Texas Instruments TVP5158 User Manual

TVP5158 Evaluation Module
User's Guide
Literature Number: SLEU108
November 2009
SLEU108–November 2009
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Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated
1.1 Functional Overview .................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Notational Conventions ................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Analog Video/Audio Inputs ............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Analog Video/Audio Outputs ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Digital Video/Audio Outputs to DaVinci HD EVM ................................................................... 8
2.4 Digital Video/Audio Cascade Output/Input ........................................................................... 8
2.5 I2C Configuration Options .............................................................................................. 8
2.6 Test Points and Jumpers ............................................................................................... 8
4 Required Hardware and Equipment ..................................................................................... 10
5 Hardware Setup ................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Setup for TVP5158EVM Stand-Alone Configuration .............................................................. 10
5.2 Setup for TVP5158EVM with DaVinci HD EVM ................................................................... 11
6 Software Installation .......................................................................................................... 14
7 TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures ................................................................................... 17
7.1 Stand-Alone Operation - Non-Interleaved Digital Video Output Modes ........................................ 17
7.2 Evaluation Using the DaVinci HD EVM ............................................................................. 19
7.3 Evaluation of Pixel-Interleaved Digital Video Output Modes ..................................................... 24
8 VCC Software in Depth ....................................................................................................... 25
8.1 VCC Main Window ..................................................................................................... 25
8.2 Register Map Editor ................................................................................................... 25
8.3 Property Sheets ........................................................................................................ 26
8.4 Video Decoder Select and Write Enables .......................................................................... 27
8.5 Example TVP5158 Property Pages ................................................................................. 28
9 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 34
9.1 Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................................ 34
10 TVP5158 EVM Schematics .................................................................................................. 38

SLEU108–November 2009 Table of Contents

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List of Figures
1 TVP5158 EVM Block Diagram ............................................................................................ 7
2 TVP5158EVM System Level Block Diagram............................................................................ 9
3 Location of TVP5158EVM Video/Audio Inputs ........................................................................ 11
4 TVP5158EVM Software Setup Wizard ................................................................................. 15
5 Select Installation Folder ................................................................................................. 15
6 Confirm Installation........................................................................................................ 16
7 Installation Complete...................................................................................................... 16
8 VCC Configuration ........................................................................................................ 18
9 Specifying Cascaded Devices ........................................................................................... 18
10 USB Device Not Found Error Message ................................................................................ 18
11 Real-Time Polling Enable ................................................................................................ 19
12 VCC Main Window - Set for Communication to All Decoders....................................................... 19
13 System Initialization for Analog Component YPbPr Video Output.................................................. 19
14 Browse to Command File ................................................................................................ 21
15 System Initialization for Line-Interleaved Modes...................................................................... 22
16 mcvip_test Demo Application Menu .................................................................................... 23
17 System Initialization for Pixel Interleave Modes....................................................................... 24
18 TVP5158 Register Map Editor........................................................................................... 25
19 VCC Main Window – Configured for Broadcast Write Access (default)............................................ 28
20 VCC Main Window – Configured for Single Video Decoder Write Access ........................................ 28
21 TVP5158 Output Formatter Property Page With Decoder 1 Selected ............................................. 30
22 TVP5158 Output Formatter Property Page With Decoder 4 Selected ............................................. 31
23 TVP5158 Noise Reduction and Auto Contrast Property Page ...................................................... 32
24 TVP5158 Audio Property Page (Seen Only When Decoder 1 is Selected) ....................................... 32
25 TDM I2S Audio Data Configuration ..................................................................................... 33
26 TVP5158 Video Format Property Page................................................................................. 37
27 THS8200 Input Controls / Status Property Page...................................................................... 37
28 Schematics (1 of 8)........................................................................................................ 39
29 Schematics (2 of 8)........................................................................................................ 40
30 Schematics (3 of 8)........................................................................................................ 41
31 Schematics (4 of 8)........................................................................................................ 42
32 Schematics (5 of 8)........................................................................................................ 43
33 Schematics (6 of 8)........................................................................................................ 44
34 Schematics (7 of 8)........................................................................................................ 45
List of Figures SLEU108–November 2009
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1 TVP5158EVM Jumper Descriptions...................................................................................... 8
2 Jumper Settings for Stand-Alone Configuration ....................................................................... 11
3 Hardware Modifcation for I2S Audio to DM6467 ...................................................................... 12
4 Jumper Settings for DaVinci HD EVM as TVP5158 I2C Master .................................................... 13
5 Jumper Settings for PC USB Interface as TVP5158 I2C Master ................................................... 13
6 Jumper Settings for a Cascaded TVP5158EVM ...................................................................... 14
7 Recommended DM6467 Clock Frequencies .......................................................................... 19
8 VCC Main Menu Summary............................................................................................... 25
9 VCC Register Map Editor Controls...................................................................................... 26
10 Property Sheet Controls .................................................................................................. 26
11 Property Sheet Button Controls ......................................................................................... 27
12 Editing Tools vs Video Decoder Write Enables ....................................................................... 28
13 Troubleshooting Setup and General Issues ........................................................................... 34
14 Troubleshooting with THS8200 and CompositeVideo Output ....................................................... 34
15 Troubleshooting with DM6467 DaVinci HD EVM...................................................................... 35
16 Troubleshooting I2C Connections and Cascaded EVMs............................................................. 35
List of Tables
SLEU108–November 2009 List of Tables
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1 Description

The TVP5158EVM evaluation module is a printed circuit board designed for evaluation of the TVP5158 Four-Channel PAL/NTSC Video Decoder. The TMS320DM6467 DVEVM (digital video evaluation module) can be used with the TVP5158EVM as a back-end video processor. This user guide outlines the necessary hardware and software setup required to provide full evaluation of the TVP5158.

1.1 Functional Overview

TVP5158EVM is powered by a single 5-V universal supply. The TVP5158EVM allows the user to have up to four composite video inputs and up to four audio inputs. Analog YPbPr component video output is supported for non-interleaved video modes. Digital video is output to the DaVinci HD EVM in a single or dual ITU-R BT.656 configuration or in ITU-R BT.601 (16-Bit) configuration for evaluation of line-interleaved modes.
The TVP5158EVM uses one PC USB port to provide I2C communication with the TVP5158, THS8200 Video/Graphics Triple DAC and the TLV320DAC32 Stereo Audio DAC devices on the TVP5158EVM. The Video Control Center (VCC) application software is provided for control and evaluation of the TVP5158EVM. A VT100 terminal program is required to connect to the DaVinci HD EVM via UART to send Linux shell commands to control the DSP.
User's Guide
SLEU108–November 2009
TVP5158 Evaluation Module

1.2 Notational Conventions

This document uses the following conventions. The TMS320DM6467 Digital Video Evaluation Module is usually referred to as the DaVinci HD EVM. The TMS320DM6467 Digital Media System-on-Chip is usually referred to as the DM6467.
TVP5158 Evaluation Module SLEU108–November 2009
Copyright © 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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2 Board Level Description

Figure 1 shows the various features available on the TVP5158EVM.
Board Level Description
Figure 1. TVP5158 EVM Block Diagram

2.1 Analog Video/Audio Inputs

The TVP5158EVM makes use of all the available inputs on the TVP5158 decoder, including four CVBS video inputs and four analog audio inputs. Connector J1 has four analog video (CVBS) inputs (yellow RCA jacks) and four analog audio inputs (white RCA jacks).

2.2 Analog Video/Audio Outputs

The TVP5158EVM has a THS8200 Video/PC Graphics Triple DAC and a TLV320DAC32 audio DAC on the board so that the user can evaluate video and audio performance using a single EVM setup. The THS8200 Video/Graphics Triple DAC takes the video output from DVO port A of TVP5158 and outputs analog YPbPr video signals to component output connector J4. The TLV320DAC32 Stereo Audio DAC takes digital audio output from TVP5158 and outputs analog audio to the head phone jack J5.
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Board Level Description

2.3 Digital Video/Audio Outputs to DaVinci HD EVM

The TVP5158EVM has two dedicated connectors which match the digital video/audio input connectors on the DaVinci HD EVM. Connector J9 includes a 16-bit video data bus (buffered data from DVO_A and DVO_B of TVP5158), OCLK_P, OCLK_N, I2C and interrupts. The connector J10 includes BCLK, LRCLK and SD_R/SD_M outputs from TVP5158. Samtec HQCD cables are required to connect TVP5158EVM digital video and audio signals to the DaVinci HD EVM.

2.4 Digital Video/Audio Cascade Output/Input

The TVP5158EVM has two connectors for video/audio cascade mode test. The connector J2 is for video/audio cascade output, which includes buffered data from the DVO_A and DVO_B video output ports and audio cascade output from TVP5158. The connector J3 is for video/audio cascade input, which includes video input data to the DVO_C and DVO_D video ports and audio cascade input from a lower cascaded stage TVP5158 device.

2.5 I2C Configuration Options

The TVP5158EVM uses one PC USB port for I2C communication. The I2C bus master can be changed based on jumper settings. Control is via the PCB USB interface (VCC application controls TVP5158), via the DaVinci EVM (DSP driver software controls TVP5158) or via the cascade input/output connectors J3 or J2.

2.6 Test Points and Jumpers

Various test points are available on the TVP5158EVM for the user. This includes the various power supplies as well as a few GND test points. The user can also use J2/J3 for primary test-point headers to access video/audio data, video/audio clocks, I2C and GND.
There are several jumpers available on the TVP5158EVM that configure I2C address select, I2C control configuration, clock source selection and I2S source select. Each jumper is set by default in its preferred state for the TVP5158EVM. Next to each jumper on the TVP5158EVM is the silkscreen that describes the various jumper configurations. If the I2C address is changed on the TVP5158EVM while the TVP5158EVM is powered up, then that device will not recognize the new I2C address. The reset button on the TVP5158EVM must be pressed and the VCC application must be exited, restarted, and re-configured for the new I2C address. Table 1 shows the TVP5158EVM jumper settings.
Table 1. TVP5158EVM Jumper Descriptions
TVP5158 I2C address selection (I2C_A0)
W0 1-2
W1 1-2
W2 1-2
W3 1-2
W4 1-2
1-2: Low 2-3: High
TVP5158 I2C address selection (I2C_A1) 1-2: Low
2-3: High TVP5158 I2C address selection (I2C_A2) 1-2: Low
2-3: High I2C SDA source selection 1-2: USB controls I2C
2-3: DaVinciHD controls I2C OFF: Control by another EVM for cascade mode.
I2C SCL source selection 1-2: USB controls I2C
2-3: DaVinciHD controls I2C OFF: Control by another EVM for cascade mode.
Description of Function Default
TVP5158 Evaluation Module SLEU108–November 2009
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Table 1. TVP5158EVM Jumper Descriptions (continued)
Clock source selection
W5 1-2
W7 I2C SCL connection for audio DAC ON W8 I2C SDA connection for audio DAC ON
W9 2-3
1-2: Crystal 2-3: Clock from another EVM for cascade mode
I2S input selection for audio DAC 1-2: TVP5158 mixing output to audio DAC (SD_M)
2-3: TVP5158 record output to audio DAC (SD_R)

3 System Level Description

The system block diagram illustrated in Figure 2 provides an example of how the TVP5158EVM may be used for evaluation. Typically, the analog video/audio input is provided by a video source such as a pattern generator or a DVD player running a test DVD. The TVP5158EVM is configured with the 5-V supply and the USB cable provided.
The TVP5158EVM analog video output is standard definition component video (YPbPr). These outputs are then fed into a high-end or studio-quality NTSC/PAL monitor.
The user can also connect the TVP5158EVM to a DaVinci HD EVM and then output combined video from the DaVinci HD EVM to a 1080i HD monitor.
System Level Description
Description of Function Default
Figure 2. TVP5158EVM System Level Block Diagram
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Required Hardware and Equipment

4 Required Hardware and Equipment

The required hardware and equipment are as follows:
Windows-based PC with Windows XP or later
Video sources (security camera, pattern generator, DVD player, etc.)
Display monitor that supports – 1080i component YPbPr video (50 and 60 Hz)
– 480i and 576i component YPbPr video
Audio amplifier/speakers or headphones
TVP5158EVM (provided) – Cables to provide up to four composite video and up to four audio line inputs
– Component Video (YPbPr) cable for output – USB cable (provided) – Universal 5-V power supply (100 to 240 VAC in, 5 VDC/3.0 A out) (provided)
DaVinci HD EVM – Two Samtec HQCD cables
– Component video (YPbPr) cable for output – RS-232 null MODEM cable – Universal 5-V power supply (100 to 250 VAC in, 5 VDC/5.0 A out)

5 Hardware Setup

The following sections describe the hardware setup for evaluation of the TVP5158.

5.1 Setup for TVP5158EVM Stand-Alone Configuration

For evaluation of video quality, comb filter, noise reduction, auto-contrast and other features, the TVP5158EVM can be setup in a stand-alone configuration. Analog video and audio sources are input to TVP5158. TVP5158 outputs digital video as ITU-R BT.656 or ITU-R BT.601 non-interleaved video to the THS8200 PC Graphics/Video Triple DAC. Component Video YPbPr from the THS8200 is output in 480i or 576i format to a video monitor. To setup the stand-alone configuration, make the following connections:
1. Analog video sources to TVP5158EVM composite video inputs (see Figure 3)
2. Analog audio sources to TVP5158EVM audio line inputs (see Figure 3)
3. Analog component YPbPr video out from TVP5158EVM to video monitor
4. Stereo audio headphone output from TVP5158EVM to audio amplifier/speakers or headphones
5. USB cable from PC to TVP5158EVM. A green LED should be lit indicating that the EVM is ready for communication on the USB.
6. 5-V power supply to the dc jack on the TVP5158EVM
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Audio Inputs
Video Inputs
Hardware Setup
Figure 3. Location of TVP5158EVM Video/Audio Inputs
Table 2. Jumper Settings for Stand-Alone Configuration
W2, W1, W0 1-2, 1-2, 1-2 Slave address 0xB0 (1011 LLL0)
W3, W4 I2C master selection 1-2, 1-2 PC USB port controls TVP5158 I2C W7, W8 I2C connection to audio DAC ON, ON Connected
W9 I2S selection to audio DAC 2-3 or 1-2 Monitor record I2S output or mixer I2S output from TVP5158
TVP5158 I2C address selection
Function Setting Comment

5.2 Setup for TVP5158EVM with DaVinci HD EVM

The TMS320DM6467 DVEVM (digital video evaluation module) can be used as the audio/video back-end processor for evaluation of TVP5158. This EVM is available separately from Texas Instruments and is referred to as the DaVinci HD EVM in this document.
This configuration allows evaluation of all line-interleaved video output formats with up to four channels in D1, Half-D1 or CIF resolution. Eight-channel line-interleaved video is also possible if two TVP5158EVM boards are cascaded together.
Sample video and audio driver code and a demo application are provided to run on the TMS320DM6467 on the Linux O/S.
To setup the TVP5158EVM with DaVinci HD EVM configuration, make the following connections:
1. Analog video sources to TVP5158EVM composite video inputs (see Figure 3)
2. Analog audio sources to TVP5158EVM audio line inputs (see Figure 3)
3. Analog component YPbPr video out from DaVinci HD EVM to monitor
4. USB cable from PC to TVP5158EVM. A green LED should be lit indicating that the EVM is ready for communication on the USB.
NOTE: If the VCC GUI Software for TVP5158 is not used, it is not necessary to connect the
TVP5158EVM to a PC USB port.
5. RS-232 null MODEM cable from PC to DaVinci HD EVM
6. 5-V power supply to the dc jack on the TVP5158EVM
7. 5-V power supply to the dc jack on the DaVinci HD EVM
8. Ethernet cable from LAN to DaVinci HD EVM
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Hardware Setup

5.2.1 Additional Setup when DSP Processes Video Only

In this configuration, digital video goes to the DaVinci HD EVM. Digital I2S audio goes to the TLV320DAC32 Audio DAC on the TVP5158EVM. Stereo audio output can then be taken from the TVP5158EVM headphone jack. Make the following additional connections:
1. Samtec HQCD ribbon cable from TVP5158EVM DaVinci Video connector to the DaVinci HD EVM DC_P2 Video Expansion connector.
2. TVP5158EVM headphone jack to audio amplifier/speakers or headphones

5.2.2 Additional Setup When DSP Processes Video and Audio

A modification to both the TVP5158EVM and the DaVinci HD EVM must be made if I2S digital audio is to be processed by the DM6467 DSP (see
In this configuration, digital video and digital audio go to the DaVinci HD EVM. For the digital audio connection, a hardware modification is required as described in Section The stereo audio is then output from the DaVinci HD EVM headphone jack. After making the hardware modification, make the following additional connections:
1. Samtec HQCD ribbon cable from TVP5158EVM DaVinci Video connector to the DaVinci HD EVM DC_P2 Video Expansion connector
2. Samtec HQCD ribbon cable from TVP5158EVM DaVinci Audio connector to DaVinci HD EVM DC_P3 I/O Expansion connector
3. DaVinci HD EVM headphone jack to audio amplifier/speakers or headphones
www.ti.com Hardware Modification for I2S Audio to DM6467 DSP
Three 0-Ω resistors must be removed from the TVP5158EVM and three 0-Ω resistors must be removed from the DaVinci HD EVM according to Table 3.
Table 3. Hardware Modifcation for I2S Audio to DM6467
Remove From TVP5158EVM Remove From DaVinci HD EVM
NOTE: After this modification has been made, the SD_M I2S digital audio output from TVP5158 will
no longer be available. The SD_R output must be used and W9 must be jumpered 2-3. If headphone output from the TVP5158EVM is to be tested using the audio mixer (SD_M I2S output), 0-ohm resistor R42 must be reinstalled and W9 must be jumpered 1-2.

5.2.3 Jumper Settings with DaVinci HD EVM

When the DaVinci HD EVM is used, the video and/or audio driver software can be set to control the entire system, or can be set to skip I2C programming of the TVP5158. In the latter case, the PC USB interface and the Video Control Center application software are used to initialize and experiment with TVP5158 register settings through a graphical user interface.
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www.ti.com DaVinci HD EVM as TVP5158 I2C Master
Table 4 describes the jumper settings to set the DaVinci HD EVM as I2C master for the TVP5158. In this
case, the Linux application and driver software control the entire system. Audio can be output from the TVP5158EVM or from the DaVinci HD EVM. See Section 5.2.1 and Section 5.2.2 for audio configurations.
Table 4. Jumper Settings for DaVinci HD EVM as TVP5158 I2C Master
W2, W1, W0 1-2, 1-2, 1-2 Slave address 0xB0 (1011 LLL0)
W3, W4 I2C master selection 2-3, 2-3 DaVinci HD EVM controls TVP5158 I2C W7, W8 I2C connection to audio DAC ON, ON Connected
W9 I2S selection to audio DAC 2-3 or 1-2 Monitor record I2S output or mixer I2S output from TVP5158
TVP5158 I2C Address selection
Function Setting Comment PC USB as TVP5158 I2C Master with DaVinci HD EVM
Table 5 describes the jumper settings to set the PC USB interface as I2C master for the TVP5158. In this
case, the Video Control Center application software can be used to experiment with TVP5158 register settings through a graphical user interface.
NOTE: This system configuration has known I2C issues that sometimes occur when PC USB and
DaVinci HD EVM I2C buses are used independently.
Hardware Setup
Table 5. Jumper Settings for PC USB Interface as TVP5158 I2C Master
W2, W1, W0 1-2, 1-2, 1-2 Slave address 0xB0 (1011 LLL0)
W3, W4 I2C master selection 1-2, 1-2 PC USB port controls TVP5158 I2C W7, W8 I2C connection to audio DAC ON, ON Connected
W9 I2S selection to audio DAC 2-3 or 1-2 Monitor record I2S output or mixer I2S output from TVP5158
TVP5158 I2C address selection
Function Setting Comment Jumper Settings for Audio/Video Cascade Configuration
If two or more TVP5158EVM boards are cascaded together, care must be taken that the leads on the J2 and J3 connectors are in alignment, because the connectors are not keyed.
Table 6 describes the jumper settings for a second stage TVP5158EVM connected for video/audio
cascade operation. In this case, the I2C slave address must be set be set differently than the first EVM. The I2C Master jumpers must be removed to allow the first stage EVM to control I2C (either from USB or from DaVinci HD EVM). USB should be connected to the first stage EVM if used. The Audio DAC I2C must be disconnected on the second stage, since they are both at the same I2C slave address.
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Software Installation
W2, W1, W0 TVP5158 I2C address selection 1-2, 1-2, 2-3 Slave address 0xB2 (1011 LLH0)
W3, W4 I2C master selection OFF, OFF Stage 1 TVP5158EVM controls TVP5158 I2C W7, W8 I2C connection to audio DAC OFF, OFF Disconnected
W9 I2S selection to audio DAC 2-3 Not used

6 Software Installation

If the TVP5158EVM Software has previously been installed on the PC, it is necessary to uninstall the previous version. To uninstall:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
2. Wait for the list to populate.
3. Scroll down and click on "TVP5158EVM Software" to highlight it.
4. Click the remove button.
5. When prompted with Are you sure you want to remove TVP5158EVM Software from your computer?, click Yes.
The TVP5158EVM software installation program is contained in a ZIP archive file containing the following two files:
Setup.exe TVP5158EVM_Software.msi
Unzip these two files to a temporary directory and run setup.exe. The dialog box in Figure 4 appears. Click Next on the dialog boxes shown in Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6. When the installation is finished, the dialog box shown in Figure 7 appears. Click Close to complete the installation.
Documentation and a shortcut to the VCC application can now be found in the Windows start menu at:
Start > All Programs > TVP5158EVM > TVP5158EVM Software Start > All Programs > TVP5158EVM > TVP5158EVM User Guide
Table 6. Jumper Settings for a Cascaded TVP5158EVM
Function Setting Comment
Figure 4. TVP5158EVM Software Setup Wizard
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