Software V ersion: 1.x
TA–193.204–ORE02 260201
AQUAfast, Cahn, ionplus, KNIpHE, ORION, PerpHecT, perpHecTion, Sensing the future, SensorLink, Sure-Flow, Titrator PLUS and TURBO2 are registered trademarks of Thermo Orion.
1-888-pHAX-ION, All in One, AssuredAccuracy, AUTO-BAR, AUTO-CAL,
CERTI-CAL, CISA, DataCOLLECT, digital LogR, DirectCal, DuraProbe,
Extra Easy/Extra Value, F AST QC, GLPcal, GLPcheck, GLPdoc, Ionalyzer,
KAP, KNIpHE, LogR, Minimum Stir Requirement, MSR, NISS, One-Touch,
One-Touch Calibration, One-Touch Measurement, Optimum Results, PENPal, pHISA, pHix, Phuture, Pure Water, QuicKcheK, rf link, ROSS, ROSS
Resolution, Sage, SAOB, Stat Face, The Enhanced Lab,ThermaSense,
Triode, TRIUMpH, Unbreakable pH, Universal Access and Wine Master are
trademarks of Thermo Orion.
Guaranteed Success and The Technical Edge are service marks of
Thermo Orion.
PerpHecT meters are protected by U.S. patent 4,321,544. Other patents
ROSS and PerpHecT ROSS are protected by U.S. patent 4,495,050. Other
patents pending.
ORION Series A meters and 900A printer are protected by U.S. patents
5,108,578, 5,198,093, D334,208, D346,753.
ORION 81, 82, 91, and 92 series glass electrodes are protected by U.S.
patents 4,661,236 and 4,687,500.
Sure-Flow electrodes are protected by European patent 278,979 and Canadian patent 1,286,720. Other patents pending.
ionplus electrodes and Optimum Results solutions have patents pending.
E Copyright 1999, Thermo Orion. All rights reserved.
The specifications, descriptions, drawings, ordering information and part
numbers within this document are subject to change without notice.
This publication supersedes all previous publications on this subject.