1-2 Inspection Before Running
Items to be Inspected Before Running by Customers:
1. Starter
Is the oil volume
1 .Check Oil Warning Lamp to see if the oil
volume is proper?
2 .Fuel
Is the fuel volume
1 .Check fuel volume to see if it is enough
to the destination.
3. Lamp &
Is the lamp condition
well? Is there any
1 .Check if the lighting condition of head
lamp, tail lamp, licence lamp, brake lamp,
direction indicator and other lamp is well.
2. Lamps should be kept clean and
4. Back Mirror
Is the reflecting
image well?
1. Look at the back mirror from the
seat to check if the rear view is clear.
5. License Plate &
No dirt and damage
should appear.
1. License plate should be installed, letters
and numbers should be kept clear and
clean. 2. Dirt and damage should not
appear on the reflector.
6 . Brake
Check the distance of
brake handle lever
and the brake effect.
1 .Operate the handle lever slowly to the
brake begin to effect in order to inspect the
moving distance. 2.Test the brake with low
speed running to see the brake effect of
front and rear brakes.
1.Is the air pressure
1 .Check if the air pressure of tire is
sufficient with a gauge or by sight.
2.Groove should be
deep enough.
1 .Check if the groove of tires is enough.
3.Unusual wear is not
1 .Check landing flat of tire to see if
any unusual wear appears.
4.Breaking and damage
are not desired.
1 .Check landing flat and side to see if
any breaking or damage appear.
7. Tire
5.Metal, stone and
other articles are
not desired.
1 .Cneck if any cracking, stone or any
other article sticks into the tire.
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