This demonstration board highlights the performance of a LM3448 non-isolated LED driver solution that
can be used to power a single LED string consisting of eight to twelve series connected LEDs from a 85
to 135 V
This is a two-layer board using the bottom and top layer for component placement. The demonstration
board can be modified to adjust the LED forward current, the number of series connected LEDs that are
driven and the switching frequency. The topology used for this evaluation board eliminates the need for
passive power factor correction and results in high power factor with minimal component count which
results in a size that can fit in a standard A19 Edison socket. This board will also operate correctly and
dim smoothly using most standard TRIAC dimmers.
Refer to the LM3448 Phase Dimmable Offline LED Driver with Integrated FET (SNOSB51) data sheet for
detailed information regarding the LM3448 device. A schematic and layout have also been included along
with measured performance characteristics. A bill of materials is also included that describes the parts
used on this demonstration board.
, 60 Hz input power supply.
User's Guide
SNOA559B–October 2011–Revised May 2013
2Key Features
•Drop-in compatibility with TRIAC dimmers
•Line injection circuitry enables PFC values greater than 0.85
•Adjustable LED current and switching frequency
•Flicker free operation
•Retrofit TRIAC Dimming
•Solid State Lighting
•Industrial and Commercial Lighting
•Residential Lighting
4Performance Specifications
Based on an LED Vf= 3V
Input voltage85V
LED string voltage-36V-
LED string average current-181mA-
Output power-6.5W-
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SNOA559B–October 2011–Revised May 2013AN-2127 LM3448 A19 Edison Retrofit Evaluation Board
The board temperature was measured using an IR camera (HIS-3000, Wahl) while running under the
following conditions: VIN= 120V
NOTE: Thermal performance is highly dependent on the user's final end-application enclosure, heatsinking methods, ambient operating temperature, and PCB board layout in addition to the electrical
operating conditions. This LM3448 evaluation board is optimized to supply 6.5W of output power at room
temperature without exceeding the thermal limitations of the LM3448. However higher output power levels
can be achieved if precautions are taken not to exceed the power dissipation limits of the LM3448
package or die junction temperature. Please see the LM3448 datasheet for additional details regarding its
thermal specifications.
, I
= 181mA, # of LEDs = 12, P
Thermal Performance
= 6.5W.
•Cursor 1: 65.3°C
•Cursor 2: 60.1°C
•Cursor 3: 67.6°C
•Cursor 4: 64.9°C
•Cursor 5: 65.6°C
Figure 19. Top Side - Thermal Scan
SNOA559B–October 2011–Revised May 2013AN-2127 LM3448 A19 Edison Retrofit Evaluation Board
1, 2, 15,SWDrain connection of internal 600V MOSFET.
3, 14NCNo connect. Provides clearance between high voltage and low voltage pins. Do not tie to GND.
4BLDRBleeder pin. Provides the input signal to the angle detect circuitry. A 230Ω internal resistor ensures BLDR is
5, 12GNDCircuit ground connection.
7ASNSPWM output of the TRIAC dim decoder circuit. Outputs a 0 to 4V PWM signal with a duty cycle proportional
8FLTR1 First filter input. The 120Hz PWM signal from ASNS is filtered to a DC signal and compared to a 1 to 3V,
9DIMInput/output dual function dim pin. This pin can be driven with an external PWM signal to dim the LEDs. It
10COFFOFF time setting pin. A user set current and capacitor connected from the output to this pin sets the
11FLTR2 Second filter input. A capacitor tied to this pin filters the PWM dimming signal to supply a DC voltage to
13ISNSLED current sense pin (internally connected to MOSFET source). Connect a resistor from ISNS to GND to
pulled down for proper angle sense detection.
Input voltage pin. This pin provides the power for the internal control circuitry and gate driver. Connect a
22µF (minimum) bypass capacitor to ground.
to the TRIAC dimmer on-time.
5.85 kHz ramp to generate a higher frequency PWM signal with a duty cycle proportional to the TRIAC
dimmer firing angle. Pull above 4.9V (typical) to TRI-STATE® DIM.
may also be used as an output signal and connected to the DIM pin of other LM3448/LM3445 devices or
LED drivers to dim multiple LED circuits simultaneously.
constant OFF time of the switching controller.
control the LED current. Could also be used as an analog dimming input.
set the maximum LED current.
LM3448 Device Pin-Out
Figure 21. Device Pin-Out
Table 1. Pin Description 16 Pin Narrow SOIC
SNOA559B–October 2011–Revised May 2013AN-2127 LM3448 A19 Edison Retrofit Evaluation Board