TIC TR-220 Operation Manual

Transponder, TCAS, DME, TIS, and ADS-B
Operational Ma nual
Software Revision 3.40 and Later
09 May 2007
Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp
728 Garden Street
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
(201) 933-1600
Leading the AVIONICS TEST industry into the 21st Century!
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. makes no warranty of any kind to this material,
nor shall be liable including but not limited to, errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishings, performance, or use of this material.
Chapter I – Introduc tion Chapter II – Preparation for Use and Operation Chapter III – Theory of O per ation Chapter IV – General Maintenance and Servicing Procedures Chapter V – Schematics Chapter VI – Ill ustr ated Parts Catalog
90008088-1 VOLUME 1 CHAPTERS I & II 90008088-2 VOLUMES 1 & 2 CHAPTERS I - VI
© 2007 Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp
Reproduction of this publication or any portion thereof by any means without the express written permission of Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. is prohibited. For further information, contact the Customer Support Manager, 728 Garden Street, Carlstadt, NJ 07072. (201) 933-1600
Safety Precautions
The following ar e general safet y precauti ons that are not rel ated to a parti cul ar test or pr ocedure. These are recommended procedures that all personnel must apply during many phases of operation and m aintenance. It is assumed that the op erator has general knowledge of electrical theory and the dangers associ ated with it.
1. When performing any of the preceding; thoroughly read and understand all procedures before ac tually performing t hem.
2. The various front panel connectors, switches, and controls specified can be located by refer ri ng to Figure 2-1 on page 2-3.
3. Take the time to learn the proper operation and function of the Test Set as outlined in Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Through knowledge of the Test Set and its capabiliti es greatly improves the time it t ak es to complete the tests.
4. Pay parti cular attenti on to NOTES and WARNINGS that may accompany some test and operati onal procedures.
lerts the operator to potential dangers associated with a particular test. Thoroughly understand the warning before proceeding to prevent a potentially dangerous situation or dam age to the Test Set.
Provides supplemental informati on that enhanc es the procedure or
further explains in detail additional information to ensure understanding or
5. Observe all standard safety procedures when working with live voltages. The potential f or electric shock exists any tim e the Test Set is removed from its case.
6. DO- NOT serv i ce the uni t or mak e adjustm ent s alone. Al ways be in t he presence of another person when working with live voltages.
7. Thoroughly inspect the equipm ent and the local area for potent ial hazards. Loose clothing and j ewelry should b e removed any time the test set is being ut ilized or being serviced.
8. Be familiar with general first aid procedures and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Contact your local Red Cross f or m ore information.
proper operati on.
9. Ensure the test equipment and the tools you utilize are in good operational
condition and not damaged in any way.
10. Use only specified replacement parts as listed in the IPB. Failure t o utilize factory approved part s may cause damage to person nel; the test set’s, and possibly void the warranty.
ESD Safety and Protection
Many parts contai ned in the Test Set are sensit ive to ESD (Electro-St atic Discharge) damage. ESD can damage integrated cir c uits or semiconduct or s l oc ated within the Test Set. Only qual ified personnel should serv ice the Test S et to prevent damage. The f ollowing are guideli nes to avoid ESD damage while still performing tests and or maintenance. These guidelines are meant only as a reminder, consult local directiv es and f ollow standard operat ing pr ocedures bef ore serv i cing, or repairi ng the T est S et.
Wear a properly grounded wrist strap and remain in contact with an approved grounding point.
Do not touch the connect or pins or back planes of ESD Sensitive circuits or par ts.
Ensure solderi ng ir ons are grounded before use.
Do not remove any components or disconnect any connectors locat ed in the Test Set with
the power “ON”.
Properly ground all test equipment being utilized. Refer to the test equipment operating manual for information.
Place all remov ed c om ponents or parts in or on an approved conductive package.
Most ESD devices or circuit s and common points are readily identifi ed utilizing several different methods. Below are some ex am ples.
The Following S ymbols may be utilized in diff erent locations thr oughout the Manual and ar e also located on and in the Test Set. Observe these warnings and markings and follow standard electrical safety anytime you utilize live ci r c uits.
Caution Alternating Current
CE (IEC) Marking
Protective Conductor
Caution, risk of
electrical shock
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
Date REV ECO Page Description
Prelim. Initial Release
07 Sep 03 A Initial Release 15 July 04 B Updated procedure explanations
16 Mar 05 C
2-5 & 6, 13, 17,
22, 43-46
01 Jul 05 D Chapter 3-6 Added CHAPTERS 3, 4, 5, &6 9 May 07 E Chapter 1 and 2
Provided Detailed EHS and ADS setup and display info
Add test capability for measuring reply delay, jitter, MS P6 pulse amplitude variation, and MS P5 pulse width
Changes are also denoted with a solid bar in the Left margin of each affected page.
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
Table of Changes……………………………………………………………………. i List of Illustrations…………………………………………………….……………… vii List of Tables……………………………………………………….………………… viii
Section A- General Information
1.1 Scope of Manual…………………………………………………………… 1-1
1.2 Purpose and Function of Equipment…………………… ………… ……. . 1-1
1.3 Regulatory Responsibilities…………………………………………......... 1-2
1.4 Warranty…………………………………………………………………….. 1-3
1.4.1 Obtaining Warranty Service………………………………………… 1-3
1.4.1 Shipping and Packing the T est Set………………………………... 1-4
Section B- Equipment Description
1.5 Specifications………………………………………………………………… 1-5
1.6 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Glossary of Terms…………………....... 1-7
2.1 General………………………………………………………………........... 2-1
2.2 Unpacking…………………………………………………………………… 2-1
2.3 Installation…………………………………………………………………… 2-1
2.4 Accessories…………………………………………………………………. 2-1
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Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
Section B- Operating Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
2.5 General………………………………………………………………........... 2-3
2.6 Controls, Indicat ors, and Connectors……………………………………. 2-3
Section C- Operating Instructions
2.7 General………………………………………………………………........... 2-5
2.8 Battery Operation…………………………………………………………… 2-5
2.8.1 Auto-Shutdown………………………………………………….. 2-6
2.9 TR-220 Supplied Ant enna…………………………………………………. 2-6
2.9.1 Directional Antenna…………………………………………….. 2-6
2.9.2 Direct Connect………………………………………………….. 2-9
2.9.3 TAP-200 Antenna Coupler…………………………………….. 2-9
2.10 Initial Startup and Self-Test……………………………………………….. 2-12
2.11 Transponder Test Sequence……………………………………………… 2-13
2.12 Transponder Manual Sequence of Tests………………………………… 2-14
2.12.1 ATCRBS, Mode A/C Manual Testing………………………… 2-14
2.12.2 Mode S Manual Testing……………………………………….. 2-17
2.13 Transponder Automatic Sequence of T ests…………………………….. 2-24
2.13.1 ATCRBS, Mode A/C Automatic Testing……………………… 2-24
2.13.2 Mode S Automatic Testing…………………………………….. 2-26
2.14 Testing a Transponders “IDENT” Function……………………………… 2-28
2.15 TCAS Tests…………………………………………………………........... 2-29
2.15.1 Typical TCAS Concepts……………………………………….. 2-29
2.15.2 TCAS Scenario Selection and Setup …….……… ………….. 2-29
2.15.3 Erasing the TCAS Scenario Memory………………………… 2-35
2.15.4 Testing a TCAS Equipped Aircraft……………………………. 2-36
2.16 DME Tests………………….……………………………………………….. 2-41
2.16.1 DME Setup…….………………………………………………… 2-41
2.17 Mode S Enhanced Surveillance…………………………………………... 2-43
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Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
2.18 ADS-B and TIS Testing……………………………………………………. 2-47
2.18.1 ADS-B TX……………………………………………………….. 2-47
2.18.2 ADS-B RX………………………………………………………. 2-50
2.19 RS-232 Download Procedures…………………………………………… 2-52
2.19.1 Setting Up your Computer for RS-232 Download………….. 2-53
2.19.2 Downloading the Data…………………………………………. 2-54
2.19.3 Loading the Data to a Microsoft Excel File………………….. 2-55
List of Illustrations (Figures)
Figure Title Page
1-1 TR-220 Multifunction Test Set…………………………… ………… …………. 1-1 2-1 TR-220 Accessories…………………………………………………………….. 2-2
2-2 Controls, Indicators, and Connector Locations………………………………. 2-3 2-3 Directional Antenna Gain……………………………………………………….. 2-7 2-4 Directional Antenna Setup……………………………………………………… 2-8 2-5 TAP-200………………………………………………………………………….. 2-10 2-6 TAP-200 Placement…………………………………………………………….. 2-11 2-7 TAP-200 Adjustment……………………………………………………………. 2-11 2-8 Sequence of Tests………………………………………………………………. 2-13 2-9 Caution, Warning, and Collision Areas……………………………………….. 2-29 2-10 Typical TCAS I Display…………………………………………………………. 2-30
List of Tabl e s
Table Title Page
2-1 TR-220 Accessories……………………………………………………………. 2-2 2-2 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors…………………… …………………… 2-4 2-3 Preprogrammed TCAS Scenarios……………………………………………. 2-30 2-4 TCAS Intruder Parameters…………………………………………………….. 2-33 2-5 Additional TCAS Intruder Scenarios…….……………………………………. 2-34 2-6 TIS Intruders…………………………………………………………………….. 2-51
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
1.1 Scope of Manual
This manual is intended to familiarize the operator with the operating and maintenance procedures necessary to utilize the TR-220 Multifunction Test Set. Here-in after known as the T/S, Test Set, or TR-220.
Figure 1-1
TR-220 Multifunction Test Set
1.2 Purpose and Function of the Equipment
The TR-220 Test Set tests airborne ATCRBS, MODE A/C, and MODE S transponders, TCAS I/II systems, DME equipment, and ADS-B and TIS Transponders. It is self-contained and battery operated that requires no direct hardware connection to the Unit Under Test (UUT).
For transponder testing, the Test Set simulates secondary radar to receive and radiate signals to the UUT from antennas supplied with the Test Set. For accurate power and frequency
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
measurements, the Test Set can be directly connected to the UUT without the use of additional hardware.
For TIS testing, the Test Set transmits simulated Intruder Flight Data, which is then shown on the TIS display to verify results.
The Test Set will receive and Decode 1090 MHz ADS-B data including squitter type, airborne position, surface position, aircraft IDENT category, Airborne velocity, Latitude/Longitude,
North/South velocity, and East/W est Velocity. The ADS-B TX function allows the operator to receive, decode, and display ADS-B squitters. The ADS-B RX function permits the operator to
simulate a 1090MHz squitter. The TR-220 can be configured to transmit an airborne or surface position squitter containing position, altitude, velocity, heading, aircraft category, flight ID, and Mode S address.
The simulation of an intruder aircraft converging on the Aircraft Under Test (AUT) accomplishes TCAS testing. The simulated target will be displayed on the TCAS display so the operator can ensure proper advisories.
DME tests simulate an aircraft at a simulated speed converging to or from a selected distance. By comparing the Test Set displayed distance to the DME under test display, the operator can confirm proper DME operation.
1.3 Regulatory Responsibilities
Effective April 6, 1987, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has required certain tests be performed on transponders, both conventional ATCRBS and MODE S. In preparation for the installation of new air traffic control radar facilities, the FAA required new measurements to be performed on existing transponders and instituted required tests for MODE S transponders. FAR (Federal Aviation Regulation) Part 43, Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding and Alteration section has been modified to reflect current technologies and improvements. Tel­Instruments has met all FAA requirements and recommends that the user of this type of equipment review the appropriate FAR or contact the manufacturer of their particular model of transponder to ensure that the current procedures and limitations are being correctly adhered to.
Eurocontrol has also incorporated new regulations for Mode S Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance. These requirements include Selective Identifiers for high-density traffic areas and will become mandatory beginning in May of 2003 for Elementary Surveillance and March 2005 for Enhanced Surveillance. The TR-220 Test Set has the capability to thoroughly test these new functions to comply with upcoming requirements. If you would like further information regarding these requirements, visit www.eurocontrol.int/
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
1.4 Warranty
The Tel-Instrument Electronics Corporation warrants that each product it manufactures is free from defective material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years subject to the following terms and conditions. Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. will remedy any such warranted defect subject to the following:
This warranty requires the unit to be delivered by the owner to Tel-Instrument intact for examination, with all transportation charges prepaid to the factory, within two (2) years from the date of sale to original purchaser. Tel-Instrument will solely determine when such defect exists.
This warranty does not extend to any of Tel products which have been subject to misuse, neglect, accident, improper installation, or used in violation of operating instructions. This warranty does not extend to units which have been repaired, calibrated, or altered in any way by a facility that is not approved, in writing, by Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. to perform such work. This warranty does not apply to any product where the seals or serial number thereof has been removed, defaced or changed, nor to accessories not of our own manufacture.
Repair parts will be made available for a minimum period of five (5) years after the manufacture of this equipment has been discontinued.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and all such other warranties are hereby expressly excluded. No representative or person is authorized to assume for us any other liability or warranty in connection with the sale of Tel’s products.
This warranty does not cover or include batteries (batteries have a separate 90 day warranty).
Additional information with regard to the applications and maintenance of this equipment will be available from time to time.
1.4.1 O btaining Warranty Service
In the event the Test Set may require service or repair that is included under the warranty provided with the Test Set; the following is necessary to ensure proper handling:
1. Contact Tel-Instrument Customer Support before shipping any Test Set back under a warranty condition.
Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. Customer Support can be reached by
¾ (201) 933-1600 (telephone)
¾ (201) 933-7340 (fax)
2. The Customer Support Department will discuss the matter and if validated, issue an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number and form. Do not return any product without first receiving this authorization.
3. The Test Set must be returned with the completed RMA form. This will ensure prompt handling and expedited service.
4. Products must be returned in the Original Shipping Container (see Paragraph 1.4.1). If the original container is no longer available, please contact Tel-Instrument for guidance. Include in or on the shipping container the following information:
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
RMA Form on top of the product
The assigned RMA number written in bold letters on the
outside of the shipping container
Model, Serial Number, and specific details regarding the
• POC name, return address, telephone number, and
email address
5. Freight Charges to the factory are the responsibility of the owner/operator. Tel-Instrument will provide return shipping if the problem is determined to be warranty covered.
1.4.2 Shipping and Packing the Test Set
1. Repackage the Test Set in the Original container utilizing the provided packing material. Do Not Ship the Test Set with out using a shipping
container, this will prevent damage to the case and or finish during transit.
2. Wrap the Test set within plastic sheeting and firmly seat the Test Set in the original corner molds. Place all necessary documentation (RMA Form, POC, etc…), on top of the Test Set.
3. Utilize Package Tape and seal all seams. If the use of an industrial box stapler is used, be sure that they do not protrude through the box to prevent injury to personnel handling the package.
4. Firmly affix a shipping label and mail the Test Set to the following:
Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp.
728 Garden Street
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Attn: Repair Department
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
1.5 Specifications
Transponder Transmitter
Frequency 1030 MHz ± 10 kHz Output Power > Modes A, C, S, ADS B TX/RX, and TIS
Transponder Receiver
Accuracy ± 200 kHz
Accuracy ± 2 dB (direct connect) ± 3 dB (radiated)
Accuracy ± 2 dB (direct connect) ± 3 dB (radiated)
Accuracy ± 1%
Frequency Frequency 1086.5 to 1093.5 MHz
Power Range 47 to 64 dBm
Sensitivity Range. -50 to -87 dBm
Reply Percent Range 0 to 100%
DME Receiver
Frequency Frequency Channel Freq +3.5 MHz Accuracy ± 200 kHz Sensitivity Range < -35 dB
DME Transmitter
Frequency Frequency 962 to 1213 MHz Accuracy ± 100 kHz Power 4 dB
TCAS Transmitter
Frequency 1090 MHz ± 10 kHz Output Power > Modes C & S Antenna Beamwidth…. 15° Sum & Diff Ports 30° Sum only
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
TCAS Receiver
Frequency 1026.5 to 1033.5 MHz
Power 47 to 64 dBm
Physical Characteristics
Packaging MIL-PRF-28800 Style C
Size 14.5 x 9.4 x 6.5 inches Weight. 20 pounds Operating Temperature -28° to +55° C Battery Operation. 8 hours at a 20%
Duty Cycle AC Operation/Charging 100 – 240 VAC 47 – 440 Hz
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
1.6 Abbreviati ons, Acronyms and Glossary of Term1
A/A Air to Air A/A B Air to Air Beacon ac or AC Alternating Current A/D Analog to Digital ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Address The unique code to which a MODE S transponder replies. This is not to
be confused with the 4096 code used for identifying ATCRBS transponders. The address of a MODE S transponder is not alterable by the pilot or crew.
Altitude The pressure altitude of the aircraft as transmitted by an ATCRBS or
MODE S transponder. This information is obtained from an external
sensor and transmitted to the transponder. AM Amplitude Modulation ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System ATCRBS/MODE S All Call Interrogation that causes all ATCRBS/MODE S transponders to reply. ATC Air Traffic Control AUT Aircraft Under Test BIT Built in Test Comm Refers to the communications and data-link capability of a MODE S
transponder. There are four (4) capabilities: No Comm, Comm A/B,
Comm A/B/C and Comm A/B/C/D. The Comm. capability is displayed
when the transponder is determined to be a MODE S. CW Continuous Wave D/A Digital to Analog DAP Downlinked Aircraft Parameter dB Decibel dBm Decibels above 1 milliwatt dc or DC Direct Current DME Distance Measuring Equipment DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying. The method of modulation used for the
selective MODE S uplink interrogations. DF Downlink Format. The format included in a MODE S transponder reply to
an interrogation or squitter message that indicates the type of message. ELM Extended Length Messages FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAR Federal Aviation Regulation FIFO First In First Out FREQ Frequency ft. Feet G/A Ground to Air Hz Hertz IF Intermediate Frequency IFF Identify Friend or Foe KHz Kilohertz kts. Knots LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode
Further definitions may be f ound in the following reference books and documents: Helfrick, A.D. Principles of Avionics.
Leesburg: Quality Books, 2000. RTCA/DO- 181B. Minimum Operation al Performance Standards for Air Traffic Control RADAR Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS /Mode S) Airborne E quipment. W ashington D.C.: 1999. United States. Federal A viation Administration. Federal Register Fed 3
, 1987 FAA rules Part 91.
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
MODE S A secondary radar system where transponders can be individually
interrogated or selected (the “S” in MODE S) so that in a crowded air
traffic area, the amount of interference or garble can be reduced to a
minimum. MHz Megahertz nmi. Nautical mile ns Nanosecond PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation PDME Precision Distance Measuring Equipment PMCS Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services PPM Pulses per Minute PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency PW Pulse Width PWR Power RA Resolution Advisories Receiver Efficiency The Test Set’s Measurement of valid replies received. Displayed as a
Percentage. Reply Codes A transmitted response, from the airborne transponder, to an
interrogation. Commercial transponders responses are designated as
either ATCRBS/A where the reply includes the pilot selected 4096 ID
code, or ATCRBS/C, where the reply includes the aircraft pressure
altitude. These same responses for military transponders are designated
as MODE 3A and MODE 3C. See Mode S for further information. RF Radio Frequency RMS Root Mean Square R/T Receiver Transmitter SIF Selective Identification Feature SLS Side Lobe Suppression. A pulse transmitted from an omni-directional
antenna used as a reference level to prevent replies to interrogations
received from the secondary radar antenna side lobes. Squitter The self-generated transmissions made by a MODE S transponder, not in
reply to an interrogation, for the use of the collision avoidance system.
And ADS-B Receivers and Transmitters. SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar Surveillance Altitude An interrogation that causes only the addressed MODE S transponder to
reply. Surveillance ID An interrogation that causes only the addressed MODE S transponder to
reply to its “4096” code. TA Traffic Advisories TACAN Tactical Air Navigation TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System TIS Traffic Information System TX Transmitter UF Uplink Format. The format in a MODE S interrogation that indicates the
type of reply expected. VORTAC VOR and TACAN (co-located) VOR VHF Omni-Directional Range VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio WOW Weight On Wheels UUT Unit Under Test XPDR Transponder XPDR UT Transponder Under Test 4096 Code This refers to the octal number dialed into either an ATCRBS MODE A or
MODE S transponder by the pilot. This is to be distinguished from the
address of the MODE S transponder, which cannot be changed.
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
2.1 General
This Chapter contains all nec es sary inform ation on the initial unpacking, inspection, and set-up of the TR-220 Multifunction Test Set (Herei naft er call ed the TR-220, Test Set, or T/S).
2.2 Unpacking
When receiv ing the TR-220 for the fi rst time, ensure that there is no damage to the shipping container. Carefully unpack the unit and save the shipping container in a safe location for shipping or ext ended stor age.
Examine the unit for obvious signs of damage. Check all displays, switches, and connectors before utilizing the Test Set.
If any dam age i s found, DO NOT use the T est S et until a deter m ination of the Test Sets functions can be assessed. Contact Tel-Instrument as soon as possible for further instruc tions.
The TR-220 Test Set batt eri es were installed and fully charged when shipped from the factor y .
2.3 Installation
The Test Set is fully func tional and ready to use from the fact or y. There ar e no inst allation procedures applicable.
2.4 Accessories
Once opening the Test S et Cover , ensure al l the accessories that were purcha sed with the Test Set are account ed for. T he TR-220 c om es standard with the following (See next page):
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
1 Test Set 90000088 1 2 Cable Assembly, AC Power Cord 75010025 1 3 Cable Assembly, Direct Connect 75010186 1 4 Extender Cable Assembly, Dir ectional
5 Directional Antenna Cabl e Assembl y 75010208-02 1 6 Directional Antenna Assembly 89001158-07 1 7 Directional Antenna Handl e A ssembly 88001002 1 X TAP-200 Antenna Coupler Optional
XX TR-220 Manual (Not Shown) 90008088-1 1
TR-220 Accessories
Table 2-1
6 5
TR-220 Accessories
Figure 2-1
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
2.5 General
This section c overs loc ation and funct ion of the operat ing c ontrols, indicators, and connectors. Al l controls, indicators, and connectors are located on the front panel of the T est S et.
2.6 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 indicates the location and the f unct ion of each item on the front panel of the Test Set.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
Figure 2-2
131415 1618 17
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
FIG # Control, Indicator, or
(Table 2-2) FUNCTI O N
1 SUM Antenna Port 2 DIFF Antenna Port Provides Connection to the Directional Antenna Diff Connector 3 Data Display Window
SPEED Switch
7 8 IDENT Switch Initiates a SPI Pulse for verification of transponder IDENT function.
9 10 11 Direct Connect Port 12
14 STORE connector RS-232 port for download of stored data to a PC. 15 Test Set charging indicator Indicates to operator that the Test Set Batteries are charging
16 AC Power Panel
17 18 Power ON “LED” Indi cates to the operator that the Test Set is “ON”.
Provides Connection to the Directional Antenna Sum Connector and the optional TAP-135 Antenna Coupler.
Alpha/Numeric display (2 lines/20 characters) providing operational instructions, error messages, scenario progress, and test results. Provides access to Test Set Menus and Modes. SETUP- Set Antenna Gain, T/S Distance, TCAS Scenario Selection, Altitude, Velocity, and Vertical Speed and Distance, Power display (watts or dBm), Cable Loss, Mode S address, and Latitude and Longitude for ADS-B Functions.
XPDR- Access ATCRBS and MODE S Transponder test menus. TCAS- Access TCAS intruder menus. ADS-B TX- Select ADS-B Transmitter Results. ADS-B RX- Select ADS-B, and TIS Functions. DME- Access DME Test menus.
DME- Allows selection of DME Channels. Selectable from 108. 0 MHZ in 50 KHz steps. Used in conjunction with UP/FWD – DOWN/REV switch. TCAS- Set Intruder altitude offset from 99,900’ t o 50,200’ in 100’ inc/ 50,175’ to -9000’ in 25‘ increments. Default is 0’. Used in conjunction wit h UP/FWD – DOWN/REV switch. TCAS- Intruder vertical speed in “feet per minute” (fpm) adjustable in 100’ increments from +7500’ to -7500’. Used in conjunction with UP/FWD – DOWN/REV switch.
Used in conjunction with CHN/ALT, DIST, VERT SPEED switch to vary parameters. Also used to set ant enna gain and Test Set di stance in SETUP mode.
Start and Stop TCAS Intruder scenarios and change DME To/From parameters.
Selects TCAS Intruder Type (MODE S or ATCRBS), and Air or Ground position. Sets TCAS Intruder and DME speed velocities. Also utilized for ADS-B TX/RX Functions. For direct connection to a Transponder. Provides accurate RF Power, frequency and sensitivity measurements.
Activates display backlighting either “ON” or momentarily. Allows the operator to select an Automatic Sequence of Transponder tests or
a Manual sequence. Initiates TCAS and DME scenarios. Hold AUTO key when Test Set power is turned “ON” to select CW operation. Use AUTO and MANUAL to advance through EHS and ADS-B tests.
1. Provides connection to a 115 or 220 VAC power source.
2. AC “ON” / “OFF” switch for battery charging.
3. Fuse Cartridge. Turns Test Set “ON” and “OFF”.
Rev E TR-220 90 008 088-1
2.7 General
The TR-220 i s a self-cont ained instrum ent comprised of a Test Set mounted in a r ugged case with a removable cover. The Test Set front panel contains all the switches necessary to test Transponders (ATCRB S and MO DE S), ADS- B and TIS , DME and TCAS equipm ent. By t he use of toggle switches and an easy to read display, the operator m ay quickly test, make accurate measurements and perform preprogrammed or manually selected TCAS scenarios. The directional antenna with an active LED display and optical sight are utilized for Transponder, DME, and TCAS tests. All accessories are stored in the Test Set case for easy storage and protection.
2.8 Battery Operation
The TR-220 Test S et is equipped with a rechargeable Lead Acid batter y , capable of operating the Test Set using a 20% dut y cycle f or 8 hours at 77 degrees F (25 Degree s C). This repre sents a full day of t ypical t esti ng on a si ngle c harge. W hen operat ing t he Test S et i n l ower tem perat ures, the battery life will decrease slightly .
The operator will be able to utilize the Test Set until the batteries are nearl y depleted. The unit may then be plugged i nto a standard 115 or 220 VAC / 47 to 440 HZ power source to conti nue testing. By observi ng a Duty Cycle (DC) of 20%, the Test Set batteri es will begin regaining their charge while testing is in progress.
The TR-220 provi des a low battery warning system to alert the operator when batt ery strength has been deplet ed to a poi nt where t esti ng m ay be i nter rupted. Sev eral warni ng are di splayed t o warn the operator of this condition and to give them a warning that the batteries will require charging or supplem ental AC power applied to complete ext ended testing.
As the battery capacity decreases, the Test Set will displ ay the following:
Toggle the AUTO switc h to bypass the di spl ay and continue testing. A pproximately 15 minutes of battery capaci ty is available. As the batter y strength decreases, the di spl ay will indicate:
This indi cates only several minutes of t esti ng time is a v ailable. It i s recomm ended that AC power be supplied t o continue testing or testing halted at this point and the Test Set charged. Toggle the AUTO switch to bypass thi s warning. Further t esting will result in the final warni ng:
Low Battery Press AUTO to cont.
Low Battery Recharge Required!
+ 50 hidden pages