ra e & h nThrane & Thrane
TTT-3020B C p a ra Capsat Transceiver
a i Ma uInstallation Manual
530MAY95 e Page 99
2.3.2 Fuses
In case you experience that a fuse needs replacement, please check that the equipment
has not been exposed to physical damage before fuse replacement takes place.
To avoid hazardous electrical shock, do not perform electrical
tests if there is any sign of shipping damage to any portion of
the front or rear panel or the outer cover. Read the safety
summary at the front of this manual before installing or
operating the TT-3020B Transceiver.
As a guide-line, please note the fuse location of the following equipment:
mEquipment Location zFuse size
TT-1542B Call Alarm No fuse available.
TT-3020B Capsat
Transceiver incl. antenna
Externally accessed,
located on the rear panel.
12A mT.
TT-3602D SVGA Monitor External accessed,
located on the rear panel
3.15A mT.
TT-3680M DC to DC
External accessed,
located on the front and
the rear panel
Input 10A mT.
Output 1A mT.
TT-3606A Message
Terminal, incl keyboard.
Externally accessed,
located on the rear panel.
3.15A mT.
TT-3608A Printer Internally accessed,
remove topcover.
1.5A mT.
TT-3680A Power Supply
(80 Watt)
Internally accessed,
remove topcover.
1A mT.
TT-3680B Power Supply
(200 Watt)
Internally accessed,
remove topcover.
3.15A mT.
TT-3042B Remote Alarm Externally accessed,
located on the rear panel.
1A mT.
Table 5: Capsat System fuses
The TT-3680A/B Power Supply may blow an internal fuse in case you power up the
entire Integrated System with all DC units turned on. It is therefore recommended to
power up the DC units one by one.
2.3.3 Grounding
RF-grounding of an Integrated Capsat System requires special attention.