2.95-V to 6-V Input, 3-A Output, 2-MHz, Synchronous Step-Down
Switcher With Integrated FETs ( SWIFT™)
Check for Samples: TPS54319
•Two 45-mΩ (typical) MOSFETs for High
Efficiency at 3-A Loads
•300kHz to 2MHz Switching Frequency
•0.8 V ± 3.0% Voltage Reference Over
Temperature (0°C to 85°C)
•Synchronizes to External Clock
•Adjustable Slow Start/Sequencing
•UV and OV Power Good Output
•–40°C to 150°C Operating Junction
Temperature Range
•Thermally Enhanced 3mm × 3mm 16-pin QFN
•Pin Compatible to TPS54318
•Low-Voltage, High-Density Power Systems
•Point-of-Load Regulation for Consumer
Applications such as Set Top Boxes, LCD
Displays, CPE Equipment
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SLVSA83 –JUNE 2010
The TPS54319 device is a full featured 6 V, 3 A,
synchronous step down current mode converter with
two integrated MOSFETs.
The TPS54319 enables small designs by integrating
the MOSFETs, implementing current mode control to
reduce external component count, reducing inductor
size by enabling up to 2 MHz switching frequency,
and minimizing the IC footprint with a small 3mm x
3mm thermally enhanced QFN package.
The TPS54319 provides accurate regulation for a
variety of loads with an accurate ±3.0% Voltage
Reference (VREF) over temperature.
Efficiency is maximized through the integrated 45mΩ
MOSFETs and 360mA typical supply current. Using
the enable pin, shutdown supply current is reduced to
2 µA by entering a shutdown mode.
Under voltage lockout is internally set at 2.6 V, but
can be increased by programming the threshold with
a resistor network on the enable pin. The output
voltage startup ramp is controlled by the slow start
pin. An open drain power good signal indicates the
output is within 93% to 107% of its nominal voltage.
Frequency fold back and thermal shutdown protects
the device during an over-current condition.
The TPS54319 is supported in the SwitcherPro™
Software Tool at www.ti.com/switcherpro.
For more SWIFTTMdocumentation, see the TI
website at www.ti.com/swift.
2SWIFT, SwitcherPro are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam
during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
–40°C to 150°C3 × 3 mm QFNTPS54319RTE
(1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end
of this document, or see the TI website at www.ti.com
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under ELECTRICAL
SPECIFICATIONS is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(2) The human body model is a 100-pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5-kΩ resistor into each pin. The machine model is a 200-pF
(1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953.
(2) Power rating at a specific ambient temperature TAshould be determined with a junction temperature of 150°C. This is the point where
distortion starts to substantially increase. See power dissipation estimate in application section of this data sheet for more information.
(3) Test boards conditions:
(a) 2 inches x 2 inches, 4 layers, thickness: 0.062 inch
(b) 2 oz. copper traces located on the top of the PCB
(c) 2 oz. copper ground planes on the 2 internal layers and bottom layer
(d) 4 thermal vias (10mil) located under the device package
TJ= –40°C to 150°C, VIN = 2.95 to 6 V (unless otherwise noted)
Operating input voltage2.956V
Internal under voltage lockout threshold2.62.8V
Shutdown supply currentEN = 0 V, 25°C, 2.95 V ≤ VIN ≤ 6 V25mA
Quiescent Current - I
Enable thresholdRising1.25V
Input currentmA
Voltage Reference2.95 V ≤ VIN ≤ 6 V, 0°C <TJ< 85°C0.8020.8270.852V
TJ= –40°C to 150°C, VIN = 2.95 to 6 V (unless otherwise noted)
Switching frequency range using RT mode3002000kHz
Switching frequencyRt = 400 kΩ400500600kHz
Switching frequency range using CLK mode3002000kHz
Minimum CLK pulse width75ns
RT/CLK voltageR(RT/CLK)= 400kΩ0.5V
RT/CLK high threshold1.62.2V
RT/CLK low threshold0.40.6V
RT/CLK falling edge to PH rising edge delayMeasure at 500 kHz with RT resistor in series90ns
PLL lock in timeMeasure at 500 kHz14ms
Minimum On timeMeasured at 50% points on PH, IOUT = 3 A65
Measured at 50% points on PH, VIN = 5 V,120
IOUT = 0 A
Minimum Off timePrior to skipping off pulses, BOOT-PH = 2.95 V,60ns
AGND5Analog Ground should be electrically connected to GND close to the device.
BOOT13A bootstrap capacitor is required between BOOT and PH. If the voltage on this capacitor is below the minimum
required by the BOOT UVLO, the output is forced to switch off until the capacitor is refreshed.
COMP7Error amplifier output, and input to the output switch current comparator. Connect frequency compensation
components to this pin.
EN15Enable pin, internal pull-up current source. Pull below 1.2 V to disable. Float to enable. Can be used to set the
on/off threshold (adjust UVLO) with two additional resistors.
GND3, 4Power Ground. This pin should be electrically connected directly to the power pad under the IC.
PH10, 11,The source of the internal high side power MOSFET, and drain of the internal low side (synchronous) rectifier
PowerPAD17GND pin should be connected to the exposed power pad for proper operation. This power pad should be
PWRGD14An open drain output; asserts low if output voltage is low due to thermal shutdown, overcurrent,
connected to any internal PCB ground plane using multiple vias for good thermal performance.
over/under-voltage or EN shut down.
RT/CLK8Resistor Timing or External Clock input pin.
SS/TR9Slow start and tracking. An external capacitor connected to this pin sets the output voltage rise time.
This pin can also be used for tracking.
VIN1, 2, 16Input supply voltage, 2.95 V to 6 V.
VSENSE6Inverting node of the transconductance (gm) error amplifier.
The TPS54319 is a 6-V, 3-A, synchronous step-down (buck) converter with two integrated n-channel MOSFETs.
To improve performance during line and load transients the device implements a constant frequency, peak
current mode control which reduces output capacitance and simplifies external frequency compensation design.
The wide switching frequency of 300 kHz to 2000 kHz allows for efficiency and size optimization when selecting
the output filter components. The switching frequency is adjusted using a resistor to ground on the RT/CLK pin.
The device has an internal phase lock loop (PLL) on the RT/CLK pin that is used to synchronize the power
switch turn on to a falling edge of an external system clock.
The TPS54319 has a typical default start up voltage of 2.6 V. The EN pin has an internal pull-up current source
that can be used to adjust the input voltage under voltage lockout (UVLO) with two external resistors. In addition,
the pull up current provides a default condition when the EN pin is floating for the device to operate. The total
operating current for the TPS54319 is typically 360 mA when not switching and under no load. When the device
is disabled, the supply current is less than 5 mA.
The integrated 45 mΩ MOSFETs allow for high efficiency power supply designs with continuous output currents
up to 3 amperes.
The TPS54319 reduces the external component count by integrating the boot recharge diode. The bias voltage
for the integrated high side MOSFET is supplied by a capacitor between the BOOT and PH pins. The boot
capacitor voltage is monitored by an UVLO circuit and turns off the high side MOSFET when the voltage falls
below a preset threshold. This BOOT circuit allows the TPS54319 to operate approaching 100%. The output
voltage can be stepped down to as low as the 0.827 V reference.
The TPS54319 has a power good comparator (PWRGD) with 2% hysteresis.
The TPS54319 minimizes excessive output over-voltage transients by taking advantage of the over-voltage
power good comparator. When the regulated output voltage is greater than 107% of the nominal voltage, the
over-voltage comparator is activated, and the high side MOSFET is turned off and masked from turning on until
the output voltage is lower than 105%.
The SS/TR (slow start/tracking) pin is used to minimize inrush currents or provide power supply sequencing
during power up. A small value capacitor should be coupled to the pin for slow start. The SS/TR pin is
discharged before the output power up to ensure a repeatable restart after an over-temperature fault, UVLO fault
or disabled condition.
The use of a frequency fold-back circuit reduces the switching frequency during startup and over current fault
conditions to help limit the inductor current.
The TPS54319 uses an adjustable fixed frequency, peak current mode control. The output voltage is compared
through external resistors on the VSENSE pin to an internal voltage reference by an error amplifier which drives
the COMP pin. An internal oscillator initiates the turn on of the high side power switch. The error amplifier output
is compared to the high side power switch current. When the power switch current reaches the COMP voltage
level the high side power switch is turned off and the low side power switch is turned on. The COMP pin voltage
increases and decreases as the output current increases and decreases. The device implements a current limit
by clamping the COMP pin voltage to a maximum level and also implements a minimum clamp for improved
transient response performance.
The TPS54319 adds a compensating ramp to the switch current signal. This slope compensation prevents
sub-harmonic oscillations as duty cycle increases. The available peak inductor current remains constant over the
full duty cycle range.
The TPS54319 has an integrated boot regulator and requires a small ceramic capacitor between the BOOT and
PH pin to provide the gate drive voltage for the high side MOSFET. The value of the ceramic capacitor should be
0.1 mF. A ceramic capacitor with an X7R or X5R grade dielectric with a voltage rating of 10 V or higher is
recommended because of the stable characteristics over temperature and voltage.
To improve drop out, the TPS54319 is designed to operate at 100% duty cycle as long as the BOOT to PH pin
voltage is greater than 2.2 V. The high side MOSFET is turned off using an UVLO circuit, allowing for the low
side MOSFET to conduct when the voltage from BOOT to PH drops below 2.2 V. Since the supply current
sourced from the BOOT pin is very low, the high side MOSFET can remain on for more switching cycles than are
required to refresh the capacitor, thus the effective duty cycle of the switching regulator is very high.
The TPS54319 has a transconductance amplifier. The error amplifier compares the VSENSE voltage to the lower
of the SS/TR pin voltage or the internal 0.827 V voltage reference. The transconductance of the error amplifier is
245mA/V during normal operation. When the voltage of VSENSE pin is below 0.827 V and the device is
regulating using the SS/TR voltage, the gm is typically greater than 79 mA/V, but less than 245 mA/V. The
frequency compensation components are placed between the COMP pin and ground.
The voltage reference system produces a precise ±3.0% voltage reference over temperature by scaling the
output of a temperature-stable bandgap circuit. The bandgap and scaling circuits produce 0.827 V at the
non-inverting input of the error amplifier.
The output voltage is set with a resistor divider from the output node to the VSENSE pin. It is recommended to
use divider resistors with 1% tolerance or better. Start with a 100 kΩ for the R1 resistor and use the Equation 1
to calculate R2. To improve efficiency at very light loads consider using larger value resistors. If the values are
too high the regulator is more susceptible to noise and voltage errors from the VSENSE input current are
The TPS54319 is disabled when the VIN pin voltage falls below 2.6 V. If an application requires a higher
under-voltage lockout (UVLO), use the EN pin as shown in Figure 23 to adjust the input voltage UVLO by using
two external resistors. The EN pin has an internal pull-up current source that provides the default condition of the
TPS54319 operating when the EN pin floats. Once the EN pin voltage exceeds 1.25 V, an additional 3.4 mA of
hysteresis is added. When the EN pin is pulled below 1.18 V, the 3.4 mA is removed. This additional current
facilitates input voltage hysteresis.
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The TPS54319 regulates to the lower of the SS/TR pin and the internal reference voltage. A capacitor on the
SS/TR pin to ground implements a slow start time. The TPS54319 has an internal pull-up current source of
2.2mA which charges the external slow start capacitor. Equation 4 calculates the required slow start capacitor
value where Tss is the desired slow start time in ms, Iss is the internal slow start charging current of 2.2 mA, and
Vref is the internal voltage reference of 0.827 V.