User's Guide
Literature Number: SLEU069A
February 2006 – Revised July 2006

2 SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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1 Functional Description ................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Description Overview ............................................................................................ 6
2 Board Level Description .............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Test Points and Jumpers ........................................................................................ 7
2.2 Common Board Interface ....................................................................................... 8
2.3 Video Input Description .......................................................................................... 8
2.4 Video Output Description ....................................................................................... 8
3 System-Level Description ............................................................................................ 9
4 Required Hardware and Equipment ............................................................................... 9
5 Hardware Setup .......................................................................................................... 9
6 Software Installation .................................................................................................. 10
7 WinVCC Quick Start ................................................................................................... 10
8 WinVCC in Depth ....................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Starting WinVCC ................................................................................................ 13
8.2 WinVCC Configuration Dialog Box ........................................................................... 14
8.3 I
8.4 Real-Time Polling ............................................................................................... 15
8.5 Main Menu ....................................................................................................... 16
8.6 TVP5154 Property Sheets ..................................................................................... 23
9 Programming the TMS320DM642 ................................................................................. 25
9.1 Development and Purpose of DM642 Code ................................................................ 25
9.2 Details of the DM642 Code and Control Registers ........................................................ 26
10 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 33
10.1 Troubleshooting Guide ......................................................................................... 33
10.2 Corrective Action Dialogs ...................................................................................... 35
11 TVP5154EVM Schematics ........................................................................................... 37
C System Test................................................................................................. 14
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 Table of Contents 3
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List of Figures
1 TVP5154EVM Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 7
2 Anti-Aliasing Filter Selection ................................................................................................ 8
3 TVP5154EVM System-Level Block Diagram ............................................................................. 9
4 WinVCC – I
5 Real-Time Polling Dialog .................................................................................................. 12
6 Decoder I
7 WinVCC – Main Screen ................................................................................................... 12
8 WinVCC – System Initialization .......................................................................................... 13
9 WinVCC Multiple Occurrences Error Message ......................................................................... 13
10 WinVCC I
11 I
C System Failure ......................................................................................................... 15
12 Real-Time Polling Dialog .................................................................................................. 16
13 WinVCC – Main Screen ................................................................................................... 16
14 Decoder I
15 System Initialization ........................................................................................................ 18
16 TVP5154 Register Map Editor ............................................................................................ 20
17 7311 Encoder Module Register Map Editor ............................................................................ 21
18 Generic I
19 Memory Map Editor ........................................................................................................ 22
20 TVP5154 Property Sheets ................................................................................................ 24
21 DM642 Control Window ................................................................................................... 26
22 I
C System Failure Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 35
23 Corrective Action Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 35
24 Corrective Action Required ............................................................................................... 36
25 Corrective Action Required ............................................................................................... 36
26 I
C Error ..................................................................................................................... 37
C Configuration Screen .................................................................................... 11
C Write and Read Enable .................................................................................... 12
C Address Configuration ..................................................................................... 14
C Write and Read Enable .................................................................................... 17
C Register Map Editor ......................................................................................... 22
4 List of Figures SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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List of Tables
1 I
2 Power-Down-Mode Selection Jumper (PDN, JP11) .................................................................... 7
3 Main Menu Summary ...................................................................................................... 16
4 TVP5154 Register Map Editor Controls ................................................................................. 21
5 Memory Map Editor Controls ............................................................................................. 23
6 Use of Property Sheet Controls .......................................................................................... 25
7 Property Sheet Button Controls .......................................................................................... 25
8 DM642 Control Window Controls ........................................................................................ 27
9 DM642 Virtual I
10 Decoder 1 Register ........................................................................................................ 28
11 Decoder 2 Register ........................................................................................................ 29
12 Decoder 3 Register ........................................................................................................ 30
13 Decoder 4 Register ........................................................................................................ 30
14 Decoder 1 Input Format Register ........................................................................................ 31
15 Decoder 2 Input Format Register ........................................................................................ 31
16 Decoder 3 Input Format Register ........................................................................................ 32
17 Decoder 4 Input Format Register ........................................................................................ 32
18 LED Control Register ...................................................................................................... 32
19 Flash Major Version Register ............................................................................................. 32
20 Flash Minor Version Register ............................................................................................. 32
21 TVP5154EVM Troubleshooting........................................................................................... 33
C Address Selection Jumpers (I2CSEL1, JP9 and I2CSEL2, JP10) ................................................ 7
C Register Map ......................................................................................... 27
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 List of Tables 5
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1 Functional Description
The TVP5154EVM evaluation module is a printed circuit board designed for evaluation of the TVP5154
quad video decoder. The board includes the TMS320DM642 digital signal processor (DSP) and is
designed with a 120-pin connector, which allows a connection to multiple backends; the evaluation module
(EVM) is shipped with a professional encoder module. The board is designed to provide ease of use, while
allowing full evaluation of the video decoder.
1.1 Description Overview
The TVP5154EVM uses the PC parallel port to emulate the I2C bus, which provides communication with
the TVP5154 video decoder, DM642, and the video encoder. The Windows™ Video Control Center
(WinVCC) application software that communicates with the devices via the I2C is provided on the EVM
The analog video inputs supported by the TVP5154EVM include composite video and S-video. More detail
about the video inputs is discussed in section 2.3 Video Input Description. In general, the video decoder
converts the analog video input signal into digital component data. This data and the associated clocks
from the video decoder are sent to the DM642, which provides various image capture and display modes.
The DM642 is setup in I2C slave mode and is controlled through virtual I2C registers. The video encoder
then converts the digital data from the DM642 back into analog video. The analog video outputs supported
by the EVM include composite video, S-video, and component video. These are all output simultaneously.
To experiment with the programmable features of the TVP5154 video decoder and the video encoder, the
parallel port of the TVP5154 is connected to the parallel port of a PC. WinVCC, a Windows-compatible
application provides the user interface for performing register-level and high-level control of the TVP5154
video decoder and the video encoder.
User's Guide
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
TVP5154EVM User's Guide
Code Composer Studio is a trademark of Texas Intruments.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
TVP5154EVM User's Guide6 SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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2 Board Level Description
Board Level Description
The TVP5154EVM consists of the TVP5154EVM module and the encoder EVM module. A 4-row 120-pin
connector connects the boards. The block diagram of the EVM set is shown in Figure 1 .
2.1 Test Points and Jumpers
The TVP5154EVM was designed with test points and jumpers to help in evaluation and troubleshooting.
Each jumper is set by default in its preferred state for the TVP5154EVM. There are test points for SCL,
SDA, 3.3 V, and 1.8 V. All digital video data for each decoder core are brought out to a dual-row header,
which allows easy hookup to test equipment. The I2C address selection is made with two shunt jumpers,
which are only read after a reset or at power up. The default address is 0xB8. If the address needs to be
changed, the TVP5154 must receive a reset.
Figure 1. TVP5154EVM Block Diagram
Table 1. I2C Address Selection Jumpers
(I2CSEL1, JP9 and I2CSEL2, JP10)
2-3 2-3 0xB8
1-2 2-3 0xBA
2-3 1-2 0xBC
1-0 1-2 0xBE
Table 2. Power-Down-Mode Selection Jumper
(PDN, JP11)
1-2 Normal operation
2-3 Power down
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide 7
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Board Level Description
Note: If the I2C address is changed on either the TVP5154 board or the encoder board while the
2.2 Common Board Interface
The TVP5154EVM uses a 4-row 120-pin connector to share common signals and the 5-V power supply
between the boards. This connection allows multiple backends to be connected to the TVP5154EVM. The
EVM package is shipped with an encoder module. This connector shares all digital video bits (Y[7:0]), all
video clocks (VS, HS, GLCO/FID, and DATACLK), 5 V, ground, I2C bus (SCL and SDA), and reset.
2.3 Video Input Description
The TVP5154EVM decoder has an analog input channel that accepts two video inputs for each decoder
core. The decoder supports a maximum input voltage range of 0.75 V, therefore, an attenuation of
one-half is needed for most input signals with a peak-to-peak variation of 1.5 V. The parallel termination
before the input to the device is 75 Ω . The two analog inputs can be connected as either two selectable
composite video inputs, or one S-video input.
The TVP5154EVM allows the user to have up to two composite inputs or one S-video input for each of the
four-channels. The EVM software sets up and controls this input selection. The S-video input uses two
connectors, one for the luma channel and one for the chroma channel.
The EVM has a resistor network on each of the inputs. These networks attenuate the signal and allow a
75- Ω resistor to ground to be placed after the anti-alias filter for termination.
Each input has an anti-alias filter that can be in-circuit or bypassed by jumpers (JP1–JP8). To select the
filter, the shunts need to be positioned to short positions 1-3 and 2-4. To bypass the filter, the shunts need
to be moved to short positions 1-2 and 3-4 as shown in Figure 2 . The boards are shipped with the filter
TVP5154EVM is powered up, that device will not recognize the new I2C address. The reset
button on the TVP5154EVM must be pressed and WinVCC must be reconfigured for the new
I2C address.
Figure 2. Anti-Aliasing Filter Selection
2.4 Video Output Description
The 8-bit digital video outputs of the TVP5154 are routed to the four 32-pin headers (H2–H5), the DM642,
and finally to the 120-pin edge connector along with all video clocks on the TVP5154 module. The
encoder module connects to the 120-pin connector, and is capable of receiving digital video with or
without embedded syncs. The analog outputs of the encoder module are composite, S-video, and
component. For the user’s convenience, all of these outputs come out of the encoder module
TVP5154EVM User's Guide8 SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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3 System-Level Description
A system-level block diagram incorporating the TVP5154 is shown in Figure 3 . Typical
commercially-available test equipment is also shown. The primary features of this configuration are:
• Power is provided by a single 5-V power supply provided with the EVM and is shared between both
• Supported analog inputs include composite video and S-video.
• Re-encoded composite video and S-video are output via the encoder module.
• Component (YPbPr) video is output via the encoder module.
• I2C bus initializes the video devices via a PC parallel port.
• The TVP5154 video decoder performance parameters may be measured with a video analyzer.
System-Level Description
modules via the 120-pin connector.
4 Required Hardware and Equipment
The required hardware and equipment necessary to use the TVP5154EVM are:
• TVP5154EVM (provided)
• Universal 5-V power supply (provided)
• Parallel cable (provided)
• Windows-based PC with CD-ROM drive and Win95™ or later
• Composite or S-video cables for inputs
• Composite, S-video, or component cable for output
• Video sources (security camera, pattern generator, Quantum generator, DVD player, etc.)
• Display monitor that supports composite, S-video, or component video input
5 Hardware Setup
Figure 1 shows the TVP5154EVM layout and indicates the location of the power supply and the
appropriate connectors. All connectors are labeled according to their function. To prepare the EVM for
evaluation, connect the following:
1. TVP5154 module to encoder module
2. Parallel port cable from TVP5154EVM to the PC
3. Analog video sources to TVP5154EVM inputs
4. Analog video out from TVP5154EVM to monitor
5. 5-V power supply to the dc jack on the TVP5154 board. A green LED on each board should now be lit.
Figure 3. TVP5154EVM System-Level Block Diagram
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide 9
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Software Installation
6 Software Installation
The system comes with the anti-alias filters bypassed. To connect the filters, you must rotate the
appropriate jumpers (JP1–JP8) as described in section 2.3.
The I2C slave address can be selected with jumpers JP9 and JP10. There are four possible addresses:
B8, BA, BC, and BE. The default setting for these jumpers is for the shunt to short pins 2-3, which selects
0xB8. These are connected to pins 117 and 118, which are read at power up. If you move both the
jumpers to positions 1-2 and reset the board, the video decoder now responds to I2C slave address 0xBE.
If you choose to change the address, you must exit, restart WinVCC, and configure the software to use
the new I2C slave address.
WinVCC is a Windows application that uses the PC parallel port to emulate I2C, providing access to each
device on the I2C bus. WinVCC makes use of CMD files, a text editable file that allows preset video
setups to be programmed easily.
This feature allows the user to easily set multiple I2C registers with the press of a button. WinVCC also
has property sheets for the TVP5154, which allows the user to control the I2C registers with a GUI.
All necessary software for the TVP5154EVM is provided on the enclosed CD. Perform the following steps
to install WinVCC:
1. Explore the provided TVP5154EVM Software CD.
2. Install Port95NT.exe. This is the parallel port driver used by WinVCC. This driver must be installed and
the PC must be rebooted before WinVCC operates correctly. This does not affect normal parallel port
3. Install Setup.exe. Click Next at all prompts and click Finish to complete the installation process. This
installs WinVCC onto the PC. No reboot is required.
4. Run WinVCC.exe.
Note: A shortcut to WinVCC should now be available on the desktop. WinVCC and additional
7 WinVCC Quick Start
Perform the following steps in order to see a video output from the TVP5154EVM.
1. Once WinVCC is executed, the WinVCC Configuration screen appears, as shown in Figure 4 . This
dialog box configures the I2C bus. Next to VID_DEC, select the TVP5154 and ensure the I2C address
is set to 0xB8 (default setting on EVM.) This must match the I2C ADDR jumper on the TVP5154 board.
2. Next to VID_ENC, select the 7311 Encoder and ensure the I2C address is set to 0x54 (default setting
on EVM.) This must match the I2C ADDR jumper on the encoder board.
Note: If WinVCC is running and the TVP5154 or encoder board I2C address is changed, power
TVP5154-related documentation can also be found at Start → Programs → TVP5154EVM
must be cycled on the EVM.
10 TVP5154EVM User's Guide SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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WinVCC Quick Start
Figure 4. WinVCC – I2C Configuration Screen
3. Ensure that all other boxes are selected as “Not Used” and that all program options buttons are set to
4. If there are no I2C communication issues, the Real-Time Polling dialog window displays next as shown
in Figure 5 . If there are I2C issues, an I2C Test Report box displays. Completely exit out of WinVCC,
double-check the parallel port cable connections, I2C address settings, cycle power on the
TVP5154EVM, and re-run WinVCC.
5. When using the TVP5154 EVM with a composite output from the 7311 encoder, it is required to disable
auto-switch polling in the Real-Time Polling dialog box by clicking on the ENABLED button. Click OK
and then the Main Control Window is seen, as shown in Figure 7 .
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide 11
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WinVCC Quick Start
6. The TVP5154 I2C Write Enable(s) and Read Enable pop-up window is displayed as shown in Figure 6 .
Figure 5. Real-Time Polling Dialog
This is used to select which decoder or decoders (any combination of all four) will receive I2C Write
commands, and which decoder (only one) will receive I2C Read commands. Decoder 1 is Enabled by
default; enable the other three decoders by clicking on each decoder’s enable button.
Figure 6. Decoder I2C Write and Read Enable
7. Load the provided Initialization command (CMD) file into WinVCC by clicking on Tools → System
Initialization → Browse. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Texas
Figure 7. WinVCC – Main Screen
8. In the System Initialization Window (see Figure 8 ), click the “TVP5154 ROM – Initialize for NTSC...” or
“TVP5154 ROM – Initialize for PAL...” dataset in the window and then click the PROGRAM Device(s)
Using Selected Dataset button to initialize the TVP5154EVM.
12 TVP5154EVM User's Guide SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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Figure 8. WinVCC – System Initialization
WinVCC in Depth
9. With video sources provided at the BNC connectors and the EVM output connected to a monitor, video
from the source connected to CH1 should be viewable on the display monitor.
10. The other datasets in the command file are provided to demonstrate examples of 5154 scaling
performance. Refer to the TVP5154 data sheet (SLES163) or Scaler application report for more details
on programming the TVP5154 scaler. The DM642 settings can be controlled by using the DM642
Control Window, which is found by clicking on Tools → DM642 Control. Refer to Chapter 9 for details on
programming the DM642 through this window or through the Generic I2C registers.
8 WinVCC in Depth
The following sections describe how to use Windows™ Video Control Center (WinVCC) in depth. It
discusses various features and screens that the user may encounter while evaluating the TVP5154EVM.
8.1 Starting WinVCC
The Port95NT parallel port driver must be installed before using WinVCC. WinVCC may be started by
clicking on Start → All Programs → TVP5154EVM Software → WinVCC.
If the dialog box shown in Figure 9 is displayed, it means one of two things:
• WinVCC did not run to completion the last time it ran. In this case, click OK to exit the program and
restart WinVCC.
• There is more than one instance of WinVCC running at the same time. In this case, click OK to exit the
program. Then, press CTRL-ALT-DELETE to bring up the Task Manager. Select and click End Task
on all occurrences of WinVCC or WinVCC CONFIGURATION. Then restart WinVCC.
Figure 9. WinVCC Multiple Occurrences Error Message
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide 13
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WinVCC in Depth
8.2 WinVCC Configuration Dialog Box
The WinVCC Configuration dialog box (see Figure 10 ) should now be visible. This dialog box configures
the I2C bus on the TVP5154EVM. All settings from this dialog box are stored in the Windows registry and
are restored the next time the program is started. After initial installation, VID_DEC is set to TVP5154 and
VID_ENC is set to 7311 Encoder.
The I2C slave address for each device must match the I2C slave address selected by jumpers on the
TVP5154EVM. These jumpers are set by the factory to use 0xB8 for the TVP5154 and 0x54 for the
Encoder. It is also important to select the correct Specific Device type for the video decoder. TVP5154 and
7311 Encoder must be selected for this EVM.
All Program Options must be enabled. Disabling these options is only required if debugging a problem
with the I2C bus.
Clicking OK begins I2C communication with the selected devices.
Figure 10. WinVCC I2C Address Configuration
8.3 I2C System Test
The I2C system test of selected registers runs immediately after closing the WinVCC Configuration dialog
box with OK (unless the I2C system test program options button was disabled).
If the I2C system test passes, only a PASS message appears. If the test failed, a dialog box like the one
shown in Figure 11 appears. See Section 10, Troubleshooting, for details on how to resolve this issue.
14 TVP5154EVM User's Guide SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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The I2C system test can be run at anytime by clicking Run System I2C Test in the Tools menu.
WinVCC in Depth
8.4 Real-Time Polling
Real-time polling provides polling functions that execute continuously in the background, when enabled via
the Real-Time Polling dialog. There are two polling functions. The function that applies to the TVP5154 is
When the TVP5154 detects a change in the input video standard, it automatically switches to operation in
the detected standard (which includes all necessary I2C register initialization) for proper decoding of the
input video. To enable auto-switch on the TVP5154, the Set Video Standard register must be set to
auto-switch mode (Reg 0x28 = 0x00).
If the WinVCC auto-switch polling function is enabled, the detected video standard status from the
TVP5154 is polled until a change in the input video standard (or in the TVP5154 sampling mode) is
detected. When a change is detected, the video encoder is reprogrammed as needed for the detected
standard. Using this feature, the video source can change its video standard and the system displays
using the new standard, without user intervention.
When using the TVP5154 EVM with the DM642 and a composite output from the 7311 encoder, it is
required to disable auto-switch polling by clicking on the ENABLED button in the Real-Time Polling dialog
box as shown in Figure 12 .
The real-time polling dialog can also be accessed once WinVCC is up and running by clicking Real-Time
Polling in the Tools menu.
Figure 11. I2C System Failure
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide 15
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WinVCC in Depth
8.5 Main Menu
Figure 12. Real-Time Polling Dialog
After closing the real-time polling dialog, the main menu is displayed as shown in Figure 13 . The menus,
which are used to operate WinVCC, are File, Edit, Tools, Window, and Help. The File menu’s only function
is Exit, which terminates the program. Table 3 summarizes the main menu contents.
Figure 13. WinVCC – Main Screen
Table 3. Main Menu Summary
File Exit
Edit Register Map
Tools System Initialization
Window Allows selection of the active window. Multiple windows can be open at the same time.
Help Displays program version
7311 Encoder Module
Generic I2C
Memory Map
7311 Encoder Module
Property Sheets
7311 Encoder Module
Real-time Polling
TV Tuner Control (FQ12xx series only)
Multiple-Byte I2C Transfers
Set I2C Bit Rate
Run System I2C Test
Run Continuous I2C Test
Capture Live VBI Data
DM642 Control
TVP5154EVM User's Guide16 SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006
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8.5.1 System Initialization
WinVCC in Depth
The TVP5154 I2C Write Enable(s) and Read Enable pop-up window is displayed as shown in Figure 14 .
This is used to select which decoder or decoders (any combination of all four) will receive I2C Write
commands, and which decoder (only one) will receive I2C Read commands. Decoder 1 is Enabled by
default; enable the other three decoders by clicking on each decoder’s enable button.
Figure 14. Decoder I2C Write and Read Enable
Clicking System Initialization in the Tools menu displays the dialog box shown in Figure 15 . This dialog
box provides the means for initializing the TVP5154 decoder(s) and/or video encoder for a particular video
mode, as well as programming settings for the DM642 through the Generic I2C registers. The details of
the initialization are contained in the command file (with a CMD file extension).
The command file is loaded using the Browse … button. Once the command file is opened, a text list
displays descriptions of the individual datasets contained within the command file.
Click once on the desired dataset description to select it. Click the Program Device(s) Using Selected
Dataset button to run the selected dataset, which loads the devices via the I2C bus. When the device
initialization has completed, the status indicator reads Ready.
Note: If Ready does not display, the devices are not initialized and the I2C bus is not
communicating. See Chapter 10, Troubleshooting, for possible solutions.
Click the OK button to close the dialog box. Each time the System Initialization dialog box is closed, the
initialization file pathname and the dataset selection number are saved in the Windows registry to allow
these settings to be retained for the next time WinVCC runs.
SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide 17
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