Texas Instruments TUSB1002A Datasheet

User's Guide
SLLU297A–April 2018–Revised October 2018

TUSB1002A Evaluation Module

The contents of this user’s guide are meant to provide an overview of the TUSB1002A, which includes highlighting its key features, operating conditions, and how to setup this EVM for use in a system level evaluation.
The construction of the TUSB1002A EVM also serves as a reference design that can be easily modified for any intended application. Target applications include Cell Phones, Computers, Docking Stations, TVs, and active Cables. Schematic and layout information is included at the end of this manual.
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
2 TUSB1002A EVM Configuration........................................................................................... 2
3 Selecting Equalization Level for TUSB1002A............................................................................ 4
4 Monitoring the Device Current ............................................................................................. 4
5 PCB Construction............................................................................................................ 5
1 TUSB1002A Functional System Level Block Diagram ................................................................. 2
2 TUSB1002A EVM (Top Side) .............................................................................................. 3
3 TUSB1002A EVM Schematic (High Speed Pins / Power) ............................................................. 5
4 TUSB1002A EVM Schematic (Device Control Pins).................................................................... 6
5 TUSB1002A EVM Layout Layer 1 (Top) ................................................................................. 7
6 TUSB1002A EVM Layout Layer 2 (GND) ................................................................................ 8
7 TUSB1002A EVM Layout Layer 3 (VCC) ................................................................................ 9
8 TUSB1002A EVM Layout Layer 4 (BOTTOM) ......................................................................... 10
1 TUSB1002A EVM Jumper / Switch Description and Settings ......................................................... 3
2 TUSB1002A EVM Bill of Materials....................................................................................... 11
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List of Figures
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SLLU297A–April 2018–Revised October 2018
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Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TUSB1002A Evaluation Module
Insert EVM
USB 3.1
USB 3.1 Type-B Receptacle
USB 3.1 Device/Sink (External Hard Drive, Thumb Drive, and so forth)
USB 3.1 Type-A Receptacle (Output)
USB 3.1 Host/Source (Desktop, Laptop, Docking Station, and so forth)
USB 3.1 Type-A Receptacle
USB3.1 Type-A
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated

1 Introduction

The TUSB1002A is a dual channel, USB 3.1 SuperSpeed Plus re-driver and signal conditioner supporting data rates of 10Gbps. The device complies with USB 3.1 spec revision 1.0, supporting electrical idle condition and low frequency periodic signals (LFPS) for USB 3.1 power management modes.
The device offers programmable equalization that extends the interconnect distance between two devices. Also, the device supports low power modes when unplugged. The device can also function in USB compliance mode to test the transmitter for compliance to voltage and timing specifications per USB 3.1 compliance specs.
This EVM was designed to be used as a medium connection between a USB host and a USB device. The interface to the EVM consists of a USB 3.1 Type-A Plug and a USB 3.1 Type-A Receptacle. Because a USB3.1 Type-A plug in used, the TUSB1002A EVM board can be inserted directly into the system (desktop, laptop, docking station, hub, and so forth). The test setup should look similar to Figure 1.
Figure 1. TUSB1002A Functional System Level Block Diagram

2 TUSB1002A EVM Configuration

2.1 TUSB1002A EVM Kit Contents

This EVM kit should contain the following items:
TUSB1002A EVM board
This user’s manual

2.2 Description of EVM Board

The TUSB1002A EVM is designed to provide easy evaluation of the TUSB1002A device. It is also meant to serve as a reference design to show a practical example of how to use the device in a mass-production system. Figure 2 highlights the jumpers and switch installed on this EVM and Table 1 highlights their functionality and configuration.
TUSB1002A Evaluation Module
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
SLLU297A–April 2018–Revised October 2018
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TUSB1002A EVM Configuration
Figure 2. TUSB1002A EVM (Top Side)
Table 1. TUSB1002A EVM Jumper / Switch Description and Settings
Jumper Functionality and Configuration
1-2 = 1 (1 K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20 K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1 K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
1-2 = 1 (1 K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20 K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1 K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
1-2 = 1 (1 K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20 K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1 K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
1-2 = 1 (1K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
SLLU297A–April 2018–Revised October 2018
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Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TUSB1002A Evaluation Module
Selecting Equalization Level for TUSB1002A
Table 1. TUSB1002A EVM Jumper / Switch Description and Settings (continued)
Jumper Functionality and Configuration
J1 and SW1
1-2 = 1 (1K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
1-2 = 1 (1K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
1-2 = 1 (1K to VCC)
3-4 = R (20K to GND)
5-6 = 0 (1K to GND)
NC = F (No Connect)
EN_RXD (Shutdown Mode)
J1: 1-2 = 1K to GND
J1: NC = Internal Pull-up (Default)
SW1 = Push to Short EN_RXD to GND
1-2 = 0 DC Gain increased by +1db
NC = 1 DC gain by default
VCC 3.3 V
1-2 = VCC_3.3 V Provided from U2 (Default)
NC = Provide external 3.3 V on Pin 2

3 Selecting Equalization Level for TUSB1002A

The equalization level of each channel is configured via the CHx_CFG1 and CHx_CFG2 pin states. Reference the TUSB1002A datasheet for details on these pins.

4 Monitoring the Device Current

The TUSB1002A EVM includes the option of monitoring the current draw of the device. In order to enable this feature, the following steps must be taken:
1. Un-install the shunt located at J3 and remove R26.
2. Obtain a DC power supply with the ability to display its current draw (or connect a current meter in series to the power supply). Suggest setting current limit for DC power supply to around 200mA.
3. Connect to 3.3 V of external DC power source to VCC_3.3 V (J3-2) and GND of the external supply to a convenient GND location on the EVM (J2-2).
4. Turn on your power supply and observe the measured current on your power supply display (or current meter)
TUSB1002A Evaluation Module
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
SLLU297A–April 2018–Revised October 2018
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5 PCB Construction

This section discusses the construction of the EVM boards. It includes the board schematics and layout files to show how the board was built.

5.1 TUSB1002A EVM Board Schematics

Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrate the EVM schematics
PCB Construction
Figure 3. TUSB1002A EVM Schematic (High Speed Pins / Power)
SLLU297A–April 2018–Revised October 2018
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Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TUSB1002A Evaluation Module
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