throw away these instructions!
Read and understand these instructions before using this product.
Introduction 2
Model Configurations 3
Roof Zone Cart Assembly 4
Roof Zone Cart Parts List 5
Penetrator Device Assembly and Installation 8
Optional Equipment Assembly Instructions 10
Hoisting Rings 10
Materials Box Installation 10
Rolled Goods Rack Installation 10
Original Penetrator and Penetrator Pro Operating Instructions 11
Multi-Plus and Sentinel Assembly Instructions 18
Removing Spike Engagement Tune 19
Concrete Plate Installation 21
Materials Box Installation 22
Rolled Goods Rack Installation 22
Multi-Plus and Sentinel Operating Instructions 23
Quick Brake Installation 29
SRL Tray - Installation/Operations 30
Penetrator Device Parts List 31
Warning Label Locations 34
Penetrator Warranty 35
Inspection Check List and Maintenance Log Back Cover
On-line Instruction
Penetrator Manual
Use these instructions as part of a training program as required by OSHA and any applicable state agency. The user
must understand how to safely use the Penetrator and all safety equipment used in combination with the Penetrator Fall
Protection device.
A competent person who is highly trained and experienced, assigned by the employer, must be responsible for all
elements of a fall safety program, including the regulation, management, and application as it relates to the use of the
Penetrator and related components.
The industries’ first lightweight and fully portable mobile fall protection device 3 Fall Arrest and 2 Fall Restraint
When a fall occurs, the powerful penetrating spikes engage, piercing into the roof insulation and metal decking, thus creating a
safe, secure anchor. For use on most substrates, EXCLUDING concrete, the Penetrator has been tested for use on Built-Up, TPO,
ISO, PVC, EPDM, and other standard materials that are part of a finished roof system. The Penetrator is reusable and offers the
lightest mobile fall protection system available on the market today.
New OSHA Rule in affect: Walking-Working Surfaces, #1910.28, please comply with this as well as all Local, State and Federal
OSHA rules. The Penetrator is compliant with OSHA Fall Protection Regulation 1926.502
Fall Restraint
Personal Fall Arrest
Mounting Pins
Lifting Handles
Guard Shield
Ballast Slide
Mounting Frame
Instruction Manual Tube
Spike Engagement Tube
Ballast Weights
Includes: 6 - 24.5 lbs. Each
Serious injury or death may occur if this equipment is used for purposes other than intended. Tie Down provides the following
instructions for the use and care of this equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to understand and convey proper
instruction to any and all individuals who use this product for Fall Arrest and or Fall Restraint. The Penetrator complies with
the requirements set forth by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) when used according to the
manufacturers’ instructions.
The Penetrator was designed and tested only to be used on the Roof Zone Trailer #65028 with Flat Free Tires.
Notes: (a) - 2 Rolled Goods Racks needed if used without the Materials Box
(b) - The Towing Clevis can not be used with the Quick-Brake
Penetrator Recommended Surfaces:
Gypsum Deck, Modied Bitumen Membranes, Built-up Roong (BUR) Membrane, Modied PVC
Membranes, Thermoplastic Polyolen (TPO) Membranes, Polyisocyanurate (ISO), Expanded Polystyrene
(EPS), EPDM Roong Membranes, Ballasted EPDM Membrane, Hardboard, Flat Surfaces to slopes up
to 1:12, Metal Deck (20 ga. And 22 ga. ONLY), Dens Deck & Plywood.
Multi-Plus and Sentinel Recommended Surfaces:
Concrete (with the required ballast plates and spike engagement tube removed). The spike engagement
tube can be reinstalled and the Penetrator can then be used with all surfaces listed above.
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
Roof Zone Cart Assembly
Roof Zone Cart
Assembly Instructions
Model 65028
Important – Please Read These Instructions Fully Before Starting Assembly
• Check you have all the components listed on the next page.
• Remove all parts from the plastic bags and separate them into their groups.
• Keep children and animals away from the work area, small parts could choke if swallowed.
• Make sure you have enough space to layout the parts before starting.
• Assemble on a hard level surface.
• Assembly of the axles/frame will be easier with 2 people.
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
If you need have damaged or missing parts, call the Customer Service: 404-344-0000
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
Components - Complete Parts List
If you need have damaged or missing parts,
call the Customer Service: 404-344-0000
See Note
# Part # Description Qty. ✔
1 65027-1 Penetrator Cart Frame 1
2 65027-6 Rear Axle Frame 1
3 65027-2A Front Axle Frame 1
4 65027-5 Axle Assembly 2
5 65027-3 Handle/Brake Assembly 1
6 13844 Flat Free Tire - 18” 4
Hardware Kit #65027-7 (In one box)
7 10520Z Flat Washer - 1” zinc 6
8 10691 Cotter Key - 3/16” x 2” 6
9 10461 Bolt - 1/4-20 x 2.75” Zinc 4
10 10027 Nylock Nut - 1/4”-20 4
11 10028 Washer - 1/4” 8
12 10628 Nylock Nut - 5/8 -11 zinc Grade 2 3
13 10513Z Flat Washer - 5/8” Zinc 3
14 10455 Carriage Bolt - 5/8x11 x 5” 2
15 70509 Pull Pin - 5/8” x 3” 1
16 65027-3-3 Bushing - Cart Handle 2
17 65018-4-2Z Handle Pin - 1” 1
18 10456 Carriage Bolt - 5/8-11 x 6” 1
Hardware Kit #65027-7
Note: Instruction Tube is Preinstalled.
Replacement Parts:
Instruction Tube Part #MAX-WT100
Self Tapping Screws (2) Part #10495
If you need have damaged or missing parts, call the Customer Service: 404-344-0000
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
Roof Zone Cart Assembly
Axle Assembly (#4)
Front Axle Frame (#3)
1/4” Bolt
1/4” Washer
1/4” Nylock
1/4” Washer
Axle Assembly (#4)
Rear Axle Frame (#2)
Front Axle Frame (#3)
1/4” Bolt
1/4” Washer
1/4” Nylock
1/4” Washer
Axle Assembly (#4)
Rear Axle Frame
Front Axle Frame
Cart Assembly (#1)
Axle Assembly (#4)
1/4” Bolt
1/4” Nylock
1/4” Washer
Rear Axle Frame (#2)
Front Axle Frame (#3)
1/4” Bolt
1/4” Washer
1/4” Washer
1/4” Nylock
1/4” Washer
Front Axle Frame
Cart Assembly (#1)
Axle Assembly (#4)
Front Axle Frame (#3)
1/4” Bolt
1/4” Washer
1/4” Nylock
1/4” Washer
Step 1
Slide the axle assemblies onto the front/
rear axle frames, the axle brackets will be
on the outside of the axle frames.
Attach the axle to the frame with 1/4” bolt,
washer and nylock nut.
Step 2
Lay the cart frame flat on hard ground.
Position axle frames front and back
of the cart. The axle frames will stand
on their own.
Step 3
Lift the rear cart frame (may require two
people). Align the mounting holes with the
axle and cart frame.
Rear Axle Frame
1/4” Bolt
1/4” Washer
Cart Assembly (#1)
Carriage Bolt (#14)
Flat Washer (#13)
1/4” Nylock
1/4” Washer
Axle Assembly (#4)
Rear Axle Frame (#2)
Front Axle Frame
Insert carriage bolts through cart frame and axle
frame, attach with washers and nylock nuts. Use a
15/16”socket wrench to tighten the nuts/bolts.
Step 4
Lift the front cart frame (may require two people). Align
the center mounting hole with the axle and cart frame.
Insert carriage bolt through cart frame and axle frame,
attach with washer and nylock nut. Use a 15/16”
socket wrench on the nut/bolt and tighten to 35 ft. lbs,
then counter rotate 1/4 turn. Rotate the axle frame
making sure that it turns freely.
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
Nylock Nut (12)
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
Carriage Bolt (#18)
Flat Washer (#13)
Nylock Nut (12)
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
Flat Washer (#7)
Cotter Key
Step 5
Roof Zone Cart Assembly
Lift the front or the rear cart (may require two people).
Slide the flat free tires onto the axle.
Install a washer over the axle shaft, insert cotter key
through the axle mounting hole. Split the cotter key securing
the tire to the axle frame. Repeat for all four tires.
Step 6
Install and split open cotter key on ONE end of the
handle pin (#17), slide on ONE washer. Insert the
handle pin through the handle guide bracket on the
front axle. Slide one bushing over the handle pin.
Position the handle assembly so the wheel brake
bar is located on the bottom of the handle. Align
the handle assembly with the handle pin/bushing.
Slide the handle pin with bushing through the
handle assembly tube while aligning the second
bushing with the handle pin.
Flat Washer (#7)
Cotter Key
Bushings (#16)
Handle Pin (#17)
Cotter Key &
Washer (#8/#7)
Once the handle pin is aligned with the second
bushing, slide the entire assembly through the
opposite handle guide bracket. Slide on a flat
washer, install and split open the cotter key.
IMPORTANT: Side view of the handle brake assembly with the wheel brake bar (on the bottom side).
Step 7
The Penetrator Roofing Cart has the option of locking the
steering with a pull pin (both sides).
To lock the front steering: place the pull pin into the smaller
inside round hole.
Wheel Brake
Steering Lock Position Holes
Assembly (#5)
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
Penetrator Installation
Pull from this side
When you open the Penetrator Fall Protection device for
the first time, some minor assembly will be required.
The Penetrator device is shipped as shown to the right.
The front guard plate, cleats and cart assembly must be
assembled before use.
Step 1
Position the Cart and Penetrator as close as possible to the
final assembly. Stand up the Penetrator on its extension arm
and safety plate.
Step 2
Pull the Penetrator device under the cart from the opposite
side of the cart. Stop pulling when the pull pin stop is aligned
with the cart.
Step 3
From the weight side of the Penetrator, lift up on the pull pin
mounting bracket. Align the holes with the Penetrator and
the pull cart. Insert the pull pin through the bracket and cart.
Attach safety pin to the pull pin.
Pull from this side
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
Penetrator Installation
Step 4
From the front side of the Penetrator, lift up on the pull pin
mounting bracket. Align the holes with the Penetrator and
the roof cart. Insert the pull pin through the bracket and cart.
Attach safety pin to the pull pin.
Step 5
Locate the 5/8“ Hex Head Bolt and 5/8” nylock nut from the
hardware bag.
Working from the front side of the Penetrator, Align the front
guard plate to the top right mounting hole located on the
Penetrator base. Insert the hex head bolt through the base
and front guard plate, attach nylock nut. Tighten with a 5/8”
wrench. The front guard plate must be able to pivot outward
without any resistance (Do not over tighten).
Step 6
Locate the 5 anchor shackles from the hardware bag.
Working from the front side of the Penetrator, install the two
anchor shackles for fall restraint on top position holes. Install
the remaining three anchor shackles on the fall arrest arm in
front of the front guard plate.
Anchor Shackles
with Pins
Step 7
Carefully lift and place the ballast weights
one at a time on the ballast slide assembly.
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
Installation of Optional Equipment
Hoisting Rings and Mounting Bracket Installation
Align the hoisting ring/mounting bracket with the two holes
located on each side/corner of the roofing cart. Insert each hex
head bolt threw the mounting bracket and passing out the
opposite side of frame. Slide the “L” shaped mounting bracket
over the two hex head bolts. Place washers over each bolt and
tighten with nyloc nuts. Repeat for each corner.
Material Tool Box Installation
1. Two people are needed to lift the materials box safely on top of the
Penetrator cart. Place the materials box on the back half of the cart
aligning the two mounting holes over the cart mounting holes. Open
the locking doors and the mounting holes are located just inside the
door edge. Look through the holes and make sure you can see
completely through the materials box and the cart frame. Use a screw
driver or a center punch to align box/frame.
2. Place the washer over the hex head nut and insert the bolt through
the material box and frame. The hex head bolt should pass through to
the “L” shaped bracket. Once both bolts are aligned and fastened with
the underside welded nut, tighten both bolts.
Rolled Goods Rack
1. Align the rolled goods rack with the mounting
holes located above the front axle. Insert the rolled
goods post into the corresponding holes.
2. Secure the rolled goods rack by inserting the
safety pin into the post hole underneath
the cart frame.
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
Original Penetrator and Pro Operations
When set up properly the Penetrator allows for three workers to be tied off for fall arrest using the specially designed fall arrest
connection mechanism with three individual attachment points. An additional two workers can be tied-off for fall restraint at
the specified attachment points.
The Penetrator in conjunction with the Roof Zone cart may be used as an anchor point in a complete mobile fall protection
system. The Penetrator with cart allows both worker mobility and fall protection. See www.osha.gov for all regulations and
Fall Restraint System – A fall restraint system (FRS) prevents the user from falling. The system is comprised of a body
harness along with an anchorage, connectors and other equipment. The components typically include a lanyard and also
may include a lifeline and other devices. The Penetrator can be used as an anchorage in a fall restraint system for up
to two workers.
Personal Fall Arrest System – A personal fall arrest system (PFAS) arrests a fall after a fall incident has occurred. The
system is comprised of an anchor point, connecting device, body harness, connectors, and a body harness and must include a
deceleration system, or suitable combinations. Note that a PFAS does NOT prevent a fall from occurring. The Penetrator can be
used as an anchorage in a PFAS for up to three workers. A Personal Fall Arrest System must meet the following
OSHA requirements:
• Limit maximum arresting force on an employee to 1,800 pounds when used with a body harness;
• Be rigged (lifeline plus deceleration device) so that an employee can neither free-fall more than 6 feet (1.8 meters)
nor contact any lower level;
• Bring an employee to a complete stop and limit maximum deceleration distance an employee travels to OSHA 3.5 feet
(1.07 meters); and 4 ft. per ANSI 359.
• Have sufficient strength to withstand twice the potential impact energy of an employee free-falling a distance of 6 feet
(1.8 meters) or the free-fall distance permitted by the system, whichever is less.
Anchorage — An anchorage is a secure point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices.
The Penetrator is a mobile anchorage.
Penetrator Use - For use on low slope surfaces only.
TIE DOWN Roong Products Division
800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
E1591, Rev. 7/18/19
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