The LM3450A evaluation board is designed to provide an AC to LED solution for a 30W LED load.
Specifically, it takes an AC mains input and converts it to a constant current output of 700mA for a series
string of 1 to 13 LEDs (maximum LED stack voltage of 45V). There are two assembly versions designed
to operate from two different nominal AC input voltages, 120VACor 230VAC. .
The board employs a two stage design with an LM3450A flyback primary stage and an LM3409HV
secondary stage. The LM3450A provides an isolated 50V regulated output voltage and a power factor
corrected input current. The LM3409HV uses the 50V flyback output as its input and provides a constant
current of 700mA to the LED load. This two stage design provides excellent line and load regulation as
well as isolation. The board is comprised of two copper layers with components on both sides and an FR4
The two-stage design has several key advantages over a single stage design including:
•No 120Hz LED current ripple
•Better dimming performance at low dimming levels.
•Better line disturbance rejection
•Better efficiency using small LED stack voltages
User's Guide
SNVA485B–June 2011–Revised May 2013
AN-2150 LM3450A Evaluation Board
120VAC30W Version
•Input Voltage Range: VIN= 90VAC– 135V
•Regulated Flyback Output Voltage: V
•Maximum LED Stack Voltage: V
•Regulated LED Current: I
230VAC30W Version
•Input Voltage Range: VIN= 180VAC– 265V
•Regulated Flyback Output Voltage: V
•Maximum LED Stack Voltage: V
•Regulated LED Current: I
= 700mA
= 700mA
< 45V
< 45V
= 50V
= 50V
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SNVA485B–June 2011–Revised May 2013AN-2150 LM3450A Evaluation Board
The following section explains how to design using the LM3450A power factor controller and phase
dimming decoder. Refer to AN-1953 LM3409HV Evaluation Board (SNVA390) for a detailed design
procedure of the LM3409HV secondary stage and to the LM3450/A LED Drivers with Active Power FactorCorrection & Phase Dimming Decoder (SNVAS681) data sheet for specific details regarding the function
of the LM3450A device. All reference designators refer to the Simplified Evaluation Board Schematic. Note
that parallel and series resistances are combined in one schematic symbol for simplification. To improve
readability of this design document, each subsection is followed by a list of Definitions for new terms used
in the calculations. Section 11, showing all components and connectors, is found at the end of this
document as well as a Bill of Materials for each assembly version.
9.11STStage - CRM Flyback
Figure 11. Two-Stage PFC LED Driver
The first stage of the evaluation board shown in Figure 11 is a critical conduction mode (CRM) flyback
converter controlled with the LM3450A. CRM converters operate at the boundary of continuous conduction
mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). CRM is implemented by turning on the main
switching FET (Q3) until the primary current rises to a peak threshold. Q3 is then turned off and the
current falls until a zero crossing is detected. At this point, Q3 is turned on and the cycle repeats.
In the CRM flyback PFC application, the rectified AC input is fed forward to the control loop, yielding a
sinusoidal peak current threshold. This peak threshold creates a sinusoidal primary peak current envelope
as shown in Figure 12. The secondary peak current envelope I
will simply be a scaled version of
the primary according to the turns ratio of the transformer. Assuming good attenuation of the switching
ripple via the EMI filter, the average input current IIN(t), shown in red, can also be approximated as a
sinusoid. Since the input current has the same shape and phase as the input voltage, high power factor
(PF) can easily be achieved.
AN-2150 LM3450A Evaluation BoardSNVA485B–June 2011–Revised May 2013
The input current shaping happens instantly in CRM due to the feed-forward mechanism; however, the
converter must also regulate the flyback output voltage with a traditional feedback loop. This is
accomplished with a narrow bandwidth error amplifier coupled with energy storage capacitance at the
output to limit the twice line frequency ripple. The output of the error amplifier is multiplied with the scaled
rectified AC voltage to achieve both input current shaping and output voltage regulation. Refer to the
datasheet for a more detailed explanation of the power factor controller.
The LM3450A also has a phase decoder that interprets the phase dimming angle and maps it to a 500Hz
PWM open-drain output at the DIM pin. This signal is directly connected to an opto-isolator to send across
the isolation boundary to the second stage LED driver. In addition, the LM3450A provides a dynamic hold
circuit to ensure that the holding current requirement is satisfied in forward phase dimmers. Refer to the
datasheet for a more detailed explanation of the phase dimmer decoder.
Design Information
Figure 12. CRM Flyback Current Waveforms
9.22NDStage - Buck LED Driver
The second stage of the evaluation board is a buck LED driver controlled with the LM3409HV. The input
to this stage is the flyback output voltage and the output is a regulated constant current of 700mA to a
stack of <45V of LEDs. The LM3409HV is a hysteretic PFET controller using peak current detection and a
constant off-timer to provide regulated LED current with a constant switching frequency ripple. Coupled
with the flyback energy storage capacitance, the LM3409HV is able to remove all 120HZ ripple content
from the LED output. The 500Hz PWM signal from the first stage is used as the dimming input to the
LM3409HV. The output of the opto-isolator is connected directly to the EN pin of the LM3409HV to provide
a PWM dimmed LED current according to the detected phase angle at the primary.
The LM3409HV design is not included in this document. Refer to AN-1953 for a detialed design
procedure. The specifications for the second stage are:
•Nominal Input Voltage = 50V
•Regulated LED Current = 700mA
•Nominal LED Stack Voltage = 45V
•Switching Frequency at Nominal Input = 100kHz
•Inductor/LED Current Ripple = 115mA
9.3CRM Flyback Converter
Operating Points
SNVA485B–June 2011–Revised May 2013AN-2150 LM3450A Evaluation Board
The AC mains voltage, at the line frequency fL, is assumed to be perfectly sinusoidal and the diode bridge
ideal. This yields a perfect rectified sinusoid at the input to the flyback. The input voltage Vin(t) is defined in
terms of the peak input voltage:
The controller and the transformer are also assumed to be ideal. These assumptions yield a sinusoidal
peak primary current envelope I
Both are defined in terms of the peak primary current:
The output voltage reflected to the primary is defined:
CRM control yields a variable duty cycle over a single line cycle with a minimum occurring at the peak
input voltage:
The resulting sinusoidal average input current Iin(t), shown in Figure 12, is approximated as the average of
each triangular current pulse during a switching period. The peak input current occurs at the peak primary
(t) and peak secondary current envelope I
(t) as shown in Figure 12.
Turns Ratio
The first thing to decide with an isolated design is the desired transformer turns ratio. This should be
based on the specified output voltage and the maximum peak input voltage. Frequently the MosFET is
already chosen for a design, given its cost and availability. With a desired MosFET voltage, the maximum
reflected voltage at the primary is calculated:
Generally, an integer turns ratio is selected to achieve a reflected voltage at or below the defined
Switching MosFET
The main switching MosFET (Q3) can be sized as desired; to block the maximum drain-to-source voltage,
operate at the maximum RMS current, and dissipate the maximum power:
The peak current limit should be at least 25% higher than the maximum peak input current:
AN-2150 LM3450A Evaluation BoardSNVA485B–June 2011–Revised May 2013
The parallel sense resistor combination (R30||R31) has to dissipate the maximum power:
Switching Diode
The main switching diode (D10) should be sized to block the maximum reverse voltage , operate at the
maximum average current, and dissipate the maximum power:
n – Primary to Secondary Turns Ratio
VIN– Nominal AC Input Voltage
VR– Output Voltage Reflected to Primary
– Regulated Output Voltage
– Peak Input Voltage
– Maximum Peak Input Voltage
– Peak Primary Current
– Peak Secondary Current
– Peak Input Current
– Peak Current Limit
– Minimum Duty Cycle over Line Cycle
– Maximum Tolerable Reflected Voltage
– Maximum Tolerable MosFET Voltage
– Maximum MosFET Blocking Voltage
– Maximum MosFET RMS Current
– Maximum MosFET Peak Current
– Maximum MosFET Power Dissipation
– Maximum Diode Blocking Voltage
– Maximum Diode Average Current
– Maximum Diode Peak Current
– Maximum Diode Power Dissipation
Design Information
Primary Inductance
SNVA485B–June 2011–Revised May 2013AN-2150 LM3450A Evaluation Board