VFCA Vented Flow Control
Sometimes space restrictions require the installation of Big Dipper units in basement locations where signicant
head pressure becomes a factor. The Big Dipper® VFCA Vented Flow Control module provides an option for use
with installations where a signicant amount of head pressure is present (greater than 6 ft./1.95 m) or where applicable regulations require vented ow controls. A Vented Flow Control helps reduce problems associated with
high head pressure and helps slow the drainwater ow down. The VFCA kit contains an appropriate tting and
ow control orice.
Flow Control Vent/Air Intake
(Note: Flow Control Vent may be connected to
atmosphere vent, facility vent, or code-approved
air admittance valve. To be installed above sink
ood rim.)
Drainage Piping
from Kitchen
Outlet Vent
(Note: Vent may be facility vent connection or
code-approved air admittance valve)
* Installation in high head height
locations requires removal of the
Internal Flow Control (small rub-
ber cap under no-hub coupling
over the Inlet).
Big Dipper®
IS Unit
VFCA-20 Vented Flow Control for W-200-IS
VFCA-25 Vented Flow Control
- for both W-250-IS & W-250-AST
VFCA-35 Vented Flow Control for W-350-IS
VFCA-50 Vented Flow Control for W-500-IS
VFCA-75 Vented Flow Control
- for both W-750-IS & W-750-AST
VFCA-125 Vented Flow Control
- for both W-1250-IS & W-1250-AST
Installations where head
height is greater than 6 feet
(1.95 m)
NOTE: Drawing for reference only. Equipment must be installed in compliance with all applicable laws, regu-
lations and codes, including plumbing codes. Installation should be performed by a qualied plumber.
©2014 Thermaco, Inc. All rights reserved • Patented/Patents Pending • Specications subject to change without notice
646 Greensboro St. • Asheboro, N. C. 27204-2548 • Phone (336) 629-4651 • North America: (800) 633-4204
info@thermaco.com • www.big-dipper.com