GPSDK/TT SSAS Confi g. 1A-300904
This document describes the TT-3000SSA confi guration for use with
LocPoint Marine SSAS.
The reader is expected to be familiar with the TT-3000SSA Ship Security Alert System. In addition, it is expected that the
TT-3000SSA Installation Manual (TT-98-120343-D) has been carefully read and understood.
This confi guration document is divided into four sections:
1. Required Commissioning and DNID registration of TT-3000SSA
2. Initial TT-3000SSA Confi guration
3. DNID Confi guration
4. Ship Security Alert Message Confi guration
The TT-3000SSA must be commissioned and DNID registered at an ISP/LES prior the TT-3000SSA confi guration described in this document.
The TT-3000SSA box contains an Inmarsat Commissioning Form (TT-99-112326-E) for the commissioning. The DNID
Registration Form can be obtained from the ISP/LES. Use those forms.
Regarding the DNID registration at the LES, make sure that your DNID account is applied with the following settings
(you indicate this in the DNID Registration Form or contact the ISP/LES directly):
• “E-mail delivery address: - where the xxxxx (1 to 5 digits) must be
equivalent to the DNID number that you already use or will be allocated.
EXAMPLE: Your DNID account number is 2345, e-mail delivery address is then”
• DNID is registered into all ocean regions
• DNID Delivery Option: “Immediate Forwarding”
• DNID account must be authorized for polling from domain
“” (in order to allow you to poll your TT-3000SSA via
• Data Report Header: “T&T Header”
• Message Header: “API Header”
IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT DNID REGISTRATION: A DNID account can contain up to 255 members. This means that
up to 255 x TT-3000SSAs can be registered with the same DNID number, but each with a unique member number
(between 1 and 255). The member number is defi ned by the distributor LATER - and in section 4.
(Typically a shipping company’s fl eet (of TT-3000SSAs) is registered under the same DNID number,
but each vessel with individual member numbers).
As the commissioning and DNID registration is completed, the ISP/LES have provided you with some
important information which is needed for the further procedures:
When commissioning is confi rmed:
• IMN number: Inmarsat Mobile Number, that is the unique 9-digit mobile number for
the TT-3000SSA
When DNID registration is confi rmed:
• DNID number (and eventual member number)
• DNID Password