Transformatorenwerke GmbH
Operating instructions
Variable isolating transformers
LTS 602
LTS 604
LTS 606
Thalheimer Transformatorenwerke GmbH, Jägerstraße 8, 09380 Thalheim, BRD
E-mail: info@thalheimer-trafowerke.com, Internet: www.thalheimer-trafowerke.com
Phon: +49(0) 3721 86 265 / 86 290, Fax: +49(0) 3721 86 400
Field of application
Variable isolating transformers are portable devices which are arranged
in 19” housings. These variable and low- resistance a.c. voltage sources
can be used in all fields, especially in workshops, laboratories, test stands
and service shops. Due to the galvanic separation between the primary
and the secondary by means of a test voltage of 3,5 kV and the
construction according to the protective system II these transformers
are especially suitable for use electric workshops, where they are
employed for protective isolation of electric or electronic devices which
are in need of repair. They are useable only in dry rooms.
The output voltage ca be easily adjusted between 1 V and 250 V by
means of the adjustable transformer. In continuous operation, the
transformer can be subjected to maximum current loading throughout
the whole adjusting range.
The most apparent advantage of such a voltage control are the
maintenance of the output voltage curve, the nealy loss-free voltage or
adaption of current and the relatively low internal resistance.
Operating instructions
The transformers can be used either individually or in combination with
other devices in measuring places or laboratories. Take care to ensure
that they are vented through the ventilating ducts available. The ambirent
temperature should not increase over 40
Variable isolating transformer LTS
mains signal lamp
mains switch
- 2 -
secondary fuse
adjusting knob of
output voltage