Table of Contents
10. Operating 39................................
10.1 Switching on 39...............................
10.2 Working with the display unit 39.................
10.3 Starting the software 45........................
10.4 The ”Upload Mode” for the Display Unit
(RheoWin 2.6 or higher) 46.....................
10.5 Quick Cut-off 55..............................
11. Temperature control units 56.................
11.1 Temperature control unit TCO 56................
11.2 Temperature control unit TCL/Z 57..............
11.3 Temperature control unit TCL/P 59..............
11.4 Temperature control unit TCE/P 60..............
11.5 Temperature control unit TCP/P and TCP/PE 61..
11.6 Temperature stabilisation unit TCE/P with
cone heater TC1 67..........................
11.7 Cone heater TC1 67...........................
11.7.1 Correct application of the ceramic rotors 67.
11.7.2 Operation 68............................
11.7.3 Compressed air distributor for TC1 69......
11.8 Temperature control unit SHRP 70..............
12. Sensor Systems 78..........................
12.1 Cylinder Sensor Systems 82....................
12.2 Cylinder Sensor Systems Z-DIN 82..............
12.3 Cylinder Sensor System Z 88...................
12.4 Double Gap Cylinder Sensor DG43
according to DIN 53544 93.....................
12.5 Solvent trap for Z10, Z20, Z31,
Z34, Z38, Z41 und DG43 97....................
12.6 Solvent trap for Z43 98........................
12.7 Cone-Plate and Plate-Plate Sensor Systems 99...
12.8 Cone-Plate Sensor Systems 99.................
12.9 Plate-Plate Sensor Systems 115.................
12.10Platter--platter measuring equipment with
profiled surface. 119............................
12.11 High Shear Cylinder Sensor System HS 122.......
12.12SHRP Plate-Platte Sensor System PP 1 mm 126...
12.13Immersion Sensor System FL 129................
13. Optional sensor systems 132..................
14. Hints on Measurement 133....................
14.1 Temperature programs with Series 1 units 133.....
14.2 Range Limits in Oscillation 134..................
14.3 Correction of Dynamic Measurement 135..........
14.4 Determination of the massmoment of inertia 137...
15. Maintenance 138..............................
15.1 Maintenance Instructions HAAKE RheoStress1 139
15.2 Maintenance Instructions HAAKE Rotovisco1 140..
15.3 Filter unit 141..................................
15.4 Flat sieve 142.................................
15.5 Repairs 143...................................
16. Pin Wiring 144................................
17. External Connections 146.....................
18. Technical Specifications 147...................
19. Terms of Rheological Measurements 149.......