Please read this operating manual thoroughly before using
the equipment.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, it is essential that the
unit is disconnected from the mains supply before any of the
covers are removed.
Please also note that the power supply capacitors within this
unit can remain charged even after the mains supply has
been disconnected. It is essential that these capacitors are
discharged after the mains supply has been disconnected
and the covers have been removed.
©Thermionic Culture Ltd, January 1999 1
Section Page
1 Introduction 3
2 Controls & Operation 4
2.1 Output trim 4
2.2 Gain 4
2.3 Attack 4
2.4 Release 4
2.5 Threshold 5
2.6 Bypass 5
2.7 Link 5
2.8 Pre-sets 6
2.9 Meters 6
3 Servicing & Maintenance 7
3.1 Valves 7
3.2 Operating voltage / Fuses 7
4 Specification 8
©Thermionic Culture Ltd, January 1999 2