Catalog Number KHG0111 (96 tests), KHG0112 (2 × 96 tests)
Pub. No. MAN0003960 Rev. 7.0 (33)
CAUTION! This kit contains materials with small quantities of sodium azide. Sodium azide reacts with lead and copper plumbing to
form explosive metal azides. Upon disposal, flush drains with a large volume of water to prevent azide accumulation. Avoid ingestion and
contact with eyes, skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse aected area with plenty of water. Observe all federal, state, and
local regulations for disposal.
Note: For safety and biohazard guidelines, see the “Safety” appendix in the ELISA Technical Guide (Pub. no. MAN0006706). Read the Safety Data
Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
Product description
The Invitrogen™ Human VEGF ELISA Kit is a solid‑phase sandwich Enzyme‑Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). This assay is designed to
detect and quantify the level of human VEGF in human serum, plasma, buered solution, or cell culture medium. The assay recognizes both
natural and recombinant human VEGF.
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), originally named vascular permeability factor (VPF), is an important regulator of angiogenesis and
vasculogenesis. Six identified isoforms of 121, 145, 165, 183, 189, and 206 amino acids are derived from alternative splicing in humans.
These variants dier with respect to two independent heparin binding domains, and the isoforms exhibit altered anity for interaction with
heparan-sulfate proteoglycans.
Contents and storage
Upon receipt, store the kit at 2°C to 8°C.
Hu VEGF Standard, lyophilized; contains 0.1% sodium azide. 2 vials
Standard Diluent Buer; contains 0.1% sodium azide 25 mL
Incubation Buer 12 mL
Antibody Coated Plate, 96-well plate 1 plate
Hu VEGF Biotin Conjugate; contains 0.1% sodium azide 11 mL
Streptavidin-HRP (100X) 0.15 mL
Streptavidin HRP Diluent; contains 3.3 mM thymol 25 mL
Wash Buer Concentrate (25X) 100 mL
Stabilized Chromogen, Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) 25 mL
Stop Solution 25 mL
Adhesive Plate Covers 3
Cat. No. KHG0111
(96 tests)
Materials required but not supplied
• Distilled or deionized water
• Calibrated adjustable precision pipettes and glass or plastic tubes
for diluting solutions; beakers, flask and cylinders for preparation
of reagents
• Microtiter plate reader with software capable of measurement at
or near 450 nm
• Plate washer–automated or manual (squirt bottle, manifold
dispenser, or equivalent)
Before you begin
IMPORTANT! Reagents are lot-specific. Do not mix or interchange
dierent reagent lots from various kit lots.
• Review the Procedural guidelines and Plate washing directions
• Allow reagents to reach room temperature before use. Mix to
Prepare 1X Wash Buer
1. Dilute 16 mL of Wash Buer Concentrate (25X) with 384 mL of
2. Store the concentrate and 1X Wash Buer in the refrigerator. Use
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
in the ELISA Technical Guide available at thermofisher.com.
redissolve any precipitated salts.
deionized or distilled water. Label as 1X Wash Buer.
the diluted buer within 14 days.
Sample preparation guidelines
Std5Std4Std3Std2Std1 Std6 Std7
90 μL 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL300 μL 300 μL 300 μL
375 pg/mL1,500 pg/mL 750 pg/mL 23.4 pg/mL46.9 pg/mL93.8 pg/mL188 pg/mL10,000 pg/mL
510 μL 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL
0 pg/mL
• Refer to the ELISA Technical Guide at thermofisher.com for detailed sample preparation procedures.
• Collect samples in pyrogen/endotoxin-free tubes.
• Freeze samples after collection if samples will not be tested immediately. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles of frozen samples. Thaw
completely and mix well (do not vortex) prior to analysis.
• Avoid the use of hemolyzed or lipemic sera. If large amounts of particulate matter are present in the sample, centrifuge or filter sample prior to
Pre-dilute samples
Sample concentrations should be within the range of the standard curve. Because conditions may vary, each investigator should determine the
optimal dilution for each application.
• Perform sample dilutions with Standard Diluent Buer.
Dilute standards
Note: Use glass or plastic tubes for diluting standards.
1. Reconstitute Hu VEGF Standard to 10,000 pg/mL with Standard Diluent Buer. Refer to the standard vial label for instructions. Swirl or mix
gently and allow the contents to sit for 10 minutes to ensure complete reconstitution. Label as 10,000 pg/mL human VEGF. Use the standard
within 1 hour of reconstitution.
2. Add 90 µL Reconstituted Standard to one tube containing 510 µL Standard Diluent Buer and mix. Label as 1,500 pg/mL human VEGF.
3. Add 300 µL Standard Diluent Buer to each of 7 tubes labeled as follows: 750, 375, 188, 93.8, 46.9, 23.4, and 0 pg/mL human VEGF.
4. Make serial dilutions of the standard as shown in the following dilution diagram. Mix thoroughly between steps.
5. Discard any remaining reconstituted standard. Return the Standard Diluent Buer to the refrigerator.
Prepare 1X Streptavidin‑HRP solution
Note: Prepare 1X Streptavidin‑HRP within 15 minutes of usage.
1. For each 8-well strip used in the assay, pipet 10 μL Streptavidin‑HRP (100X) solution, and dispense the solution into a tube containing 1 mL
of 1X Streptavidin-HRP Diluent. Mix thoroughly.
2. Return the unused Streptavidin‑HRP (100X) solution to the refrigerator.
Human VEGF ELISA Kit Product Information Sheet