Published by Thermo Electron S.p.A., Strada Rivoltana, 20090 Rodano - Milan - Italy
Tel: +39 02 95059355 Fax: +39 02 95059388
Printing History: First Edition, released June 2002
Second Edition, released May 2003
Third Editio n, released Ap ril 2004
Fourth Edition, released Nove m ber 2004
Fifth Edition, released January 2005
Sixth Edition, released Septe m ber 2005
Seventh Edition, released June 2006
Eight Edition, released January 2007
Ninth Edition, released May 2007
Technical Information contained in th is publication is for referenc e purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Every effort has
been made to supply complete and accura te information; however, Thermo Fisher Scientific assumes no re sponsi bi li ty and wi ll not be liable
for any errors, omissions, damage, or loss that mi ght resul t fr om any use of this manual or the information contained therein (even if this
information is properly followed and problems still arise).
This publication is not part of th e A gre ement of Sale between Ther mo Fisher Scientific and the purchas er of a FOCUS™ GC system. In the
event of any conflict be tween the provisions of thi s do cument and those cont ai ned in Thermo Fisher Scientifi c’sTerms and Conditions, the
provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall govern.
Reference to System Configurations and Specifications supercede all previous information and are subject to change without not ice.
FOCUS™ GC is a tradema r k of T he r m o Thermo Scientific Inc., and its subsidi ari e s. O th er brand and product names ma y be tra de marks or
registered trad em arks of their respective companies .
Manufacturer:Thermo Electron S.p.A.
Thermo Electron S.p.A. is the manufacturer of the instrument described in this
manual and, as such, is responsible for the inst rument safety, reliability and
performance only if:
•changes and repairs
have been carried out by authorized personnel and if:
•the local installation complies with local law regulations
•the instrument is used according to the instructions provided and if its
operation is only entrusted to qualified trained personnel
Thermo Electron S.p.A. is not liable for any damages derived from the
non-compliance with the aforementioned recommendations.
Thermo Electron S.p.A.
Strada Rivoltana
20090 RODANO (MI)
Instruction Manualiii
ivInstruction Manual
About This Manual...............................................................................................................................xiii
Gas Control ................................... ..... ..... .... ..... ................................. ................................................71
Gas Supplies.............................................................................................................................72
Carrier Gas Regulation.............................................................................................................75
Detector Gas Regulation..........................................................................................................75
Measuring Gas Flow................................................................................................................78
Carrier Gas Parameters ............................................................................................................80
This Operating Manual contains descriptions of the features and components of
the FOCUS GC gas chromatograph. Inside, you will find all of the information
necessary for routine operation of your GC, including operating sequences,
sample injection techniques, and diagrams and descriptions of the major
Chapter 1, FOCUS GC Description, provid es a basi c over view of the f eatur es an d
options of the FOCUS GC gas chromatograph. After each brief description of a
FOCUS GC component, you will find references to chapters in this manual
containing more detailed information.
Chapter 2, The FOCUS GC User Interface, provides basic information about key
functions and menus. This ch apter cont ains als o instruct ions to se t up the softwar e
on your GC either to match the installed hardware or to reflect your preferences.
Chapter 3, Gas Contr ol, contain s informat ion on co ntrolling and pro gramming the
carrier and detector gas flows to the FOCUS GC.
Chapter 4, Column Oven, describes the features of the FOCUS GC column oven.
Chapter 5, Split/Splitless Injector (S/SL), describes the Split/Splitless (S/SL)
injector and cont ains op erati ng sequ ences f or the different split/splitless opera ting
Chapter 9, Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), describes the operating
principles and sequences for the Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD).
Instruction Manualxiii
About This ManualOverview
Chapter 10, Autosamplers, describes how to program and control the AS 2000
autosampler and the AI 3000/AS 3000 by using the FOCUS GC keypad. This
chapter contains also the instruc ti ons t o pr ogr amming a sample sequence wit h the
FOCUS GC keypad when an AS 2000 or an AI 3000/AS3000 is used and how to
set up ranges of samples to run automatically.
Chapter 11, Getting Started, contains instructions to operate with your FOCUS
GC through the instrument keypad. We also included instructions to program a
Run Time Events and the instrument start-up.
Chapter 12, Checkout Using FID with S/SL, contains the operating procedure to
check the Flame Ionization Detector w ith the Split / Splitless Inj ector (S/SL) .
Chapter 13, Checkout Using TCD with S/SL, contains the operating procedure to
check the Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) with the Split/Splitless Inje ctor
Chapter 14, Checkout Using TCD with PPKD, contains the operating procedure
to check the Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) with the Purged Packed
Injector (PPKD).
Chapter 15, Maintenance and Troubleshooting, contains information and
operating sequences to perform the necessary maintenance of the instrument and
also information concerning troubleshooting in case of malfunctioning.
Chapter 16, LAN Option Set-up, contains notes on how to set-up and start using
the FOCUS GC with the LAN (Local Area Network) option.
Appendix A, Customer Communication, contains contact information for Thermo
Fisher Scientific offices worldwide. Use the Reader Survey in this section to give
us feedback on this man ual and h elp us improve the quality of our documentation.
The Glossary c ontai ns def initi ons of terms u sed in thi s manual . This a lso i nclude s
abbreviations, acronyms, metric prefixes, and symbols.
The Indexcontains an alphabetical list of key terms and topics in this guide,
including cross references and the corresponding page numbers.
xivInstruction Manual
Conventions Used in This ManualAbout This Manual
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following symbols and typographical conventions are used throughout this
BoldBold text indicates names of windows, dialog boxes, and
ItalicItalic indic ates cross references, first reference s to important
terms defined in the glossary, and special emphasis.
»This symbo l illustrates m enu paths to select, such as
KEY NAMEBold, uppercase sans se rif font indicat es the name o f a key on
Monospace, or Courier, indicates filenames and filepaths or
text the use r should enter with the keyboard.
Monospace Bold indicates mess age s, p rompt s, o r men u t it les
displayed on the computer screen or on a digital display.
a keyboard or keypad, such as ENTER.
This symbol alerts you to an action or sequence that, if
performed improperly, could damage the instrument.
This symbol alerts you to important information related to the
text in the previous paragraph.
This symbol alerts you to an action or sequence that, if
improperly performed, could result in damage to the
instrument or possib le physica l harm to the use r . Thi s symbol
may be followed by icons indicating special precautions that
should be taken to avoid injury.
This symbol indicates an electric shock hazard.
Instruction Manualxv
About This ManualConventions Used in This Manual
This symbol indicates danger from hazard ous chemica ls .
This symbol indicates danger fr om high temperature sur faces
or substances.
This symbol indicates a fire hazard.
This symbol indicates an explosion hazard.
This symbol indicates a toxic hazard.
This symbol indicates the presence of flammabl e mater ial s.
This symbol indicates the presence of radioa ct ive materi al .
This symbol indicates an operation or sequence that must not
be performed by the user. A Thermo Fisher Scientific
authorized Customer Support Engineer must perform this
This symbol indicates all metal objects, such as watches and
jewelry, must be taken off .
This symbol indicates an eye hazard. Eye protection must be
This symbol indicates the user must wear a protective screen
when performing the sequence.
xviInstruction Manual
Conventions Used in This ManualAbout This Manual
This symbol indicates the user must wear protective shoes
when performing the sequence.
This symbol indicates the user must wear protective clothing
when performing the sequence.
This symbol indicates the user must wear gloves when
performing the sequence.
Instruction Manualxvii
About This ManualInstrument Markings and Symbols
Instrument Markings and Symbols
The following table explains the symbols used on Thermo Fisher Scientific
instruments. Only a few of them are used on the FOCUS GC gas chromatograph.
Direct Current
Alternating Current
Both direct and alternating current
Three-phase alternating current
Earth (ground) terminal
Protective conductor terminal
Frame or chassis terminal
On (Supply)
Off (Supply)
xviiiInstruction Manual
Instrument Markings and SymbolsAbout This Manual
Equipment protected throughout by DOUBLE
(Equivalent to Class II of IEC 536)
Indicates that the user must refer to th e manual for
specific Warning or Caution information to avoid
personal injury or damage to the product.
Caution, risk of electric shock
Caution, hot surface
Caution (refer to accompanying documents)
In-position of a bistable push control
Out-position of a bistable push control
Symbol in compliance to the Directive 2002/96/EC on
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE)
placed on the european market after August, 13, 2005.
Instruction Manualxix
About This ManualUsing the FOCUS GC Document Set
Using the FOCUS GC Document Set
The FOCUS GC Document Set (CD-Rom PN 317 095 00) includes al l manuals in
electronic format, and serves as your library for information about the FOCUS
hardware and software.
The FOCUS GC Document Set (PN 317 094 10) as paper copy is also available
Furthermore,Thermo Fisher Scientific part numbers (PN) for the paper copy
manuals are provided for each book title.
Site Preparation and Installation Manual (PN 317 094 11)
This manual and diskett e descr ibes ho w to set up a wo rks pace fo r the FOCUS GC
and how to connect the FOCUS GC to the gas supplies and peripheral devices.
FOCUS GC Instruction Manual (PN 317 094 12)
This manual provides descriptions of the FOCUS GC hardware and software and
instructio ns for their us e.
Spare Parts Catalog (PN 317 094 13)
This catalog contains a list of spare parts for the FOCUS GC.
xxInstruction Manual
Classification of the InstrumentAbout This Manual
Classification of the Instrument
Environmental Conditions
•Internal use.
•Altitude up to 2000 meters.
•Temperature from 15 to 35 °C.
•Maximum relative humidity between 30% and 85%.
•Voltage variations not exceeding% of the nominal value.
•Transients according to installation categories II.
•Degree of pollution according to IEC 664 (3.7.3) 2.
Technical Features
The following table summarizes the major technical features of the FOCUS GC
Features Description
•External Interface
— RS232 Serial Line
— LAN (Optional)
•Power Supply
— 120 Vac; 50/60 Hz; 1600 VA
— 230 Vac; 50/60 Hz; 1600 VA
— 680 x 640 x 440 mm (h x l x w)
—About 30 kg
Instruction Manualxxi
About This ManualSafety Information
Safety Information
WARNING! The instrument must be used according to the specifications of this guide. Improper
use can adversely affect the instrument protect ion. The analytica l operation requires
the use of chemical substances having different hazard specifications. Before using
chemicals, please read the ha zar d indica tions and information reported in the Safety
Sheet supplied by the manufacturer referring to the relevant CAS (Chemical
Abstract Service) number.
Use of Gases
WARNING! Before using gases, carefully read the hazard indications and information reported
in the Safety Sheet supplied by the manufacturer referring to the CAS (Chemical
Abstract Service) number. It is the user ’s responsibility to see that all local safety
regulations for the use of gases are obeyed.
xxiiInstruction Manual
Using HydrogenAbout This Manual
Using Hydrogen
The use of hydrogen as a ca rr ier gas or as fuel for ce rtain flame detectors re qui res
the operator’s strict attention and compliance with special precautions due to the
hazards involved.
Hydrogen is a dangerous gas, particularly in an enclosed area when it reaches a
concentration corresponding to its lower explosion level (4% in volume). When
mixed with air it can create an explosive mixture. An explosion hazard could
develop in the GC oven when hydrogen is used as a carrier gas if oven elements
are not perfectly connected to each other, or if the connection materials are worn
out, broken, or otherwise faulty.
Use the following safety precautions when using hydrogen:
•Ensure that all hydrogen cylinders comply with the safety requirements for
proper use and storage. Hydrogen cylinders and delivery systems must
comply with local regulations.
•Make sure the gas supply is tu rned completely of f wh en connecting hydrogen
•Perform a bubble test to ensure that the hydrogen lines are leak-tight before
using the
Testing for Leaks paragraph in FOCUS GC Site Preparation and Installa-
tion Guide Manual. Repeat this test to eliminate al l leaks.
•Ensure your GC column oven has a Thermo Fisher Scientific hydrogen sensor . The hydr ogen se nsor con tinuou sly mo nitor s the hyd rogen le vel in the GC
column oven.
If your GC oven does not have a hydrogen sensor already installed, contact your
Thermo Fisher Scientific sales representative. To comply with instrument safety
requirements, a Thermo Fisher Scientific CSE or authorized service technician
should install the sensor.
If you plan to use a sensor other than the recommended Thermo Fisher Scientific
sensor, you must verify its ability to perform the functions listed above before
installing it. It must comply with your local safety regulations, or with the IEC
61010 regulations if local regulations do not exist.
Instruction Manualxxiii
instrument. Perform this test after the pressure test described in the
About This ManualCleaning and Decontamination
Using the Hydrogen Sensor
The lower limit of the hydrogen sensor is 0.5% in volume. You should adjust the
detection threshold to 1% in volume, which is 25% of the hydrogen lower limit of
explosion (4% in volume). In cases where the connections begin to leak or the
column breaks, the sensor alerts the operator. Then it automatically cuts off the
gas supply and heating to the active zones, and sweeps the column oven with
forced air ventilation. If the sensor detects anomalies or leaks during GC
operation due to instrument malfunction, the operator must immediately:
•close the hydrogen supply
•switch off the gas chromatograph
•air out the room
The reliability of the sens or dep ends on car eful main tenance. Af ter the sensor is in
use, you must periodically check its operating performance and calibration as
recommended by the manufacturer. Refer to your hydrogen sensor’s instruction
manual for maintenance guidelines.
WARNING! Never use hydrogen in FOCUS GC unless your GC oven has a hydrogen sensor
Thermo Fisher Scientific CSEs are not authorized to install or repair any instrument
using hydrogen as a carrier gas unless the instrument is equipped with the appropriate sensor.
Cleaning and Decontamination
Normal usage of the FOCUS GC can cause the exterior to get dirty. Clean the
outer surfaces by wiping them with a cloth dampened with water.
In the event that a hazardous material is spilled on or in the inst rument, clean the
spill according to the procedures in the Material Safety Data Sheet for that
xxivInstruction Manual
FOCUS GC Description
This chapter provides a basic overview of the features and options of the FOCUS
GC gas chromatograph. Aft er each brief description of a FOCUS GC component,
you will find references to chapters in this manual containing more detailed
GC Parts Description............................................................................................31
Instruction Manual25
Chapter 1
FOCUS GC DescriptionInstrument Overview
Instrument Overview
The FOCUS GC consists of four major components, as shown in
Figure 1-1.
FOCUS GC Components
1. Pneumatic Compartment3. Electronic Compartment
2. Analytical Unit4. Status Panel and Keyboard
Figure 1-1. FOCUS GC Components
Pneumatic Compartment
The pneumatic compartment contains the pneumatic gas control circuits. The
carrier gas control circuit is completely electronic (digital pneumatics), while the
detector gas control circuit is conventional (analog pneumatics)
Analytical Unit
The analytical unit consists of two subcompartments:
•the column oven
•the injector and detector compartment
26Instruction Manual
Chapter 1
Instrument OverviewFOCUS GC Description
Electronic Compartment
The electronic compartment consists of two subcompartments:
•the high-voltage compartment
•the low voltage compartment
Status Panel and Keypad
The status panel and the keypad make up the FOCUS GC user interface.
Gas Control
The GC is equipped with digital pneumatics for carrier gas control and
conventional pneumatics for detector gases control.
Carrier Gas Control
Carrier gas is controlled electronically through an electronic pneumatic control
module Digital Pressure Flow Control (DPFC) mounted in the pneumatic
DPFC Module
The DPFC module features the following:
•constant pressure or constant flow operating modes
•inlet pressure control (in kPa, psi, or bar) and column flow rate control
(in mL/min)
•split flow contr ol (i n mL/mi n)
•septum purge flow control (in mL/min)
The DPFC module also allows the following operations:
Instruction Manual27
Chapter 1
FOCUS GC DescriptionInstrument Overview
— Column Evaluation
To to automatically calculate the column constant.
— Leak Check
To keep the system under control.
— Gas Saver Function
To reduce the split flow after an injection to avoi d th e wast e of expensive
Detector Gas Control
Detector gases are controlled through a conventional pneumatic control module
(DGFC) mounted in the pneumatic compartment. The pneumatic circuits have
three flow regulators in case of an FID and two flow regulator in case of a TCD.
The adjustment is done in factory prior shipment, and remains always at the set
flow. DGFC gas flow can be automatically switched on and off by using the
FOCUS GC keypad.
Refer to...
Chapter 3, Gas Control.
Column Oven
The FOCUS GC column oven has a high degree of thermal stability and fast
heating and cooli ng. The air circulati on in the oven ensure s the column is kept in a
thermally homogenous and stable zone. This provides more precise analytical
performance and helps prevent chromatogram peak distortion.
Refer To…
Chapter 4. Column Oven.
FOCUS GC is designed to operate with the following injectors:
Split/Splitless (S/SL) Injector
This injector minimizes heavy component discrimination with optimized sample
transfer to the column. You can use capillary and wide-bore columns with the
28Instruction Manual
Chapter 1
Instrument OverviewFOCUS GC Description
Split/Splitless injector. With the appropriate adapter kit, you can also use packed
Refer to...
Chapter 5, Split/Splitless Injector (S/SL)
Purged Packed Column (PPKD) injector
This injector allows sample injection and vaporization into a liner. The sample
then transf ers to an analytical column.
Refer to...
Chapter 6...Purged Packed Column Injector (PPKD)
The column is where the chromatographic separation of the sample occurs.
Several types of c olumns are available for di fferent chromatographic applications :
•capillary columns
•wide-bore capillary columns
•packed column
Refer to…
Chapter 7, Column
FOCUS GC is designed to operate with the following detectors:
Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
This is one of the most used detectors in GC because of its high sensitivity, good
stability and wide range of linearity of response. The FID ensures stable,
reproducible, and long-term trouble-free performance.
Refer to…
Chapter 8, Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
Instruction Manual29
Chapter 1
FOCUS GC DescriptionInstrument Overview
Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD).
The TCD is a universal type detecto r. It is used in the analysis of permanent gases
and other compounds for which the FID is non-sensitive.
Refer to…
Chapter 9, Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
External Detectors
FOCUS GC may also operate with external detectors. An external d etector is a
detector controlled by an external control module. The FOCUS GC only pr ovi des
the heating through the base body, the gas supply and the signal analog to digital
conversion for acquisiti on.
Instrument Automation
FOCUS GC contains several automated features for running the GC,
communicating with ot her analysis equipment, an d i nte racting with a data s yst em.
Autosampler Interface
The TriPlus, AI 3000/AS 3000, AS 2000 or HS 2000 autosampler can be
connected to the GC.
Refer to…
Chapter 10, Autosamplers
Data Systems Interface
Your FOCUS GC generates analog and digital data output when you perform
chromatographic ana lysis. A computer with a Thermo da ta system or a computing
integrator can be used to process the data from the GC.
30Instruction Manual
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