Thermo Scientific 51029327 User Manual

2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
These operating instructions are protected by copyright. Rights resulting thereof, particularly reprint, photomechanical or digital postprocessing or reproduction, even in part, are only allowed with the written consent of Thermo Electron LED GmbH. This regulation does not apply to reproductions for in-plant use. The contents of this operating instructions manual may change at any time and without any prior notice. In case of conflicting translations into foreign languages the German-language version of these operating instructions shall be binding.
Heratherm™ is a registered trademark of Thermo Scientific. Thermo Scientific is a brand owned by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
All other trademarks mentioned in the operating instructions are the exclusive property of the respective manufacturers.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Robert-Bosch-Straße 1 D - 63505 Langenselbold Germany
Thermo Electron LED GmbH is an affiliate to: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 81 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02454 USA
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides this document to its customers with a product purchase to use in the product operation. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of the whole or any part of this document is strictly prohibited, except with the written authorization of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. All technical information in this document is for reference purposes only. System configurations and specifications in this document supersede all previous information received by the purchaser.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. makes no representations that this document is complete, accurate or error­free and assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, damage or loss that might result from any use of this document, even if the information in the document is followed properly.
This document is not part of any sales contract between Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and a purchaser. This document shall in no way govern or modify any Terms and Conditions of Sale, which Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern all conflicting information between the two documents.
Chapter 1 Safety Notes ..................................................................................................................... 1-1
Basic Operating Precautions ............................................................................................................... 1-1
Operational Safety Rules .................................................................................................................... 1-2
Warranty ............................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Explanation of Safety Information and Symbols ................................................................................. 1-3
Safety Notes and Symbols Used Throughout These Operating Instructions ................................... 1-3
Additional Symbols for Safety Information..................................................................................... 1-4
Symbols on the Oven ..................................................................................................................... 1-5
Intended use of the device .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Correct Use .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Incorrect Use .................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Standards and Directives .................................................................................................................... 1-6
Chapter 2 Delivery of the Oven ........................................................................................................ 2-1
Packaging ........................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Acceptance Inspection ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
Scope of Supply .................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Chapter 3 Installation........................................................................................................................ 3-1
Ambient Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
Location Requirements ................................................................................................................... 3-1
Use with Air Exhaust Systems......................................................................................................... 3-1
Intermediate Storage........................................................................................................................... 3-2
Room Ventilation............................................................................................................................... 3-3
Use with Air Exhaust Systems............................................................................................................. 3-3
Space Requirement ............................................................................................................................. 3-4
Installation Built-in Units............................................................................................................... 3-4
Table-top ovens .............................................................................................................................. 3-5
Floor Stand Ovens .......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Transport ........................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Stacking Kit...................................................................................................................................... 3-10
Installing the Stacking Feet............................................................................................................... 3-10
Installing the Stacking Adapter ......................................................................................................... 3-11
Installing the Anti-tilt Anchor .......................................................................................................... 3-12
Floor stand unit spacers .................................................................................................................... 3-14
Chapter 4 Product Description ........................................................................................................ 4-1
Heratherm OGS Series Oven Overview ............................................................................................. 4-1
Heratherm OMS Series Oven Overview ............................................................................................. 4-8
Safety Devices................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Work Space Atmosphere .................................................................................................................. 4-11
Thermo Scientific Heratherm i
Sensing and Control System ............................................................................................................. 4-11
Data Communications & Alarm Interface ........................................................................................ 4-12
RS-232 Interface........................................................................................................................... 4-12
AC Power Socket.......................................................................................................................... 4-12
Fuses............................................................................................................................................. 4-13
Work Space Components ................................................................................................................. 4-13
Inner Chamber ............................................................................................................................. 4-13
Access port.................................................................................................................................... 4-13
Tube Access Ports............................................................................................................................. 4-15
Chapter 5 Start-up ............................................................................................................................. 5-1
Installing the Shelf System of the table-top ovens ............................................................................... 5-1
Initial installation ............................................................................................................................... 5-1
Installing the Shelving ........................................................................................................................ 5-2
Preparing the Work Space .................................................................................................................. 5-3
Table-top ovens .................................................................................................................................. 5-3
Installation or Removal of the Support Rails (OMS Series only)..................................................... 5-3
Installing and Uninstalling the Rear Air Baffle (OMS Series only) .................................................. 5-4
Installing and Uninstalling the Air Baffles (OGS Series only) ......................................................... 5-5
Commissioning of floor stand ovens ................................................................................................... 5-7
Installing/Removing air baffles (OGS Series) .................................................................................. 5-7
Commissioning, general ................................................................................................................. 5-8
Installing the Shelf Support Brackets .............................................................................................. 5-8
Installing the Wire-mesh Shelves .................................................................................................... 5-9
Levelling the Table-top ovens ......................................................................................................... 5-9
Mains Connection ............................................................................................................................ 5-10
Connection to the Power Supply Source....................................................................................... 5-10
Connecting the RS-232 Interface ..................................................................................................... 5-12
Interconnecting the Oven with a Computer ................................................................................. 5-12
Chapter 6 Operation.......................................................................................................................... 6-1
Preparing the Oven ............................................................................................................................ 6-1
Starting Operation.............................................................................................................................. 6-1
Chapter 7 Handling and Control ...................................................................................................... 7-1
Powering Up ...................................................................................................................................... 7-5
Switching the Oven Off / Powering Down ......................................................................................... 7-5
Temperature Set Value ....................................................................................................................... 7-6
Timer ................................................................................................................................................. 7-7
Stopping a Timer............................................................................................................................ 7-8
Settings............................................................................................................................................... 7-9
Error Log........................................................................................................................................ 7-9
Calibration ................................................................................................................................... 7-10
Temperature Display Unit............................................................................................................ 7-11
Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 7-12
Chapter 8 Shut-down ........................................................................................................................ 8-1
Shutting the Oven Down ................................................................................................................... 8-1
ii Heratherm Thermo Scientific
Chapter 9 Cleaning and Disinfection ...............................................................................................9-1
Cleaning exterior surfaces ................................................................................................................9-1
Wipe / Spray Disinfection...................................................................................................................9-1
Preparing the manual wipe/spray disinfection..................................................................................9-2
Predisinfection ................................................................................................................................9-3
Chapter 10 Maintenance....................................................................................................................10-1
Inspections and Checks .....................................................................................................................10-1
Service Intervals.................................................................................................................................10-2
Preparing Temperature Calibration...................................................................................................10-2
Comparison Measurement Procedure................................................................................................10-3
Temperature Calibration Procedure ..................................................................................................10-3
Replacing the Door Seal ....................................................................................................................10-4
Replacing the Power Cord.................................................................................................................10-4
Returns for Repair .............................................................................................................................10-4
Chapter 11 Disposal...........................................................................................................................11-1
Overview of Materials Used ..............................................................................................................11-1
Chapter 12 Error Codes.....................................................................................................................12-1
Chapter 13 Technical Data ................................................................................................................13-1
Chapter 14 Spare Parts and Accessories ........................................................................................14-1
Chapter 15 Device Log ......................................................................................................................15-1
Chapter 16 Contact ............................................................................................................................16-1
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iv Heratherm Thermo Scientific
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Table-top ovens OGS 60 / OGS 100 / OGS 180, dimensions and required clearances ........................ 3-5
Figure 3-2 Floor stand ovens OGS 400, dimensions and required clearances ......................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-3 Floor stand ovens OGS 750, dimensions and required clearances ......................................................... 3-7
Figure 3-4 Lift Points............................................................................................................................................. 3-8
Figure 4-1 Heratherm OGS 60 / OGS 100 / OGS 180 Series Front View ............................................................ 4-2
Figure 4-2 Heratherm OGS 60 / OGS 100 / OGS 180 Series Rear View .............................................................. 4-3
Figure 4-3 Heratherm OGS 400 Series Front View ............................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-4 Heratherm OGS 400 Series Rear View................................................................................................. 4-5
Figure 4-5 Heratherm OGS 750 Series Front View ............................................................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-6 Heratherm OGS 750 Series Rear View................................................................................................. 4-7
Figure 4-7 Heratherm OMS Series Front View...................................................................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-8 Heratherm OMS Series Rear View ....................................................................................................... 4-10
Figure 4-9 Sensor Mounting Location - OGS Series and OMS Series - Table-top ovens ....................................... 4-11
Figure 4-10 Sensor Mounting Location - OGS Series and OMS Series - Floor stand ovens ................................... 4-11
Figure 4-11 Signal Interfaces and Power Socket ..................................................................................................... 4-12
Figure 4-12 Shelf System - OGS Series Oven - Table-top ovens ............................................................................ 4-14
Figure 4-13 Shelf System - OMS Series Oven - Table-top ovens............................................................................ 4-15
Figure 4-14 Tube Access Ports............................................................................................................................... 4-16
Figure 5-1 Sliding the Retaining Spring into the Support Rail ............................................................................... 5-1
Figure 5-2 OGS Series - Installing the Shelving ..................................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-3 OMS Series - Installing the Shelving..................................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-4 Support Rail Installation....................................................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-5 Installing the Rear Air Baffle................................................................................................................. 5-4
Figure 5-6 Removing the Bottom Panel................................................................................................................. 5-5
Figure 5-7 Bottom Panel Removed ........................................................................................................................ 5-5
Figure 5-8 Removing the Lateral Air Baffle ............................................................................................................ 5-6
Figure 5-9 Removing the bottom plate .................................................................................................................. 5-7
Figure 5-10 Removing the left and right support profiles....................................................................................... 5-7
Figure 5-11 Removing the rear air baffle OGS 400/750 ........................................................................................ 5-8
Figure 5-12 Shelf Support Bracket Installation ...................................................................................................... 5-9
Figure 5-13 Wire-mesh shelf.................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Figure 5-14 AC Power Supply Socket .................................................................................................................... 5-11
Figure 7-1 Control Panel for Heratherm OGS Series and OMS Series ovens......................................................... 7-1
Figure 10-1 Door seal replacement (example showing OMH Series oven) ............................................................. 10-4
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List of Figures
ii Heratherm Thermo Scientific
Safety Notes
Basic Operating Precautions
These operating instructions describe Heratherm ovens.
Heratherm ovens have been manufactured to the latest state of the art and been tested thoroughly for flawless functioning prior to shipping. However, the oven may present potential hazards, particularly if it is operated by inadequately trained personnel or if it is not used in accordance with the intended purpose. Therefore, the following must be observed for the sake of accident prevention:
• Heratherm ovens must be operated by adequately trained and authorized professional personnel.
• Heratherm ovens must not be operated unless these operating instructions have been fully read and understood.
• The present operating instructions, applicable safety data sheets, plant hygiene guidelines and the corresponding technical rules issued by the operator shall be used to create written procedures targeted at personnel working with the subject matter device, detailing:
• the safety precautions to be taken when processing specific agents,
• the measures to be taken in case of accidents.
• Repair work on the oven must be carried out only by trained and authorized expert personnel.
• The contents of these operating instructions are subject to change at any time without further notice.
• Concerning translations into foreign languages, the German version of these operating instructions is binding.
• Keep these operating instructions close to the oven so that safety instructions and important information are always accessible.
• Should you encounter problems that are not detailed adequately in these operating instructions, please contact Thermo Electron LED GmbH immediately for your own safety.
Thermo Electron LED GmbH Heratherm 1-1
Safety Notes Operational Safety Rules
Operational Safety Rules
The following rules must be heeded when working with Heratherm ovens:
• Observe the sample weight limits specified for your Heratherm oven as a whole and its shelving in particular; see “Technical Data” on page 13-1.
• Do not load the bottom of the interior workspace to avoid the risk of overheating any samples placed there.
• Arrange the samples evenly throughout the work space, making sure not to place them too closely to the interior walls to ensure a uniform temperature distribution.
• Do not load your Heratherm oven with substances that exceed the capabilities of the available lab apparatus and Personal Protection Equipment to provide sufficient degrees of protection to users and third parties.
• Check the door seal once a month for proper sealing performance and possible damage.
• Do not process any samples containing hazardous chemical substances that may be released into the ambient air through defective seals or may cause corrosion or other defects on parts of the Heratherm oven.
Thermo Electron LED GmbH warrants the operational safety and functions of the Heratherm ovens only under the condition that:
• the oven is operated and serviced exclusively in accordance with its intended purpose and as described in these operating instructions,
• the oven is not modified,
• only original spare parts and accessories that have been approved by Thermo Electron LED GmbH are used (third-party spares without Thermo Electron LED GmbH approval void the limited warranty),
• inspections and maintenance are performed at the specified intervals,
• an installation verification test is performed on commissioning the oven for the first time and repeated after each inspection and repair activity.
The warranty is valid from the date of delivery of the oven to the customer.
1-2 Heratherm Thermo Electron LED GmbH
Safety Notes
Explanation of Safety Information and Symbols
Explanation of Safety Information and Symbols
Safety Notes and Symbols Used Throughout These Operating Instructions
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injuries.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injuries.
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to equipment or property.
Is used for useful hints and information regarding the application.
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Safety Notes Explanation of Safety Information and Symbols
Additional Symbols for Safety Information
Wear safety gloves!
Wear safety goggles!
Harmful liquids!
Electric shock!
Hot surfaces!
Fire hazard!
Explosion hazard!
Suffocation hazard!
Danger of tipping!
1-4 Heratherm Thermo Electron LED GmbH
Symbols on the Oven
Observe operating instructions
Mark of conformity USA/Canada
120 Volts AC power socket (60 l devices only)
Intended use of the device
Safety Notes
Intended use of the device
Correct Use
Heratherm ovens are laboratory devices for heating applications, equipped with precision temperature control.
They are designed for heat treating samples or materials at operating temperatures between 50 °C (122 °F) and 250 °C (482 °F), including - for example, drying, ageing, analyzing, decomposing, burn-in, oxidizing, reducing, and preheating.
Heratherm ovens have been designed for installation and operation in the following environments:
• heat treatment;
• drying of material.
Incorrect Use
To avoid the risk of explosion do not load the oven with tissue, material, or liquids that:
• are easily flammable or explosive;
• release vapor or dust that forms combustible or explosive mixtures when exposed to air;
• release poisons;
• create a humid atmosphere;
• release dust;
• exhibit exothermic reactions;
• are pyrotechnical substances;
• exceed the specified hurdle load.
Thermo Electron LED GmbH Heratherm 1-5
Safety Notes Standards and Directives
Standards and Directives
The oven complies with the following standards and guidelines:
• IEC EN 61010 - 1, IEC EN 61010 - 2 - 010
• Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
• EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
Additionally, the oven is in compliance with many other international standards, regulations and directives not listed here. Should you have any questions regarding compliance with national standards, regulations and directives applicable for your country, please contact your Thermo Fisher Scientific sales organization.
1-6 Heratherm Thermo Electron LED GmbH
Delivery of the Oven
Heratherm ovens are delivered in a rugged packaging box. All packaging materials can be separated and are reusable:
Packaging materials
Packaging carton: Recycled paper
Foam elements: Styrofoam (CFC-free)
Pallet: Chemically untreated wood
Packaging film: Polyethylene
Packaging ribbons: Polypropylene
Acceptance Inspection
After the oven has been delivered, check the delivery immediately for:
• completeness,
• possible damage.
If components are missing or damage is found on the oven or the packaging, in particular damage caused by humidity and/or water, please notify the carrier as well as Technical Support immediately.
Risk of injury
Should sharp edges have formed in damaged areas or elsewhere on the device, take all necessary precautions to protect personnel handling the oven. For example, have them wear protective gloves and other personal protection equipment.
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Delivery of the Oven Scope of Supply
Scope of Supply
Quantity of components supplied (pieces) OGS Series OMS Series
Wire-mesh shelf 2 2
Support rail for shelf (for table-top ovens only) 0 2
Shelf support 4 4
Power cord 1 1
Clip springs (for table-top ovens only) 0 2
Operating manual 1 1
Short reference guide 1 1
2-2 Heratherm Thermo Scientific
During installation of built-in units, ensure that the escaping air will be safely discharged out of the installation space.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Ambient Conditions
Location Requirements
Built-in units of incubators can, heating and drying ovens must be operated with an air exhaust system and exhaust hose (only original Thermo accessory should be used).
For safety reasons, the installation space should be made of non-combustible materials, according to DIN 4102.
Use with Air Exhaust Systems
For built-in units, a temperature-resistant and corrosion-proof exhaust hose (only original Thermo accessory) should be used, which can be connected to the air exhaust port with a draft interrupter.
If several built-in units in a row are connected to a central air exhaust system (see illustration), a draft interrupter should be installed.
Thermo Scientific Heratherm 3-1
Installation Intermediate Storage
The oven must only be operated in a location that meets all of the ambient condition requirements listed below:
• Draft-free and dry indoor location.
• The dust burden may not exceed the contamination category 2 based on EN 61010-1.
• The minimal distance to adjacent surfaces must be observed on all sides (see section
• The operating room must be equipped with appropriate ventilation.
• Solid, level, fire-proof surface and no flammable materials opposite to the rear panel of
• Vibration-proof substructure (floor stand, lab table) capable of bearing the dead weight
• The ovens have been designed for an operating height of up to 2000 m above sea level.
Using the oven in an atmosphere with electrically conductive dust is prohibited.
“Space Requirement” on page 3-4).
the oven.
of the oven and its accessories (particularly if two devices are stacked).
• Ambient temperature range from 18 °C to 32 °C / 64.4 °F to 89.6 °F.
• Relative humidity up to 80% (maximum; preferably 60-70%), non condensing.
• Should condensation exist, wait until the moisture has evaporated completely before connecting the oven to a power source and powering up.
• Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
• Devices that produce excessive amounts of heat must not be placed near the oven.
• To avoid drying operation without an appropriate fresh air supply make sure that the air inlet (which may be equipped with an optional fresh air filter) is not obstructed or blocked by any adjacent objects.
• Power line voltage variations must not exceed ±10 % of the nominal voltage.
• Transient overvoltages must not exceed the values usually encountered throughout the power supply network. The nominal transient overvoltage level shall be the surge withstand voltage according to overvoltage category II of IEC 60364-4-443.
• Place the oven on a floor stand (option; to be ordered separately), never on the lab floor.
• Consider installing one dedicated upstream circuit breaker per oven to avoid multiple device failures in case of an electrical fault.
Intermediate Storage
When the oven is placed in intermediate storage, which is permissible for a maximum of four weeks, make sure that the ambient temperature is between 20 °C to 60 °C (68 °F to 140 °F) and the maximum relative humidity does not exceed 90%, non-condensing.
3-2 Heratherm Thermo Scientific
Room Ventilation
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Heat dissipating from the oven during continuous operation may cause a change in the room climate.
• Therefore, the oven must only be installed in rooms with sufficient ventilation.
• Do not install the oven in room recesses without ventilation.
• When several devices are to be placed in the same room, additional ventilation may have to be provided as necessary.
• To avoid any impact of the heat dissipated by the oven on the ambient climate the room must be vented by means of a laboratory-grade ventilation system that complies with applicable local and national health and safety regulations and has sufficient capacity.
• If excessive temperatures tend to occur in the operating room, be sure to provide a thermal protection means that cuts out the power supply to mitigate the impact of overtemperature scenarios.
Room Ventilation
Use with Air Exhaust Systems
When the oven is connected to an air exhaust system be sure to adjust its air flow so the temperature distribution pattern throughout the oven's workspace remains unchanged and precision temperature control is maintained.
Also, be sure to interlock the oven and its exhaust system so both start and run at the same time. The oven may be unable to overcome the extra flow resistance introduced by the idle air exhaust system, which may cause the exhaust air to be vented into the surrounding lab room.
Before using existing piping in the building to exhaust hot air from the oven, be sure that such exhaust piping is made of heat-resistant material, so it will not overheat, melt and/or cause a fire.
The oven’s outer surfaces and its air exhaust piping may become hot, so be sure to maintain the proper spacing from walls and ceilings specified by local building codes and/or fire protection regulations.
Mark hot exhaust air piping with appropriate hot surface warning signs or restrict access to such piping altogether to avoid the risk of injury through contact with hot surfaces.
Thermo Scientific Heratherm 3-3
Fig. 3
After connecting the built-in unit to the electrical power supply, avoid damaging the power cord, then sliding into the installation position.
Space Requirement
Space Requirement
For built-in units following clearances should be kept:
A, B, C and D see Operating Instructions of the unit.
E (mm/inch) F (mm/inch) G (mm/inch) H (mm/inch)
100 / 4 50 / 2 80 / 3.2 30 / 1.2
Installation Built-in Units
Clearances, as fig. 3, without exhaust hose.
Clearances, as fig. 3, Close air port with plug, supplied with the unit.
Clearances, as fig. 3, with additional space to operate to air slide, with air exhaust system and exhaust hose Ø 40 mm (1.58 in)/1.5 m (59 in) (original Thermo accessory), shortened to required length, installed according to Fig. 1 and 2.
Clearances, as fig. 3, with air exhaust system and exhaust hose Ø 40 mm (1.58 in)/1.5 m (59 in) (original Thermo accessory), shortened to required length, installed according to fig. 1 and 2, Operating temperature up to max. 250 °C (482 °F).
When installing the oven, make sure that the installation and supply connections remain freely accessible.
The specified side clearances represent minimum distances.
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Table-top ovens
Space Requirement
Figure 3-1 Table-top ovens OGS 60 / OGS 100 / OGS 180, dimensions and required
Table 3-1 Heratherm Oven Dimensions
Type A (mm/inch*)
B (mm/inch) C (mm/inch D (mm/inch)
OGS 60 / OMS 60 530 / 20.8 565 / 25.2 720 / 28.3 540 / 21.3
OGS 100 / OMS 100 640 / 25.2 565 / 25.2 820 / 32.3 650 / 25.6
OGS 180 / OMS 180 640 / 25.2 738/ 29.1 920 / 36.2 650 / 25.6
Dimensions in inches are rounded equivalents specified for information only. Depth of handle /display (66 mm/2.6 in) not included in overall
depth specified; height of adjustable feet (36 mm/1.4 in) not included in overall height specified.
Table 3-2 Required Clearances
E (mm/inch) F (mm/inch) G (mm/inch) H (mm/inch)
80 / 3.2 50 / 2 300 / 12 300 / 12
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Installation Space Requirement
Floor Stand Ovens
400 liter units
Figure 3-2 Floor stand ovens OGS 400, dimensions and required clearances
Table 3-3 Oven Dimensions
Model A (mm/inch) B (mm/inch) C (mm/inch) D (mm/inch)
OGS 400 755 / 29.7 770 / 30.3 1655 / 65.2 810 / 3 1.9
Depth of handle /display (66 mm/2.6 in) not included in overall depth specified. Width of hinge (23 mm) not included in overall width.
Table 3-4 Required Clearances
E (mm/inch) F (mm/inch) H (mm/inch) I (mm/inch)
120 / 4,7 50 / 2,0 200 / 7,9 200 / 7,9
3-6 Heratherm Thermo Scientific
750 liter units
Space Requirement
Figure 3-3 Floor stand ovens OGS 750, dimensions and required clearances
Table 3-5 Oven Dimensions
Model A (mm/inch) B (mm/inch) C (mm/inch) D (mm/inch)
OGS 750 1215 / 47.8 770 / 30.3 1655 / 65.2 670 / 26.4
Depth of handle /display (66 mm/2.6 in) not included in overall depth specified. Width of hinge (23 mm) not included in overall width.
Table 3-6 Required Clearances
E (mm/inch) F (mm/inch) H (mm/inch) I (mm/inch)
120 / 4.7 50 / 2.0 200 / 7.9 350 / 13.8
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Installation Transport
Table-top ovens
For transport, do not lift the oven using the doors or components attached to the oven as lift points.
Figure 3-4 Lift Points
To avoid injury through physical strain, such as strain traumata and slipped discs, do not attempt to lift the oven alone! To avoid injury through dropped loads, be sure to wear Personal Protection Equipment, such as safety shoes, when lifting the oven. To avoid crushing your fingers or hands (particularly in a closing door) or damaging the oven, do not use any other lift points than those indicated in the illustration above.
Heavy loads! Lift with care!
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Floor stand ovens
The floor stand ovens come equipped with four (4) casters. The lever for releasing the caster is located above the locking lever. After positioning the unit in its installation location ensure that the locking levers are pressed down on the casters.
To ensure the degree of stability specified by safety requirements the front casters must be turned so that they are facing forward after the unit has been positioned in its installation location and the locking levers pressed down on these casters.
Danger of tipping when moving!
Before moving the unit, ensure that it has been unplugged.
Move the Heratherm floor stand ovens with caution.
Quick starts and stops can result in tipping!
Always ensure that the doors are closed when moving the unit.
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Installation Stacking Kit
Stacking Kit
The stacking adapter is available only for table-top ovens.
Material Number Description
50126665 Stacking adapter Heratherm 60L
50126666 Stacking adapter Heratherm 100L
50126667 Stacking adapter Heratherm 180L
Scope of Delivery
• 1 stacking adapter
• 1 anti-tilt anchor
• 1 plastic bag with 2 stacking feet and 2 M4x16 Torx screws.
Required Tools
• Slotted screwdriver 5,5x100 or Torx screwdriver 20x100.
Installing the Stacking Feet
1. Remove the left and right blank plugs at the top blank.
2. Install the stacking feet with the enclosed screws using a slotted or Torx screwdriver.
3-10 Heratherm Thermo Scientific
Installing the Stacking Adapter
Stacking adapter HTM 60
Stacking adapter HTM 100
Stacking adapter HTM 180
Anti-tilt anchor
Installing the Stacking Adapter
Stack as follows when using a stacking adapter (numbers denote oven volumes in liters):
• for 60/100/180 on 180 use stacking adapter Heratherm 180L,
• for 60/100 on 100 use stacking adapter Heratherm100L,
• for 60 on 60 use stacking adapter Heratherm 60L.
To prevent the top oven from slipping and dropping down, the following requirements must be fulfilled before devices may be stacked:
• Only two units may be stacked together. When stacking devices with the same type of enclosure, yet with a different footprint the device with the smaller footprint must be placed on top of the one with the larger footprint at all times.
• The bottom device must be correctly levelled.
• Be sure to use the appropriate stacking adapter.
• The levelling feet on the top device must be screwed in all the way.
• The levelling feet of the top device must be aligned with and placed exactly on the stacking pads of the stacking adapter.
• The anti-tilt anchor must be installed on the top device.
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Installation Installing the Anti-tilt Anchor
Installing the Anti-tilt Anchor
Table-top ovens
The anti-tilt anchor secures the top device in a stack to a solid part of a building. The anti-tilt anchor is to be mounted on the side opposite of the door hinges.
Bend the fixing tabs of the anti-tilt anchor up on one side and down on the other by an angle of approx. 90°.
1. Do not use this position if the door is hinged on this side. Right-hand hinges represent the standard configuration.
2. Preferred position.
3. Alternative position. Do not use if the door is hinged on this side.
Remove the bracket screws. Use the preferred position, if possible.
Fix the anti-tilt anchor with the bracket side down to the unit.
Position the unit with the anti-tilt anchor to in an angle of approx. 90° +/- 20%.
Take care that the stacking feet of the unit are still in correct place on the lower unit or on the stacking adapter.
Fix the anti-tilt anchor to a solid part of the building.
3-12 Heratherm Thermo Scientific
Floor stand ovens
Unsafe part of the building!
Install the anti-tilt anchor to a solid part of the building, which is able for shoring loads.
The installation has to be carried out by qualified personnel only.
The connection to the building must be carried out with appropriate screws and dowels according to the consistence of the building part.
Heratherm floor stand ovens must always be attached to the wall using two (2) retaining brackets on the outer left and right side on the back of the unit.
Anti-tilt anchors
Installing the Anti-tilt Anchor
Remove the screws.
Attach the end of the retaining bracket that is facing downward to the unit.
Align the device at roughly 90°, +/-20° to the retaining bracket.
Affix the retaining bracket to the wall.
Thermo Scientific Heratherm 3-13
Risk of overheating with stacked devices
To avoid the risk of electrical components and the outer enclosure overheating or temperature control failing due to insufficient ventilation, do not exceed the specified stacking height!
Risk of tipping and dropping of stacked devices
You should be aware at all times that stacked devices do not form a stable unit, even when the stacking pads and frames are used correctly. The top device may tip over and drop down when being transported in a stack. To avoid injury to persons and damage to equipment, do not attempt to move stacked devices as a unit! Separate and move each device one by one, then restack them.
Thermo Scientific accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to stacked third party devices; this is at the user’s own risk.
Floor stand unit spacers
Additionally, the following caution notes must be heeded at all times:
Floor stand unit spacers
The spacer on the electrical module must be pulled out and fixed in place before installing the floor stand unit at its installation location.
1 Loosen the 2 screws
3-14 Heratherm Thermo Scientific
2 Pull out the spacer and slide the screws into the recesses
3 Tighten the two screws
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