Thrane&Thrane Sailor RT2048 VHF Quick Manual

The SAILOR RT2048 VHF radiotelephone has been designed to comply with the increasing demands of a highly technological product, which means high quality, small size, etc.
The SAILOR RT2048 can either be installed and operated as an independent unit, or in combination with other elements of the Compact 2000 programme. These include a duplex VHF radiotelephone, a coast telephony station with a 400W PEP SSB transmitter, and an SSB receiver with built-in FM and AM bands, and a scrambler which ensures complete communica­tion secrecy.
The SAILOR VHF RT2048 has, by means of the latest technol­ogy in casting technique, been constructed to withstand the most extreme conditions experienced in small, semi-open boats. Its compact, weatherproof construction ensures a degree of resist­ance to sea spray.
The printed circuits inside have been designed with a high degree of compactness and exceptional performance.
For more than half a century, SAILOR has been synonymous with state-of-the-art, high-quality maritime communications equipment
- known for sturdiness, ease of operation and compact design.
SAILOR is a world leader in the technologically advanced fi eld of maritime communications. A wide range of products from GMDSS equipment, UAIS, and satellite communications equip­ment to simple VHF radios ensures the safety at sea and the daily communication around the world.
In the design of this VHF RT2048 radiotelephone, SAILOR has taken into account all the circumstances it will be exposed to in day-to-day operation. However, even a product of this high quality requires regular servicing and maintenance, and we recommend a close observance of the directions contained in the instruction manual.
Fast and professional service is one of our main concerns. SAILOR has a world-wide net of authorized distributors in more than 90 countries - and on top of that the SAILOR Certifi ed Service Centre concept. In this way we are able to service you in the best way possible all over the world.
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the accompanying documenta­tion is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane. The information in this manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice, may contain errors or inaccuracies, and represents no commitment whatsoever by Thrane & Thrane. This agreement is governed by the laws of Denmark.
Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane are periodically revised and updated. Anyone relying on this information should satisfy himself/herself as to the most current version. Providers with access to Thrane & Thrane’s Extranet may obtain current copies of manuals at:
Thrane & Thrane is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual from any other source.
Transmit on channel 16: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY This is:
NAME OF SHIP, call sign or other identification (THREE
TIMES), followed by:
MAYDAY - NAME OF SHIP ­Position, type of emergency, help required and other infor­mation which may help rescue operations.
For clarity when SPELLING OUT words, the following alphabet should be used: A-Alfa B-Bravo C-Charlie D-Delta E-Echo F-Foxtrot G - Golf H-Hotel I - India J - Juliett K-Kilo L-Lima M - Mike
N-November O- Oskar P-Papa Q - Quebec R-Romeo S-Sierra T-Tan go U-Uniform V-Victor W- Whiskey X-X - ray Y-Yan kee Z-Zulu
1. The distress call should be repeated from time-to-time until an answer is heard.
2. If no reply is heard on channel 16, the call should be repeated on any other available channel.
3. Speak slowly, pronouncing each word distinctly.
The operating panel is provided with a really high quality pushbut­ton keyboard, offering an attrac­tive solid feel. Furthermore, keyed operations are instantly confirmed by means of the display read-out.
To ensure safe operation under all conditions, the keyboard is fitted with night-time illumination.
All the communication, that means ship/ship, ship/port, and ship/coast station, is carried out in the sim­plex or semi-duplex mode. This means that the handset key switch is depressed while the message is delivered, ending with the word "over". The switch is now released, allowing the other party to reply.
There is standard provision for the programming of up to 10 private channels. However, it is possible to increase the total to 40 private channels if the scanning facilities are not required.
A private channel is indicated with a prefix and a single digit. For the 10 standard channels the prefix is a “P”, if increased to 40 private channels the prefix will be “A”, “E” and “F”.
Private channels include fishing and leisure channels as well as the special channels allocated by post and telegraph authorities.
Indication of ON/OFF/VOL turn-style knob operation.
Squelch sensitivity control knob with turn-style operation.
Quick select of the call and distress channel 16.
Digits from 1 to 0.
Activates the functions marked in orange on the keyboard. Whenever the keyboard is in “shift-mode” it will be indicated by “cornerbars” in the display.
1w Tx US
Selects scanning programme.
Deletes a channel from the scanning table.
Selects the scan time from 1 to 99 seconds. The time chosen will be used to listen on one of the secondary channels receiving a signal.
Selects the dual watch facility.
Selects 1W reduced power output.
Selects the VHF channels used in the USA.
The intensity of the LED-indicators can be controlled in four steps. The keyboard illumination is switched on and off.
Tests the selcall decoder and resets the selcall decoder after a call.
Selects the standard private channels.
Adds a channel to the scanning table.
+ 8 hidden pages