THQ Dawn of War 2 User Manual

Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games
Photosensitive Seizures
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 2
GETTING STARTED .....................................................4
PLAYING THE GAME .................................................5
GAME CONTROLS ......................................................7
CAMPAIGN MODE ....................................................10
MULTIPLAYER MODE ..............................................13
SPACE MARINES .......................................................15
ORKS ...........................................................................17
ELDAR .........................................................................19
TYRANIDS ..................................................................21
LIMITED WARRANTY ...............................................29
It is the 41st Millennium, and there is only war. This war emerged from the Dark Age of Technology, when mankind spread itself from one side of the galaxy to the other in its quest for knowledge. Traveling in starships to planets far from Earth, they brought with them enlightenment and the best of intentions. But this expansion was not to go unchallenged.
The enemies of man, including the savage and bloodthirsty Orks, the mysterious and powerful Eldar as well as other dark and dangerous forces, wage constant war against the descendants of Earth, seeking to end their very existence. The lives of untold billions, indeed the very survival of humanity itself, depend upon the protection of the Master of Mankind, the Immortal Emperor.
He is the leader of this driven, fierce species, caught in a fragile dominance of more than a million worlds. As a race, humanity barely survives destruction, extinction and alien invasion. Only through brute strength and the singular vision of its celestial patriarch, the Emperor, does it escape destruction. By His will do vast armies of loyal, genetically perfected and lethal warriors known as the Space Marines accomplish his merciless bidding. Without him and the Space Marines, the Imperium of Man would crumble to the many scourges assailing it.
Ten thousand years ago, the Emperor ascended to the Golden Throne of Terra. Although genetically human, the Emperor is a living god and the savior of all humanity. Supremely gifted with extraordinary psychic abilities, he used his unparalleled power to unite billions of people. Today, this vast expanse of peoples is called the Imperium. It is ruled by the iron will of the Emperor; his body is entombed in the strange life-giving machinery of the Golden Throne for eternity, as his natural life gave out long ago.
The Emperor’s power remains great. His mind is the beacon star to which all ships sail, whether through the material space or the Chaos-fed terrors of the Warp. Without the Emperor’s psychic beacon, the Imperium’s vessels would lose their anchor in the unpredictable tempests of hyperspace.
From the ten-thousand psykers of the Astronomican, who anchor the Imperium’s starcraft in warp space, to the billions-strong Imperial Guard who defend the Emperor’s worlds against alien threats and Chaos insurrections, to the Inquisition that protects the Imperium from within against the witch, the
heretic and mutant through cleansing flame and large-caliber execution, the Emperor’s forces are many and dreaded.
No servant, however, compares to the monolithic Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes – the Emperor’s will made manifest and avatars of his glorious retribution. They are genetically perfect and the symbols of his everlasting might. These gods of war are often all that keep humanity from falling to the alien conquest and internal heresies.
The Blood Angels, the Black Templars, the Space Wolves and the Ultramarines are but a handful of the illustrious thousand chapters who serve the Imperium.
The Undying Master of Mankind, the Emperor, is no longer merely a man; he has become a God, worshipped by billions throughout the Galaxy. As Man’s enemies rain endless death and destruction upon humanity’s doomed planets, the people of the Imperium pray to the Emperor, begging for his protection. Only Space Marines can answer their desperate prayers. As the Emperor’s loyal soldiers, the Imperial Guard are the backbone of mankind’s military. When these innumerable ranks are coupled with the fierce and unrelentingly heroic Space Marines, they represent humanity’s last, best hope for salvation from their merciless enemies.
To live now is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. Forget the power of technology, science, and humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding. There is no peace amongst the stars. Life is a desperate struggle for survival. Vigilance and devotion to the Emperor are the only refuge against the enemies of man, and the Space Marines are the Emperor’s hand.
A secretive and ritualistic chapter of the Space Marines, the Blood Ravens have a glorious history of fighting heroically for the Imperium. Yet, unlike some of the chapters who can trace their lineage back ten thousand years to when the Emperor of Mankind created the first Space Marines, little is known of the Blood Ravens’ origins. Their chapter records have long since been mysteriously lost…or destroyed.
As if to compensate for their lack of knowledge regarding their roots, the Blood Ravens have developed a deep respect, almost an obsession, for information. They keep extensive records on all subjects; constantly adding to the chapter’s well-organized archives with materials and artifacts gathered and cultivated based upon their belief that knowledge is the greatest weapon in the fight against the Emperor’s enemies.
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Insert the Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II™ DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive. When the Start-Up screen appears, click Install and follow the instructions on the screen.
If the Start-Up screen does not appear, double-click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop, then double-click the DVD-ROM drive containing the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II DVD-ROM. Locate and double-click on Setup.exe to launch the Start screen. Click Install and follow the instructions on the screen.
You will be asked to enter the unique CD key located on the back page of this manual. You must have a valid CD key to complete the installation process and play the game.
Protect your CD key — do not give it to anyone else or allow anyone else to use it. Put the game case in a safe, secure place; it will be required if you need to reinstall the game.
You are required to have DirectX version 9.0c (included on the installation disc) or later to play Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II.
Please refer to the Readme file included on the DVD-ROM for the latest information regarding troubleshooting and technical support.
Family Settings in Games for Windows – LIVE complement Windows Vista® parental controls. Manage your child’s access and experience with easy and flexible tools. For more information, go to
Modify options such as Help Text appearance, mouse scroll speed, and unit responses.
Modify graphical options such as screen resolution and texturing details.
An Important Note Regarding Graphics and Having the Best Possible Experience
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - uses some of the most advanced rendering techniques available for special effects and to achieve real-time performance for a great game playing experience. The developers of Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II along with the engineers at NVIDIA worked closely during development to test the game on advanced NVIDIA GeForce cards. In order to play the game “The Way It’s Meant to Be Played” we recommend at least an NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT series graphics card.
Modify audio options such as volume levels, character speech levels, and system speaker configurations.
The Main Menu is where you start a new Single-Player campaign, continue an existing Single-Player campaign, engage in a CPU Skirmish, start or find an Online game, change the Game Options, and view the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Credits.
Click CAMPAIGN to play a new Single-Player Campaign.
Click on MULTIPLAYER to play a LAN game over your Local Area Network
or to play an Online game through LIVE.
Click OPTIONS to alter the game’s options.
Click EXIT to quit playing Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II and
return to Windows.
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Embark on your crusade by selecting the Single-Player Campaign for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II. Choose your race and engage in furious battle across the dark recesses of space. Take Command of your operations from the bridge of your vessel by viewing distress signals, exploring sectors, or outfitting your squads.
PLANETARY DISPLAY (Default View): Displays distress signals, threatened
territories, and controlled stratagems.
STARMAP: View an overview of Subsector Aurelia and/or travel to other
threatened planets.
SQUAD LOADOUT SCREEN: Outfit your squads with wargear and guide
their advancement.
SQUAD DEPLOYMENT SCREEN: Select the squads that will deploy on the
next mission.
Click Multiplayer from the Main Menu to select from the following options for multiplayer online gaming:
FIND A GAME — Automatically search for allies and opponents.
Public — Host/Join an online game through the Dawn of War II Multiplayer Lobby, which provides multiplayer gaming features such as skirmishes, auto-matching, ladder ranking, etc.
Private — Create a Skirmish match against the CPU or play with others from your LIVE playlist.
Local Area Network (LAN) — Host/Join a game on your Local Area Network.
GAME HISTORY — View your Recorded Games, Player Statistics, and Leader
Board menus to see your army’s progress and results.
ARMY PAINTER — Customize your Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War II
army in Multiplayer Mode.
CAMERA MOVEMENT — To pan the camera, move the mouse cursor to the
edge of the screen in the direction you wish the camera to move. The camera will move on its own. When you are satisfied with the location, move the cursor away from the screen edge. You can also pan the camera using the arrow keys on your keyboard or by using the middle mouse button and pulling the terrain in the direction you want to move it.
CAMERA FOCUS — To focus the camera on a unit, double-click with the left mouse button on that unit’s portrait in the squad tabs. The squad tabs are
located along the right side of the screen.
CAMERA ZOOMING — To zoom the camera in or out, scroll up or down with the mouse wheel. Scrolling up zooms in and scrolling down zooms out. Press the keyboard’s Backspace key to reset the camera to the default view.
CAMERA ANGLE — To change the angle of the camera, hold down the Alt key on the keyboard and move the mouse around. To return the camera to the default angle and height, press the Backspace.
SELECTING A UNIT OR SQUAD — To select a unit click on the model or the
unit’s decorator above his head with the left mouse button. Alternatively, you can click on the squad portrait on the right side of the screen or use the designated hotkey.
SQUAD PORTRAITS — Each squad has a portrait on the upper-right portion of the screen that lists important information about that squad’s status. You can see the health of each Squad Leader, how many Members each squad has and what hotkey it is associated with it. Click with the left mouse button on the Squad Portrait once to select it, and double-click with the left mouse button to center the camera on that unit.
UNIT INFO PANEL — When you have a unit selected, the squad’s information and abilities appear in a panel at the bottom right of the screen. Use the icons along the top of this panel to trigger the unit’s special abilities.
SELECTING MULTIPLE UNITS — To select several units at once, click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse across the squads. Release the left mouse button when the box formed surrounds the squads desired.
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Hot Keys — You can quickly select a unit by pressing the number on the keyboard of the hotkey associated with the squad you would like to select. For instance, the Force Commander is #1; to select him with his hot key, press the number 1 on the keyboard. Each squad’s hot key is indicated next to his squad tab on the right side of the screen.
MOVING A UNIT — To move a unit, first select it, then position your
cursor where you would like it to move to, then click once with the right mouse button.
ATTACKING WITH A UNIT — To have a unit attack an enemy, first select that unit, then place the mouse pointer over an enemy, where the cursor changes to a targeting reticule, and finally click once with the right mouse button.
ATTACK MOVE — Units given an Attack-Move order will engage any enemies they encounter while moving. They will also make better use of cover. To issue an Attack-Move order, first select a unit. Next, click on the Attack-Move icon with the left mouse button, and finally click on the unit’s destination with the left mouse button.
SUPPRESSION — Rapid-fire and sniper weapons cause suppression. When your units are suppressed, the decorator above the squad on screen blinks red and they move and fire much more slowly.
SETUP WEAPONS — Heavy weapons like Avitus’s heavy bolter require set­up time. Until that time elapses, the weapon cannot fire. Weapons set-up automatically when the squad isn’t moving. You can see the progression of the setup in the squad’s decorator.
FACING — Set-up weapons cannot rotate freely, so you must point them in the right direction. To tell a unit which way to face, first select that unit. Next click-and-hold with the right mouse button where you want the unit to move to, and drag in the direction you want them to face. Release the mouse button and the unit will move and face that direction.
USING COVER — Cover helps to shield your units from enemy fire. Green dots appearing while a unit is selected represent an area of heavy cover. Yellow dots represent light cover while white dots mean that location is not in cover. To get into cover, place your mouse pointer at the desired cover location and then give your units a move order to get there. Most objects in the world provide some form of cover. In a firefight, cover can make all the difference between victory and defeat.
CLEARING BUILDINGS — Enemies in buildings are much harder to kill. They benefit from cover and elevation. Try using frag grenades or other explosive devices to get rid of them.
USING BUILDINGS — You can enter buildings to give your units better protection. To do so, select a unit and place the mouse pointer on the building you want to enter. If your unit can enter the building, the mouse cursor will change to represent this. Finally click the right mouse button. Your units will automatically move towards the building, enter it and take up firing positions at the windows.
EXITING BUILDINGS — To exit a building, select that building then click the left mouse button on the Exit All icon.
FALLING BACK — To have your units fall back to safety, click the Fall Back icon with the left mouse button. The selected unit will run back to the
closest relay you control.
BOSSES — You will face elite enemies with special powers and higher stats. These ‘bosses’ use a special health bar that appears at the top of the screen.
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