ThinkRF D2030 Programmer's Manual

30 GHz Downconverter
Programmer's Guide
Version 1.2.1
Mar 2018 Document no. 75-0070-180301 Copyright © 2017,2018 ThinkRF Corporation, all rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies. This document contains information that is proprietary to ThinkRF Corporation.
Important notice
The information in this guide is furnished for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. ThinkRF Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, published, stored in an electronic database, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, for any purpose, without the prior written permission of ThinkRF Corporation.
ThinkRF, the ThinkRF logo and D2030 are trademarks of ThinkRF Corporation.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or owners.
ThinkRF Corp
390 March Road Kanata, ON K2K 0G7 (613) 369-5104
Read this warranty carefully before you use the product.
D2030 30 GHz Downconverters are warranted for workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment as identified by the Customer’s packing slip or carrier waybill. ThinkRF reserves the right to void the warranty on any equipment that has been altered or damaged due to Customer negligence, unauthorized repair, misuse of equipment, evidence of physical or environmental damage, transportation abuse or removal of any ThinkRF identification labels or serial numbers.
It will remain the responsibility of the Customer, having obtained a Return Material Authorization (RMA) and shipping instructions from ThinkRF, to return, at the Customer's expense, the defective unit to ThinkRF’s repair facilities. ThinkRF will incur shipping charges for the return of warranty repaired equipment. The RMA number can be secured by calling ThinkRF Customer Service and Support (1-613­369-5104). If the product does not fall within ThinkRF’s warranty period or the product is found to be functioning as designed, then under the terms of ThinkRF’s warranty policy, all costs of repairs and shipping will be charged directly to the Customer. ThinkRF will warrant repaired units for a period of 90 days from date of shipment from ThinkRF to the Customer. If the remaining period on the original hardware warranty is greater than 30 days, then ThinkRF will honor this remaining warranty period.
THINKRF PRODUCTS ARE INTENDED FOR STANDARD INDOOR COMMERCIAL USE. WITHOUT THE APPROPRIATE NETWORK DESIGN ENGINEERING, THEY MUST NOT BE USED FOR ANY “HIGH RISK ACTIVITY”, as described in this paragraph. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the products supplied hereunder are not fault-tolerant and are not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail safe performance including but not limited to the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of products could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage, all of which are examples of “High Risk Activity”. THINKRF AND ITS SUPPLIERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES.
Table of Contents
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. 6
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................... 6
Preface ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Audience .................................................................................................................................... 7
Conventions .............................................................................................................................. 7
Obtaining Documentation and Releases ............................................................................ 8
Document Feedback ................................................................................................................ 8
Obtaining Technical Assistance ........................................................................................... 8
D2030 Functional Overview ...................................................................................................... 9
System Overview ...................................................................................................................... 9
RF Receiver Front-End .......................................................................................................... 10
SCPI Command Set ..................................................................................................................... 12
SCPI Language Overview ..................................................................................................... 12
IEEE Mandated SCPI Commands ....................................................................................... 13
*CLS .................................................................................................................................... 13
*ESE/*ESE? ........................................................................................................................ 13
*ESR? .................................................................................................................................. 13
*IDN? ................................................................................................................................... 14
*OPC/*OPC? ....................................................................................................................... 14
*RST .................................................................................................................................... 14
*SRE/*SRE? ........................................................................................................................ 15
*STB? .................................................................................................................................. 15
*TST? .................................................................................................................................. 15
*WAI .................................................................................................................................... 16
SYSTem Commands .............................................................................................................. 16
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:APPLy .................................................................................. 16
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:CONFigure .......................................................................... 16
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATEway ............................................................................ 17
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IP ......................................................................................... 17
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:NETMask ............................................................................. 18
:SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? ................................................................................................... 18
:SYSTem:ERRor:ALL? ........................................................................................................ 19
:SYSTem:OPTions? ............................................................................................................ 19
:SYSTem:VERSion? ............................................................................................................ 19
STATus Commands ............................................................................................................... 20
Status Reporting Structures ................................................................................................. 20
:STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? ............................................................................................ 23
:STATus:OPERation:CONDition? ........................................................................................ 23
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle .............................................................................................. 24
:STATus:OPERation:NTRansition ....................................................................................... 24
:STATus:OPERation:PTRansition ....................................................................................... 24
:STATus:PRESET ............................................................................................................... 25
:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? ....................................................................................... 25
:STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition? ................................................................................... 25
:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle .......................................................................................... 26
:STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition .................................................................................. 26
:STATus:QUEStionable:PTRansition ................................................................................... 26
:STATus:TEMPerature? ...................................................................................................... 27
INPut Commands ................................................................................................................... 27
:INPut:DCONverter:MANual:FILTer:PRESelect .................................................................. 27
:INPut:GAIN ......................................................................................................................... 27
SENSe Commands ................................................................................................................. 28
[:SENSe]:DCONverter:MANual:LO<1|2>:FREQuency ........................................................ 28
[:SENSe]:DCONverter:MANual:MIX2 .................................................................................. 28
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer ........................................................................................... 28
[:SENSe]:REFerence:PLL ................................................................................................... 29
OUTPut Commands ............................................................................................................... 29
:OUTPut:DCONverter:MANual:ATTenuation ....................................................................... 29
:OUTPut:FILTer:BPASs:BANDwidth? .................................................................................. 30
:OUTPut:FILTer:BPASs:FREQuency? ................................................................................ 30
:OUTPut:IF:FREQuency? .................................................................................................... 30
Appendix A: Booting up and Connecting to the D2030 .......................................... 31
Bootup Sequence ................................................................................................................... 31
Connecting to D2030 ............................................................................................................. 31
SCPI Raw ............................................................................................................................ 31
SCPI Telnet ......................................................................................................................... 32
HiSLIP ................................................................................................................................. 32
Code Example of TCP/IP Connection and SCPI Control .............................................. 33
Appendix B: SCPI Command Syntax ................................................................................ 40
Entering Commands .............................................................................................................. 40
Notation .................................................................................................................................... 41
Parameter types ...................................................................................................................... 41
Default Units ............................................................................................................................ 42
Appendix C: SCPI Status and Event Registers ........................................................... 43
Status Byte Register (SBR) .................................................................................................. 43
Standard Event Status Register (ESR) .............................................................................. 43
Operational Status (OSR) Register .................................................................................... 44
Questionable Status (QSR) Register ................................................................................. 44
Output Queue .......................................................................................................................... 45
Error and Event Queue ......................................................................................................... 45
Appendix D: SCPI Error Codes Used ................................................................................ 46
Appendix E: SCPI Commands Quick Reference ........................................................ 47
References ....................................................................................................................................... 50
Document Revision History ................................................................................................... 51


ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
API Application Programming Interface
HiSLIP Hi Speed LAN Instrument Protocol
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IF Intermediate Frequency
LAN Local Area Network
MSB Most Significant Byte
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
RF Radio Frequency
RFE Receiver Front-End
Downconverter 30 GHz Downconverter
SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
5 ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide
List of Figures
Figure 1: D2030 Interconnect Diagram with A Spectrum Analyzer ............................................................ 9
Figure 2: SCPI Language Hierarchical or Tree Structure Example .......................................................... 12
Figure 3: SCPI Downconverter Instrument Model .................................................................................... 13
Figure 4: Status Reporting Structure with Status & Enable Registers ...................................................... 21
Figure 5: SDS Register Model ................................................................................................................. 22
List of Tables
Table 1: System Level Control/Status Commands ................................................................................... 10
Table 2: RF Front-End Control/Status Commands .................................................................................. 11
Table 3: Downconverter Option Codes and the Corresponding Description ............................................ 19
ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide 6


This preface describes the audience for, the organization of, and conventions used in this document. It also identifies related documentation and explains how to access electronic documentation.


This document is written for software developers wishing to develop and/or maintain a software interface to the D2030 and who have a basic understanding, familiarity and experience with network test and measurement equipment.


This section describes the conventions used in this document.
Grayed-out Font
Indicates a command or a feature is not yet available in the current release.
Courier Font
Illustrates this is an example for a command or a concept.
Light Blue Font
Contains hyperlink to the referenced source that can be clicked on.
Normal Bold Font
When used within a sentence or a paragraph, it emphasizes an idea to be paid attention to particularly.
Red Font
Conveys special information of that section.
Note: This symbol means take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to additional information and material.
Caution: This symbol means be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.
Warning: This symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with the standard practices for preventing accidents.
7 ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide

Obtaining Documentation and Releases

You can access the most current ThinkRF documentation and the latest release bundles at

Document Feedback

Please send your comments about this document or our other documentation to
Thank you, we appreciate your comments.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

The ThinkRF Support website provides online documents for resolving technical issues with ThinkRF products at
For all customers who hold a valid end-user license, ThinkRF provides technical assistance 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time, Monday to Friday. Contact us at or by calling +1.613.369.5104.
Before contacting Support, please have the following information available:
D2030's serial number which is located on the identification label on the D2030's underside.
The product version.
The firmware version running on the D2030 (using *IDN? command).
Versions of any ThinkRF software you are using.
The operating system and version you are using.
ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide 8

D2030 Functional Overview

This section overviews the D2030's functionality and protocols used, and summarizes the SCPI command sets for controlling the individual functions.
Note: This is a living and evolving document. We welcome your feedback.
The features and functionality described in this section may exist in the current product firmware release or are scheduled for a future product firmware release (grayed out commands and/or text). Please refer to Appendix E: SCPI Commands Quick Reference for the complete list of commands and the availability information. No hardware upgrade is required at each feature release (unless specified though unlikely).

System Overview

D2030 30 GHz Downconverter is used to convert RF signals in the range of 27-30 GHz down to an intermediate frequency (IF) of 3.55 GHz or 5.6 GHz (determined by the product Option code, see :SYSTem:OPTions?). This is designed to extend the functionality of existing spectrum analyzers that operate to a maximum frequency of 4 GHz or 6 GHz, respectively, to measure and analyze 5G signals in the range of 27-30 GHz band. Figure 1 shows a simplify interconnect diagram with a spectrum analyzer.
D2030 Functional Overview
Figure 1: D2030 Interconnect Diagram with A Spectrum Analyzer
ThinkRF's products conform with standardized protocols for interoperability. Standard protocols include the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) protocol for controlling and obtaining status from the Downconverter.
Refer to Appendix A for how to connect to a Downconverter.
The D2030 provides system level control and status commands as defined in Table 1.
ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide 9
D2030 Functional Overview
Table 1: System Level Control/Status Commands
SCPI Command Description
:SYSTem Page 16
:LAN<commands> Subset of commands for configuring/querying Downconverter's LAN
:ERRor Returns the error code and messages from the SCPI error/event queue
:OPTions? Returns comma separated 3-digit values to represent the hardware
:VERSion? Returns the SCPI version number that the instrument complies with
:STATus Page 20
[:EVENt]? Returns the standard Operation Status Register (OSR) and clears the
:CONDition? Returns the standard Operation Condition Register (OCR)
:ENABle[?] Sets or queries the Operation Status Enable Register (OSE)
:PRESET Presets the D2030 (similar to *RST)
[:EVENt]? Returns the Questionable Status Register (QSR) and clears the register
:CONDition? Returns the Questionable Condition Register (QCR)
:ENABle[?] Sets or queries the Questionable Status Enable Register (QSE)
:TEMPerature? Returns the D2030's internal ambient temperature
option(s) or features available with a particular Downconverter model
See SCPI Command Set section (page 12 onward) for further details on the commands.
Caution pertaining to multi-user: The current firmware version of the D2030 allows multiple applications to connect to the unit simultaneously but it does not support independent sessions. Therefore, the actions of one user may over-write those of another. This could potentially damage the unit for instance if the front-end's gain were incorrectly set. If multiple applications are connecting to the unit, it is advised that only one of those is controlling the unit at any time.

RF Receiver Front-End

The receive front-end (RFE) has been largely defined through the hardware specifications. The primary commands have to do with setting the center frequency of the Downconverter and switching in the front-end gain for improved noise figure, ThinkRF provides the user access to other blocks within the radio receiver. The command set is defined in Table 2.
10 ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide
Table 2: RF Front-End Control/Status Commands
SCPI Command Description
:INPut Page 27
:PRESelect[?] Select or query the input preselect filter
Set or query an input gain stage to be on or off.
[:SENSe] Page 28
:FREQuency[?] Queries or manually sets the LO frequencies (LO1, LO2)
:CENTer[?] Sets the center frequency of the D2030 RF input
:PLL[?] Selects the 10 MHz reference clock source
:OUTPut Page 29
:ATTenuation[?] Queries or sets the IF output attenuation in dB
:FREQuency? Queries the output filter bandpass frequency
:BANDwidth? Queries the output filter bandpass bandwidth
:FREQuency? Queries the output IF frequency
D2030 Functional Overview
See SCPI Command Set section (page 12 onward) for further details on each set of commands.
ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide 11

SCPI Command Set

FREQuency DCONverter REFerence
SCPI Command Set
This section is a SCPI reference guide for controlling the ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter. The D2030 supports the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) standard version 1999.0 as described in the following sections. SCPI lends itself to a command line interface and scripting, is supported by the major instrument vendors and provides a high level of familiarity for instrument users.
Note: The D2030 receives SCPI commands and sends query responses using one of two network interfaces. It is accessible via telnet on port 5024, raw socket on port 5025,
or through a HiSLIP connection on port 4880. Certain features such as service requests
and equipment locking are only available with HiSLIP. See Appendix A: Booting up and
Connecting to the D2030 for more details.

SCPI Language Overview

In the early 1990s, a group of instrument manufacturers developed Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation (SCPI) for controlling programmable instruments via a communication link, such as RS232, USB, LAN, etc. SCPI specifies the command structure and syntax using ASCII characters to provide some basic standardization and consistency to the control commands. SCPI commands, hence, lend themselves to communications with equipments via command line interface, scripting and/or programming languages such as C/C++, MATLAB®, Python, etc.
The SCPI language is based on a hierarchical or tree structure as illustrated in Figure 2 an example command set. The top level of the tree is the root node, which is followed by one or more lower-level nodes.
Figure 2: SCPI Language Hierarchical or Tree Structure Example
The traditional model of a typical SCPI instrument involves either a measurement function where an external input is digitized and processed, or a source function where a signal is generated and sent to an external output. The D2030 does not fit this traditional model in that it performs no intermediary digital processing. However, it performs tasks such as frequency conversion purely in the analog domain. Figure 3 shows the D2030 simplified instrument model.
12 ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide
Figure 3: SCPI Downconverter Instrument Model
Refer to the Appendix B: SCPI Command Syntax section for the general SCPI command syntax format and usage details.

IEEE Mandated SCPI Commands

These commands control and query the communication event/error and status registers as defined in the Appendix C: SCPI Status and Event Registers section. They are mandated by the IEEE.
Caution: The mandated IEEE SCPI commands are not affected by *RST command.


SCPI Command Set
The Clear Status (CLS) command clears all the event status registers in the device status-reporting mechanism and the error/event queue. This also results in the corresponding summary bits in the Status Byte (STB) to be cleared.
Syntax *CLS
Parameter/Response None


*ESE command sets bits in the ESE register. The decimal integer value entered is the binary equivalent of the desired 8-bit mask. Bits set in the ESE enables the corresponding bit in the ESR to assert the Standard ESR summary bit in the STB (bit 5).
*ESE? query returns the decimal sum of the bits in the ESE register.
See Figure 4 for the ESE/ESR register bit mapping.
Syntax *ESE <integer>
Parameter/Response <integer>
Allowable Values 0 - 255


Query the standard Event Status Register (ESR), which returns the decimal sum of the bits in the ESR. The ESR will only appear set if and only if its event has occurred and the corresponding bit in the ESE is also enabled.
ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide 13
SCPI Command Set
See Figure 4 for the ESR register bits mapping.
Caution: This is a destructive read. Once queried, the register is cleared.


Returns the D2030's identification information string.
Note: The model string returned will not include the options. To find out which options a model has, use :SYSTem:OPTions? command.
Syntax *ESR?
Parameter None
Response <integer>
Description Refer to the Appendix C: SCPI Status and Event Registers section
for the ESR register bit definition
Syntax *IDN?
Parameter None
Response “<Manufacturer>,<Model>,<Serial number>,<Firmware version>”
Data Type string


The *OPC/*OPC? commands allow synchronization between the controller and the D2030.
*OPC (Operation Complete) sets bit 0 in the ESR to 1 when all commands received before *OPC or *OPC? have been completed. When the D2030 is connected using a
HiSLIP session, this command can be used to raise a Service Request by configuring the ESE and SRE registers appropriately.
*OPC? returns the ASCII character 1 in the Standard Event register indicating completion of all pending operations. The query also stops any new commands from being processed until the current processing is complete.
Syntax *OPC
Parameter None
Query Response 1


Resets the D2030 to its default settings.
14 ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide
SCPI Command Set
*RST does not affect the registers or queues associated with the IEEE mandated commands. Each non-IEEE mandated command description in this reference shows the *RST value when affected.
Syntax *RST
Parameter/Response None


The *SRE (Service Request Enable) command enables bits in the SRE register. The decimal integer value entered is the binary equivalent of the desired 8-bit mask. When a
bit is set in the SRE register and the corresponding STB register bit is also set, a Service Request is raised if the D2030 is connected using a HiSLIP session. It has no effect when connected via Telnet.
*SRE? query returns the decimal sum of the enabled bits in the SRE register. The decimal sum is the binary equivalent of the 8-bit mask.
See Figure 4 for the SRE/STB register bit mapping.
Syntax *SRE <integer>
Parameter/Response <integer>


*STB? (Status Byte) query returns the decimal sum of the bits set in the STB register without erasing its content. Each bit corresponds to the underlying Status Data Structure.
See Figure 4 for the ESE/ESR register bits mapping and the Status Byte Register (SBR) section of the Appendix C for the bit definitions.
Syntax *STB?
Parameter None
Response <integer>


*TST? (self-test) query initiates the device's internal self-test and returns one of the following results:
0 - all tests passed.
1 - one or more tests failed.
Syntax *TST?
Parameter None
Response 0 | 1
Output Data Type Integer
ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide 15
SCPI Command Set


*WAI (Wait-to-Continue) command suspends the execution of any further commands or queries until all operations for pending commands are completed.
Parameter/Response None

SYSTem Commands

These commands control and query the communication event and status registers as defined in the Appendix C: SCPI Status and Event Registers. They are the minimal :SYSTem sets required in all SCPI instruments.


This command will save the changes to the LAN settings to the unit’s internal memory.
The new settings will take effect only after the D2030 has been rebooted or power cycle. Once the LAN settings are saved, they are not affected by :STATus:PRESET or
Syntax *WAI
Caution: When changing from DHCP to STATIC mode, this command should to be sent
only when all the required LAN settings are set using the appropriate subsequent :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN commands.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:APPLy
Parameter/Response None
*RST State N/A


The set command stores the new LAN configuration type in the Downconverter temporary. The new configuration does not take effect until
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:APPLy is sent (please refer to the Caution note of the
:APPLy command). Once the option is applied, it is not affected :STATus:PRESET or
The query command will return the option set or that of the actual current configuration if one is not set. The CURRENT query will return what is currently and actually used by the Downconverter's LAN interface.
- The default factory configuration is STATIC mode with IP
- *RST command cannot be used to set the box to its manufacturing default state of STATIC mode. To set the box back to STATIC mode from a working DHCP/auto mode, use this command or perform a factory reset.
16 ThinkRF D2030 30 GHz Downconverter Programmer's Guide
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