•CC3000 Wiki for MCU: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC3000_Wi-Fi_for_MCU
If You Need Assistance
The primary sources of CC3000 information are the device-specific data sheets and user’s guides. For the
most up-to-date version of the user’s guide and data sheets, go to http://www.ti.com/product/cc3000.
FCC Warning
This equipment is intended for use in a laboratory test environment only. It generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing
devices pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable
protection against radio frequency interference. Operation of this equipment in other environments may
cause interference with radio communications, in which case the user at his own expense will be required
to take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference.
This user guide describes how to use the TI CC3000 evaluation module (EM) board to evaluate the
performance and functionality of the TI CC3000 module. The CC3000 module is a self-contained Wi-Fi
solution that enables internet connectivity for a wide variety of microcontroller (MCU) systems. The
SimpleLink Wi-Fi from TI minimizes the host MCU software requirements, making it ideal for low-power
and low-cost applications. The CC3000 EM board is targeted for TI MCUs, such as the MSP430-FR5739
and other various host platforms. This document details the key parts and features of the CC3000 EM
board and the different options available to the user. This document includes layout guidelines to assist
the designer in PCB development.
SimpleLink is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
This section describes the key parts and features of the CC3000 EM board top and bottom views.
2.1EM Board Top View
Figure 2-1 shows the key parts and jumpers mounted on the top of the CC3000 EM board. Table 2-1
describes the key parts of the EM board. Table 2-2 describes the J2 configuration of the CC3000 EM
board. Table 2-3 and Table 2-4 describe the J4 and J5 signals, respectively.
Connect pins 1 and 2. Test mode is used with the CC3000 radio tool for operating,
testing, and calibrating the CC3000 chip-set designs during development. This tool
uses the RS232/UART pins to run radio frequency (RF) RX and TX tests on the
CC3000 module. For more information, see the CC3000 wiki.
platform and the CC3000 module.
Table 2-3. Header J4 of the CC3000 EM Board Top View
J4 PinPin NamePin TypeDescriptions
5WL_RS232_TXOutputRS232 transmit output; used for the radio tool serial
6WL_RS232_RXInputRS232 receive output; used for the radio tool serial