Texas Instruments orporated TRF7970AEVM User Manual

User's Guide
SLOU321– August 2011
TRF7970A Evaluation Module (EVM)
The Texas Instruments TRF7970A evaluation module (EVM) is intended to be used by to demonstrate the capabilities of the TRF7970A and help aid in the development process by providing a working hardware/firmware reference example for traditional HF (13.56 MHz) RFID and also NFC Forum operations.
This manual includes a list of EVM features, a brief description of the module, EVM specifications, details on connecting and using the EVM, and a discussion of the software interface for the EVM.
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1 TRF7970A EVM Description .............................................................................................. 4
2 Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI ................................................................................ 7
3 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 45
4 References ................................................................................................................. 45
List of Figures
1 TRF7970A EVM (Top Side) ............................................................................................... 5
2 TRF7970A EVM GUI Connected ......................................................................................... 7
3 Single Slot Inventory Command (One Tag in Field).................................................................. 10
4 Single Slot Inventory Command (Two Tags in Field/Collision)...................................................... 10
5 Sixteen Slot Inventory Command (Four Tags in Field With No Collision) ......................................... 11
6 Sixteen Slot Inventory Command (Five Tags in Field, Collision in Slot 0)......................................... 12
7 Read Single Block Command Example ................................................................................ 13
8 Write Single Block Command Example ................................................................................ 14
9 Lock Block Command Example ......................................................................................... 15
10 Read Multiple Blocks Command Example............................................................................. 16
11 Stay Quiet Command Example.......................................................................................... 17
12 Select Command Example............................................................................................... 18
13 Reset to Ready Command Example.................................................................................... 19
14 Write AFI Command Example........................................................................................... 20
15 Lock AFI Command Example............................................................................................ 21
16 Write DSFID Command Example ....................................................................................... 22
17 Lock DSFID Command Example........................................................................................ 23
18 Get System Information Command Example.......................................................................... 24
19 Get Multiple Block Security Status Command Example.............................................................. 25
20 Anticollision Command Example for One Type A PICC.............................................................. 27
21 Anticollision Command Example for Two Type A PICCs ............................................................ 28
22 Select Command Example............................................................................................... 29
23 RATS Command Example ............................................................................................... 30
24 REQ_B Command Example ............................................................................................. 31
25 ATTRIB Command Example............................................................................................. 32
26 FeliCa Polling Example................................................................................................... 33
27 Find Tags Tab Example 1................................................................................................ 34
28 Find Tags Tab Example 2................................................................................................ 34
29 Registers Tab .............................................................................................................. 35
30 Setting up TRF7970A EVM as Initiator................................................................................. 36
31 Setting up TRF7970A EVM as Target.................................................................................. 36
32 Demonstration Hardware Configuration Example..................................................................... 37
33 Peer-to-Peer Connection Step........................................................................................... 38
34 NFC Text Message Transfer............................................................................................. 38
35 NFC File Transfer, Select File on Initiator.............................................................................. 39
36 NFC File Transfer, Save File on Target................................................................................ 39
37 NFC File Transfer Progress.............................................................................................. 40
38 Card Emulation Mode..................................................................................................... 41
39 Continuous Write to Registers 0x00 to 0x0B Example............................................................... 42
40 Continuous Read from Registers 0x00 to 0x0B Example............................................................ 42
41 Sending GPIO Control Command....................................................................................... 43
42 Sending Single Slot REQB............................................................................................... 44
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1 Logic Analyzer Connection Points on EVM at HDR_5................................................................. 5
2 Logic Analyzer Connection Points on EVM at HDR_1, HDR_3 and HDR_2 ....................................... 6
3 ISO/IEC 15693 Request Flags (b1 – b4) ................................................................................ 8
4 ISO/IEC 15693 Request Flags (b5 – b8) when Inventory Flag is NOT set ......................................... 8
5 ISO/IEC 15693 Request Flags (b5 – b8) when Inventory Flag is set................................................ 8
6 ISO/IEC 15693 UID Format ............................................................................................... 9
7 Custom Commands Request Format................................................................................... 26
8 Command Codes for GPI/O Controlled Outputs on EVM............................................................ 43
List of Tables
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TRF7970A EVM Description

1 TRF7970A EVM Description

The TRF7970A EVM features include:
Support for:ISO15693 standard based transpondersISO14443 standard based transponders (Types A and B)NFC Forum modes (RFID reader\writer, peer to peer, and card emulation)
FeliCabased transponders (UID read only)
Standalone polling mode for quick demonstration of transponder detection
Communication with host software graphical user interface (GUI) via USB VCP
The TRF7970A EVM also has the following hardware features specifically for development purposes:
MSP430F2370 ultra-low power microcontroller with JTAG connectivity to development environment for custom firmware development.
Parallel or SPI connectivity via 0-Ω jumpers
Logic analyzer/oscilloscope test points for relevant signal observation during code development
SMA (edge mount and through-hole) pads for connecting customer designed magnetic dipole circuit
NOTE: Onboard antenna circuit should be disconnected by removing R3 beforehand to maintain
50-Ω impedance.

1.1 Default Configuration

As shipped, the TRF7970A EVM is fully functional as an RFID/NFC Forum reader/writer, NFC Forum Initiator or NFC Forum Target. To evaluate the TRF7970A beyond the standalone mode, which only requires that power be applied via the USB connector, the TRF7970A EVM GUI must be used.
The TRF7970A EVM contains components that can be potentially damaged by electrostatic discharge. Always store and transport the EVM in the supplied ESD bag when not in use. Always handle the TRF7970A EVM in an ESD controlled environment. For more information regarding proper ESD handling procedures see the Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) application report, SSYA008.

1.2 Hardware Description

As shown in Figure 1, the TRF7970A EVM is a self contained development platform which can be used to independently evaluate/test the performance of the TRF7970A IC, custom firmware, customer designed magnetic dipole antennas and/or potential transponders for a customer defined RFID/NFC Forum application. The TRF7970AEVM is configured from the factory in parallel communication mode between the MSP430F2370 and the TRF7970A via 0-Ω resistors between HDR_4 and HDR_5 pads. On power up, the preloaded MSP430F2370 firmware also checks the voltage level of P2.3 (pin 15), which is factory configured at HDR_7 to have I/O_SEL connected to Parallel connection via a 0-Ω resistor. If the user wants to change to SPI with Slave Select operation, all that is needed is to move all the 0-Ω resistors connecting HDR_4 and HDR_5 together over so HDR_5 and HDR_6 are connected as well as moving 0-Ω resistor over on HDR_7 so that I/O_SEL and SPI connected instead. The preloaded MSP430 firmware handles either hardware configuration case, parallel or SPI with SS.
TRF7970A Evaluation Module (EVM) SLOU321– August 2011
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J3 (SMA)
I/O_SEL Jumper
USB Interface
Communication Header
(default configuration shown)
JTAG Interface
Reset Switch
13.56-MHz Crystal
PCB Magnetic Dipole
Power and Protocol
LED Indicators
Resistor R3
TRF7970A EVM Description
If a logic analyzer is to be connected to the TRF7970A EVM, the user can install three-position 2-mm board headers at positions HDR_1 and HDR_3 for observation of DATA_CLK and IRQ signals. An 8-position 2-mm board header can be installed at position HDR_5 for observation of the parallel or SPI signals between the MSP430F2370 and the TRF7970A. See the PCBA silkscreen or Table 1 and Table 2 for reference.
HDR_5 Pin Parallel Name SPI With SS Name SPI Without SS Name
P5_7 I/O_7 MOSI MOSI P5_6 I/O_6 MISO MISO P5_5 I/O_5 P5_4 I/O_4 Slave Select P5_3 I/O_3 P5_2 I/O_2 VDD_I/O voltage level (VDD_X on EVM) VDD_I/O voltage level (VDD_X on EVM) P5_1 I/O_1 GND P5_0 I/O_0 GND GND
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Table 1. Logic Analyzer Connection Points on EVM at HDR_5
Figure 1. TRF7970A EVM (Top Side)
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TRF7970A EVM Description
Table 2. Logic Analyzer Connection Points on EVM at HDR_1, HDR_3 and HDR_2
HDR_3 Pin Parallel Name SPI With SS Name SPI Without SS Name
HDR_2 Pin Parallel Name SPI With SS Name SPI Without SS Name
HDR_1 Pin Parallel Name SPI With SS Name SPI Without SS Name
It is also possible to disconnect the MSP430F2370 from the TRF7970A and utilize the above mentioned headers to wire in MCU of choice (for example, other members of the MSP430, StellarisCortex-M3, or SitaraARM8/ ARM9families)
Resistor R3 (0 Ω) makes the electrical connection between the 50-Ω impedance matching circuit from the TRF7970A to the onboard magnetic dipole antenna circuit, also matched to 50 Ω. When testing application specific antennas using J3 (SMA port), disconnect or remove R3 to maintain 50-Ω impedance out from the TRF7970A circuitry to the application specific antenna being tested (see Figure 1).

1.3 Standalone Mode Description

The TRF7970A EVM has a standalone mode in which when power is applied (via the USB connector), then the preloaded MSP430F2370 firmware initializes the TRF7970A IC for full power operation, illuminates the power LED, and begins a polling loop for ISO15693, ISO14443A, and ISO14443B transponders.
When any (or all) of these types of transponders are presented to the onboard antenna, the corresponding LED is illuminated (see silkscreen or actual TRF7970A PCBA in kit or in Figure 1). The TRF7970A EVM kit comes with a sample selection of Texas Instruments ISO15693 transponders.
When the TRF7970A EVM is connected to a PC and the TRF7970A EMV GUI is started, the preloaded MSP430F2370 firmware detects this, stops the polling loop, and turns off any protocol LEDs that were illuminated to take direct host commands.

1.4 GUI Software Description

The TRF7970A EVM can be used with the TRF7970A EVM PC GUI to demonstrate the traditional RFID reader/writer operations as well as NFC Forum Initiator/Target operations. As the EVM enumerates as a serial port on a PC, the EVM can be used with almost any simple serial terminal based program such as (but not limited to) HyperTerminal, Docklight, or LabVIEW. Using the TRF7970A EVM with the GUI is detailed in Section 2.
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2 Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI

2.1 USB Driver

The TRF7970A EVM has SiLabs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge IC onboard. The USB driver needs to be loaded onto the PC being used prior to attempting to start the TRF7970A EVM GUI.

2.2 TRF7970A EVM GUI Startup

The TRF7970A EVM GUI has a COM port auto detect function which is limited to COM ports 1 through
12. This being the case, the user is advised that after plugging in TRF7970A EVM but before starting the
GUI, they check the COM port it enumerated on via Windows Control Panel, System, Hardware Tab, Device Manager, Ports, Port Properties, Port Settings and ensure it is within this range and also that the COM port settings are for 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (115200 8N1).
The TRF7970A EVM GUI should be downloaded from http://ti.com, unzipped into dedicated folder, and then executable can be launched. Figure 2 shows the first screen the user will see when executable launches and automatically connects to the TRF7970A EVM.
The user can scroll down in the data log window with the slider bar on the right side to see that the GUI has connected to the TRF7970A EVM.
Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
Figure 2. TRF7970A EVM GUI Connected
Figure 2 shows TRF7970A EVM connected to COM3 (as example). The EVM and the GUI are now ready
to be used together to demonstrate the RFID reader/writer and NFC Forum operations.
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Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI

2.3 ISO15693 Tab

By default the TRF7970A EVM GUI starts up with the ISO15693 tab selected. The user should set/select the transponder/tag request flags as appropriate for the given operation (details on this to follow for each command) and by using the Set Protocol button in the GUI first before executing any commands so that the TRF7970A register settings match what is being sent out/expected back to/from the transponder(s) in the field of the EVM antenna. Please note that there are only two mandatory commands in ISO/IEC 15693 standard (Inventory and Stay Quiet). All other available commands are either Optional (as defined by the ISO/IEC 15693 standard) or Custom (as defined by the transponder IC manufacturer by means of the framework outlined in ISO/IEC 15693 standard). The user should always use the transponder/tag IC specific data sheet in conjunction with this guide to ensure settings and commands match what the transponder is designed to support. To avoid any misunderstanding regarding the transponder/tag request flags, see Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5 (taken from the ISO/IEC 15693-3 standard).
Bit Flag Name Value Definition
b1 Sub-carrier_flag
b2 Data_rate_flag
b3 Inventory_flag
b4 Protocol Extension_flag
Table 3. ISO/IEC 15693 Request Flags (b1 – b4)
0 A single sub-carrier shall be used by the VICC 1 Two sub-carriers shall be used by the VICC 0 Low data rate shall be used 1 High data rate shall be used 0 Flags 5 to 8 according to Table 4 1 Flags 5 to 8 according to Table 5 0 No protocol format extension 1 Protocol format is extended. Reserved for Future Use (RFU)
Table 4. ISO/IEC 15693 Request Flags (b5 – b8) when Inventory Flag is NOT set
Bit Flag Name Value Definition
Request shall be executed by any VICC according to the setting of the
b5 Select_flag
b6 Address_flag
b7 Option_flag
b8 RFU 0 RFU
Request shall be executed by only the VICC in selected state. The
1 Address_flag shall be set to 0 and the UID field shall not be included in the
request. Request is not addressed. UID field is not included. It shall be executed by
any VICC. Request is addressed. UID field is included. It shall be executed only by
the VICC whose UID matches the UID specified in the request. Meaning defined by command description. It shall be set to 0 if not
otherwise defined by the command.
1 Meaning defined by command description.
Table 5. ISO/IEC 15693 Request Flags (b5 – b8) when Inventory Flag is set
Bit Flag Name Value Definition
b5 AFI_flag
b6 Nb_slots_flag
b7 Option_flag
b8 RFU 0 RFU
0 AFI Field is not present 1 AFI Field is present 0 16 slots 1 1 slot
Meaning defined by command description. It shall be set to 0 if not otherwise
defined by the command.
1 Meaning defined by command description.
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2.3.1 Inventory (Command Code 0x01)

The ISO/IEC 15693 Inventory command is used to acquire the factory programmed and permanently locked 64 bit unique identifier(s) (UIDs) of transponders that are in within the read zone of the TRF7970A EVM antenna. They are used, as the name implies, to address each VICC uniquely and individually during the anticollision loop and for one to one exchange between a VCD and a VICC. The format of the UID is shown in Table 6.
Table 6. ISO/IEC 15693 UID Format
Byte Position MSB LSB
Bits 64 57 56 49 48 1 Hexadecimal Representation 0xE0 IC Serial Number
As shown in Table 6, the ISO/IEC 15693 standard mandates the MSByte of the UID be 0xE0. The standard also mandates that the IC manufacturing code byte be according to the list shown in ISO/IEC7816-6. The remaining 48 bits (6 bytes) are to be assigned by the IC manufacturer.
There is a slotted ALOHA style anticollision algorithm used for the inventory sequence and as stated above, the purpose is to retrieve the UIDs of the tags in the field. This algorithm does not use timeslots but rather is keyed off nibbles of the UID, starting with the lower half of the LSByte and as collisions are detected, a mask value is incremented until the collisions seen by the VCD are arbitrated.
As indicated above by bit 6 of Table 5, the Inventory command can be issued either as a single slot command or a sixteen slot command. If the command is issued as a single slot and there are two or more transponders in the field only a collision will be indicated and no arbitration will take place. This is useful in applications where only one transponder is allowed to be in the field at a time as the detection of a collision would be considered quite useful.
Another technique of pre-sorting transponders that will be present in the field is to pre-program different AFI values on the transponders, then issue the inventory command (single or sixteen slot) with one of those values in the AFI field and also indicate that this field is present via the request flags (see Table 5, bit 5). Only the tags with the corresponding AFI value respond. See Section 2.3.10 and the ISO/IEC 15693-3 Standard for more information.
To perform single slot inventory using the GUI:
1. Select the radio button for Inventory.
2. Select Tag Flags accordingly (see Figure 3 for one example).
3. Click Set Protocol.
4. Place tags or transponders near enough to the TRF7970A EVM antenna to be read.
5. Click Execute.
See Figure 3 and Figure 4 for example results of one tag in field and a collision between two tags, respectively.
Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
IC Manufacturing Code
(TI = 0x07)
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Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
Figure 3. Single Slot Inventory Command (One Tag in Field)
Figure 4. Single Slot Inventory Command (Two Tags in Field/Collision)
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In time sensitive applications in which the number of tags that are presented to the field should be one at one time but could be from 1 to n, polling or looking for tags using the single slot method first might be effective. If a collision is detected, the firmware could then change the tag request flags to sixteen slot method and then proceed as described here.
To perform sixteen slot Inventory using the GUI:
1. Select the radio button for Inventory.
2. Select the Tag Flags accordingly (see Figure 5 for one example).
3. Click Set Protocol.
4. Place tags or transponders near enough to the TRF7970A EVM antenna to be read.
5. Click Execute.
See Figure 5 and Figure 6 for example results of multiple tags in the field without and with collisions, respectively.
Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
NOTE: For graphics brevity, only four tags are shown.
Figure 5. Sixteen Slot Inventory Command (Four Tags in Field With No Collision)
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Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
NOTE: For graphics brevity, only five tags are shown.
Figure 6. Sixteen Slot Inventory Command (Five Tags in Field, Collision in Slot 0)
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2.3.2 Read Single Block (Command Code 0x20)

The Read Single Block Command is an optional command that requests one block of user memory data from a VICC, with the block number specified in the request. If the Option_flag is set in the request, the VICC also will return the block security status. This command can be sent as an addressed or unaddressed request.
To perform Read Single Block using the GUI:
1. Select the radio button for Read Single Block.
2. Select Tag Flags accordingly (see Figure 7 for one example).
3. Click Set Protocol.
4. Enter the Block number to be read (in hex).
5. Place tags or transponders near enough to the TRF7970A EVM antenna to be read.
6. Click Execute.
Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
Figure 7. Read Single Block Command Example
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Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI

2.3.3 Write Single Block (Command Code 0x21)

The Write Single Block Command is an optional command that writes one block of user memory data on a VICC, with the block number and the block data specified in the request. For TI, TI based, and some other manufacturers' VICCs, the Option_flag must be set in the request. This command can be sent as an addressed or unaddressed request, and the VICC returns an error/no error response after the write operation has been completed.
To perform Write Single Block using the GUI:
1. Select the radio button for Write Single Block.
2. Select Tag Flags accordingly (see Figure 8 for one example, and note use of option flag).
3. Click Set Protocol.
4. Enter the Block number to be written (in hex).
5. Enter the Data to be written (in hex).
6. Place tags or transponders near enough to the TRF7970A EVM antenna to be read.
7. Click Execute.
Figure 8. Write Single Block Command Example
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2.3.4 Lock Block (Command Code 0x22)

The Lock Block Command is an optional command that locks one block of user memory data on a VICC, with the block number specified in the request. For TI, TI based, and some other manufacturers' VICCs, the Option_flag must be set in the request. This command can be sent as an addressed or unaddressed request, and the VICC returns an error/no error response after the lock operation has been completed.
To perform Lock Block using the GUI:
1. Select the radio button for Lock Block.
2. Select Tag Flags accordingly (see Figure 9 for one example, and note use of option flag)
3. Click Set Protocol.
4. Enter the Block number to be locked.
5. Place tags or transponders near enough to the TRF7970A EVM antenna to be read.
6. Click Execute.
Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI
Figure 9. Lock Block Command Example
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Using the TRF7970A EVM With PC GUI

2.3.5 Read Multiple Blocks (Command Code 0x23)

The Read Multiple Blocks command is an optional command that requests more than one block of user memory data from a VICC at a time, with the first block number and the number of blocks specified in the request. This command can be sent as an addressed or unaddressed request. If the Option_flag is set in the request, the VICC also will return the block security status, followed by the block value, sequentially.
To perform Read Multiple Blocks using the GUI (after connecting) the user should:
1. Select the radio button for Read Multiple Blocks
2. Select Tag Flags accordingly (see Figure 10 for one example)
3. Click Set Protocol.
4. Enter First Block number to be read
5. Enter number of blocks to be read (n-1)
6. Place tags or transponders near enough to the TRF7970A EVM antenna to be read.
7. Click Execute
Figure 10. Read Multiple Blocks Command Example
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