Thermo Scientific RLE30086D, RLE30086A, RLE60086D, RLE50086A, RLE40086A Instruction Manual

Ultra Low Temperature Freezers
Revco RLE series, Forma 89000 series, HERAfreeze HLE series and Thermo Scientific TLE series
Installation and Operation
328398H01 Rev. B April 2017
Visit us online to register your warranty
IMPORTANT Read this instruction manual. Failure to follow the instructions in this manual can result in damage to the unit, injury to operating personnel, and poor equipment performance.
CAUTION All internal adjustments and maintenance must be performed by qualified service personnel.
Material in this manual is for informational purposes only. The contents and the product it describes are subject to change without notice. Thermo Fisher Scientific makes no representations or warranties with respect to this manual. In no event shall Thermo be held liable for any damages, direct or incidental, arising from or related to the use of this manual.
© 2017 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Safety Precautions....................................................................2
Packing List..............................................................................5
General Recommendations.....................................................6
Temperature Monitoring...................................................... 6
General Usage...................................................................... 6
Initial Loading...................................................................... 6
Battery Door Opening / Closing .......................................... 7
Operating Standards ...............................................................8
Electrical Specifications....................................................... 8
Location ............................................................................... 9
Wiring .................................................................................. 9
Leveling ............................................................................. 10
Backup System (Optional)................................................. 10
Super Insulated Cabinet Construction................................ 10
Door Operation .................................................................. 10
Pressure Equalization Port ................................................. 12
Installing the Remote Alarm Connector ............................ 12
Intended Use ...................................................................... 13
Start Up...................................................................................14
Initial Start Up.................................................................... 14
Standby Mode.................................................................... 21
Operation Overview........................................................... 22
Home Screen...................................................................... 22
Settings............................................................................... 23
Event Log........................................................................... 30
Alarms................................................................................ 31
Users................................................................................... 32
Reports............................................................................... 35
Chart................................................................................... 36
Health Status and Alarm Management ...............................40
Health Status Overview ..................................................... 40
Notifications / Cautions ..................................................... 42
Alarms / Warning............................................................... 43
Backup System (Optional) ....................................................45
CO2 and LN2 Precautions ...................................................
Table of Contents
Installation.......................................................................... 46
Start Up.............................................................................. 47
Operation............................................................................ 47
Chart Recorders (Optional)..................................................48
Set Up and Operation......................................................... 48
Changing Chart Paper........................................................ 49
Calibration Adjustment...................................................... 49
Maintenance and Troubleshooting.......................................50
Cleaning the Condenser ..................................................... 50
Cleaning the Condenser Filter............................................ 50
Gasket Maintenance........................................................... 50
Defrosting the Freezer........................................................ 51
Battery Maintenance.......................................................... 51
Warranty ................................................................................52
Warranty (International)......................................................53
Appendix A: Alarm Summary..............................................54
Appendix B: Event Log Detail..............................................60

1 Models

Brand - Model Size (xxx) Voltage (*)
Forma - 89xxx86* 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 A / D / V Thermo Scientific –TLExxx86* 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 A / D / V HERAfreeze –HLExxx86* 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 A / D / V Revco -RLExxx86* 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 A / D / V
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 1
Safety Precautions

2 Safety Precautions In this manual, the following symbols and conventions are used:

This symbol used alone indicates important operating instructions which reduce the risk of injury or poor performance of the unit.
CAUTION: This symbol, in the context of a CAUTION, indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided could result in minor to moderate injury or damage to the equipment.
WARNING: This symbol indicates potentially hazardous situations which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death.
WARNING: This symbol indicates situations where dangerous voltages exist and potential for electrical shock is present.
The snowflake symbol indicates extreme low temperatures and high risk of frostbite. Do not touch bare metal or samples with unprotected body parts.
This symbol indicates a need to use gloves during the indicated procedures. If performing decontamination procedures, use chemically resistant gloves. Use insulated gloves for handling samples and when using liquid nitrogen.
Before installing, using or maintaining this product, please be sure to read this manual and product warning labels carefully. Failure to follow these instructions may cause this product to malfunction, which could result in injury or damage.
2 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature
Safety Precautions
Below are important safety precautions that apply to this product:
Use this product only in the way described in the product literature and in this manual. Before using it, verify that this product is suitable for its intended use. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not modify system components, especially the controller. Use OEM exact replacement equipment or parts. Before use, confirm that the product has not been altered in any way.
WARNING: Your unit must be properly grounded in conformity with national and local electrical codes. Never connect the unit to overloaded power sources.
WARNING: Disconnect the unit from all power sources before cleaning, troubleshooting, or performing other maintenance on the product or its controls.
WARNING: “Caution, risk of fire”. This unit is charged with hydrocarbon refrigerants.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 3

3 Unpacking At delivery, examine the exterior for physical damage while the carrier’s

representative is present. If exterior damage is present, carefully unpack and inspect the unit and all accessories for damage.
If there is no exterior damage, unpack and inspect the equipment within five days of delivery. If you find any damage, keep the packing materials and immediately report the damage to the carrier. Do not return goods to the manufacturer without written authorization. When submitting a claim for shipping damage, request that the carrier inspect the shipping container and equipment.
4 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature

4 Packing List Inside the freezer cabinet is a bag containing:

This manual
A handle lock key
A CD with user’s manuals, including translated versions
Certificates of conformance and calibration
A remote alarm contact connector
Posts for rear spacing
If you have ordered a field-installed chart recorder, the bag will also contain:
Recorder installation instructions
Extra inkless paper
If you have ordered a backup system, the cabinet will also contain:
Packing List
A hose assembly
English and metric connectors
If specified on the order, the bag may also include:
A QC temperature graph and test log
Calibration information
If you have ordered the Proximity Access Card Option, the cards will be in a bag attached to the front of the freezer.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 5

General Recommendations

5 General

5.1 Temperature Monitoring

5.2 General Usage This refrigeration system is designed to maintain ultra-low temperatures

IMPORTANT NOTE We recommend the use of a redundant and
independent temperature monitoring system so that the freezer can be monitored continuously for performance commensurate with the value of product stored.
with safety in an ambient environment within 15°C to 32°C (59°F to 90°F), only when the freezer is used for storage.
WARNING: This unit is not a “rapid-freeze” device. Freezing large quantities of liquid, or high-water content items, will temporarily increase the chamber temperature and will cause the compressors to operate for a prolonged time period.
Avoid opening the door for extended time periods since chamber temperature air will escape rapidly. Also, keep the inner doors closed as much as possible. When room air, which is higher in humidity, replaces chamber air, frost may develop in the chamber more rapidly.

5.3 Initial Loading Allow the freezer to operate at the desired temperature for a minimum

of 12 hours before loading.
Load the freezer one shelf at a time, beginning with the top shelf. After loading each shelf, allow the freezer to recover to the desired set point before loading the next shelf. Repeat this process until the freezer is fully loaded.
CAUTION: Failure to follow these procedures or overloading the unit may cause undue stress on the compressors or jeopardize user product safety.
6 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature
General Recommendations
5.4 Battery Door
Opening / Closing
To open the grille door, pull the door from the top right corner as shown in the figure below.
To close the grille door, push the door against frame to hold latch in position.
Figure 1. Door Opening
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 7

Operating Standards

6 Operating

6.1 Electrical Specifications

The freezers described in this manual are classified for use as stationary equipment in a Pollution Degree 2 and Overvoltage Category II environment.
These units are designed to operate under the following environmental conditions:
Indoor use
Altitude up to 2000m
Maximum relative humidity 60% for temperatures within 15°C to 32°C (59°F to 90°F).
Main supply voltage fluctuations not to exceed ±10% of the nominal voltage.
The last character in the model number listed on the dataplate identifies the electrical specifications for your unit.
Specific unit current rating is listed on
the dataplate.
The voltage types are A, D and V as specified in the following table:
Table 1. Revco RLE series, Forma 89000 series, HERAfreeze HLE series and Thermo Scientific TLE series Electrical Specifications
Model Voltage Frequency Current
300A 115 V 60 Hz 12.6 A 300D 208-230 V 60 Hz 5.6 A 300V 230 V 50 Hz 5.9 A 400A 115 V 60 Hz 13.0 A 400D 208-230 V 60 Hz 5.9 A 400V 230 V 50 Hz 5.3 A 500A 115 V 60 Hz 12.5 A 500D 208-230 V 60 Hz 5.0 A 500V 230 V 50 Hz 5.9 A 600A 115 V 60 Hz 12.7 A 600D 208-230 V 60 Hz 6.2 A 600V 230 V 50 Hz 6.1 A
8 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature

7 Installation

WARNING: Do not exceed the electrical rating printed on the data plate
located on the lower left side of the unit.

7.1 Location Install the unit in a level area free from vibration with a minimum of 8 inch

(20 cm) of space on the top and sides, 6 inch (15 cm) in back. Refer to Section 7.3 for further instructions on leveling cabinets. Allow enough clearance so that door can swing open at least 85°.
The rear spacing posts provided with the freezer can be used to ensure proper clearance. To install the spacing posts, screw them into the back in the rear deck area.
Do not position the equipment in direct sunlight or near heating diffusers, radiators, or other sources of heat. The ambient temperature range at the location must be 15°C to 32°C (59°F to 90°F).

7.2 Wiring

CAUTION: Connect the equipment to the correct power source. Incorrect
voltage can result in severe damage to the equipment.
CAUTION: For personal safety and trouble-free operation, this unit must be properly grounded before it is used. Failure to ground the equipment may cause personal injury or damage to the equipment. Always conform to the National Electrical Code and local codes. Do not connect the unit to overloaded power lines.
CAUTION: Do not position the unit in a way that impedes access to the disconnecting device or circuit breaker in the back of the unit.
CAUTION: Always connect the freezer to a dedicated (separate) circuit. Each freezer is equipped with a service cord and plug designed to connect it to a power outlet which delivers the correct voltage. Supply voltage must be within ±10% of the freezer rated voltage.
CAUTION: Never remove or disable the grounding prong from the service cord plug. If the prong is removed, the warranty is invalidated.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 9

7.3 Leveling Make sure that the floor is level. The unit must be level both front to back

and side to side.
300 and 400 box capacity models are equipped with one or two leveling legs on the right hand side. These may be used to help prevent the unit from shifting during a door opening.
Be certain to lock the brakes for units equipped with casters.

7.4 Backup System (Optional)

7.5 Super Insulated
Cabinet Construction
If you are using a CO2 or LN2 backup system, refer to Section 11 for installation and operation instructions.
In all models, the cabinet walls have a vacuum insulation core encapsulated by a sealed film laminate.
CAUTION: Never drill holes in or near the cabinet walls. Drilling could damage the insulation and make the unit inoperable.

7.6 Door Operation Upright freezer models are equipped with an advanced assembly specifically

designed for ultra-low temperature freezers.
Features include:
One-hand operation
A front-accessible lock
Hasps for a standard padlock to provide additional security. Length of the shackle should be between 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) and 11/2 inch (3.8 cm).
Durable construction for reliable operation and safe product storage.
Door ramp alignment feature
Optional controlled access to the freezer with Proximity Access cards.
CAUTION: When moving the freezer, always grasp cabinet surfaces; never pull the freezer by the latch handle.

7.6.1 Opening the Door For freezers with the Proximity Access Card option:

1. Remove the padlock if installed.
10 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature
2. To unlock the door, pass the card in front of the freezer below the LCD display.
3. Grasp the latch handle and pull it toward yourself until the latch disengages from the cabinet strike.
4. Keep pulling by the latch handle to open the main door.
For freezers without the Access Card option:
1. Remove the padlock if installed.
2. Grasp the latch handle and pull it toward yourself until the latch disengages from the cabinet strike.
3. Keep pulling by the latch handle to open the main door.

7.6.2 Opening the Door During a Power Outage

7.6.3 Closing the Door Note The latch does not self-engage automatically when you close the door. You

In case of power outage and a unit that has the Proximity Access Card option, you may use a 9 volt battery to activate the system. To access the 9 volt terminal, remove the USB cover and locate the battery terminals.
Once the terminals are exposed, open the door by holding the 9 volt battery against the terminals and pass a valid proximity card below the display area. Once the door is open, remove the 9 volt battery.
Note The terminals are polarized therefore orient the 9 volt battery properly.
must rotate the latch into the open position first.
1. Grasp the latch handle (preferably with your left hand) and pull it toward yourself, rotating the latch into the open position.
2. Move the freezer door into the closed position and gently push the handle away from you, making sure that the latch engages fully with the cabinet strike.
3. Keep applying gentle pressure to the latch handle until the latch is securely in closed position.
4. Insert the key and rotate counterclockwise to lock.
5. Replace the padlock as required.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 11
7.7 Pressure
Equalization Port
7.8 Installing the Remote Alarm
When an upright ultra-low temperature freezer door is opened, room temperature air rushes into the storage compartment. When the door is closed, the fixed volume of air is cooled rapidly. Pressure drops below atmospheric pressure, resulting in a substantial vacuum. Re-entry into the cabinet is impossible until internal pressures are returned to atmospheric pressure. Without a pressure equalization mechanism, it can take, in extreme cases, several hours before the door can easily be reopened.
All upright models feature a port that provides vacuum relief after door openings. The pressure equalization port is located in the door behind the eye-level panel on the front of the freezer. Although the port is designed to self-defrost, excessive frost accumulation on the inner door could eventually restrict air flow. Therefore you should periodically inspect the inner door and brush away any loose frost using a stiff nylon brush.
The remote alarm contacts are located on the back of the freezer above and to the left of the power switch. After installing the wiring from the remote alarm to the connector, install the connector to the freezer micro-board.
The pin configuration is shown in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Remote Alarm Pin Configuration
The contacts will trip in the event of a power outage, high temperature alarm, low temperature alarm or door ajar alarm.
12 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature

7.9 Intended Use The -86°C freezer (refer to Section 1 for the specific model series) described

in this manual are high performance units for professional use. These products are intended for use as cold storage in research use and as a general purpose laboratory freezer, storing samples or inventory at operating temperatures between -50°C and -80°C.
It is not considered a medical device and has therefore not been registered with a medical device regulatory body (e.g. FDA): that is, it has not been evaluated for the storage of samples for diagnostic use or for samples to be re-introduced to the body.
This unit is not intended for use in classified hazardous locations, nor to be used for the storage of flammable inventory.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 13
Start Up

8 Start Up

8.1 Initial Start Up To start up the freezer, complete the following steps:

1. Plug the freezer into the power outlet.
2. Turn the power switch in back of the freezer, on the bottom right, to the ON position.
3. Once the freezer is powered up, the Thermo Scientific logo is displayed on the front screen. If this is the first time the unit is being turned on, an initial setup must be completed. Tap the Start Setup button to initiate the setup.
Figure 3. Main Screen
The first step of the setup is to select the language. This screen allows you to specify the preferred display language. Once the language is selected, tap the Next button.
Figure 4. Language Selection Screen
14 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature
Start Up
The next screen allows you to select the date and date format. After setting the date, tap the Next button.
Figure 5. Date Setup Screen
The next screen allows you to specify the time and time format. After setting the time, tap the Next button.
Figure 6. Time Setup Screen
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 15
Start Up
The next screen allows you to specify the temperature unit. After selecting the unit, tap the Next button.
Figure 7. Units Setup Screen
The next 3 screens provide installation instructions.
The first screen provides information regarding power source and ambient temperature conditions. Tap the Next button to continue through the installation instructions.
Figure 8. Installation Instructions (Power and Temperature) Screen
16 Installation and Operation Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature
Start Up
The second screen provides information regarding unit positioning, spacing and leveling. Tap the Next button after reviewing.
Figure 9. Installation Instructions (Positioning) Screen
The third screen provides information regarding initial freezer loading. Tap the Next button after reviewing.
Figure 10. Installation Instructions (Before Usage) Screen
Thermo Fisher Scientific Ultra Low Temperature Installation and Operation 17
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