Parts List
Pacific CLD240
x 8
x 8
x 8
x 1
Thermaltake recommends the following steps to be taken before using
the Pacific series radiators and water blocks
1. To ensu re a clean loop, fl ush and rinse you r radiators and w ater blocks wit h distilled wat er prior to use.
2. Do n ot use tap water or d istilled wate r as your coolant , it may harm your lo op and reduce per formance .
3. It i s strongly reco mmended to use ma rket proven pre -mix coolant, s uch as The rmaltake C ool ant 1000.
It offers gre at performanc e while prot ect ing the enti re li quid loop fr om co rrosion.
4. Be fore storing yo ur water coolin g components, p lease clean, ri nse and dry. This wil l ens ure a longer
lif espan for your co mponents.
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www.ther maltake.com