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The dual-band handset market is expanding very rapidly due to
the increase in customers requiring roaming capa bility. The
customer also demands that handsets have an increase in
features while keeping the size compact. These dual-band
handset requirements put pressure on the integrated circuit
manufacturer to be innovative while keeping costs low.
To meet this demand, Texas Instruments (TI) has developed the
TRF1500 receiver. The TRF1500 is a fully-integrated dual-band
receiver in a single package. The selection of the external
components and the layout of the system board required to
complete a tr ans ceiver des ign are cri ti c al t o achi eve maxim um
perform ance.
This application report discusses the implementation and
impedance matching of each section of the TRF1500 to keep the
required board area to a minimum and minimizing external
components while maximizing performance. It also discusses
parameter measurement techniques.
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide9
Product Suppor t
The TI Advan ta ge E xt en ds Be yon d RF to E very Other Major
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play an important role in increasing wireless battery life, time-to-market and system
For more information visit the Wireless Communications web site at
10TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
Related Documentation
The following list specifies product names, part numbers, and
literature numbers of corresponding TI documentation.
Dual-Band/Dual-Mode PCS Receiver
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prompt attention and are usually answered within one business
, Literature number
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide11
Introduc ti on
The TRF1500 is a dual-band/dual-mode Personal
Communications Syste m (PCS) receiver for cellular telephones
operating dual mode (a nalog and digital) in the 800 MHz band and
single mode (digital) in the 1900 MHz band. The TRF1500
consists of a low noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer for each band.
For image rejection, the low-ba nd receiver relies on an off-chip
image rejection filter between the LNA and mixer while the highband receiver uses an image rejection mixer. The device operates
from a single 3.75 volt supply and is controlled by six digital
CMOS control lines. The digital control offers a wide range of
control states, including a sleep mode where the device typically
draws less than 5µA.
Additionally, the local o scillator (LO) inputs have buffered outputs
that can be used in either single-ended or differential mode for a
phase-locked-loop (PLL) configuration. A state is also available
that allows the low-band LO to serve as the high-band LO through
a mode-selectable frequency doubler.
A wide-ba nd mix er is als o avai l a bl e for tr ansm i t loo p ar chi t ec t ur es
which are commonly used in advanced mobile phone systems,
global systems for mobile communications and other digital
The TRF1500 is available in a 48-pin plastic thin quad flatpack
package and is characterized for operation from -40C to 85C
operatin g fr ee- ai r tem p er ature.
Please refer to the data sheet for the TRF1500 (TI literature
number SLWS041A) for detailed information on the device
specifications and refer to the users guide for test instructions (TI
literature number SWRA004A).
12TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
Design Conside ra ti ons
The successful integration of a TRF1500 receiver device into a
design is dependent upon the performance of the external
components and the quality of the board design and layout.
Ex ternal Componen ts
Componen t tolerance and Q specifications (where applicable)
should be obs er ve d dur i n g the selecti o n o f any exte rnal
components. The TRF1500 data sheet, TI literature number
SLWS041A, includes a Bill of Mate rials (BOM) detailing
components with proven performance, that are used on the
evaluation board. The location and orientation of components
should also be taken into consideration for maximum performance
and manufacturability. For e xamp le, the lo w-ba nd imag e rejection
is dependent on an external Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)
component. This filter is used to reject signal outside the band of
the receiver and has bee n chosen to maximize the TR F1500
performance, while maintaining minimum size and cost.
Board Design and Impedance Matching
The quality of the board layout is also critical to the TRF1500
performance. Co rrect transmission line impedances must be
maintained throughout the design to insure maximum
performance. Co rrect transmission line impedances can be
maintained by using proper line widths and board stack-up in
relation to the dielectric constant of the board material.
Utilizing the correct external component to match the device
impedance to board transmission line impedance is also very
For measurement simplicity, the e valuation board utilizes RF
Balun transformers for impedance matching selected differential
inputs and outputs to single-ended inpu ts and outputs. Please
note that the Baluns are used only for evaluating the device on the
evaluation board and do not have to be included in the end user’s
To minimize unwanted signal interference and coupling, digital
lines should be routed around and away from the receiver. On a
multi-layer board, running a separate plane for the digital lines is
highly recommended. Power supply lines should be filtered and
regulate d as clo se as poss ible at the device term i nal.
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide13
TRF 1500 Dual-Band Receiver
A block diagram of the TRF1500 dual-band receiver front end
down converter is shown in Figure 1. Pin names and descriptions
are provided in Table 1. The device operates from a single 3.75
volt supply and its operation is controlled by 6 digital CMOS
control lines the TRF1500 operates in 18 different states. The
control codes and the corresponding active circuits are given in
Table 2.
14TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
Table 1. Pin Descriptions
Pin NumberNameDescription
1Bias AdjustBias adjust
2TX IF +Transmit IF, noninverting output
3TX IF -Transmit IF, inv er ting output
5MIX IN LOW BANDLow band mixer input
8 GNDGround
9TX +Transmit, noninverting input
10TX -Transmit, inverting input
12IR ADJUST DImage rejection adjustment
13HI/LOHigh band/low band select
14SYN ONVCO power control
15HIGH BAND IF +High band IF noninvert ing output
16HIGH BAND IF -High band IF, inver ting output
17LOW BAND IF +Low band IF noninverting output
18LOW BAND IF -Low band IF, inverting output
20HIGH BAND LO +High band noninverting LO output
21HIGH BAND LO -High band, inv erti ng LO out put
22LOW BAND LO +Low band noninverting LO output
23LOW BAND LO -Low band, inv er ting LO output
24RX ONLow noise amplifier/mixer power control
26TX ONTransmit mixer/driver power control
27HIGH BAND LO IN -/RF GNDHigh band LO inverting input/RF GND
28HIGH BAND LO IN +High band LO noninverting input
30DOUDLER TANKDoubler output
32LOW BAND LO INLow band LO input
35X2 ONDoubler power control
36IR ADJUST AImage rejection adjustm ent
37IR ADJUST BImage rejection adjustm ent
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide15
38STRONG SIGNALStrong signal indication
42LNA IN HIGH BANDHigh band LNA input
43LNA IN LOW BANDLow band LNA input
45LNA OUT LOW BANDLow band LNA output
48IR ADJUST CImage rejection adjustment
16TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
TRF1500 Control State
The TRF1500 operates in 18 different states: The control code
and active circuits are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Control State and the Corresponding Active Circuits
Control Code
000000Sleep Mode
010000Low-Band LO Input Buffer OnLB LO Buffer
011000Low-Band Receive NormalLB LO Buffer, LB LNA, LB Mixer
011010Low-Band Receive Strong SignalLB LO Buffer, LB Mixer
010100Low-Band Transmit MixerLB LO Buffer, LB TX Mixer
011100Low-Band Receive and Transmit MixerLB LO Buffer, LB LNA (On High), LB Mixer , LB TX
011110Low-Band Transmit MixerLB LO Buffer, LB LNA (On High), LB Mixer
010001Doubler OnLB LO Buffer, Frequency Doubler, HB LO Buffer
011001Low-Band Receive Normal, Doubler On
011011Low-Band Receive Strong Signal, DoublerOnLB LO Buffer, LB Mixer, Fr equenc y Doubler
011111Low-Band Transmit, Doubler OnLB LO Buffer, LB LNA (On High), LB Mixer, LB TX
111011High-Band Receive Strong Signal, DoublerOnHB LO Buffer, HB Mixer, Fr equenc y Doubler
110000High-Band LO Input B uff er OnHB LO Buffer
111000High-Band Receive NormalHB LO Buffer, HB LNA, HB Mixer
111010High-Band Receive Strong SignalHB LO Buffer, HB Mixer
111001High-Band Receive Frequency, Doubler OnLB LO Buff er, HB LO Buffer, HB LNA, HB Mixer,
LB LO Buffer, LB LNA, LB Mixer, F r equenc y
Frequency Doubler
HB LO Buffer, HB TX Mixer, Frequency Doubler,
LB LO Buffer
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide17
Low Band Cascaded Receiver Section: LNA, External SAW
Filter, Mixer, and LO Buffer Ampli f ier
The TRF1500 low-band receiver section, shown in Figure 2, is an
integrated front-end down converter designed to operate in the
800 MHz frequency range. The low-band down converter consists
of an LNA, mixer, LO buffer amplifier and an off-chip image reject
filter. The digital control allows the low-band to operate in thre e
different states to compensate for the environment in which the
TRF1500 is operating. The device can be operated in the normal
state, where the LNA, mixer and buffer amplifier are on, the strong
signal state, where the LNA is off and the mixer and buffer
amplifier are on, or the transmit state, where the LNA bias current
is increased to prevent compression when the transmitter is on.
The low-band receiver has low typical current consumption of
21mA at 3.75V supply. The cascaded gain is typically 26dB while
providing good dynamic range with approximately a -10dBm third
order input intercept point (IIP3). The low-band receiver has a
typical system noise figure of approximately 2.5 dB for excellent
Figure 2. Cascaded Block Diagram of the Low-Band Receiver Section
18TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
Low-B an d LNA
In a typical down-conversion receiver, the LNA is usually placed
directly after the antenna and a band-select filter. The purpose of
the LNA is to amplify the desired signal being received while
adding as little undesired noise and distortion as possible. The
TRF1500 LNA is a common emitter amplifier, designed to operate
on a single 3.75 volt supply. The LNA has two selectable gain
states, normal state or strong signal state, which are controlled
with the digital CMOS control lines. The strong signal state, which
disables the LNA, is provided for operation in a high signal
environment such as near the base station. Operating near the
base station in the normal state could cause an increase in the
intermodulation product levels and thus cause undesired noise
and distortion in the receiver. Stand-alone LNA performance can
be ascertained by reconfiguring the evaluation board as noted on
the da tashee t.
Low-B an d LNA Turn on Tim e
The turn on time can be adjusted by changing the values of C10,
R6 and R7, as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The resistors form
a voltage-divider network across the supply, Vcc. The function of
this network is to provide a bias condition near the ideal operating
region at the base of the common emitter amplifier. By providing
this bias condition, the charge time of the series capacitor, C10,
can be ad justed. Changing the value of resistors should not affect
gain, IIP3 or noise figure (NF) performance.
Figure 3. Voltage Divider at Low-Band LNA Input
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide19
Low-B an d LNA Input
Figure 4 details the lo w-band LNA input configuration. The LNA
input impedance matching network primarily determines the
cascaded gain, noise figure, and input return loss performance of
the low-band receiver section. A simple high-pass shunt-L (L10)
impedance matching network is used for optimum noise figure
performance. The trade off for this optimization is a lower input
return loss in the pass-band, but with sufficient attenuation in the
stop-band. C10 has minimal effect on matching and is used
mainly to optimize the turn-on time.
Figure 4. Low-Band LNA Input Configuration
Low-B an d LNA Output
Figure 5 details the LNA output configuration. The LNA output
impedance matching network has several functions. The matching
network optimizes the third order input intercept point (IIP3)
performance while also matching the LNA output impedance to
the Surface Acoustic W a ve (SAW) filter input impedance. A
shunt-C (C11) is used to match the LNA output to the SAW filter
input. Increasing the value of the shunt capacito r will improve the
gain and noise f igu re performance but will degrade the third order
input intercept point. The end user can adjust the LNA input and
output mat chi n g network to optimize a particular parameter of
20TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
Figure 5. Low-Band LNA Output Configuration
Surface Aco us tic Wave (SAW) Filter
The SAW filter is used primarily as an image-reject filter (IRF).
The i m age frequency (f
frequency (f
). The image frequency acts as an interferer to the system.
) plus two times the IF frequ ency (fIF); fIM = fCH + (2 x
During the down-conversion process, the image and the desired
channel are both converted to a common IF. Left unfiltered, the
image could completely mask the desired signal. The IRF rejects
this image before the RF signal is introduced to the mixer.
) is located at the desired channel
By minimizing the image before it reaches the mixer, the
sensitivity of the receiver is enhanced. To further minimize
potential interferers, a band-select filter is typically used at the
front of the receiver, before the LNA. The band-select filter passes
only those frequencies that fall within the system receive band. In
many TDMA systems, the duplexor acts as the band-select filter.
The off-c hip SAW image- r eject filter used on the TR F1 500
applications board has a 3dB nominal insertion loss and a 25 MHz
bandwid th at a c en ter fr eq uency of 880 MHz as shown in Fi gur e 6.
Figure 6. SAW Filter Insertion Loss
SAW Filter Insertion Loss
Insertion Loss (dB)
Frequency (M Hz)
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide21
Low-Band Mixer
The purpose of the mixer in a down-conversion receiver is to
translate incoming signals from one frequency to another. The
low-band mixer in the TRF1500 is a three port high-side injected
circuit. The mixer takes two known input signals, a radio frequency
(RF) signal and a local oscillator (LO) signal and mixes them
together to create a sum and difference intermediate frequency
(IF). High-side injection means the LO is higher in frequency than
the RF by the IF frequency. The output of the mixer is the IF and
contains the difference and the sum of the RF and LO signals.
The difference of the RF and LO signals is the desired IF
frequency in a down-conversion receiver. The undesired signal,
the sum of the RF and LO frequencies, can be attenuated by
using a low pass filter. The low-band mixer section of the
TRF1500 is a Gilbert cell design with open collector outputs. The
Gilbert cell structure was used for its robust isolation and
harmonic suppression characteristics.
The TRF1500 mixer typically achieves a noise figure of 7.5 dB
with an input third order intercept point of 3.5 dBm. Stand-alone
mixer performance can be ascertained by reconfiguring the
evaluati on board as noted on the dat ash eet.
Low-Band Mixe r RF Input
Figure 7 details the mixer RF input configuration. The signal from
the LNA passes through the external image-reject SAW filter and
back into the device’s low-band mixer input terminal
(MIX_IN_LOW_BAND). Minimal mixer input impedance matching
is required. A high-pass shunt-L (L11) and series-C (C13) network
are used for impedance matching the SAW filter output to the
mixer RF input. The shunt inductor presents a short at the IF
frequency. This configuration minimizes the IF leakage and
prevents unwanted interfering signals at, or near, the IF frequency
from degrading the mixer’s noise figure performance.
Figure 7. Low-Band Mixer RF Input Configuration
22TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide
Low-Band Mixer LO Input
Figure 8 details the low-band mixer LO input configuration. The
input power range level for the LO buffer amplifier is flexible
enough (-3 dBm to -7 dBm) to drive the mixer without entering
compression. The LO signal is injected through an internal LO
buffer amplifier and into the mixer. A high pass shunt-L (L14) and
series-C (C17) network is used for impedance matching. The
inductor also shunts to ground any un desired noise that could be
injected to the mixer.
Figure 8. Low-Band Mixer LO Input Configuration
Low -Band IF Ou tput
Figure 9 details the low-band IF output configuration. The lowband mixer has a differential IF output with a 1kΩ differential
output impedance. For evaluation, a 16:1 transformer balun, with
a insertion loss of 1.8 dB, is used to transform the 1kΩ differential
output to a single-ended output which is then matched to 50Ω. In
the actual application, the IF output is usually connected to a
narrow band channel select filter with a differential input and the
transformer balun is not required.
The supply voltage (VCC) is applied to the IF pins with pull up
inductors (L12, L13). A low-pass filter network is provided prior to
the balun. The filter also acts as part of the impedance matching
network. During optimization of the output matching network, it
was found that mismatching the differential output, accomplished
with C55, gives the best IIP3 performance with minimum effect on
the gain and noi se figure performance. C5 5 als o hel ps to
decouple the digital CMOS control line from the LO signal. The IF
response is shaped by the shunt-L (L51) after the transformer
balun. L51 is also used to block unwanted noise that could be
reflect ed back to the mi xer . T he s eri es ca pac i t or (C51) ne ar t he
LB_IF_OUT port is used as a dc block for evaluation purposes
and does not have to be implemented in the end-users system.
TRF1500 Integrat ed Dual- B and RF Receiver User’s Guide23
Figure 9. Low-Band IF Output Configuration
Low-B an d LO B uf fer Am pl i fie r Ou tp ut
Figure 10 details the low-band LO buffer amplifier configuration.
The low-band LO buffer amplifier can be used in either singleended or differential mode for a phase lock loop (PLL)
configuration. The buffer is digitally controlled and requires a
operating drive level ranging from -3 to -7 dBm. Fo r evaluation
purposes, a 1:1 transformer balun, with an insertion loss of 2.7 dB,
is used to convert the differential output to a single-ended output.
The series capacitors at the buffer output are used for dc blocking.
The transmission line on the output of the buffer amplifier are used
to convert the 100Ω differential to 50Ω differential.
The transmission lines on the output of the buffer amplifier can be
modeled as microstrip lines. The values used for the calculations
depend on the PCB substrate, the board stackup and the required
impedance. The physical dimensions of the microstrip lines can
be calculated using standard microstrip transmission line
equations using the following values:
Frequency = 990 MHz
ER = 4.400 (FR4), Height = 12.0000 m ils , Thickness = 1.5000