•3-µA Quiescent Current in Low IQPass-Through
•Wide VINRange From 2.3 V To 4.8 V
≥ 4A (Peak) at V
= 3.35 V, VIN≥ 2.65 V
•Integrated Pass-Through Mode (35 mΩ)
•Programmable Valley Inductor Current Limit and
Output Voltage
•True Pass-Through Mode During Shutdown
•Best-in-Class Line and Load Transient
•Low-Ripple Light-Load PFM Mode
•In-Situ Customization with On-Chip E2PROM
(Write Protection)
•Two Interface Options:
– I2C Compatible I/F up to 3.4 Mbps
– Simple I/O Logic Control Interface
•Thermal Shutdown and Overload Protection
•Total Solution Size < 20 mm2, Sub 1-mm Profile
•Single-Cell Ni-Rich, Si-Anode, Li-Ion, LiFePO4
Smart-Phones or Tablet PCs
•2.5G, 3G, 4G Mini-Module Data Cards
•Current Limited Applications Featuring High Peak
Power Loads
The TPS6128xD device provides a power supply
solution for products powered by either by a Li-Ion,
Nickel-Rich, Silicon Anode, Li-Ion or LiFePO4 battery.
The voltage range is optimized for single-cell portable
applications like in smart-phones or tablet PCs.
Used as a high-power pre-regulator, the TPS6128xD
extends the battery run-time and overcomes input
current- and voltage limitations of the powered
While in shutdown, the TPS6128xD operates in a true
consumption for longest battery shelf life.
During operation, when the battery is at a good stateof-charge, a low-ohmic, high-efficient integrated passthrough path connects the battery to the powered
If the battery gets to a lower state of charge and its
voltage becomes lower than the desired minimum
system voltage, the device seamlessly transits into
boost mode to uses the full battery capacity.
Device Information
DSBGA (16)1.66 mm x 1.66 mmTPS61281D
(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
the end of the datasheet.
Simplified Schematic
An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
TPS6128xD device supports more than 4 A pulsed load current even from a deeply discharged battery. In this
mode of operation, the TPS6128xD enables the use of the full battery capacity: A high battery-cut-off voltage
originated by powered components with a high minimum input voltage is overcome; new battery chemistries can
be fully discharged; high current pulses forcing the system into shutdown are buffered by the device seamlessly
transitioning between boost and by-pass mode back and forth.
This has significant impact on the battery on-time and translates into either a longer use-time and better userexperience at an equal battery capacity or into reduced battery costs at similar use-times.
The TPS6128xD offers a small solution size (< 20 mm2) due to minimum amount of external components,
enabling the use of small inductors and input capacitors, available as a 16-pin chip-scale package (CSP).
The TPS6128xD operates in synchronous, 2.3 MHz boost mode and enters power-save mode operation (PFM)
at light load currents to maintain high efficiency over the entire load current range.
6Device Comparison Table
TPS61281DSimple Logic Control Interface
TPS61282DSimple Logic Control Interface
I2C Control Interface
User Prog. E2PROM Settings
DC/DC boost / bypass threshold = 3.15 V (VSEL = L)
DC/DC boost / bypass threshold = 3.35 V (VSEL = H)
Valley inductor current limit = 3 A
DC/DC boost / bypass threshold = 3.15 V (VSEL = L)
DC/DC boost / bypass threshold = 3.35 V (VSEL = H)
Valley inductor current limit = 3 A
DC/DC boost / bypass threshold = 3.3 V (VSEL = L)
DC/DC boost / bypass threshold = 3.5 V (VSEL = H)
Valley inductor current limit = 4 A
SCLB2ISerial interface clock line. This pin must not be left floating and must be terminated.
SDAC2I/OSerial interface address/data line. This pin must not be left floating and must be terminated.
SWC3, C4I/OInductor connection. Drain of the internal power MOSFET. Connect to the switched side of the inductor.
PGNDD2, D3, D4Power ground pin.
AGNDD1Analog ground pin. This is the signal ground reference for the IC.
This is the enable pin of the device. On the rising edge of the enable pin, all the registers are reset with their default
values. This input must not be left floating and must be terminated.
EN = Low: The device is forced into shutdown mode and the I2C control interface is disabled. Depending on the
logic level applied to the nBYP input, the converter can either be forced in pass-through mode or it's output can be
regulated to a minimum level so as to limit the input-to-output voltage difference to less than 3.6V (typ). The current
consumption is reduced to a few µA. For more details, refer to Table 2.
EN = High: The device is operating normally featuring automatic dc/dc boost, pass-through mode transition. For
more details, refer to Table 2.
This pin can either be configured as a input (mode selection) or as dual role input/open-drain output RST/FAULT )
pin. Per default, the pin is configured as RST/FAULT input/output. The input must not be left floating and must be
Manual Reset Input: Drive RST/FAULT low to initiate a reset of the converter's output. nRST/nFAULT controls a
falling edge-triggered sequence consisting of a discharge phase of the capacitance located at the converter's output
followed by a start-up phase.
Fault Output (open-drain interrupt signal to host): Indicates that a fault has occurred (e.g. thermal shutdown, output
voltage out of limits, current limit triggered, and so on). To signal such an event, the device generates a falling edgetriggered interrupt by driving a negative pulse onto the GPIO line and then releases the line to its inactive state.
Mode selection input = Low: The device is operating in regulated frequency pulse width modulation mode (PWM) at
high-load currents and in pulse frequency modulation mode (PFM) at light load currents.
Mode selection input = High: Low-noise mode enabled, regulated frequency PWM operation forced.
VSEL signal is primarily used to set the output voltage dc/dc boost, pass-through threshold. This pin must not be left
floating and must be terminated.
A logic low level on the BYP input forces the device in pass-through mode. This pin must not be left floating and
SWC3, C4I/OInductor connection. Drain of the internal power MOSFET. Connect to the switched side of the inductor.
PGNDD2, D3, D4Power ground pin.
AGNDC2, D1Analog ground pin. This is the signal ground reference for the IC.
This is the enable pin of the device. On the rising edge of the enable pin, all the registers are reset with their default
values. This input must not be left floating and must be terminated.
EN = Low: The device is forced into shutdown mode. Depending on the logic level applied to the nBYP input, the
converter can either be forced in pass-through mode or it's output can be regulated to a minimum level so as to limit
the input-to-output voltage difference to less than 3.6V (typ). The current consumption is reduced to a few µA. For
more details, refer to Table 2.
EN = High: The device is operating normally featuring automatic dc/dc boost, pass-through mode transition. For
more details, refer to Table 2.
Power-Good Output (open-drain output to host): A logic high on the PG output indicates that the converter's output
voltage is within its regulation limits. A logic low indicates a fault has occurred (e.g. thermal shutdown, output voltage
out of limits, current limit triggered, and so on). The PG signal is de-asserted automatically once the IC resumes
proper operation.
VSEL signal is primarily used to set the output voltage dc/dc boost, pass-through threshold. This pin must not be left
floating and must be terminated.
A logic low level on the BYP input forces the device in pass-through mode. For more details, refer to Table 2. This
pin must not be left floating and must be terminated.
This is the mode selection pin of the device. This pin must not be left floating, must be terminated and can be
connected to AGND. During start-up this pin must be held low. Once the output voltage settled and PG pin indicates
that the converter's output voltage is within its regulation limits the device can be forced in PWM mode operation by
applying a high level on this pin.
MODE = Low: The device is operating in regulated frequency pulse width modulation mode (PWM) at high-load
currents and in pulse frequency modulation mode (PFM) at light load currents. This pin must be held low during
device start-up.
over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
, EN
, PG
) is dependent on the maximum operating junction temperature (T
Voltage at VOUT
Voltage at VIN
Input voltage
Voltage at SCL
Voltage at SW
Differential voltage between VIN and VOUTDC–0.34V
Input current
Continuous average current into SW
Peak current into SW
Power dissipationInternally limited
Temperature range
Operating temperature range, T
Operating virtual junction, T
Storage temperature range–65150°C
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating
conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods my affect device reliability.
(2) All voltages are with respect to network ground terminal.
(3) Limit the junction temperature to 105°C for continuous operation at maximum output power.
(4) Limit the junction temperature to 105°C for 15% duty cycle operation.
(5) In applications where high power dissipation and/or poor package thermal resistance is present, the maximum ambient temperature may
have to be derated. Maximum ambient temperature (T
maximum power dissipation of the device in the application (P
in the application (θJA), as given by the following equation: T
recommended to operate the device with a maximum junction temperature of 105°C.
Transient: 2 ns, 2.3
), and the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance of the part/package
= T
– (θJAX P
). To achieve optimum performance, it is
), the
8.2 ESD Ratings
Human body model (HBM), per
ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins
Electrostatic discharge
Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC
specification JESD22-C101, all pins
Machine Model - (MM)±200V
(1) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
(2) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
8.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
Input voltage range2.304.85V
Input voltage range for in-situ customization by E2PROM write operation3.43.53.6V
Output capacitance913100µF
Maximum load current during start-up250mA
Ambient temperature–4085°C
Operating junction temperature–40125°C
The TPS6128xD is a high-efficiency step-up converter featuring pass-through mode optimized to provide lownoise voltage supply for 2G RF power amplifiers (PAs) in mobile phones and/or to pre-regulate voltage for
supplying subsystem like eMMC memory, audio codec, LCD bias, antenna switches, RF engine PMIC and so on.
It is designed to allow the system to operate at maximum efficiency for a wide range of power consumption levels
from a low-, wide- voltage battery cell.
The capability of the TPS6128xD to step-up the voltage as well as to pass-through the input battery voltage
when its level is high enough allow systems to operate at maximum performance over a wide range of battery
voltages, thereby extending the battery life between charging. The device also addresses brownouts caused by
the peak currents drawn by the APU and GPU which can cause the battery rail to droop momentarily. Using the
TPS6128xD device as a pre-regulator eliminates system brownout condition while maintaining a stable supply
rail for critical sub-system to function properly.
The TPS6128xD synchronous step-up converter typically operates at a quasi-constant 2.3-MHz frequency pulse
width modulation (PWM) at moderate to heavy load currents. At light load currents, the TPS6128xD converter
operates in power-save mode with pulse frequency modulation (PFM).
In general, a dc/dc step-up converter can only operate in "true" boost mode, that is the output “boosted” by a
certain amount above the input voltage. The TPS6128xD device operates differently as it can smoothly transition
in and out of zero duty cycle operation. Depending upon the input voltage, output voltage threshold and load
current, the integrated bypass switch automatically transitions the converter into pass-through mode to maintain
low-dropout and high-efficiency. The device exits pass-through mode (0% duty cycle operation) if the total
dropout resistance in bypass mode is insufficient to maintain the output voltage at it's nominal level. Refer to the
typical characteristics section (DC Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage) for further details.
During PWM operation, the converter uses a novel quasi-constant on-time valley current mode control scheme to
achieve excellent line/load regulation and allows the use of a small ceramic inductor and capacitors. Based on
the VIN/V
side N-MOS switch is turned-on and the inductor current ramps up to a peak current that is defined by the ontime and the inductance. In the second phase, once the on-timer has expired, the rectifier is turned-on and the
inductor current decays to a preset valley current threshold. Finally, the switching cycle repeats by setting the on
timer again and activating the low-side N-MOS switch.
The current mode architecture provides excellent transient load response, requiring minimal output filtering.
Internal soft-start and loop compensation simplifies the design process while minimizing the number of external
The TPS6128xD directly and accurately controls the average input current through intelligent adjustment of the
valley current limit, allowing an accuracy of ±17.5%. Together with an external bulk capacitor, the TPS6128xD
allows an application to be interfaced directly to its load, without overloading the input source due to appropriate
set average input current limit. An open-drain output (PG or GPIO/nFAULT) provides a signal to issue an
interrupt to the system if any fault is detected on the device (thermal shutdown, output voltage out-of limits, and
so on).
The output voltage can be dynamically adjusted between two values (floor and roof voltages) by toggling a logic
control input (VSEL) without the need for external feedback resistors. This features can either be used to raise
the output voltage in anticipation of a positive load transient or to dynamically change the PA supply voltage
depending on its mode of operation and/or transmitting power.
The TPS61280D integrates an I2C compatible interface allowing transfers up to 3.4Mbps. This communication
interface can be used to set the output voltage threshold at which the converter transitions between boost and
pass-through mode, for reprogramming the mode of operation (PFM/PWM or forced PWM), for settings the
average input current limit or resetting the output voltage for instance.
Configuration parameters can be changed by writing the desired values to the appropriate I2C register(s). The
I2C registers are volatile and their contents are lost when power is removed from the device. By writing to the
E2PROMCTRL Register [reset = 0xFF], it is possible to store the active configuration in non-volatile E2PROM;
during power-up, the contents of the E2PROM are copied into the I2C registers and used to configure the device.
ratio, a simple circuit predicts the required on-time. At the beginning of the switching cycle, the low-
In order to maintain a certain minimum output voltage under heavy load transients, the output voltage set point
can be dynamically increased by asserting the VSEL input. The functionality also helps to mitigate undershoot
during severe line transients, while minimizing the output voltage during more benign operating conditions to
save power.
The output voltage ramps up (floor to roof transition) at pre-defined rate defined by the average input current limit
setting. The required time to ramp down the voltage (roof to floor transition) largely depends on the amount of
capacitance present at the converter's output as well as on the load current. Table 1 shows the ramp rate control
when transitioning to a lower voltage.
Table 1. Ramp Down Rate vs. Target Mode
Mode Associated with Floor VoltageOutput Voltage Ramp Rate
Forced PWMOutput capacitance is being discharged at a rate of approx. 50mA (or higher) constant current
PFMOutput capacitance is being discharged (solely) by the load current drawn
9.3.2 Spread Spectrum, PWM Frequency Dithering
The goal is to spread out the emitted RF energy over a larger frequency range so that the resulting EMI is similar
to white noise. The end result is a spectrum that is continuous and lower in peak amplitude, making it easier to
comply with electromagnetic interference (EMI) standards and with the power supply ripple requirements in
cellular and non-cellular wireless applications. Radio receivers are typically susceptible to narrowband noise that
is focused on specific frequencies.
Switching regulators can be particularly troublesome in applications where electromagnetic interference (EMI) is
a concern. Switching regulators operate on a cycle-by-cycle basis to transfer power to an output. In most cases,
the frequency of operation is either fixed or regulated, based on the output load. This method of conversion
creates large components of noise at the frequency of operation (fundamental) and multiples of the operating
frequency (harmonics).
The spread spectrum architecture varies the switching frequency by ca. ±15% of the nominal switching frequency
thereby significantly reducing the peak radiated and conducting noise on both the input and output supplies. The
frequency dithering scheme is modulated with a triangle profile and a modulation frequency fm.
in addition to the load current drawn
Figure 15. Spectrum of a Frequency Modulated
Sin. Wave with Sinusoidal Variation in Time
The above figures show that after modulation the sideband harmonic is attenuated compared to the nonmodulated harmonic, and the harmonic energy is spread into a certain frequency band. The higher the
modulation index (mf) the larger the attenuation.
(1) Spectrum illustrations and formulae (Figure 15 and Figure 16) copyright IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC
The maximum switching frequency fcis limited by the process and finally the parameter modulation ratio (δ),
together with fm, which is the side-band harmonics bandwidth around the carrier frequency fc. The bandwidth of
a frequency modulated waveform is approximately given by the Carson’s rule and can be summarized as:
fm< RBW: The receiver is not able to distinguish individual side-band harmonics, so, several harmonics are
added in the input filter and the measured value is higher than expected in theoretical calculations.
fm> RBW: The receiver is able to properly measure each individual side-band harmonic separately, so the
measurements match with the theoretical calculations.
9.4 Device Functional Modes
9.4.1 Power-Save Mode
The TPS6128xD integrates a power-save mode to improve efficiency at light load. In power save mode the
converter only operates when the output voltage trips below a set threshold voltage. It ramps up the output
voltage with several pulses and goes into power save mode once the output voltage exceeds the set threshold
voltage. The PFM mode is left and PWM mode entered in case the output current can not longer be supported in
PFM mode.
Figure 17. Power-Save Mode Ripple
9.4.2 Pass-Through Mode
The TPS6128xD contains an internal switch for bypassing the dc/dc boost converter during pass-through mode.
When the input voltage is larger than the preset output voltage, the converter seamlessly transitions into 0% duty
cycle operation and the bypass FET is fully enhanced. Entry in pass-through mode is triggered by condition
where V
In this mode of operation, the load (2G RF PA for instance) is directly supplied from the battery for maximum RF
output power, highest efficiency and lowest possible input-to-output voltage difference. The device consumes
only a standby current of 15µA (typ). In pass-through mode, the device is short-circuit protected by a very fast
current limit detection scheme.
During this operation, the output voltage follows the input voltage and will not fall below the programmed output
voltage threshold as the input voltage decreases. The output voltage drop during pass-through mode depends on
the load current and input voltage, the resulting output voltage is calculated as:
Conversely, the efficiency in pass-through mode is defined as:
•in which R
Pass-through mode exit is triggered when the output voltage reaches the pre-defined threshold (that is, 3.4V).
During pass-through mode, the TPS6128xD device is short-circuit protected by a fast current limit detection
scheme. If the current in the pass-through FET exceeds approximately 7.3 Amps a fault is declared and the
device cycles through a start-up procedure.
9.4.3 Mode Selection
Depending on the settings of CONFIG Register [reset = 0x01] the device can be operated at a quasi-constant
2.3-MHz frequency PWM mode or in automatic PFM/PWM mode. In this mode, the converter operates in
pseudo-fixed frequency PWM mode at moderate to heavy loads and in the PFM mode during light loads, which
maintains high efficiency over a wide load current range. For more details, see the CONFIG Register [reset =
0x01] description.
The quasi-constant frequency PWM mode has the tightest regulation and the best line/load transient
performance. In forced PWM mode, the device features a unique R
broadband efficiency as well as low resistance in pass-through mode.
In the TPS61280D device, the GPIO pin can be configured (via the CONFIG Register [reset = 0x01] ) to select
the operating mode of the device. In the other TPS6128xD devices, the MODE pin is used to select the operating
mode. Pulling this pin high forces the converter to operate in the PWM mode even at light load currents. The
advantage is that the converter modulates its switching frequency according to a spread spectrum PWM
modulation technique allowing simple filtering of the switching harmonics in noise-sensitive applications.
For additional flexibility, it is possible to switch from power-save mode (GPIO or MODE input = L) to PWM mode
(GPIO or MODE input = H) during operation. This allows efficient power management by adjusting the operation
of the converter to the specific system requirements (that is, 2G RF PA Rx/Tx operation).
Entry to forced pass-through mode (nBYP = L) initiates with a current limited transition followed by a true bypass
state. To prevent reverse current to the battery, the devices waits until the output discharges below the input
voltage level before entering forced pass-through mode. Care should be taken to prohibit the output voltage from
collapsing whilst transitioning into forced pass-through mode under heavy load conditions and/or limited output
capacitance. This can be easily done by adding capacitance to the output of the converter. In forced passthrough mode, the output follows the input below the preset output threshold voltage (VOUT_TH).