PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Orion Versa Star Pro Benchtop Meters
Versatile, high-performance lab measurement systems
Thermo Scientific
electrochemistry meter is your meter as you need it – now
and in the future.
Orion™ Versa Star Pro™ premium
• Pharmaceutical
• Biotechnology
• Food and beverage
• Industrial
Thermo Scientific Orion Versa Star Pro benchtop meters
are designed to meet your most challenging applications
with ease. Delivering rich features and functionality, you
can optimally configure your meter system to meet your
changing needs using interchangeable measurement
modules to customize four channels.
Easily view your measurements on a large color display
with adjustable text sizes. Take the guesswork out of meter
calibration and setup with onscreen instructions available
in a variety of languages. Enjoy quick and simple data entry
using the numeric keypad.
Features and Benets
• Select modules to measure pH, ion concentration (ISE),
conductivity, dissolved oxygen and LogR temperature
• Onscreen measurement stability indicator shows when
readings are ready
• View active calibration log while taking measurements to
ensure data integrity
• Audible alarms notify offset value, high/low limit, and
calibration time limit
• Environmental
• Drinking water
• Wastewater
• Mix samples using meter-controlled stirrer probes that
can be easily rinsed
• Collect up to 2000 data sets with time/date stamp and
optional electrode, sample and account identification
• Calibration log stores 30 calibrations per parameter
• Non-volatile memory preserves data and settings, even in
event of power loss
• Transfer data to computer or printer via USB or RS232

System Access Feature
Orion Versa Star Pro meters offer a system access feature for administrative and custom user access levels to various
meter functions including data/time settings, meter setup, data log and calibration log. The system access feature can
easily be turned on or off as the needs of your lab change for flexibility in operation and ease-of-use. Use the new system
access feature offered with Orion Versa Star Pro meters to assign administrative and custom user access levels to the
following meter functions:
• Cal Log View & Print
• Calibration Log Delete
• Calibration Mode
• Channel Display
• Diagnostics Menu
• Data Log Delete
• Data Log Print
• Data Log View
• Incremental Techniques
• Instrument Settings
• Log/Print (Manual)
• Measure Mode & Settings
• Methods
• Sample ID
• Temperature Settings
Use password protection to secure selected meter functions while leaving others accessible for the customized security
needed for your laboratory and data reporting needs. The system access feature can easily be turned on or off as the
needs of your lab change for the ultimate flexibility in operation and ease-of-use.
Create name, password and access level
for up to ten users
Secure your preferred meter functions
using the custom access level
Versa Star Measurement Modules
Select the measurement modules you need to best fit your application requirements.
Orion Versa Star Pro meters are available without modules for maximum flexibility
in your preferred meter configuration or with modules in preconfigured systems
that can be updated at any time by adding or removing modules. Modules are
automatically recognized by the meter and the channel measurement capabilities
are updated according to the type of module that is installed.
Cat. No. Description
Versa Star pH Module to measure pH, mV, relative mV, ORP and
Versa Star pH/LogR Module to measure pH, mV, relative mV, ORP
and LogR temperature
Versa Star pH/ISE Module to measure pH, ion concentration (ISE),
mV, relative mV, ORP and temperature
Versa Star Conductivity Module to measure conductivity, TDS, salinity,
resistivity and temperature
Versa Star RDO/DO Module to measure dissolved oxygen and
temperature using RDO optical or polarographic DO probe
Versa Star Pro Meter Without Modules includes electrode stand,
universal power adapter and USB cable

pH Measurement
Versa Star Pro 10 pH Meter
• Measure pH, mV, relative mV or ORP with temperature
• Perform up to a six point pH calibration with automatic buffer recognition of NIST, DIN or user-defined buffer groups
• Use calibration editing function to fix individual points without a full recalibration
• Onscreen calibration graph for multipoint pH calibrations
• Customize readings to show calibration history and pH electrode status or simplify to show extra-large pH reading
Cat. No. Description
Orion Versa Star Pro pH Benchtop Meter and Stand Only
• Versa Star Pro meter with pH module (VSTAR-PH)
• Electrode stand, universal power adapter, USB cable and literature
Orion Versa Star Pro pH Benchtop Meter Standard ROSS Kit
• Versa Star Pro meter with pH module (VSTAR-PH)
• 8302BNUMD ROSS Ultra Triode glass-body pH/ATC electrode
• 096019 Orion Star series meter-powered stirrer probe
• 810199 ROSS pH buffer and solution kit
• Electrode stand, universal power adapter, USB cable and literature
Orion Versa Star Pro pH Benchtop Meter ROSS Difficult Sample Kit
• Versa Star Pro meter with pH module (VSTAR-PH)
• 8172BNWP ROSS Sure-Flow glass-body pH electrode
• 927007MD Orion stainless steel ATC temperature probe
• 096019 Orion Star series meter-powered stirrer probe
• 810199 ROSS pH buffer and solution kit
• Electrode stand, universal power adapter, USB cable and literature
Versa Star Pro 80 pH/LogR Meter
• LogR technology uses the glass-bulb of most pH electrodes to measure both pH and temperature at the same location,
ideal for small sample volumes and samples that are difficult to clean
• Measure pH, mV, relative mV or ORP with temperature
• Select automatic, manual or LogR temperature functions
• Perform up to a six point pH calibration with automatic buffer recognition of NIST, DIN or user-defined buffer groups
Cat. No. Description
Orion Versa Star Pro pH/LogR Benchtop Meter and Stand Only
• Versa Star Pro meter with pH/LogR module (VSTAR-LR)
• Electrode stand, universal power adapter, USB cable and literature
Orion Versa Star Pro pH/LogR Benchtop Meter Standard ROSS Kit
• Versa Star Pro meter with pH/LogR module (VSTAR-LR)
• 8172BNWP ROSS Sure-Flow glass-body pH electrode
• 927007MD Orion stainless steel ATC temperature probe
• 096019 Orion Star series meter-powered stirrer probe
• 810199 ROSS pH buffer and solution kit, 810007 ROSS fill solution
• Electrode stand, universal power adapter, USB cable and literature
Orion Versa Star Pro pH/LogR Benchtop Meter ROSS Micro Sample Kit
• Versa Star Pro meter with pH/LogR module (VSTAR-LR)
• 8220BNWP ROSS Micro glass-body pH electrode
• 927007MD Orion stainless steel ATC temperature probe
• 810199 ROSS pH buffer and solution kit
• Electrode stand, universal power adapter, USB cable and literature