• 6 six-sided Yoga Pose Dice
• 6 Pose Tokens
• 1 six-sided Breath Die
• 1 Focus Token
• Yoga Mat Game Track
(2-3 Players; Short Track, 4-7 Players; Long Track)
• Game-Go Bag
About Yoga Dice:
Yoga Dice is a fun, collaborative game that helps children
learn the practice of yoga using simple breath counts and
36 beginner poses.
Compete together to WIN by holding yoga poses! As a
group, move 6 Pose Tokens past the FINISH line before the
Focus Token crosses the line.
Set- up:
Note: The rst time you play, punch out the Game Tokens.
1. Set out the Yoga Mat Game Track within reach of all
players. For 2-3 players use the Short Path. Use the Long
Path for 4-7 players.
2. All players sit in a circle around the Yoga Mat Game Track.
Be sure there is plenty of space for all players to hold a
yoga pose.
3. Place all Game Tokens at the START of the Game Track.
Move around and stretch. Recommended warm-up
exercises can be found at:
Breath Counts:
To complete one breath count, inhale slowly through the
nose, then exhale slowly through the opened mouth making
the sound “HAA” with each exhale. Each “HAA” sound is 1
breath count.
Note: Players become the Yoga Instructor on their turn by
calling out breath counts for the group.
To Play:
1. The youngest player begins play as the rst Yoga
Instructor by rolling the 6-sided Breath Count Die.
“Focus” Roll:
If the “Focus” symbol appears during game play, the
Focus Token will advance 1 space on the Yoga Mat
Game Track and the player’s turn is over.
Breath Count Roll:
If a number is rolled, this will be
the number of breath counts the
yoga pose will be held.
2. The Yoga Instructor rolls all 6 Yoga Pose Dice together.
The group of players will select the pose from the Yoga
Pose Dice that matches the color of the Pose Token they
wish to move forward. All players must perform the pose
together as the Yoga Instructor counts to the number
indicated on the Breath Count Die. Once complete, the
Yoga Instructor moves the Pose Token forward on the
Yoga Mat Game Track, the same number of spaces as the
breath counts number rolled.
Optional: The Yoga Instructor may choose to read the yoga
pose description on their turn.
3. Play continues with the next player to the left. If all of
the Pose Tokens cross into the FINISH space before the
Focus Token - EVERYONE WINS!
4. If the Focus Token crosses into the FINISH space before
ALL of the Pose Tokens have crossed the line, the game
ends—try again!