70.07.00 Service Kit Tiger CT/CTS 30k
Article number Description
100.990 Brew chamber, assembly
100.998 Brew chamber with piston, assembly C
Support Brew chamber, assembly C
104.947 Guidee sleeve P11 1212 E
104.651 Brew chamber nut 14x4 C
103.826 Moving piston head I
100.370 Shaft moving piston C
104.818 O-ring 10.69x3.53 C
104.360 Filter with clip C
103.957 Front support, assembly
104.360 Filter with clip C
101.972 Fix piston Tiger, assembly C
107.654 Clip collar, assembly C
103.936 Rear support with drive spindel, assy.
105.589 Drive spindle Rondo 14x4 C
72.00.84/72.00.85 Mill right Tiger, assembly / Mill left Tiger, assembly
71.01.96 Mill body ø54 C
71.43.10 Mill wheel pair steel right I
71.43.11 Mill wheel pair steel left I
71.46.04 Disc for mill ø54 R
72.01.67 Mill upper support, assembly
Mill wheel upper support ø54 C
71.26.74 O-ring 59x2 I
72.01.68 Mill lower support right, assembly
Mill wheel pair steel right I
Mill wheel lower support ø54 C
72.01.69 Mill lower support left, assembly
Mill wheel pair steel left I
Mill wheel lower support ø54 C
72.01.13 Toothbelt pulley mill ø54, assembly I
72.23.80 Connection block assembly, TS module
71.22.50 Outlet nozzle 1.3mm I