1 Introduction
Installat ion and Operation
BOD10 and BOD30
1.1 Specificatio ns
BOD Bottle Capacity
Solid-State Electronic
Shipping Weight
Model BOD10 BOD30
6.1 cu. ft. 20.0 cu. ft.
92 Standard BOD Bottles 400+ Standard BOD Bottles
0 to +50°C -20 to +60°C
Micro (Single Set Point) Micro (Single Set Point)
+/-0.5°C Typical +/-0.5°C Typical
Yes - High and Low Yes - High and Low
CFC-Free Foamed-in-place CFC-Free Foamed-in-place
ABS Thermoplastic ABS Thermoplastic
1 Fixed/1 Adjustable 4 Fixed Shelves/1 Basket
115/1/60 115/1/60
23 7/8 in. W x 25.5 in. D x 35.75 in. H 33 in. W x 29 in. D x 69.8 in. H
21 in. W x 20 in. D x 24 in. H 28 in. W x 22 in. D x 56 in. H
115 lbs (52 kg.) 300 lbs. (136 kg.)
Installat ion and Operation
BOD10 and BOD30
2 Safety Considerations
components. Replacement parts must be O.E.M.
exact replacement equipment. Modification or use of
the equipment in a manner other than expressly
intended may cause deat h or serious injury. This
includes use of user-supplied components and
materials not specifically designed for the unit.
Reconfiguring the controller may cause death or
serious injury.
The manufacturer shall not be l iable for any damages,
including incidental and/or consequential damages,
regardless of the legal t heory asserted, including
negligence and/or strict liability.
Before using, user sh all determine the suitability and
inte grity of the product for t he intended use and that
the un it has not been altered in any way. User
assume s all risk and liability what soever therewith .
operation, this unit must be properly grounded before
it is used. Failure to ground the equipment may cause
personal injury or damage to the equipment. Always
conf orm to the National Electric al Code and local
codes. Do not connect unit to alr eady overloaded
power lines.
before attempting any maintenance to equipment or
Do not modify or change system
For personal safety and trouble-free
Disconnect unit from main power
3 Pre-Installation
3.1 Unpacking
At delivery, examine the exter ior for physical dam age while the
carrie r’s represen tat i ve is pr es ent. If e xteri or da mage i s pre sent ,
careful ly unpack and inspect the unit and all accessories for
If there is no exterior da m age, unpack and inspect the
equipment within five days of delivery. If you find any damage,
keep the packing materials and immediately report the damage
to the carrier. Do not return goods to the manufacturer
without written au th orization. When sub m it ting a clai m for
shippi ng dam age, request that the carrier inspect the shippi ng
container and equipment.
4 Installation
Do not exceed the electrical a nd temperature ratings printed on
the data plate locat ed inside the un it.
could result in dangerous conditions. To preclude
hazard and minimize risk, follow all instructions and
operate within the design limits noted on the
4.1 Location
Install th e un it in a l e v el area fr ee from vibr at ion wit h a m inim um
of three inches of space on the sides and rear and 12 inches at the
Do not position the equipm ent in direct sunligh t or near heating
diffusers, radiators, or other sources of heat. The ambient
temperature range at the location m ust be 59 to 90°F
(15 to 32°C).
4.2 Wiring
power source. Incorrect voltage can result in severe
damage to the equipmen t.
operation, this unit must be properly grounded before
it is used. Failure to ground the equipment may cause
personal injury or damage to the equipment. Always
conform to the National Electrical Cod e and local
codes. Do not connect the unit to overloaded power
Always connect the refrigerated incubator to a dedicated
(separ ate) circuit. Electrical codes require fu se or circuit breaker
protecti on f or branch c ir cuit cond uct ors. Use t ime delay f use s f or
#12 AWG circuits.
4.3 Leveling
The unit must be leveled right to left and front to back. On the
BOD30, rotate the leveling feet, located under the front corners
of the uni t, until the unit is level. The BOD10 does not have
leveling feet; shims should be used where necessary.
Improper operation of the equ ipment
Connect the equipment to the correct
For personal safety and trouble-free
3.2 Included Parts
The shelves are packaged and secured inside the cabinet. The
contro l key, door key, and this manual are als o shipped inside the
Installat ion and Operation
BOD10 and BOD30
4.4 Shelves
For s afety during shippi ng, the shelves are packaged and secured
inside the cabinet.
Figure 1. Shelving Detail
4.4.1 6.1 cu. ft. Models
The compact 6. 1 cu. f t. m ode ls ha v e t wo s helv es , o ne is f i xed a nd
the othe r is adjust able. Place the adjustable shelf on the shelf
bracke ts insid e th e inc uba tor and push the shel f down and toward
the back of the incubator.
4.5 Door Seal
To check the door seal , complete th e following steps:
1. Open the door.
2. Insert a strip of paper (8.5 x 11 in.) between the door gasket
and the cabinet flange and close the door.
3. Slowly pul l the paper strip from the outside. You should feel
some re sistanc e.
4. Repeat this test a 4 in ch intervals around the door. If the door
does not sea l properly, the gasket must be replace d.
fitting gasket allows moist air to be drawn into the
cabinet, resulting in quicker fros t buildup on th e
evaporator coil, longer running time, poor temperature
maintenance, and increased operation cost. The full
Hermeti c mo to r- com pres so r s in th es e un its ha v e so li d
hold-down nuts.
Door seal integrity is critical. A loose
Do not loosen the visible mounting
4.6 Remote Alarm Terminals
The BOD30 incubator has connections for freestanding alarms.
These ter minals are located at the back of the incubator. The
terminals are: Common, Normally Closed, and Normally Open.
4.4.2 20.0 cu. ft. Mo dels
The 20.0 cu. ft. models have 4 shelv es. The two shallow er
shelves fit in the bottom section of the incubator, the two wider
shelv es in the top section of the incubator. Place a shelf on t he
shelf brackets inside the inc ubator and push the shelf down and
toward the back of the incubator.