Single Source of Quality Controlled Glucomannans
CITADEL™ is a pre-biotic derived from t he c e ll wa ll of a sing le source of food grade Saccharomyces
cerevisiae manufactured in the USA. T he po lysac char ide s obtained from the yeast cell wall consist of gluca ns,
mannans, quitines and galactans. A typical analysis for CITADEL™ is 21% Crude Protein, 33% beta-glucans,
and 20% mannanoligoscharides (MOS).
Quality Control.
A key different iat ing factor for CITADEL™ from many similar products in the market place is the quality
control and quality assura nce program and procedures. The Old Mill Troy recognize s that product quality is
critical to ensur ing consistent and repe atable animal perfor mance results.
CITADEL™ co mes from a sing le human fo od grade fermentat ion site , using a single strain of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, thereby providing a stable and consistent source of the yeast cell wall material. Analyses are
routinely undertaken to min imize any va riatio n in glucan and mannan conte nts.
Consistency e quals R epe atabi lity .
Benefits of
1) Demonstrated to have greater pat hogen binding capacity t han leading competitor MOS product s. The result
is fewer pathogens colonize the gastro-intest inal tract, thereby maintaining a healthier gut ecosystem.
2) Beneficial modu la tion of the immu ne syst em, resulting in increased Immunoglobulin s ynthesis, impr oved
and more persistent titer levels post vaccination.
3) Improved animal performance. Less energy spent repairing the gastro-intestinal tract and dealing with the
stress induced by pathogen proliferation.
4) Improved gut health results in longer villi and thinner gastro-intestinal membr anes. This provides a grea ter
surface area for nutrient absorption a nd less o f a barrier to nutrients ente ring the blo od flow fr om the gut.
The Old M ill Troy, Inc. P.O. Box 567, North Troy, VT 05859. Phone: 1-802-988-4474
All products man ufactured b y The Old Mill Troy, Inc., are pr oduced in a faci lity cert ified in the Am er ican Feed Industry
Association’s Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program. For details go to www.afia.org/sfsf