Texas Instruments TPS40200 User Manual

User's Guide
SLVU147A February 2006 Revised March 2006
Using the TPS40200
The TPS40200EVM-001 evaluation module (EVM) uses the TPS40200 nonsynchronous buck converter to provide a resistor-selected 3.3-V output voltage that delivers up to 2.5 A from a 12-V input bus. The EVM operates from a single supply and uses a single P-channel power FET and Schottky diode to produce a low-cost buck converter. The part operates at a 300-kHz clock frequency with provision for external frequency synchronization.
1 Description ........................................................................................... 2
2 TPS40200EVM-001 Electrical and Performance Specifications ............................. 2
3 Schematic ........................................................................................... 3
4 Test Setup ........................................................................................... 4
5 TPS40200EVM Typical Performance Data and Characteristic Curves ..................... 7
6 EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout ........................................................... 9
7 List of Materials .................................................................................... 14
List of Figures
1 TPS40200EVM-001 Schematic ................................................................... 3
2 TPS40200 Synchronized to a 50% Duty Cycle External Clock .............................. 4
3 TPS40200EVM-001 Recommended Test Setup ............................................... 6
4 Output Ripple Measurement - Tip and Barrel Using TP14 and TP15 ....................... 6
5 TPS40200EVM-001 Efficiency .................................................................... 7
6 TPS40200EVM-001 Efficiency .................................................................... 8
7 TPS40200EVM-001 Line and Load Regulation Vout = 3.3255 V .......................... 8
8 TPS40200EVM-001 Line and Load Regulation Vout = 5.0665 V ......................... 9
9 TPS40200EVM-001 Component Placement (Viewed from Top) ........................... 10
10 TPS40200EVM-001 Silkscreen (Viewed from Top) .......................................... 11
11 TPS40200EVM-001 Top View .................................................................. 12
12 TPS40200EVM-001 Bottom View ............................................................... 13
1 Adjusting V
2 TPS40200EVM-001 Bill of Materials ........................................................... 14
SLVU147A – February 2006 – Revised March 2006 Using the TPS40200 1
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List of Tables
With R6 Rounded to Standard 1% Resistor Values ......................... 3
1 Description
TPS40200EVM-001 is designed to operate with an 8-V to 16-V input and to produce a regulated 3.3-V output with a load current from 0.125 A to 2.5 A. The TPS40200EVM-001 demonstrates the use of the TPS40200 in a typical buck converter application. The board sacrifices some packing density to provide ample test points for module evaluation. This EVM can be modified to support output voltages from 0.7 V to 5 V by changing a single feedback resistor. The TPS40200EVM-001 has been built to the sample application as described in the Application Information section of the TPS40200 data sheet (SLUS659 ).
1.1 Features
8-V to 16-V input range
3.3-V output, adjustable with single feedback resistor
0.125-A to 2.5-A steady-state output current
300-kHz switching frequency
Single P-channel MOSFET and single rectifier
Two-layer, 1.4-inch × 2.12-inch, surface-mount design with all components on one side
Convenient test points for probing critical waveforms and noninvasive loop response testing
1.2 Applications
Nonisolated medium-current, point-of-load and low-voltage bus converters
Industrial controls
Distributed power systems
DSL/cable modems
2 TPS40200EVM-001 Electrical and Performance Specifications
Input voltage 8 12 16 V
Output voltage IOUT at 2.5 A, R6 = 26.7 k 3.200 3.3 3.400
Line regulation ± 0.2% Vout 3.293 3.3 3.307 V Load regulation ± 0.2% Vout 3.293 3.3 3.307 V Output voltage IOUT at 2.5 A, R6 = 16.5 k 4.85 5 5.150
Line regulation ± 0.2% Vout 4.990 5 5.010 V Load regulation ± 0.2% Vout 4.990 5 5.010 V Output ripple voltage At maximum output current 60 mV
Output overshoot For 2.375-A load transient 60 mV
Output undershoot For 2.375-A load transient 60 mV
Output current 0.125 2.5 A Short-circuit current trip point Imax +50% minimum 3.75 5 A Efficiency At nominal input voltage and maximum output 90%
Switching frequency 300 kHz
Set-point accuracy depends on external resistor tolerance and the reference voltage. Line and load regulation values are referenced to the nominal design output voltage.
Using the TPS402002 SLVU147A – February 2006 – Revised March 2006
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R6 =26.7k for 3.3 Vout, R6 = 16.2k for 5.0 Vout
D3 : Do not populate. SOT 23 Common Cathode Dual Schottky
3 Schematic
NOTE: For reference only; see Table 2, Bill of Materials for specific values
Figure 1. TPS40200EVM-001 Schematic
3.1 Adjusting Output Voltage (R6 and R10)
The regulated output voltage can be adjusted within a limited range by changing the ground resistor in the feedback resistor divider (R6 and R10). The output voltage is given by Equation 1 .
Where V
Table 1 contains common values for R6 to generate popular output voltages. TPS40200EVM-001 is stable
through these output voltages with the efficiency rising with output voltage.
= 0.700 V and R10 = 100 k
Table 1. Adjusting V
- Output Voltage (V) R6 - Feedback Resistor Divider
With R6 Rounded to
Standard 1% Resistor Values
5 16.2
3.3 26.7
2.5 39 2 53.6
1.8 63.4
1.5 86.6
1.2 140
(k )
3.2 Using Remote Synchronizing (TP6)
The TPS40200EVM-001 board has a synchronizing circuit that uses TP6 as an input. A logic high at this input turns on a small signal FET (Q1) whose drain is connected to the oscillator setting node (RC) on the
TPS40200. The switching of this transistor over-drives the ramp associated with the internal oscillator and causes the PWM switching to follow the input clock frequency. For reliable operation, the external clock
SLVU147A – February 2006 – Revised March 2006 Using the TPS40200 3
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Test Setup
frequency should be 25% to 30% higher than the frequency set by R3 and C5. The BSS83 used in this circuit has a low (1-pF) output capacitance; so, its presence does not load down the normal operation of the RC pin. With the controller’s frequency set to a 300-kHz frequency, the module synchronizes to a 390-kHz external clock that has a 50% duty cycle. A shorting jack, J2, is provided to disconnect the synchronizing circuit from the (RC) node.
The following scope picture (Figure 2 ) shows a 5-V input clock at the TP6 input operating at 390 kHz and a 50% duty cycle. The switch node also shown in the picture is switching at the same frequency with a 12-V V
supply. The RC operating frequency of the TPS40200 is set by R3 and C5 to be 300 kHz.
Figure 2. TPS40200 Synchronized to a 50% Duty Cycle External Clock
4 Test Setup
4.1 Equipment
4.1.1 Voltage Source
The input voltage source (V
A1: 0-A to 5-A dc ammeter V1: V V2: V
4.1.2 Loads
LOAD1 The output load (LOAD1) should be an electronic constant-current-mode load capable of 0 A-to-2.5 A dc at 1.5 V.
4.1.3 Recommended Wire Gauge
to J1 The connection between the source voltage, V
as 3 A dc. The minimum recommended wire size is AWG 16 with the length of wire less than 4 feet (2 feet input, 2 feet return).
, 0-V to 20-V voltmeter
12V_IN 3V3_OUT
0 V to 10-V voltmeter
) should be a 0-V to 20-V variable dc source capable of 5 A dc.
and J1 of HPA164 can carry as much
4 Using the TPS40200 SLVU147A – February 2006 – Revised March 2006
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J3 to LOAD1 (Power) The power connection between J3 of HPA164 and LOAD1 can carry as much as 5 A dc. The minimum recommended wire size is 2x AWG 16, with the length of wire less than 4 feet (2 feet output, 2 feet return).
J3 to LOAD1 (Remote Sense) If remote sense is used, the remote sense connection between J3 of HPA164 and LOAD1 will carry less than 1 A dc. The minimum recommended wire size is AWG 22, with the length of wire less and 4 feet (2 feet output, 2 feet return).
4.1.4 Oscilloscope
A 60-MHz or faster oscilloscope can be used to determine the ripple voltage on 3V3_OUT. The oscilloscope should be set for 1-M impedance, ac coupling, 1- µ s/division horizontal resolution, 20-mV/division vertical resolution for taking output ripple measurements. TP14 and TP15 can be used to measure the output ripple voltage by placing the oscilloscope probe tip through TP14 and holding the ground barrel to TP15 as shown in Figure 3 . For a hands-free approach, the loop in TP15 can be cut and opened to cradle the probe barrel. Using a leaded ground connection may induce additional noise due to the large ground loop area. Connect a short wire from the barrel of the scope probe to TP15 as necessary to reach between TP14 and TP15.
4.2 Equipment Setup
Shown in Figure 3 is the basic test setup recommended to evaluate the TPS40200EVM-001. Note that although the return for J1 and J3 are the same, the connections should remain separate as shown in
Figure 3 .
4.2.1 Procedure
1. Working at an ESD workstation, ensure that any wrist straps, bootstraps, or mats are connected referencing the user to earth ground before power is applied to the EVM. Electrostatic smock and safety glasses should also be worn.
2. Prior to connecting the dc-input source, V 5 A maximum. Ensure that V
3. Connect the ammeter A1 (0-A to 5-A range) between V
4. Connect voltmeter V1 to TP1 and TP3 as shown in Figure 3 .
5. Connect LOAD1 to J3 as shown in Figure 1 . Set LOAD1 to constant current mode to sink 0 A dc before V
6. Connect voltmeter, V2 across J3 pin 3 and J3 pin 2 as shown in Figure 3 .
7. Connect the oscilloscope probe to TP14 and TP15 as shown in Figure 4 .
Test Setup
, it is advisable to limit the source current from V
is initially set to 0 V and connected as shown in Figure 2 .
and J1 as shown in Figure 3 .
is applied.
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