disc-contact Vacuum Record Clamp
The disc-contact vacuum record clamp consists of:
- a special disc-contact-mat (T)
- a sealing disc @
- a vacuum puck (3)
- a vacuum pump with connecting tube and coupling (4)
Included as accessories are a clamp (5) for holding the
tube when not in use and self-adhesive sealing foil @ for
damaged record labels.
By employing reduced air pressure, the clamp presses the
record firmly onto the turntable mat. Distortion and tonal
colorations are thereby effectively prevented, especially
with thin or warped records.
The advantage of the technique employed is that the
platter bearing and spindle are not subjected to reduced
air pressure during record play. Therefore, vacuum seals
which could impair rumble and wow-and -flutter performance are not required.
Installation of the disc-contact Mat on THORENS Turntables (except TD 104/105 and TD 524)
To permit the rubber drive belt to be exchanged as
required, the disc-contact mat is bonded only to the outer
turntable platter.
1. Remove the standard turntable mat from the
turntable platter. Clean the surface of the
ou te r pl a t te r w it h dena tured alcohol.
2 . Press the sealing disc with the flat side facing
upwards onto the turntable spindle. Clean the
surface of the disc with denatured alcohol.
3. Peel off the inner protective paper ring from the
undersid e of t h e disc-contact mat to expose
the a d h e s i v e surface. Position the middle hole
over the turntable spindle and press the center of
the mat lightly onto the sealing disc.
4. Lift one side of the disc-contact mat from the rim
of the turntable platter and peel off the half of the
oute r paper ring undernea th. Press and stroke
this section of the mat out war ds to bond it to
the platter without trapping air pockets inbetween (Figure 2).
5 . Peel off the second half of the outer ring from the
other side of the mat and bond this section to the
platter in the same manner as in step 4.