ThermoWorks PHARMALARM 2 User Manual

PharmAlarm™ 2
NIST-Traceable MAX/MIN Recording Thermometer
Instrument Operation
The PharmAlarm™ 2 is a NIS T-Traceable t wo-chann el alarm the rmometer t hat record s the date and time of Ma x and Min read ings fo r both channe ls. The l eft displa y shows current temperature infor mation on th e selected ch annel. The right display shows ti me and date information.
When t he reading is higher or lower than the progr ammed alar m limit, the a larm on the PharmAlarm™ 2 will s ound, H I or LOW wi ll flash, and th e red light wil l blink. Pressing any button will st op the audibl e alar m. The HI or LO indicato r will flash unt il the reading is wit hin lim its. T he red light w ill continue to blink to indicate t hat an alarm has bee n triggered.
Setup and Installation
1. Open the battery c over and install the batteries observin g the correc t polarit y. Replace the battery cover.
2. Sele ct the d esire d temperat ure unit (°F o r °C) usin g the slide swi tch on the back .
3. Fully extend the p robe w ires.
4. Att ach the ther mometer using the ma gnet s on the back or the flip out desk st and.
5. Position the sensors in the desired location.
6. Peel t he clea r prot ecti ve sheet from the LCD display.
Time and Date Display
1. Press TIME/DATE to switch t he display to sh ow the cu rrent time or date.
2. The da te display will swit ch back to time di splay i f idle for 10 seconds.
Set the Time
1. In time di splay m ode, pr ess and hold SE T for about 3 sec onds to e nter t ime setting and the hour digits w ill flash.
2. Pres s
to adjust the digit s to current hour.
3. Pres s SET on ce to con firm and sta rt minute sett ing; th e MIN digits w ill wil l flash.
4. Press
to adjust the digit s to current minute .
5. Pres s SET once to con firm and start second se tti ng; the S EC digi ts will will flash.
6. Pres s
to adjust the digits to current second.
7. Press SET again to finish t ime setting and retur n to nor mal dis play.
Set the Date
1. In date di splay m ode, pr ess and hold SE T for about 3 sec onds to e nter d ate se tti ng and the year digits w ill wil l flash.
2. Pres s
to adjust the digit s to the last tw o digits of cur rent year.
3. Pres s SET on ce to con firm year set ting and then sta rt mo nth se tting; the Month digits will will flash.
4. Press
to adjust the digit s to current month.
5. Pres s SET once to con firm month sett ing and t hen star t date sett ing; th e Date digits will will flash.
6. Pres s
to adjust the digit s to current date.
7. Press SET again to finish date setting and retur n to nor mal dis play.
Switch Channel Display
Press S1/S2 once to switch the d isplay for chan nel S1 or S2 readi ng.
Maximum/Minimum Reading Memory
1. Press MODE once to display the minimum measu red reading o f the selecte d chann el and the time di splay w ill show when this minimum re ading was reco rded.
2. Pres s TIME /DATE to show the date f or the m inimum measu red re ading.
3. Pres s MODE once to display the max imum measur ed reading and the time disp lay will sh ow when t his maximum read ing was r ecorded.
4. Press TIME /DATE to show th e date for the ma ximum measured r eading.
S. Pres s MODE three t imes to r eturn to normal di splay.
6. To clear the mini mum and m axi mum reading memories, pr ess CLE AR once duri ng displaying the minimum or maximum reading. All readings of both channels and
time st amps will be re set to cu rrent r eadings and ti me.
7. Clear the memory once before taking new minimum or maximum readings.
Low/High Alarm Setting
1. Select the des ired ch annel, S1 or S2.
2. Pres s MODE t hree t imes to e nter l ow/hi gh alarm set ting and the LO icon will be on.
3. Pres s and hold SET fo r abou t 3 secon ds and the LO digits wi ll will fl ash.
4. Press
to inpu t the desired low limit.
5. Pres s SET to confir m low ala rm lim it and s tar t high alarm l imit sett ing. The HI icon will be o n and th e digits will will fla sh.
6. Pres s
to input the desired high limit.
7. Press SET to confi rm hig h alar m limit and fini sh the sett ing.
8. The al arm will soun d when t he reading is lower or hi gher than the alarm limit . Pres s any button to stop t he alarm sound. The H I or LO ico n will co ntin ue to flash until the readi ng is wi thin t he limi ts.
Alarm On/Off
Press % to swit ch alarm limi t off or on.
Alarm Indicator
When t he reading exc eeds the alar m limit the red alar m LED will continue fl ashin g to indicate that an alarm has been tr iggered un til th e alar m is clea red. Press an d hold CLEAR for about 3 seconds to cancel.
1. Do not operate the thermometer in the environmental temperature lower than 32°F (O°C) or h igher than 122°F (5O°C) oth erw ise incorre ct readings or damage to the thermometer may result.
2. If the ther mometer is no t in use fo r a long pe riod o f time t hen re move th e bat teri es from battery co mpar tment to avo id bat tery leak age.
Measuring Range -58 to 158°F (-50 to 70°C) Display Accuracy ±1.8°F (1°C) Display Resolution 0.1° Display Reading Update 10 seconds Program Alarm Resolution Time Accuracy ±3 seconds per day Time and Date Display Format 12-hour and month/day/year format Effective Calendar Period 2000 to 2099 Battery 1.5 volt, type AAA or equivalent x 2 pieces (included) Probe Cord Length 39.4 inches (1,000 mm) Display Size 0.63 H x 3.5 W inches (16 H x 90 W mm) Product Size 1.77 H x 5.3 W x 0.9 D inches (45 H x 135 W x 23 D mm) Included Accessories 1) 1.5 volt, type AAA battery x 2 pieces
2) 2 sensor vials filled with glass beads
3) NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
PharmAlarm™ 2
MAX/MIN Recording Thermometer
Utah, U.S.A.
Ph: 801-756-7705
Fax: 801-756-8948
Made in China