The TPS65680EVM is an evaluation tool for the TPS65680 18-Channel Pattern-Programmable Level
Shifter with Overcurrent Protection for use in large format liquid-crystal display (LCD) display applications
such as TVs and monitors. The TPS65680 supports up to twelve high-voltage clock (GCK) outputs in
charge-sharing or gate-voltage shaping configuration, six high-voltage control outputs for generating start,
clear and reset, and low frequency signals and panel discharge. The evaluation module with its graphical
user interface (GUI) enables the programming of the device from a Microsoft®Windows®7 or 10 PC and
provides easy access to all 18 outputs, 3 supplies and logic inputs.
This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation and use of the TPS65680 evaluation module
(EVM) and its drive software. This EVM contains TI's 18-channel pattern-programmable level shifter with
overcurrent protection IC TPS65680. The user's guide includes EVM specifications, the recommended test
setup (hardware and software), the schematic diagram, the bill of materials, and the board layouts.
All typical characteristics measurements in the TPS65680 data sheet were done with this evaluation
The TPS65680 EVM uses the TPS65680 device to deliver 18 high-voltage level-shifter output channels to
support the high-voltage gate signals of gate-in-array (GOA) or gate-in-panel (GIP) LCD displays. The
EVM makes it easy to examine the programmability and performance of the TPS65680 device.
The IC on the EVM is not programmed and the outputs will only toggle after a pattern is loaded. The EVM
comes with the USB2ANY interface adapter and the connectors. For programming the device, you
additionally must have a host computer, and a DC power supply. To operate the level shifters, 2 square
wave outputs of a frequency generator or microcontroller are necessary.
1.1.1Power Supplies
In order to operate this EVM, 3 DC power supplies, PS1, PS2, and PS3, with the following requirements
are needed:
•PS1 to supply VIN: 2.7 V to 5.5 V capable of 0.5 A
•PS2 to supply VGL: –18 V to –4 V capable of 1 A
•PS3 to supply VGH: 9 V to 40 V capable of 1 A
1.1.2Digital Inputs
The output signals of a gate signal level shifter on an LCD TFT need to be synchronized to the timing
controller that delivers the image content. To keep TPS65680 synchronised to the timing controller
signals, just 2 digital input signals are necessary:
•LN_CLK is the input signal for the TPS65680 internal PLL. This fixed frequency signal is often set to
the line frequency.
•A rising edge on LS_START starts the programmed pattern from the programmed start address. This
fixed frequency signal is normally set to the frame frequency, for example; 60 Hz, 120 Hz, 240 Hz, and
so forth.
1.1.3Host Computer
A computer with a USB port is required program the TPS65680 on the EVM. The TPS65680 software runs
on a personal computer (PC) and communicates with the EVM through a USB port.
The minimum requirements for the PC are:
•Microsoft Windows 7 or 10 operating system
•1 USB port
•A minimum of 280MB of free hard disk space (610MB recommended)
•A minimum of 512MB of RAM
Texas Instruments provides the software necessary to program the TPS65680 and evaluate the IC
functionality. After you are approved, download the software and install it on your computer.
In addition to ease the first start with the device, TI provides some standard patterns and a How-To-Start
Video. All of these are included in your 'mySecure Software' folder which included this user's guide.
Figure 1 is for reference only; see the bill of materials in Table 2 for specific values.
Figure 1. TPS65680 EVM Schematic
S +
S -
S +
S -
2-wire connection
4-wire connection
Connector and Test Point Descriptions
4Connector and Test Point Descriptions
4.1Supply Connectors
4.1.1J1 – VIN, Input Sense, and GND Connector
This header is the connection of the input power supply, VI, and its sense connections. The power supply
must be connected between pins 1 and 2 (VIN) and pins 5 and 6 (GND). Twist the leads to the input
supply and keep them as short as possible. The input voltage must be between 2.7 V and 5.5 V.
4.1.2J2 – VGH, Input Sense, and GND Connector
This header is the connection of the power supply, V
must be connected between pins 1 and 2 (VGH) and pins 5 and 6 (GND). Twist the leads to the input
supply and keep them as short as possible. The input voltage must be between 9 V and 40 V.
4.1.3J3 – VGL, Input Sense, and GND Connector
This header is the connection of the power supply, V
must be connected between pins 1 and 2 (VGL) and pins 5 and 6 (GND). Twist the leads to the input
supply and keep them as short as possible. The input voltage must be between –18 V and –4 V.
Use the middle two pins of the input connectors to sense the input voltage and make a four-terminal
connection. Four-terminal connections are more accurate than two-terminal connections. Figure 2 shows
the setup for two-terminal and four-terminal connections.