Operational Waveforms
The UCD7K family of devices have a built-in The UCD7K family of drivers can deliver high current
handshaking feature to facilitate efficient start-up of into a MOSFET gate for a period of several hundred
the digitally controlled power supply. At start-up the nanoseconds. High peak current is required to turn
CLF flag is held high until all the internal and external the device ON quickly. Then, to turn the device OFF,
supply voltages of the UCD7K device are within their the driver is required to sink a similar amount of
operating range. Once the supply voltages are within current to ground. This repeats at the operating
acceptable limits, the CLF goes low and the device frequency of the power device.
will process input drive signals. The micro-controller
Reference [1] discusses the current required to drive
should monitor the CFL flag at start-up and wait for
a power MOSFET and other capacitive-input
the CLF flag to go LOW before sending power
switching devices.
pulses to the UCD7K device.
When a driver device is tested with a discrete,
capacitive load it is a fairly simple matter to calculate
the power that is required from the bias supply. The
The high-current output stage of the UCD7K device
energy that must be transferred from the bias supply
family is capable of supplying ±4-A peak current
to charge the capacitor is given by:
pulses and swings to both PVDD and PGND. The
driver outputs follow the state of the IN pin provided
that the VDD and 3V3 voltages are above their
respective under-voltage lockout threshold.
where C is the load capacitor and V is the bias
The drive output utilizes Texas Instruments'
voltage feeding the driver.
TrueDrive™ architecture, which delivers rated
There is an equal amount of energy transferred to
current into the gate of a MOSFET when it is most
ground when the capacitor is discharged. This leads
needed, during the Miller plateau region of the
to a power loss given by the following:
switching transition providing efficiency gains.
TrueDrive™ consists of pullup pulldown circuits with
bipolar and MOSFET transistors in parallel. The peak
where f is the switching frequency.
output current rating is the combined current from
the bipolar and MOSFET transistors. This hybrid
This power is dissipated in the resistive elements of
output stage also allows efficient current sourcing at
the circuit. Thus, with no external resistor between
low supply voltages.
the driver and gate, this power is dissipated inside
the driver. Half of the total power is dissipated when
Each output stage also provides a very low
the capacitor is charged, and the other half is
impedance to overshoot and undershoot due to the
dissipated when the capacitor is discharged.
body diode of the external MOSFET. This means
that in many cases, external-schottky-clamp diodes
With V
= 12 V, C
= 2.2 nF, and f = 300 kHz,
are not required.
the power loss can be calculated as:
Large power MOSFETs present a large load to the
With a 12-V supply, this would equate to a current of:
control circuitry. Proper drive is required for efficient,
reliable operation. The UCD7K drivers have been
optimized to provide maximum drive to a power
MOSFET during the Miller plateau region of the
switching transition. This interval occurs while the
drain voltage is swinging between the voltage levels
Figure 24 shows the circuit performance achievable
dictated by the power topology, requiring the
with the output driving a 10-nF load at 12-V V
. The
charging/discharging of the drain-gate capacitance
input pulsewidth (not shown) is set to 200 ns to show
with current supplied or removed by the driver
both transitions in the output waveform. Note the
device. See Reference [1]
linear rising and falling edges of the switching
waveforms. This is due to the constant output current
characteristic of TrueDrive™ stage as opposed to
the resistive output impedance of traditional
MOSFET-based gate drivers.
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