Thermaltake CA-1Q6-00M1WN-00 User Manual

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User's Manual Benutzerhandbuch Mode d’emploi Manual del usuario Manuale dell’utente Manual do Utilizador
安裝說明書 用戶手冊 ユーザーズマニュアル Руководство пользователя
kullanıcı elkitabı (EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur)
TT Premium To continue achieving the corporate mission of delivering the perfect user experience, Thermaltake developed “TT Premium” with the essence of combining supreme quality products with a new logo design. TT Premium is far more than just a guarantee of quality. Behind the name, it represents the passion in DIY, Modding and Thermaltake’s desire to be the most innovative brand in the PC hardware market. To satisfy the demand of the high-end PC users, TT Premium follows its core values of Excellent Quality, Unique Design, Diverse Combinations and Boundless Creativity to provide a high performance PC product for every enthusiast.
Chapter 1. Product Introduction
Sp ec ifi ca tio n
Ac ce sso ry
War nin g an d No tice
Tt LCS-Li quid Co oling S uppor t Certi ficat ion
Tt LCS Certified is a Thermaltake exclusive certification applied to only products that pass the design and hardcore enthusiasts standards that a true LCS chassis should be held to. The Tt LCS certification was created so that we at Thermaltake can designate to all power users which chassis have been tested to be best compatible with extreme liquid cooling configurations to ensure you get the best performance from the best features and fitment.
Joi n Tt Comm unity To Re ceive Benef its
Dear Valued Cu stomer, Thank you for ch oosing Therm altake. As a new user we val ue your though ts and opinions and your feedbac k is important t o us. We at Thermalta ke would like to us e this opportu nity to invite you to j oin our Community Fo rums. Regist er today to start enj oying the full benefit s of our communi ty.
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Chapter 2. Installation Guide
Si de P an el s Dis as se mbl y
Powe r Su pp ly Un it ( PS U) I nst al lat io n
Mo th erb oa rd I nst al lat io n
3. 5" & 2 .5 " HD D In sta ll ati on
PC I Ca rd I nst al latio n
RG B Sw it ch Mode
Ai r Co oling I ns talla ti on
Li qu id Cool in g Insta ll ati on
Li qu id Cool in g Insta ll ati on - 2 00 mm Fan
Pu mp I nstal la tio n
Chapter 3. Leads Installation
Ca se LE D Co nne ct ion
US B 3.0 Con nec ti on
Au di o Con ne cti on
Chapter 4. Other
Th er mal ta ke P ow er S upp ly S er ies (Op ti ona l)
Tt R GB P lu s Ec osy st em
*Pi cture f or refer ence on ly *In forma tion in t he user m anual i s subje ct to cha nge wit hout no tice
Spec i fication
Acce s sory
Cas e Type
Dim ensio n (H*W* D)
Sid e Panel
Mat erial
Coo ling Sys tem
Dri ve Bays
- Acc essib le
- Hid den
Exp ansio n Slots
Mot herbo ards
I/O Po rt
Fan Su ppor t
Rad iator S uppor t
Cle aranc e
Ful l Towe r
550 x 3 15 x 525 mm ( 21.65 x 1 2.4 x 20. 67 inch )
Tempe red Gla ss x 3 (4mm t hickn ess)
Front (intake) :
200 x 200 x 30 mm Addressable RGB fan (600rpm, 24dBA) x 2
Rear (exhaust) :
120 x 120 x 25 mm Addressable RGB fan (1000rpm, 27.2dBA)
2.5 ” x 2 or 3.5” x 2 ( With HD D Rack) ;
2.5 ” x 2 (With H DD Brac ket)
6.7 ” x 6.7” (M ini ITX ), 9.6” x 9 .6” (Mi cro ATX), 12” x 9 .6” (ATX ), 12” x 10 .5” (CE B)
Type -C x 1, USB 3 .0 x 2, USB 2 .0 x 2, HD Aud io x 1
Sta ndard P S2 PSU (o ption al)
Fro nt: 3 x 120 mm, 3 x 140 mm, 2 x 200 mm Top: 3 x 1 20mm, 3 x 1 40mm, 2 x 2 00mm Rea r: 1 x 120m m Rig ht: 3 x 120 mm, 2 x 140 mm Bot tom: 3 x 12 0mm (Wi thout Wa ter Pum p)
Fro nt: 1 x 360 mm, 1 x 280 mm Top: 1 x 3 60mm, 1 x 2 80mm Rig ht: 1 x 360 mm, 1 x 280 mm Bot tom: 1 x 36 0mm (Wi thout Wa ter Pum p)
CPU c ooler h eight l imita tion: 1 75mm VGA le ngth li mitat ion: 30 0mm (Wi th Water P ump) 440 mm (Wit hout Wat er Pump ) PSU l ength l imita tion: 2 00mm
Fig ure
Par ts Na me
Sta nd-of f #6- 32 x 6.5m m
Scr ew #6-3 2 x 6mm
Scr ew #6-3 2 x 6mm
Scr ew M3 x 5mm
Nut s etter
Thu mb Scre w #6-32 x 5 mm
Scr ew #6-3 2 x 38mm
Rub ber
Cab le ties
Velc ro cabl e tip
Buz zer
MB Si gnal br idge ca ble (AS US / MSI)
MB Si gnal br idge ca ble (GI GABYT E)
Q't y
Use d for
Bac kup
Pow er
MB, 3 .5” HDD
2.5 ” HDD / SSD
MB St and-o ff
Bac kup
Bac kup
203 0 Fan
Cab le Mana gemen t
Cab le Mana gemen t
Mot herbo ard Alar m
LED S ignal S ync
LED S ignal S ync
Warning and N otice
Atenç ão !!
Limite de altura para o dissipador do CPU: O limite de altura para o dissipador do CPU é 175 mm (6,89 polegadas). Limite de comprimento para VGA (placa gráfica): O limite de comprimento para VGA (placa gráfica) é 300 mm (11,8 1 polegadas).
<1 75 m m
<3 00 m m
War ning! !
CPU Cooler Height Limitation: Please ensure that your CPU cooler does NOT exceed 175mm (6.89 inches) height. VGA (Add-on card) Length Limitation: Please ensure that your VGA (Add-on card) does NOT exceed 300mm (11.81 inches) length.
Warnun g!!
CPU-Kühler Höhenbeschränkung: Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr CPU-Kühler 175 mm (6,89 Zoll) Höhe nicht überschreitet. VGA (Add-on-Karte) Längenbeschränkung: Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre VGA (Add-on-Karte) 300 mm (11,81 Zoll) Länge nicht überschreitet.
Averti ssement !
Limite de hauteur du ventilateur de CPU : Vérifiez que la hauteur du ventilateur de CPU ne dépasse pas 175 mm. Limite de longueur de la carte (complémentaire) VGA : Vérifiez que la longueur de votre carte (complémentaire) VGA ne dépasse pas 300 mm
Precaució n
Limitación de altura del refrigerador de CPU: Asegúrese de que la altura de su refrigerador de CPU no excede los 175 mm (6,89 pulgadas). Limitación de longitud de la tarjeta de vídeo (adicional): Asegúrese de que la longitud de su tarjeta de vídeo (adicional) no excede los 300 mm (11,81 pulgadas).
Limitazione altezza dissipatore CPU: Assicurarsi che l’altezza del dissipatore CPU NON superi 175 mm (6,89 pollici). Limitazione lunghezza VGA (scheda aggiuntiva): Assicurarsi che la lunghezza del VGA (scheda aggiuntiva) NON superi 300 mm (11,81 pollici).
CPU 冷卻器 的高度限制 : 請確保 CPU 冷 卻器的高度 不超過 175 mm (6 .89 英吋)。 VGA (附加介 面卡) 的長度限 制: 請確保 VGA (附 加介面卡) 的長 度不超過 300 mm ( 11.81 英 吋)。
CPU 散热器 高度限制: 请确保 CPU 散 热器的高度 不超过 175 mm(6. 89 英寸)。 VGA(附加 卡)长度限 制: 请确保 VGA( 附加卡)的 长度不超过 300 m m(11.81 英 寸) 。
CPUクーラ ーの高さ制 限: CPUクーラ ーの高さが1 75 mmを超えて いないことを確 認してくだ さい。 VGA(アド オンカード )の長さ制限: VGA(アド オンカード )の長さが300 mmを超えていな いことを確 認してください 。
Внимание! Ограничение по высоте охладителя ЦП Убедитесь, что высота охладителя ЦП (центрального процессора) НЕ превышает 1 75 м (6,89 дюйма).
Огран ичени е по длине ви деокарт ы VGA (пла та расшир ения) Убеди тесь, чт о длина вид еокарты V GA (плат а расшире ния) НЕ пр евышает 3 00 мм (11,8 1 дюйма) .
Uyarı!! CPU Soğ utucu Y üksekli k Sınırlaması: Lütfen CPU soğutucunuzun yüksekliğinin 175mm’yi (6,89 inç) GEÇMEDİĞİNDEN emin olun. VGA (Ek lenti k artı) Uzunl uk Sınırlaması: Lütfe n VGA’nızın ( Eklenti k artı) uzunl uğunu n 300mm’y i (11,8 1 in ç) GEÇM EDİĞİND EN emin olun.
คำเตือน!! ขีดจำกัดความสูงสำหรับฮีตซิงก์ของ CPU: ขีดจำกัดความสูงสำหรับฮีตซิงก์ของ CPU คือ 175 มม. (6.89 นิ้ว) ขีดจำกัดความยาวสำหรับ VGA (การ์ดแสดงผล): ขีดจำกัดความยาวสำหรับ VGA (การ์ดแสดงผล) คือ 300 มม. (11.81 นิ้ว)
Side Panels Disas s embly
Power Supply Unit ( P SU) Installatio n
English / Remove the screws on the back of the chassis, and open the side panel
Deutsch / Entfernen Sie die Schrauben auf der Rückseite des Gehäuses und öffnen Sie das Seitenteil
Français / Enlevez les vis à l’arrière du châssis et ouvrez le panneau latéral
Español / Extraiga los tornillos de la parte posterior de la caja y abra el panel lateral
Italiano / Rimuovere le viti sulla parte posteriore dello chassis e aprire il pannello laterale
Português/ Remova os parafusos na parte de trás da caixa e abra o painel lateral
繁體中文 /
移除機殼後 方螺絲,將 側窗打開
简体中文 / 卸除机壳后 方螺丝,将 侧窗打开
日本語 / シャーシ背 面のねじを 取り外し、 サイドパネ ルを開きま す
Русск ий / Откру тите ви нты на за дней ст енке ко рпуса и откройте боковую па нель
Türkçe / Kasanın arkasındaki vidaları çıkarın ve yan paneli açın
ภาษาไทย /
ถอดสกรูที่ด้านหลังของแชสซีส์ แล้วเปิดแผงด้านข้าง
English / Place the PSU in proper location.
Deutsch / Platzieren Sie das Netzteil in der richtigen Position.
Français / Placez l’alimentation dans la position appropriée.
Español / Instale la PSU en la ubicación correcta.
Italiano /
Posizionare la PSU in modo corretto.
Português/ Coloque o PSU na sua devida posição.
繁體中文 /
简体中文 / 将电源供应 器放在正确 的位置
日本語 / PSUを適切なロケーシ ョンに取り 付けます。
Русск ий / Устан овите бл ок питан ия в надлежащее место.
Türkçe / PSU’yu, uygun konuma yerleştirin.
ภาษาไทย / วาง PSU ในตำแหน่งที่เหมาะสม
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