Fits in.
Stands out.
Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico
and Fresco Microcentrifuge Series

Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico
and Fresco Microcentrifuges
Fits in.
} To your space, with compact footprints
} To your micro-volume protocols:
• Choose from 7 optional rotors to find the ideal fit for your application
• Two speed options, and both ventilated and refrigerated models available
Stands out.
} Simplify operation with intuitive controls, easy-to-read displays
and fast one-click centrifuge lid closure
} Fast acceleration and deceleration, and
outstanding corrosion resistance with
lightweight engineered polymer rotors
} Ergonomic one-click rotor opening and closing,
as well as transparent design for added safety
with certified1 Thermo Scientific™ ClickSeal™
biocontainment lids
} Eliminate the need for adapters with unique
dual row rotor
Biocontainment certification by Public Health England, Porton Down, UK on
all rotors with ClickSeal biocontainment lids, except for the 10 x 5 mL rotor.
Watch them in action at