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Release history:
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Warnings are extremely important recommendations, violating which may result in either
njury to yourself or others, or damage to your analyzer and/or data. Warnings will always be
identified as Warnings in the text, and will always be visually presented as follows:
WARNING This is a Warning.
Example Warning:
WARNING Tampering with the 5,500 ppm (Lead high) lead-in-soil standard may cause
exposure to lead dust. Keep all standards out of reach of children.
Manual Overview
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Example Caution:
Example Note:
Cautions are important recommendations. Cautions will always be identified as Cautions in
the text, and will always be visually presented as follows:
CAUTION This is a Caution.
completely intact
Notes are informational asides which may help you with your analyses. Notes will always be
identified as Notes in the text, and will always be visually presented as follows:
Note This is a Note.
Note For defensible Quality Control, keep a record of the time and precision of every
ever tamper with Test Standards. They should not be used unless they are
Figures are illustrations used to show what something looks like. Figures will always be
labelled and identified as Figures directly below the Figure itself, and will always be visually
presented as follows:
Thermo ScientificNiton XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide1
Manual Overview
Physical Buttons
Figure 1. This is a Figure
Physical Buttons
Physical Buttons are actual buttons on the analyzer which must be pushed to activate their
unction. Physical Buttons will always be identified as Buttons in the text, and will always be
visually presented as follows:
This is a Physical Button.
Example Physical Buttons:
On/Off/Escape Button, Clear/Enter Button, Interlock Button, and Trigger Button.
Other Hardware
Other Hardware refers to any physical part of the analyzer which performs a necessary
unction. Other Hardware will always be visually presented as follows:
This is an example of Other Hardware.
Example Other Hardware:
Battery, Touch Screen Display, Measurement Window, and USB Cable
2Niton XL3 Analyzer User’s GuideThermo Scientific
Using Your Analyzer
This section discusses the basics of using your analyzer, no matter the specific type of analysis
you wish to perform. First we go over analyzer safety, particularly radiation safety. Using an
X-ray based analyzer safely is very important, and not difficult, provided you read,
understand, and follow these guidelines. Secondly, we outline the startup procedure we
recommend for daily use to ensure that your analyzer is performing properly and at its most
efficient level.
Safely and Effectively Using Your Analyzer
procedures should be followed in areas of concern.
Radiation and General Safety
WARNING Always treat radiation with respect. Do not hold your analyzer near the
measurement window during testing. Never point your analyzer at yourself or anyone else
when the shutter is open.
iton analyzers are not intrinsically safe analyzers. All pertinent Hot Work
Using Your Analyzer
Safely and Effectively Using Your Analyzer
Radiation and General Safety
This section covers topics related to radiation safety and general safety when using a Thermo
cientific Niton XL3 analyzer. At a minimum all operators of the analyzer should be familiar
with the instructions provided in this chapter in order to handle the analyzer in a safe manner.
In addition to reading the information presented on the following pages, Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends that instrument users participate in a radiation safety and operational
training class.
Radiation Protection Basics
The Niton Model XL3t analyzer contains an x-ray tube which emits radiation only when the
user turns the x-ray tube on. When the x-ray tube is on and the shutter is open, as during a
measurement, the analyzer emits a directed radiation beam - see Figures 1 and 2. Reasonable
effort should be made to maintain exposures to radiation as far below dose limits as is
practical. This is known as the ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) principle. For any
given source of radiation, three factors will help minimize your radiation exposure: Time,
Distance, and Shielding.
The Niton Model XL3p analyzer contains a radioactive sealed source. Radiation from this
source is fully contained within the device when not in use and allowed to escape through the
measurement window only while the user is analyzing a sample. Radiation emission is
controlled by a shutter. The analyzer emits a directed radiation beam (See Figure 1 and Figure
Thermo ScientificNiton XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide3
Using Your Analyzer
Safely and Effectively Using Your Analyzer
2) when the shutter is open during a measurement. Reasonable effort should be made to
maintain exposures to radiation as far below dose limits as is practical. This is known as the
ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) principle. For any given source of radiation, three
factors will help minimize your radiation exposure: Time, Distance, and Shielding.
The longer you are exposed to a source of radiation the longer the radiation is able to interact
n your body and the greater the dose you receive. Dose increases in direct proportion to
length of exposure.
The closer you are to a source of radiation, the more radiation strikes you. Based on geometry
alone, dose increases and decreases with an inverse-squared relation to your distance from the
source of radiation (additional dose rate reduction comes from air attenuation). For example,
the radiation dose one foot from a source is nine times greater than the dose three feet from
the source. Remember to keep your hands and all body parts away from the front end of the
analyzer when the shutter is open to minimize your exposure.
Shielding is any material that is placed between you and the radiation source. The more
material between you and the source, or the denser the material, the less you will be exposed
to that radiation. Supplied or optional test stands are an additional source of shielding for
analysis. A backscatter shield accessory is also available and may be appropriate in some
Exposure to Radiation
Human dose to radiation is typically measured in rem, or in one-thousandths of a rem, called
illirem (mrem), 1 rem = 1000 mrem. Another unit of dose is the Sievert (Sv), 1 Sv = 100
rem. The allowable limit for occupational exposure in the U.S (and many other countries) is
5,000 mrem/year (50 mSv/year) for deep (penetrating) dose and 50,000 mrem/year (500
mSv/year) for shallow (i.e., skin) dose or dose to extremities. Deep, shallow, and extremity
exposure from a properly used Niton XL3t analyzer should be less than 200 mrem per year,
(2.0 mSv per year) even if the analyzer is used as much as 2,000 hours per year, with the
shutter open continuously. The only anticipated exceptions to the 200 mrem maximum
annual dose are: 1) routine and frequent analysis of plastic samples without use of a test stand,
backscatter shield, or similar additional protective measures, or 2) improper use where a part
of the body is in the primary beam path.
4Niton XL3 Analyzer User’s GuideThermo Scientific
Using Your Analyzer
Safely and Effectively Using Your Analyzer
Also, consider the use of protective accessories such as a shielded test stand or backscatter
shield (or equivalent) when performing routine and/or frequent analysis of any of the
• plastic (or similarly low density) samples,
• thin samples (such as foils, circuit boards, and wires)
• samples that are smaller than the analysis window.
Shown in Table 1are the typical background radiation doses received by the average member
of the public. The radiation dose limits for radiation workers in the US are also shown in
Table 2.
Table 1. Typical Radiation Doses Received (Source: NCRP 1987)
Dose in
Dose in mSv
Average total dose in US (annual)3603.6
Average worker exposure (annual)2102.1
Average exposure for an underground
Exposure for airline crew (1,000 hours
at 35,000 ft)
Additional from living in Denver at
5300’ (annual)
Additional from 4 pCi/l radon in home1,00010.0
Typical Chest X-Ray60.06
Typical Head or Neck X-Ray200.2
Typical pelvis/hip x-ray650.65
Typical lumbar spine x-ray300.3
Typical Upper G.I. x-ray2452.45
Typical Barium enema x-ray4054.05
Typical CAT scan1101.10
Thermo ScientificNiton XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide5
Using Your Analyzer
Monitoring your radiation exposure
Table 2. Annual Occupational Dose Limits for Radiation Workers
(Source: Code of Federal Regulations Title 10, Part 20)
Whole Body500050
Pregnant Worker (during gestation
Eye Dose Equivalent15,000150
Shallow dose equivalent to the skin or
any extremity or organ
Maximum allowable dose for the
general public (annual)
For a Minor5005.0
Monitoring your radiation exposure
Individuals can be monitored for the radiation dose they receive by use of radiation dosimetry
evices (dosimeters). Monitoring dose using a dosimeter can be a way of identifying improper
use and at the same time demonstrating proper use. In some locations, dosimetry is required
by regulations and in others it is optional. It is normally required when the user could
reasonably be expected to receive in excess of 10% of the annual dose limit. Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends that you determine and obey the local regulatory requirements
concerning radiation monitoring of occupational workers.
Dose in
Dose in mSv
Two common types of dosimeters are whole-body badges and ring badges. Whole body
badges are often attached to the user’s torso (e.g., clipped to the collar, shirt pocket, or waist as
appropriate). A ring badge is worn on the finger as a measure of maximum extremity dose.
When worn, the specific location of the dosimeter should be that part of the body that is
expected to receive the highest dose. This location will depend on how the analyzer is used
and so it may not be the same for all users. Dosimetry services are offered by many companies.
Two companies offering dosimetry services in the USA and much of the world are:
6Niton XL3 Analyzer User’s GuideThermo Scientific
Monitoring your radiation exposure
Table 3. Dosimeters
CompanyGlobal Dosimetry SolutionsLandauer, Inc.
Address2652 McGaw Avenue2 Science Road
City and StateIrvine, CA 92614Glenwood, IL 60425-9979
Phone Number(800) 251-3331(800) 323-8830
Using Your Analyzer
Note W
dosimeter badge only measures your exposure (at the dosimeter location).
earing a dosimeter badge does not protect you against radiation exposure. A
Pregnancy and Radiation Exposure
International guidance documents (e.g., ICRP Publication 60 and NCRP Publication 116*)
recommend that the radiation dose to the embryo/fetus of a pregnant woman should not
exceed a total of 500 mrem (10% of normal radiation worker limit) during the gestation
period. While this dose limit exceeds the dose limit to a trained operator, pregnant workers
may want to take special precautions to reduce their exposure to radiation. For more
information see the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 8.13 "Instruction Concerning Prenatal
Radiation Exposure" which can be found on the resource CD.
* The International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP, is an independent
Registered Charity, established to advance for the public benefit the science of radiological
protection, in particular by providing recommendations and guidance on all aspects of
protection against ionizing radiation.
* The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) was chartered
by the U.S. Congress in 1964 as the National Council on Radiation Protection and
How to Use the Niton XL3t Analyzer Safely
The Niton XL3t analyzer is designed to be safe to operate provided that it is used in
ccordance with manufacturer's instructions. Under conditions of normal use, monitored
operators seldom receive a measurable dose and have not been known to receive in excess of
10% of the annual occupational dose limits (a criteria that would require monitoring under
regulation in the U.S.). In addition to proper use of the XL3t, it is recommended that you
follow these precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.
Know where the beam is
The primary beam is a directed beam out of the front of the analyzer that can have high dose
ates. The secondary beam, or scattered beam, has much lower dose rates.
Thermo ScientificNiton XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide7
Using Your Analyzer
Monitoring your radiation exposure
Figure 2. Primary Beam
8Niton XL3 Analyzer User’s GuideThermo Scientific
Using Your Analyzer
Monitoring your radiation exposure
Figure 3. Secondary (Scattered) Beam
Thermo ScientificNiton XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide9
Using Your Analyzer
Monitoring your radiation exposure
The Shutter-Open Indicator Lights
When the lights are flashing, the primary beam is on, and radiation is being emitted from the
front of the analyzer.
Figure 4. The X-ray Beam Indicator Lights
Handle and Use with Respect
Avoid holding the front of the analyzer when the x-ray tube is energized and the shutter is
pen. Never point the instrument at yourself or anyone else when the shutter is open and the
x-ray tube is energized. Never look into the path of the primary beam.
Follow a Radiation Protection Program
Your organization should establish, document, and follow a Radiation Protection Program.
An example of such a program can be found on the resource CD (provided with the
Take Proper Care of your Niton XL3
Keeping your analyzer maintained in good condition will help minimize the risk of accidental
exposure. Mechanical malfunction of the shutter can be avoided by maintaining the
measurement window, as described in the User Guide. This prevents foreign objects from
entering your analyzer
Direct contact with the window could result in overexposures in the times indicated inTable 4
Table 4. Potential Exposure Limit Times
Location of DoseLimitTime to Reach Limit
Using Your Analyzer
Safe Handling of Samples
Deep Dose /
Whole Body
Shallow Dose /
Member of
Public (i.e.
Extremity is defined by the NRC as the hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee, or
g below the knee. Whole Body is defined by the NRC as the head, trunk (including
male gonads), arms above the elbow, or legs above the knee.
*Based on maximum deep dose rate and US exposure limit.
Safe Handling of Samples
As mentioned many times in this chapter, never place any part of your body in the path of the
-ray beam. There is always a safe way to handle samples whether they are small, irregularly
shaped, or of low density. Never look into the path of the primary beam.
5 rem (50 mSv)2.1 minutes
50 rem (500 mSv)0.95 minutes
0.1 rem (1 mSv)2.5 seconds*
Small Samples
A small sample would be any sample that is smaller than the measurement window. Small
samples present a unique risk because they don’t block the entire beam path. The difficulty
with placing small samples down on a work surface to analyze them is that you may get
readings from the work surface that interfere with analytical results. A test stand is an effective
way of analyzing small samples accurately and safely. Never hold samples during analysis or
look into the path of the primary beam.
Irregularly shaped samples may not allow the proximity button to be depressed, or they may
not entirely cover the primary beam and cause additional scattering. A back scatter shield is a
safe way of reducing your radiation exposure while effectively analyzing an irregularly shaped
Low Density Materials (such as plastics).
X-rays are attenuated more through denser materials and less through low density materials
uch as plastic. This causes higher dose rates in the scattered radiation. If you are frequently
handling low density samples, you should consider the use of test stands, backscatter shields,
or the equivalent.
20100S, P, T, M, E (Low Filter)Stainless0.150.10.1
20100S, P, T, M, E (Low Filter)Plastic1.30.150.15
20100S, P, T, M, E (Low Filter)Soil0.150.150.15
15100IP, EM (Low Filter)Aluminum0.150.150.15
15100IP, EM (Low Filter)Stainless0.150.150.15
S, T, M, E (High Filter)
EM, GM, S, T, IP, PM, DA, M, E (P (Main
S, T, M, E (High Filter)
catter measurements were taken at a radius of 5 or 30 cm around the nose of the analyzer
with the highest scatter dose rate being recorded.
Scatter Measurements off various substrates - Dose Rates in µSv/hr
* GM = General Metals, EM = Electronics Metals, DA = Dental Alloy, PM = Precious
Metals, M = Mining, S = Soil, E = Exploration, IP = Industrial Paint, T = Thin Sample,
GM = General Metals, EM = Electronics Metals, DA = Dental Alloy, PM = Precious
Metals, M = Mining, S = Soil,
E = Exploration, IP = Industrial Paint, T = Thin Sample, P = Plastic
Reported results are based on measurement results that have been reduced to 2 significant
digits by rounding up. For example, a measurement result of 1441 would be reported
In beam dose rates were measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) or Opti-
cally Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters (OSL).
In Beam Measurements - Dose Rates in mSv/hr
* GM = General Metals, EM = Electronics Metals, DA = Dental Alloy, PM = Precious
Metals, M = Mining, S = Soil,
E = Exploration, IP = Industrial Paint, T = Thin Sample, P = Plastic
Reported results are based on measurement results that have been reduced to 2 significant
digits by rounding up. For example, a measurement result of 1441 would be reported
Primary radiation is radiation that is produced by the analyzer and emitted out through the
measurement window. Individuals should never place any part of their body in the primary
beam path when the x-ray tube is on. There should always be a sample in contact with the
measurement window when the x-ray tube is on. The sample will absorb most of the
primary-beam radiation unless it is smaller than the instrument's measurement window or of
low density and/or thickness. Caution should be taken when analyzing samples that are small,
thin, and/or low in density as they may allow much more of the primary beam to escape.
In-beam primary radiation dose rates are listed in Table 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, and their location
identified relative to the analyzer in Figure 4 as Dose Point C.
Niton XL3p
Primary radiation is radiation that is produced by the analyzer and emitted out through the
easurement window. Individuals should never place any part of their body in the primary
beam path when the shutter is open. There should always be a sample in contact with the
measurement window when the shutter is open. The sample will absorb most of the
primary-beam radiation unless it is smaller than the instrument's measurement window or of
low density and/or thickness. Caution should be taken when analyzing samples that are small,
thin, and/or low in density as they may allow much more of the primary beam to escape.
In-beam primary radiation dose rates are listed in Table 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, and their location
identified relative to the analyzer inFigure 4 as Dose Point C.
Secondary Radiation
Under conditions of normal and proper use, individuals can be exposed to secondary (or
scattered") radiation. Secondary radiation is low-level radiation that emanates from the
sample being analyzed as a result of primary beam radiation scattering in the sample or
primary beam radiation inducing fluorescent x-rays in the sample. Dose points A, A’ and B in
Figure 4 are examples of where you can encounter secondary radiation. The magnitude of this
secondary radiation is sample dependent. Higher density samples such as steel will emit the
lowest levels as they absorb most primary and secondary radiations. Lower density samples
such as aluminum, wood, and especially plastic, will produce higher levels of secondary
Niton XL3t and XL3t GOLDD
Secondary radiation dose rates are listed in Tables 1-4, 1-5, 1-10, and 1-11, for a few common
sample types over a wide range of densities.