Thermo Fisher Scientific VetMAX Instruction Manual

VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit
aqMan® realtime PCR detection of African swine fever virus
Catalog Number A28809
Technology Species Samples Test type
Real-time PCR (DNA)
Duplex assay
• Exogenous IPC
WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and
follow the handling instructions. W protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available from support.
ear appropriate

Product description

The Applied Biosystems™ V Detection Kit (Cat. No. A28809) enables detection of the African swine fever virus (ASFV) in swine blood, serum, or tissues by realtime PCR amplication of the ASFV P72 gene.
The assay is a singlewell realtime PCR in which ASFV and exogenous Internal Positive Control (IPC) targets are amplied and detected using uorescent TaqMan® probes.
The kit includes:
• 3 - Mix ASFV: Contains primers, TaqMan® probes, buffer, and enzyme for optimized duplex real-time PCR amplication of ASFV and IPC targets.
• 4a - EPC ASFV: Nucleic acid template for P72 target amplication. It serves as an external positive control for the real-time PCR reaction, and it is used to set the cycle threshold (Ct) for evaluating test results.
• 5 - IPC ASFV: Internal positive control added to each sample and control at the lysis step of the DNA extraction procedure. It serves as a control for the DNA purication process, and it is used to monitor for the presence of PCR inhibitors.
etMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus
Tissues Individual
Pooled samples (5 or 10 samples)

Required materials not supplied

Unless otherwise indicated, all materials ar MLS: Fisher Scientic ( or other major laboratory supplier.
Item Source
Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Real-T System
96-well plate, strip tubes (8- or 12-wells), microtubes or capillaries compatible with thermal cycler used
Nuclease-free pipettes and filtered pipette tips MLS
Two ice buckets or refrigerated racks:
• One for the PCR setup area where the PCR master mix is prepared
• One for the area where DNA samples and controls are prepared
Plate covers or caps compatible with the plates, strip tubes, micr
Nuclease-free reagent tubes for preparing master mix
Nuclease-free Water (not DEPC-Treated) AM9939
1X TE Buffer MLS
otubes, or capillaries
ime PCR
e available through
Contact your local
sales office.

Contents and storage

Component Amount
3 – Mix ASFV 2 × 1000 µL
5 – IPC ASFV 1 × 500 µL
ufficient for 100 25‑µL realtime PCR reactions.
See packaging for expiration date.
For Veterinary Use Only. For In Vitro Use Only.
–30°C to –10°C4a – EPC ASFV 2 × 90 µL

Procedural guidelines

For each realtime PCR run, include the controls indicated in
“Set up the PCR reactions” on page 2.
• Follow “Good laboratory practices for PCR and RT-PCR” on page 4 to prevent false positives and contamination of test samples with PCR products.

Requirements for input DNA

We recommend using the MagMAX™ Pathogen RNA/DNA Kit (Cat. No. 4462359) for DNA extraction from biological samples, but you can also use other high quality DNA extraction methods after proper validation in your laboratory. In addition, prepare mock- puried sample using nucleasefree water as the starting material and the same DNA isolation method used for test samples.
IMPORTANT! Add 5 µL of 5 - IPC ASFV to the lysis solution
used for DNA isolation for each sample and extraction contr

Before you begin

Thaw reagents and samples:
Thaw 3 – Mix ASFV in an ice bucket or refrigerated rack.
Thaw 4a – EPC ASFV, 5 – IPC ASFV, and DNA samples in a separate ice bucket or refrigerated rack.
Thoroughly mix the contents of each tube by vortexing, then briey centrifuge.
Store thawed reagents, controls, and samples at 2–8°C until use.

Set up the PCR reactions

Dispense 20 µL of 3 – Mix ASFV to the appropriate number of PCR plate wells, strip tubes, or capillaries.
Add sample or control according to the following table:
Sample type Component
Test sample Sample DNA 5.0 µL
Volume per

Set up and run the real-time PCR instrument

Following the manufacturer's instructions, set up the realtime PCR run using the following parameters.
• Reaction volume: 25 µL
• Passive reference: ROX™ dye (included in 3 – Mix ASFV)
Note: ROX™ dye must be set up if the instrument is capable of detecting it. Realtime PCR instruments that do not detect ROX™ dye can be used without affecting the accuracy of the reading.
• Select detectors and assign TaqMan® probe reporter dyes and quenchers for each well, tube, or capillary used in the analysis.
Target Reporter Quencher
ASFV FAM™ dye Non-fluorescent
IPC VIC™ dye TAMRA™ dye
AMRA™ dye must be set up for realtime PCR analysis if the
T instrument is capable of detecting it. Real‑time PCR instruments that do not detect TAMRA™ dye can be used without affecting the accuracy of the reading.
• Thermal cycling program:
Stage Repetitions Temperature Time
1 1 50°C 2 minutes
2 1 95°C 10 minutes
3 45 95°C 15 seconds
Run the thermal cycler pr amplication data during stage 3.
60°C 1 minute
ogram, collecting real-time
quencher (NFQ)
Positive control 4a – EPC ASFV 5.0 µL
Extraction control Mock-purified sample 5.0 µL
ol (NTC)
Seal each plate or tube, mix, then centrifuge briey to bring
Nuclease-free Water 5.0 µL
the contents to the bottom of the plate wells or tubes.
2 V
etMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit Instructions for Use
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