THD Electronics YJ7591 User Manual

• Contains one Yellow Jacket converter model
without mod i fi ca tion or rebiasing.
- Guitar World Magazine
- Guitar Player Mag a zine
Thank you for buying our Yellow Jacket con vert er! It will
place the tubes when they are worn, and will also give
you a much greater variety of sounds from your am pli fi ers
than you have ever ex pe ri enced before.
screw the ground wire under the tube sock et mount ing
screw (to provide an adequate ground con nec tion), and
all pins are prop er ly aligned and do not force any thing.
You do not have to adjust the bias of your amplifier as the
Yel low Jackets themselves create their own cath ode bias
am pli fi er, your bias will be set just as you left it.
Yellow Jacket
Yellow Jacket
Tube Converter
THD Electronics, Ltd.
Seattle, WA 98119-1513
This mod el of the Yel low Jacket converter, the YJ7591, is a
spe cial ized, cur rent-lim it ing/volt age-con di tion ing adapt or
for use in most am pli fi ers which use 7591 out put tubes.
YJ7591 series Yellow Jackets are NOT to be used in am-
pli fi ers de signed to take tubes other than the 7591. Use
am pli fi ers will result in failure of the Yellow Jacket and no
amp, please feel free to con tact us at the factory either by
your in di vid u al sit u a tion
Amplifiers which vary the bias voltage to create a trem o lo
Jackets. This includes the Fender’s Brown Deluxe Amp
Yel low Jacket. If your amp uses 6L6, 6550 or EL34 fam i ly
tubes, you should use the YJS Yellow Jacket. The correct
Thank you once again for buying our products. With out
- All the folks at THD Electronics, Ltd.