BUSPWR 10 I Power source indicator. BUSPWR is an active low input that indicates whether the downstream ports
source their power from the USB cable or a local power supply. For the bus-power mode, this pin should
be pulled low, and for the self–powered mode, this pin should be pulled to 3.3 V . Input must not change
dynamically during operation.
DM0 4 I/O Root port USB differential data minus. DM0 paired with DP0 constitutes the upstream USB port.
DM1 – DM7 13, 17, 21, 26,
30, 34, 38
I/O USB differential data minus. DM1 – DM7 paired with DP1 – DP7 support up to seven downstream USB
DP0 3 I/O Root port USB differential data plus. DP0 paired with DM0 constitutes the upstream USB port.
DP1 – DP7 14, 18, 22, 27,
31, 35, 39
I/O USB differential data plus. DP1 – DP7 paired with DM1 – DM7 support up to seven downstream USB
DP0PUR 2 O Pull-up resistor connection. When a system reset happens (RESET being driven to low, but not USB
reset) or any logic level change on BUSPWR terminal, DP0PUR output is inactive (floating) until the
internal counter reaches a 15 ms time period. After the counter expires, DP0PUR is driven to the V
(3.3 V) level thereafter until the next system reset event occurs or there is a BUSPWR
logic level
EECLK 7 O EEPROM serial clock. When EXTMEM is high, the EEPROM interface is disabled. The EECLK pin is
disabled and should be left floating (unconnected). When EXTMEM is low, EECLK acts as a 3-state
serial clock output to the EEPROM with a 100 µA internal pulldown.
8 I/O EEPROM serial data/power management mode indicator. When EXTMEM is low, EEDATA/
GANGED acts as a serial data I/O for the EEPROM and is internally pulled down with a 100 µA
pulldown. When EXTMEM
is high, EEDATA/GANGED selects between gang or per port power
over–current detection for the downstream ports. This standard TTL input must not change dynamically
during operation.
EXTMEM 47 I EEPROM read enable. When EXTMEM is high, the serial EEPROM interface of the device is disabled.
is low, terminals 7 and 8 are configured as the clock and data pins of the serial
EEPROM interface, respectively.
GND 5, 24, 43 Ground. GND terminals must be tied to ground for proper operation.
40 O Hub configured. Used to control LED indicator. When the hub is configured, HUBCFG is high, which
can be used to turn on a green LED. When the hub is not configured, HUBCFG is low, which can be
used to turn on a red LED.
MODE 48 I Mode select. When MODE is low, the APLL output clock is selected as the clock source to drive the
internal core of the chip and 6-MHz crystal or oscillator can used. When MODE is high, the clock on
XTAL1/CLK48 is selected as the clock source and 48-MHz oscillator or other on-board clock source
can be used.
12, 16, 20, 25,
29, 33, 37
I Over-current input. OVRCUR1 – OVRCUR7 are active low. For per-port over current detection, one
over-current input is available for each of the seven downstream ports. In the ganged mode, any
input may be used and all OVRCUR pins should be tied together. OVRCUR pins have noise
filtering logic.
41 O Any port powered. Used to control LED indicator. When any port is powered on, PORTPWR is high,
which can be used to turn on a green LED. When all ports are off, PORTPWR is low , which can be used
to turn on a red LED.
42 O No ports disabled. PORTDIS is used for LED indicator control. When no port is disabled, PORTDIS is
high, which can be used to turn on a green LED. When any port is disabled, PORTDIS is low, which
can be used to turn on a red LED.
11, 15, 19, 23,
28, 32, 36
O Power-on/-off control signals. PWRON1 – PWRON7 are active low, push-pull outputs that enables the
external power switch device. Push-pull outputs eliminate the pull-up resistors which are required by
for open-drain outputs. However, the external power switches that connect to these pins must be able
to operate with 3.3-V inputs because these outputs cannot drive 5-V signals.
RESET 6 I Reset. RESET is an active low TTL input with hysteresis and must be asserted at power up. When
RESET is asserted, all logic is initialized. Generally, a reset with a pulse width between 100 µs and 1
ms is recommended after 3.3-V VCC reaching its 90%. The clock signal must be active during the last
60 µs of the reset window.