The UCC25600 evaluation module, EVM (HPA341), is a 300-W LLC resonant half-bridge converter,
providing a regulated output voltage nominally at 12 V at maximum 300 W of load power with reinforced
isolation of AC-DC off-line application between the primary and the secondary, operating from a DC
source of 390 V. The EVM uses the UCC25600 resonant half-bridge controller which integrates built-in
state of the art efficiency boost features with high level protection features to provide cost effective
solutions for LLC resonant half-bridge converter applications. The secondary side uses two daughter
cards, HPA410, with diodes to make rectification.
Proper precautions must be taken when working with the EVM. High voltage levels, over 390 V, and
temperature higher than 70°C are present on the EVM when it is powered on and after power off for a
short time as well. Forced air cooling is required when the EVM is powered on.
User's Guide
2.1Typical Applications
LLC resonant half-bridge converters are seen in applications such as TVs. The converters produce higher
power conversion efficiency from their zero-voltage switching. Such converters are intended to extend to
low-voltage applications such as ATX12 power supplies for computers and servers to obtain better energy
conservation and savings. The EVM provides a platform to evaluate UCC25600 LLC resonant controller
from a PFC input voltage and 12-V output rated at 300-W output power.
The UCC25600EVM, HPA341, features:
•300-W Output Power Rating
•High Efficiency 92% Peak and Over 91% at Full Load
•Regulated Output Nominal of 12 V
•Input DC Voltage of 390 V
•Plenty of Test Points to Facilitate the Device Evaluation
Voltage rangeV
Maximum input currentVIN= 390 VDC, I
Switching frequencyVIN= 390 VDC, I
Output Characteristics
Output voltage V
Load current1
Continuous output powerVIN: 390 V
Line regulationVIN: 375 VDCto 405 VDC, I
Load regulationVIN: 390 VDC, I
Load starting burst
Ripple and noise (20 MHz BW) VIN: 390 VDC, I
Over current threshold, I
Max power limitVIN: 390 V
PeakVIN= 390 VDC, I
Full loadVIN= 390 VDC, I
Operation ambient temperature Full load, forced air cooling 400 LFM45°C
The EVM output may present saw-tooth waveforms or a voltage higher than the regulation point typically about 13.1 V
depending on load levels and the speed when the load is reduced. The saw-tooth waveform is caused by UCC25600 burst
operation. The output voltage of 13.1 V is caused by output over voltage protection.
The EVM provides plenty of test points to facilitate the device's evaluation work. All test points are divided
into two major groups – primary test points and secondary test points. Their locations are shown in
Figure 2. The list below helps users to identify the functions of each test point.
Voltage Source: The input source shall be a constant DC source capable of supplying 390 VDCwith
minimum 1.0 ADCcurrent rating.
Multimeters: Multimeters are used to measure the output voltage (DMM1), the input voltage (DMM3), the
output current (DMM2) and the input load current (DMM4).
Output Load: A programmable electronic load is recommended, configurable for constant current mode
and capable of sinking 0 ADCto 25 ADCfrom 12 VDC. The output voltage can be monitored by connecting a
DC voltmeter, DMM1 to sense pins (TP10 and TP18) shown in Figure 3. A DC current meter, DMM2, may
be inserted in series with the electronic load for accurate output current measurements. Similarly, the input
voltage can be monitored by connecting a DC voltage meter to sense pins (TP1 and TP3). The input
current can be monitored by a DC current meter too. These are shown in Figure 3.
Oscilloscope: Set the oscilloscope channel to AC coupling with 20-MHz bandwidth.
The following steps are guidelines for power up and power down of the EVM.
1. An ESD workstation is recommended. Make sure that an ionizer is on before the EVM is removed from
the protective packaging and power is applied to the EVM. Electrostatic smock and safety glasses
should also be worn.
2. Power Up
1. Set up an air cooling fan with minimum 400 LFM or 2.0 m/s forced airflow. This airflow direction
should point to the middle of DB1 and DB2 and towards transformer T2. The cooling fan should be
on throughout the test.
2. Prior to connecting the DC input source, limit the source current 1.0 A maximum. Make sure the
DC source is initially set at 390 VDCprior to turning on. Connect the DC source to the EVM as
shown in Figure 3.
3. Connect the current meters DMM2 and DMM4 as shown in Figure 3.
4. Connect the volt meter DMM1 and DMM3 as shown in Figure 3.
5. For operation with a load, connect the electronic load to the EVM as shown in Figure 3. Set the
LOAD to constant current mode with initial value of 1.0 A. Note: if the load less than 1.0 A, the
UCC25600 may be in burst operation and the EVM output voltage may start hiccup.
6. Turn on the DC source and observe the output voltage. Its output voltage should be at nominal 12
Setup the EVM with equipment as shown in Figure 3 and following the test set up directions described in
Section 5.
6.1Line/Load Regulation and Efficiency Measurement Procedure
Set up the load to 1.0 A and input voltage between 375 VDCand 405 VDC. Prior to turning on the power,
set up the input source current limit to 1.0 A to avoid potential damage, although the EVM has its power
limit typical 350 W. Turn on the input source. Reference test results of line and load regulation can be
found from Section 7
6.2Output Ripple
Along with the measurement of line and load regulation, the output voltage ripple can be measured at the
same time. The method of tip-and-barrel should be used for the output voltage ripple measurement. The
EVM provides such type of test point to facilitate the measurement for the type of oscilloscopes from
Tektronix as shown in Figure 3. Reference test results of the output voltage ripple can be found in
Section 7.
The efficiency may be calculated based on the test data obtained from Section 6.1. To correctly measure
input and output voltage for the efficiency calculation, test points TP1 and TP2 should be used for input
voltage measurement, and test points TP10 and TP18 should be used for output voltage measurement.
Reference results of efficiency can be found in Section 7.
6.4Bode Plots
To measure loop compensation bode plots, a sweep signal may be injected through test points TP19 and
TP21. The full system bode plots is measured with TP19 and TP21. The controller bode plots is measured
with TP21 and U3 pin 4. The modulator bode plots is measured with U3 pin4 and TP19.
The EVM provides plenty of test points to facilitate the device's evaluation work. Table 2 presents a list of
test points. Users can use these test points to make measurement to the functions of their interest. The
test points are divided into two groups, namely primary side group and secondary side group. During the
measurement setup, be aware of the setup especially for different ground pick up. The EVM is designed
with 3500-V reinforced insulation between the primary and the secondary. As such there is no common
ground as reference point for the measurement to be made on both sides. In other words, each side has
its own ground to be used for measurement reference point.