Texas Instruments orporated WL1835COM User Manual

WL18MOD Product Certification

WL18MOD Product Certification


The TI€WL1835MODGB Module is now certified for FCC, IC, CE and TELEC. TI Customers that build products
based on the TI€WL1835MODGB module can save, €in testing cost, and time per product family.
• This feature can realize customers savings of over $60K per model family along with avoidance of test cycling
and support resources.

Certifications & Compliance

• Certified for United States
• Tests reports recognized by
other countries for filing
• Certified for Canada
• Accepts FCC test reports for
filing certifications
• CE Radio Approval
• ETSI testing is recognized by 40+ countries for
• Certified for
• TELEC Test
reports are
The TI€WL1835MODGB module€is now certified for FCC as a single-modular transmitter.
• The TI€WL1835MODGB€is €a FCC certified radio module that carries a Modulargrant.
• Certified radio modules complies to the Intentional Radiatorportion (Part 15c) for FCC certification: Part
15.247 Transmitter tests.
• Part 15.247 transmitter tests consists of
• AC Power Conducted Emissions
• Radiated Emissions
• Band Edge Measurements
• 6dB bandwidth
• Conducted Power
• Power Spectral Density
• Meeting Antenna Requirements
• The customer can refer to TI's€[FCC certification], once available
Modularcertified radio modules are allowed for integration into multiple host end products by the FCC
Useful Links:
WL1835MODGB€FCC modular grant
App note on modular FCC certification
WL18MOD Product Certification
LS Reserach App Note for FCC Permessive Change (LSR is TI's recommended Partner for any services
related to Regulatory Certification or Permessive changes)
Host End Products
• An end product, incorporating€WL1835MODGB module, does not require additional testing or authorization for
the WiFi transmitter as long as
• An antenna of the same or similar type and equal or less gain to the antenna used in the€WL1835MODGB
COM8€Board (WL1835MODCOM8B
)€is used on the product
• Any restrictions found in the grants are followed in the OEMs end product integrating the TI module.
• Host end products can use the FCC ID of the certified module as the FCC ID of the host end product
• A label displaying the modules FCC ID must be affixed and visible on the host end product for approval
• FCC IDs are required for host end products with radio transmitters
Customer's Responsibilities
• The manufacturer of the host end products are still responsible for any additional testing covered by the Class of
the product. Device Class A and B.
• Customers still need to take their products through other FCC/IC testing such as unintentional radiators (FCC sub
part 15B) including any other required regionally driven end product certifications including but not limited to EU
FCC Part 15 Cert. Process/Flow
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Sub Part A
• General Provisions &
Additional testing maybe required for Host end product type.
• Class A: Digital Device for use in a commercial, industrial or business environment.
• Class B: Digital Device for use in a residential environment not withstanding use in commercial, business and
industrial environments.
• The FCC allows for self-declaration for Part B so the process should be relatively painless
The customer can refer to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulation for Telecommunications, Part 15: Radio
Frequencies Devices
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can the customer change the Antenna Gain?
Answer: Customers that copy the TI Reference Layout and modify it to use a lower gain antenna, can
generally€leverage TI FCC ID through a Permissive Class 1 change.
Sub Part B
• Unintentional Radiators
• Devices, whose purpose is not to
produce radio waves,
but which do anyway, such as computers.
for more details on each sub part.
Sub Part C
Intentional Radiators
• Devices designed to produce
coherent radio waves,
such as small transmitters
Customers can reuse TI's
Device Class A and B
• Additional testing for
intended use
2. Can the customer change the Layout or use diffeerent type of Antenna?
Answer: Customers that modify the antenna or layout in a way that changes the power (higher gain, shorter traces)
are not able to leverage TI FCC ID through a Permissive Class 1 change. Such changes generally require additional
testing and certification approval through a regulatory lab.
3. How can I get additional information on what is and is not permitted?
Answers: Changes to a modular radio or product will result in either a Permissive Change or a new FCC filing and
WL18MOD Product Certification
ID number. The degree of change is the determining factor for both the process and the amount of supporting data
required to illustrate compliance. LS Research is TI recommended partner and takes pride in helping customers
evaluate and develop the most beneficial test plan to properly address these changes.
The TI WL1835MODGB€module is now certified for Industry Canada (IC) as a single-modular transmitter
• For Industry Canada, the TI WL1835MODGB€module €meets modular approval and labeling requirements.
• Industry Canada follows the same testing and rules as the FCC in regards to certified modules in authorized
Host Product
• The IC ID of TI€WL1835MODGB €can be used on the Host End Product with a label that is visible, and displays
• The customer can refer to TI's€[WL1835MODGB IC certification], once available.
Useful Links:
the IC ID of the€WL1835MODGA module
WL1835MODGB IC modular grant
App note on IC modular certification (see section 3.2 inside)
WL1835MODGB€is designed to€CE Certified
The TI€WL1835MODGB module€has €certifications to the appropriate EU radio and EMC directives summarized in TIs Declaration of Conformity€)€and evidenced by the CE Mark.
This certification eliminates EU RTTE based retesting efforts, resulting in savings of more than $30K per product
model family including test cycling and support resource benefits.
For the conformity implications of attaching the antenna to a module that already has a conformance document -
From section 1.3.1 of the Guide to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
It is important to note that
• ETSI reports meet CE Radio Approval requirements of the R&TTE (Europe) directive
• TI€WL1835MODGB module is tested with ETSI EN300-328 radio tests which can be accepted by a number of
• ETSI is not a certification or regulatory body but a set of standards.
Host Products
/CE Certification
Manufacturers who place on the market products without an antenna or with an antenna that is intended to
allow replacement have a responsibility to provide information on the general types and/or characteristics of
antennas that may be used with their equipment in order that the overall radio equipment remains compliant. The guidance of the transmitter manufacturer has to be followed when they are installed.
countries for radio compliance.
• If a product has minimal risk, it can be self-certified where manufacturers complete a Declaration of Conformity
and affixes the CE marking to their own product.
Warning: EMC testing obligations may still be required as determined by the specific end product requirements.
• The end product will need to be filed in each country for certification using the FCC/ETSI reports.
• 40+ countries recognize and accept radio test reports compliant to ETSI standards as part of the filing process.
Note that some countries do not recognize modular approval.
• ETSI reports help with End product testing with the module integrated, thus the tests do not need to be repeated.
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