Technical Service Bulletin
Replacing End Units on Eliminator Torsion axles.
The purpose of this dealer bulletin is the proper way to replace a spindle/hub assembly from an Eliminator torsion axle. In
many cases, repairs created by axle damage or warranty repair for leaking seals can be accomplished much easier and
faster by replacing the entire assembly rather than replacing a seal or hub.
1. Remove tire/rim for hub
TDE 35
2 & 3, Remove cotter pin,
castel nut and washer
1. Remove tire/rim from the hub. Place all hardware removed onto a clean area for reuse.
4. Loosen torsion arm by tapping
the hub with a rubber hammer
2. Using a pair of pliers, remove the SS cotter pin from the rear of the spindle, on the back side of
the torsion arm.
3. Remove the castle nut and washer from the spindle.
4. The hub/spindle assembly can be loosened from the torsion
arm by using a malleable or hard rubber hammer by
tapping around the edge of the hub. If the torsion arm
is exposed on the backside, you can place the castle
nut back on the spindle so that it is even with the
end of the spindle, and then hitting the rear of
the spindle to force the spindle loose.
5. Remove the hub/spindle assemble.
6. Coat the conical portion of the spindle with an
“anti-seize” compound before inserting into the
torsion arm. Place the washer and castle nut on
the spindle. Tighten castle nut to 100 ft. lbs.
Insert SS cotter pin and bend in place.
7. Replace tire/wheel assembly and tighten lug
nuts to manufacturers specifications.
Castle Nut