Thunder 1.10, i7500 S2720 Addendum

Thunder i7500 S2720 Addendum
Number of Beeps
1) Beep Code Information
2) Pin-out for NIC four pin headers J53 & J55
Beep Codes
Below are definitions of Beep Codes not mentioned in the User’s Manual:
Beep codes that are used by AMIBIOS:
1 Memory refresh timer error 2 Parity error 3 Main memory read / write test error 4 Motherboard timer not operational 5 Processor error 6 Keyboard controller BAT test error 7 General exception error 8 Display memory error 9 ROM checksum error 10 CMOS shutdown register read/write error 11 Cache memory bad
Troubleshooting BIOS Beep Codes
Number of Beeps
Trouble shooting action
1, 2 or 3 4-7, 9-11
Reseat the memory, or replace with known good modules. Fatal error indicating a serious problem with the system. Consult your system manufacturer. Before declaring the motherboard beyond all hope, eliminate the possibility of interference by a malfunctioning add-in card. Remove all expansion cards except the video adapter.
If the beep codes are generated even when all
other expansion cards are absent, the motherboard has a serious problem. Consult your system manufacturer.
If the beep codes are not generated when all other expansion cards are absent, one of the add­in cards is causing the malfunction. Insert the cards back into the system one at a time until the problem happens again. This will reveal the malfunctioning add-in card.
If the system video adapter is an add-in card, replace or reseat the video adapter. If the video adapter is an integrated part of the system board, the board may be faulty.
Pin-out for NIC four pin headers J53 & J55
NIC four pin Header ‘Pin Out’ J53 & J55
Pin 1 = Link <> Yellow +
Pin 2 = Link <> Yellow ­ Pin3 = Speed <> Green + Pin4 = Speed <> Green -