THUNDER TIGER TTR4572, 3D Spirit Assembly Manual

Assembly Manual
Thunder Tiger 3D Spirit ARF Airplane (TTR4572)
Distributed in North America by Ace Hobby Distributors, Inc. • 2055 Main Street, Irvine, CA 92614
Telephone: 949.833.0088 •
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Wing Span: 53"(1350mm)
Wing Area: 725 46.8 dm
Weight: 4.5~5 lbs.(2000~2200g)
Engine: .46~.50 2C
Radio: 4 channel 5 servos req'd
This kit is guaranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship at the date of purchase. It does not cover any damage caused by use or modification. The warranty does not extend beyond the product itself and is limited only to the original cost of the kit. By the act of building this user-assembled kit, the user accepts all resulting in liability for damage caused by the final product. If the buyer is not prepared to accept this liability, it can be returned new and unused to the place of purchase for a refund.
Notice: Adult Supervision Required
This is not a toy. Assembly and flying of this product requires adult supervision.
Read through this book completely and become familiar with the assembly and flight of this airplane. Inspect all parts for completeness and damage. If you encounter any problems, call us for help.
Congratulations on the purchase of one of our finest ARFs to date. This plane is designed for 3D
aerobatics and available in ARF version that only takes you a few hours in assembly. Built from precisely laser cut balsa and ply, covered in durable and easily repairable Oracover/Ultracote
, ultra
flying characteristic that you will enjoy.
3D Spirit Balsa
Before the start of the assembly read the instructions thoroughly to have an understanding of
the sequence of steps and a general awareness of the recommended assembly procedures.
By following these instructions carefully and referring to the corresponding pictures, the assembly of your model will be both enjoyable and rewarding. The result will be a well built, easy to assemble A.R.F. model, which you will be proud to display.
TThhiiss 33DD SSppiirriitt iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd ppiilloottss,, aanndd tthhiiss mmaannuuaall aassssuummeess bbaassiicc kknnoowwlleeddggee ooff RR//CC mmooddeell ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn..
Before you begin, check the entire contents of your kit against the parts list and photos to make sure that no parts are missing or damaged. This will also help you to become familiar with each component of your plane. If you find that any of the parts are either missing or damaged, please contact Ace Hobby Distributors, Inc., Customer Service immediately for replacements.
Please read the entire manual before beginning construction, specially the cautions in Page 18. Neither your dealer nor Ace Hobby Distributors, Inc., can accept kits for return if construction has begun.
Trial fit each part before gluing it in place. Make sure you are using the correct part and that it fits well before assembling. No amount of glue can make up for a poor-fitting part.
IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn................................................................................................................................ 22
RReeccoommmmeennddeedd TToooollss && MMaatteerriiaallss.................................................. 33
PPaarrttss DDrraawwiinnggss...................................................................................................................... 44--55
PPaarrttss CChheecckk LLiisstt................................................................................................................ 66
WWiinngg AAsssseemmbbllyy.................................................................................................................... 77--99
TTaaiill AAsssseemmbbllyy.......................................................................................................................... 1100--1122
EEnnggiinnee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn............................................................................................................ 1133--1144
CCoowwll AAttttaacchhmmeenntt............................................................................................................ 1155
CCaannooppyy IInnssttaallllaattiioonn........................................................................................................ 1166
BBaallaannccee.................................................................................................................................................... 1177
PPrree--FFlliigghhtt CCaauuttiioonnss...................................................................................................... 1188
OOtthheerr PPllaanneess............................................................................................................................ 1199--2200
Instant setting Cyanoacrylate adhesive (thin CA) Slow setting Cyanoacrylate adhesive (thick CA) 5 Minute Epoxy (fast) 20-30 Minute Epoxy (slow)
Model knife, T-Pins, 1/2" MASK tape Small screwdrivers, medium screwdrivers Scissors Steel straight edge Long nose pliers and diagonal cutting pliers Drill and drill bits (1/16", 5/64", 1/8") Fine felt tip pen and soft lead pencil Straight building board Reamer File
R/C System:
4 Channel radio with 5 servos One “Y” style or two 10" extension wire Two 20" extension wires
2 cycle: .46~.50
Suggest 11x4.5, 12x4.
- You will need two types of adhesives for the 3D Spirit - Epoxy and Instant (cyanoacrylate) adhesives. We recommend that you purchase both 5­minute and 30-minute epoxy to cut down on assembly time, but you can get by with only 30-minute epoxy if time is not important. You will also need a small bottle of both “Thick” and “Thin” instant CA adhesive.
- Model assembly can be much easier if the proper tools are used. Therefore, we have included in our checklist to the left, a complete listing of all the tools we used to assemble our prototype models. As you will notice, many household tools can be utilized during construction.
- The Thunder Tiger PRO-46 is the ideal engine for this airplane. These quiet-running engine is easy to start, requires no special break-in periods, is very easy to maintain and will last for years.
Radio - A 4-channel radio with 5 STD servos and are
AS6280 Main Wing
AS6281 Horizontal Tail
AS6279 Fuselage
AS6289 Decal
AS6282 Vertical Tail
Main Wing(1)
CA Hinge(8)Dowel(2) Retainer(4)Wing Mounting Plate(1) Doubler(1)
Bottom Section(1)
CA Hinge(4)
Horizontal Tail(1)
CA Hinge(3)
AS6283 Canopy
No. 3278R Spinner
Self T apping Screw(4)
Back Plate(1)
AS6285 Main Landing Gear
3x3mm Set Screw(4)
AS6284 Engine Cowl
FRP Cowl(1)
AS6290 Screw Set
3x22mm Screw(4)
Wood Screw(4)
Wood Screw(2)
No. 3262 Fuel Tank
Silicone Tube(1) Straight Nipple (1)
Crank Weight (1)
Fuel Cap (1)
Fuel Stopper (1)
M3 Washer(6)
M3 Nut(4)
Wood Screw(10)
240cc (8oz.)
PE0009 Hardware Set
Hex Wrench(1)
EZ Connector(1)
3x3mm Set Screw(1)
M2 Nut(1)
M2 Washer(2)
AS6287 Dual Linkage System
3x3mm Set Screw(2)
Main Gear(1)
AS6178 Tail Gear
Tail Gear(1)
Control Arm(2)
90-degree Nipple (1)
3x12 mm
Self-Tapping Screw(1)
3x3mm Set Screw(2)
Self-Tapping Screw(1)
AS6288 Control Horn
Back Plate(5) Control Horn(5)
Dia. 2.2 Clevis(1) Dia.2 Clevis(4)Metal Clevis(2)
Tail Wheel(1)
Tank (1)
No.3255 Wheel
2x14mm Screw(15) M2 Nut(7)
AS6286 Pushrod Set
Throttle Pushrod(1) Pushrod(2, S)
Guide Tube(1)
Aileron Pushrod(2, M)
Rudder Pushrod(1, 2.2mm)
Elevator Pushrod(2, L)
Tail Gear Set
Tail Gear x 1 Tail Wheel x 1 Collar x 1 3x3mm Set Screw x 2 3x12mm Wood Screw x 1 3x16mm Wood Screw x 1
Control Horn
Control Horn x 5 Backplate x 5 2 x14mm Screw x 15 M2 Nut x 7 Dia. 2.2mm Clevis x 1 Dia. 1.7mm Clevis x 4 Metal Clevis x 2 2x8mm Screw x 5 Ball x 5
EZ Connector
Connector x 1 M2 Nut x 1 M2 Washer x 2 3x3mm Set Screw x 1 Allen Wrench x 1
Fuel Tank
Tank x 1 Clunk x 1 Nipple x 1 90-degree Nipple x 1 Fuel Stopper x 1 Fuel Tube x 1 Cap x 1
Kit Contents:
Main Wing
One-Piece Main Wing x 1 Wing Mounting Plate x 1 Dowel x 2 CA Hinge x 8 Doubler x 1 Retainer x 4
Horizontal Tail
Horizontal Tail x 1 Elevator (Left/1, Right/1) CA Hinge x 4
Vertical Tail
Rudder x 1 CA Hinge x 3
Fuselage x 1 Bottom Section x 1
Spinner x 1 Backplate x 1 3x16mm Self-Tapping Screw x 4
Throttle Pushrod x 1 Guide Tube(1) Aileron Pushrod(M) x 2 Rudder Pusherod(2.2mm) x 2 Pushrod (S) x 2 Elevator Pushrod(L) x 2
Main Landing Gear
Landing Gear Strut x 1 3x3mm Set Screw x 4 Collar x 4
Dual Linkage System
Tube x 1 Shaft x 1 Control Arm x 2 3x3mm Set Screw x 2
Fire Decal x 2 Logo Decal x 1
Screw Set
3x22mm Screw x 4 M3 Nut x 4 M3 Wahser x 6 3x15mm Wood Screw x 4 3x8mm Wood Screw x 10 3x35mm Wood Screw x 2
Wheel x 2
Engine Cowl x 1
Canopy x 1
Manual x 1
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