THOMSON TG787, TG787v Setup And User Manual

Setup and User Guide
Wireless VoIP Residential Gateway
Setup and User Guide
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Document Information
Status: v2.0 (June 2008) Reference: E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 Short Title: Setup and User Guide TG787 R8.1 (en)
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
About this Setup and User Guide ............................................. 1
1 Installation.................................................................................... 3
1.1 Preliminary Steps ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Placing your Thomson Gateway ..................................................................... 5
1.3 Installing your Thomson Gateway .................................................................. 6
1.3.1 Guided Installation .................................................................................................................................7
1.3.2 Manual Installation................................................................................................................................. 9
2 Thomson Gateway Basics ........................................................ 11
2.1 Thomson Gateway LED Behaviour ................................................................ 12
2.2 Thomson Gateway Web Interface ................................................................. 14
2.3 Backing Up/Restoring your Configuration .................................................... 17
3 Adding New Devices to your Network.................................... 19
3.1 Adding a Computer to your Network............................................................ 20
3.1.1 Connecting a computer using Wireless.............................................................................................. 21
3.1.2 Connecting a computer using Ethernet..............................................................................................22
3.2 Adding a Phone to your Network ................................................................. 23
3.2.1 Connecting Phones to the Thomson Gateway...................................................................................24
3.2.2 Configuring your Thomson Gateway .................................................................................................25
3.2.3 Multiple Identities................................................................................................................................. 27
4 Getting the Most Out of Your Thomson Gateway................. 29
4.1 Sharing Content on your Network ................................................................ 30
4.1.1 Setting Up the File Server....................................................................................................................32
4.1.2 Managing your Shared Content..........................................................................................................35
4.1.3 Using UPnP AV to Share Content with Media Devices ..................................................................... 36
4.1.4 Accessing your Shared Content by FTP ............................................................................................. 37
4.2 Telephony Features ....................................................................................... 39
4.2.1 Address Book........................................................................................................................................ 40
4.2.2 Telephony services...............................................................................................................................41
4.2.3 Viewing Telephony Statistics .............................................................................................................. 45
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
4.3 Universal Plug and Play ................................................................................ 46
4.3.1 Accessing Your Thomson Gateway with UPnP .................................................................................47
4.3.2 Managing your Internet connection with UPnP.................................................................................48
4.3.3 Configuring UPnP on the Thomson Gateway....................................................................................50
4.3.4 Installing UPnP on Windows XP ......................................................................................................... 51
4.4 Assigning a service (HTTP, FTP,...) to a computer ........................................ 53
4.5 Dynamic DNS ................................................................................................ 55
5 Wireless Security .......................................................................57
5.1 Encryption ..................................................................................................... 58
5.1.1 Configuring WEP Encryption............................................................................................................... 59
5.1.2 Configuring WPA-PSK Encryption ......................................................................................................60
5.2 Access Control .............................................................................................. 61
5.3 Disabling SSID Broadcast ............................................................................. 64
6 Internet Security ........................................................................65
6.1 Firewall.......................................................................................................... 66
6.2 Web site Filtering .......................................................................................... 67
6.2.1 Denying access to a specific Web site................................................................................................68
6.2.2 Allowing access to a specific Web site...............................................................................................69
6.2.3 Redirecting a Web site .........................................................................................................................70
6.2.4 Redirecting all Web sites ..................................................................................................................... 71
7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 73
7.1 Setup wizard Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 74
7.2 General Thomson Gateway Troubleshooting ................................................ 75
7.2.1 Wired Connection Troubleshooting.................................................................................................... 76
7.2.2 Wireless Connection Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................77
7.3 Voice over IP Troubleshooting...................................................................... 78
7.4 Reset to Factory Defaults ............................................................................. 79
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
About this Setup and User Guide
About this Setup and User Guide
Used Symbols
Generally, the THOMSON TG787 will be referred to as Thomson Gateway in this Setup and User Guide.
Typographical Conventions
Following typographical convention is used throughout this manual:
Sample text indicates a hyperlink to a Web site.
Example: For more information, visit us at
Sample text indicates an internal cross-reference.
Example: If you want to know more about guide, see “1 Introduction” on page 7”.
Sample text indicates an important content-related word.
Example: To enter the network, you must authenticate yourself.
Sample text indicates a GUI element (commands on menus and buttons, dialog box elements, file
names, paths and folders).
Example: On the File menu, click Open to open a file.
Documentation and software updates
Thomson continuously develops new solutions, but is also committed to improving its existing products.
For more information on Thomson's latest technological innovations, documents and software releases, visit us at
A note provides additional information about a topic.
A caution warns you about potential problems or specific precautions that need to be taken.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
About this Setup and
User Guide
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
1 Installation
In a few minutes you will be able to access the Internet using your Thomson Gateway.
This Setup and User Guide will show you how to set up your Thomson Gateway and how to connect your computer(s) to the Internet.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
1.1 Preliminary Steps
DSL service
The DSL service must be up and running on your telephone line.
If both conventional telephone and DSL service are simultaneously available from the same copper pair, you will need a central splitter or distributed filters for decoupling DSL and telephone signals.
Computer requirements
To connect a computer via Ethernet, make sure the computer is equipped with an Ethernet Network
Interface Card (NIC).
For wireless networking, you will need a WiFi-certified wireless client adapter for each computer you
want to connect wirelessly.
Internet connection details
You may need the following connection details from your Internet Service Provider (ISP):
Your ISP’s method for connecting to the Internet (for example PPPoE)
The VPI/VCI (for example 8/35)
Your user name and password to connect to the Internet for PPP connections
Your IP settings in case of static configurations
You may have received this information when you subscribed to DSL at your Internet Service Provider (ISP). You will be prompted for this information at a given step in the installation procedure.
Voice over IP (VoIP) connection details
If you want to be able to make phone calls over the Internet, you will need following details for your VoIP connection:
A user account at your VoIP Service Provider
The server settings of your VoIP Service
Public telephone lines carry voltages that can cause electric shock. Only try to set up splitter/ filters that have been designed to be installed by unqualified personnel. For further assistance, contact your Internet Service Provider.
Optionally your ISP may indicate the Service Profile to use during Setup.
These settings may be provided by your Internet Service Provider.
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1 Installation
1.2 Placing your Thomson Gateway
You can mount the Thomson Gateway on a wall or simply place it on a desk.
Wall mount
Proceed as follows to mount the Thomson Gateway on a wall or other vertical surface:
1 Take the wall mount leaflet out of the box.
2 Stick the wall mount leaflet on the place where your want to mount your Thomson Gateway.
3 Drill two holes through the marked positions.
4 Fasten two screws in the wall holes. The screws should protrude five millimetres from the surface of the
5 Attach your Thomson Gateway on the wall using the two mounting slots on the bottom.
If you install the Thomson Gateway onto plasterboard, use dowels to secure the screws. Otherwise the strain of the cables connected to the Thomson Gateway rear panel connectors could pull the Thomson Gateway from the wall.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
1.3 Installing your Thomson Gateway
Installation methods
There two ways to set up your Thomson Gateway:
Guided Installation
Manual Installation
Guided Installation
How it works
The Setup wizard included on the CD will guide you through all configuration aspects of your Thomson Gateway. This is the recommended way to install your Thomson Gateway.
Your computer must run one of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows Vista (x64)
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack (SP) 2 or higher
Microsoft Windows XP x64 SP 1 or higher
Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4
Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
You must have administrative rights on your computer
Getting started
Proceed with“1.3.1 Guided Installation” on page 7.
Manual Installation
How it works
The Setup and User Guide will first help you to connect your computer to the Thomson Gateway. After this is done, you can configure your Thomson Gateway using your web browser.
Javascript must be enabled on your web browser.
Getting started
Proceed with“1.3.2 Manual Installation” on page 9.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
1.3.1 Guided Installation
Connecting devices: wait!
Do not plug in any cables or connect any devices until you are prompted to do so by the wizard.
In case of problems
If you encounter problems during this installation please refer to “7.1 Setup wizard Troubleshooting” on
page 74.
Starting the wizard
To start the wizard:
1 Insert the Setup CD into your computer's CD- or DVD-ROM drive.
2 If your computer runs:
Microsoft Windows: The CD should autostart.
Mac OS X: Double-click Menu in the window with the content of the CD.
3 Select the language of your choice and click OK.
4 The Setup wizard will now guide you through the installation.
5 At the end of the installation, following screen appears:
6 Select the Go to the Thomson Gateway Web Interface
if you want to go to the Thomson Gateway Web
Interface after closing the wizard. On the Thomson Gateway Web Interface, you can further configure
your Thomson Gateway.
7 Click Finish.
8 The CD menu appears.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
CD menu
On the CD Menu, click:
(Re)configure my Thomson Gateway to reconfigure your Thomson Gateway or add a new computer to
your network.
View Documentation to view the documentation that is available for your Thomson Gateway. This list
will be automatically updated if you are connected to the Internet.
Visit Thomson Broadband to visit the online support sections on
Actual available items may depend on the Setup CD delivered with your Thomson Gateway.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
1.3.2 Manual Installation
Proceed as follows:
1 Connect the cables
2 Configure the Thomson Gateway
Connect the cables
Proceed as follows:
1 Connect your computer to the Thomson Gateway as described in “3.1 Adding a Computer to your
Network” on page 20.
2 Connect the Thomson Gateway to the DSL line.
3 Connect the power supply.
4 Turn on the Thomson Gateway.
Configure the Thomson Gateway
1 Open your web browser.
2 The Thomson Gateway informs you that you have not yet configured your Thomson Gateway.
If this window does not appear browse to http://dsldevice.lan
or to the IP address of your Thomson
Gateway (by default: and click Thomson Gateway on the menu on the left-hand side.
3 Click Setup my Thomson Gateway.
4 The Easy Setup wizard appears. This wizard will guide you through the configuration of your Thomson
Gateway. Click Next and follow the instructions.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
1 Installation
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
2 Thomson Gateway Basics
2 Thomson Gateway Basics
In this chapter
Topi c Page
Thomson Gateway LED Behaviour 12
Thomson Gateway Web Interface 14
Backing Up/Restoring your Configuration 17
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
2 Thomson Gateway
2.1 Thomson Gateway LED Behaviour
Status LEDs
On the top panel of your Thomson Gateway, you can find a number of status LEDs, indicating the state of the device during normal operation.
Power LED
Ethernet LED
Wireless/WLAN LED
Name Colour State
Green Solid on Power on, normal operation
Red Solid on Power on, self-test failed, indicating device malfunction
Orange Solid on Bootloader active (during upgrade)
Off Power off
Name Colour State
Green Blinking Ethernet activity
Solid on Ethernet connection, no activity
Off No Ethernet connection
Name Colour State
Green Blinking Wireless activity, WPA(2) encryption
Solid on No wireless activity, WPA(2) encryption
Amber Blinking Wireless activity, WEP encryption
Solid on No wireless activity, WEP encryption
Red Blinking Wireless activity, no security
Solid on No wireless activity, no security
Red/green Toggling Wireless client registration phase
Off WLAN disabled
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
2 Thomson Gateway Basics
Broadband/DSL LED
Internet LED
Phone/Voice LED
Ethernet LED (Ethernet port)
A LED may be provided per Ethernet port to indicate link integrity (or activity).
Name Colour State
Green Blinking Pending DSL line synchronisation
Solid on DSL line synchronised
Off No DSL line
Name Colour State
Green Blinking Internet activity
Solid on Internet connectivity, no activity
Red Solid on Internet connection setup failed
Off No Internet connection
Name Colour State
Green Solid on VoIP service up
Blinking VoIP activity
Off VoIP service down
LED Status Description
Off No connection on this port
Solid on Ethernet link up
Blinking Data is flowing from/to this port
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
2 Thomson Gateway
2.2 Thomson Gateway Web Interface
The Thomson Gateway Web Interface allows you to configure your Thomson Gateway using your web browser.
Javascript must be enabled on your browser.
Accessing the Thomson Gateway Web Interface
Proceed as follows:
1 Open your web browser.
2 Browse to http://dsldevice.lan
or to the IP address of your Thomson Gateway (by default:
3 If you have protected your Thomson Gateway with a user name and password, the Thomson Gateway
will prompt you to enter these. Enter your user name and password and click OK.
4 The Thomson Gateway Web Interface appears.
If your computer runs Windows Vista or Windows XP, you can also access the Thomson Gateway Web
Interface using the Internet Gateway Device icon. For more information, see “4.3 Universal Plug and Play” on page 46.
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2 Thomson Gateway Basics
The menu is located on the left side of the page and consists of the following menu items:
Thomson Gateway:
Provides basic information on the Thomson Gateway.
Broadband Connection:
Allows you to view/configure your broadband connections.
Allows you to assign games or applications to a device and secure your Internet connection.
Home Network:
Allows you to manage your local network.
Language Bar
The language bar is located in the top banner and allows you to change the language of the Thomson Gateway Web interface.
Label Description
1 Menu
2 Language Bar
3 Navigation Bar
4 Notification Area
5 Content pane
6 Tasks
The language bar will only be shown if more than one language is available.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
2 Thomson Gateway
Navigation Bar
The navigation bar is located at the top of the page and allows you to:
View the current user name.
Click this name to change your password or switch to another user.
View the current position on the Thomson Gateway Web interface.
 Select change the display level of the page (for example: Overview, Details or Configure)
Get context-related Help information.
Notification Area
The notification area is located under the Navigation Bar and is used to display:
Error messages, indicated by a red traffic light.
Warnings, indicated by an orange traffic light.
Information, indicated by a green traffic light.
Content pane
The content pane is located at the centre of the page and displays the information and configurable items of the selected topic.
Tas ks
To allow a quick configuration of your Thomson Gateway, some pages may offer you a number of related tasks in the Pick a task list. These tasks will guide you to the page where you can perform the selected task.
If none of these events occur, the notification area will not be shown.
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2 Thomson Gateway Basics
2.3 Backing Up/Restoring your Configuration
Once you have configured your Thomson Gateway to your needs, it may be a good idea to save your configuration for later use. This way you can always return to your working configuration in case of problems.
Backing up your configuration
Proceed as follows:
1 Browse to the Thomson Gateway Web Interface.
2 On the Thomson Gateway menu, click Configuration.
3 In the Pick a task list, click Save or Restore Configuration.
4 Under Backup current configuration, click Backup Configuration Now.
5 The Thomson Gateway prompts you to save your file.
6 Save your file to a location of your choice.
Restoring your configuration
Proceed as follows:
1 Browse to the Thomson Gateway Web Interface.
2 On the Thomson Gateway menu, click Configuration.
3 In the Pick a task list, click Save or Restore Configuration.
4 Under Restore saved configuration, click Browse.
5 Open your backup file.
6 The Thomson Gateway restores your configuration.
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
2 Thomson Gateway
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
3 Adding New Devices to your Network
3 Adding New Devices to your Network
In this chapter
Topi c Page
Adding a Computer to your Network 20
Adding a Phone to your Network 23
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
3 Adding New Device
s to your Network
3.1 Adding a Computer to your Network
Guided Installation
If you configured your Thomson Gateway using the Guided Installation, use the same procedure on the computer that you want to add.
At a specific point in the installation, the Setup wizard will inform you that the Thomson Gateway has already been configured:
Select No and click Next to continue.
Manual Installation
You can also manually add a new computer to your local network:
Connecting a computer using Wireless
Connecting a computer using Ethernet
E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0
3 Adding New Devices to your Network
3.1.1 Connecting a computer using Wireless
Before you start
Before you can connect a computer to your wireless network you need to know which Network Name (SSID) and encryption your Thomson Gateway is using.
Where can I find the SSID?
If you did not change the SSID manually, your Thomson Gateway uses the SSID that is printed on the bottom panel label of your Thomson Gateway.
Where can I find the encryption?
You have not yet configured your Thomson Gateway
In this case, no encryption is used.
You have already configured your Thomson Gateway using the Guided Installation
If you choose to use the wireless settings proposed by the Setup wizard, you can find the encryption keys on the label on the bottom of your Thomson Gateway:
Forgot your wireless settings?
If you have changed the wireless settings manually and you can’t remember your settings, try one of the following:
If one of your computers is already connected to your network:
1 Browse to the Thomson Gateway Web Interface on a computer that is already connected to your network.
2 On the Home Network menu, click Wireless.
3 In the upper-right corner, click Details.
4 The wireless Access Point page appears. Under:
Configuration, you can find the network name (SSID).
Security, you can find the encryption.
If none of your computers is connected to your network, connect a computer using a wired connection and follow the procedure above to find out what your wireless settings are.
Another option is to reset your Thomson Gateway and reconfigure it all over again. For more information, see “7.4 Reset to Factory Defaults” on page 79.
Proceed as follows:
1 Configure your computer with the same wireless settings as your Thomson Gateway. For more
information, consult the help of your wireless client.
2 If you enabled the access control list on the Thomson Gateway, you have to register your computer
before you can connect to the network. Access control is disabled by default. For more information, see “5.2 Access Control” on page 61.
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